Katharine Silbaugh Developmental Justice and the Voting Age 47 Fordham Urban Law Journal 253 (February, 2020) Several municipalities have lowered the voting age to 16, with similar bills pending in state legislatures and one considered by Congress. Meanwhile, advocates for youth are trying to raise the ages of majority across an array of areas of law, including ages for diverting criminal conduct into the juvenile justice system (18 to 21); buying tobacco... 2020  
Marty Johnson Dhs Compiled Intelligence Reports on Journalists Reporting on Protests in Portland: Report The Hill (7/30/2020) Amid the clashes between protestors and federal officers in downtown Portland, Ore., the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which deployed the agents created intelligence reports on a pair of journalists that it claims reported on leaked, unclassified information regarding the tense situation, according to The Washington Post. 2020  
Brianna Rosier Dignity: the Most Important Common Resource 34 BYU Journal of Public Law 313 (2020) As a proselyting missionary, I spent time in many northern Colorado cities. While living in Loveland and Fort Collins, I was occasionally hit by a foul-smelling wind. Citizens of those cities would take a whiff and say, Smells like Greeley. The phrase was so prevalent that I picked it up myself, even though I had never been to Greeley, a city... 2020  
Annette Clark Diploma Privilege and the Future of the Bar Exam 37No.6 GPSolo 19 (November/December, 2020) The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives and work in ways that were unimaginable only six months ago, as we've been faced with illness and death within our families and communities, a health care system that has been strained beyond capacity, the loss of jobs and increasing economic insecurity, anxiety and depression brought on by the fear of... 2020  
David Eichert Disciplinary Sodomy: Prison Rape, Police Brutality, and the Gendered Politics of Societal Control in the American Carceral System 105 Cornell Law Review 1775 (September, 2020) This Note engages with critical legal scholarship about gender and race to reframe discussions about sodomy in American law. Instead of concentrating on the history and constitutionality of sodomy bans, I instead demonstrate how disciplinary sodomy remains an intrinsic part of the American carceral system. I detail several scenarios in which anal... 2020  
Daniel A. Klein, J.D. Disclosure, under State Freedom of Information or Records Act, of Video Obtained by Police or Other Law Enforcement Authorities from Dash Camera, Mobile Video Recorder, or Security or Surveillance Camera 48 American Law Reports ALR7th Art. 2 (2020) Various types of electronic devices are typically used by police or other law enforcement agencies for recording or surveillance purposes. Besides stationary surveillance or security cameras within law enforcement agency premises, such devices include mobile video recorders or dashboard cameras (dash cams) mounted in law enforcement vehicles.... 2020  
Derek W. Miller Discrimination, Discretion, and Iowa's Packed Prisons 105 Iowa Law Review 901 (January, 2020) ABSTRACT: For decades, the racial disparity in Iowa's prison system has persistently been one of the worst in the nation--despite the fact that the state is home to relatively few people of color. This Note submits that Iowa's County Attorneys may play an outsized role in perpetuating this state of affairs by charging and convicting... 2020  
Sarah L. Swan Discriminatory Dualism 54 Georgia Law Review 869 (Spring, 2020) This Article identifies and theorizes a significant but previously overlooked feature of structural discrimination: it frequently develops into two seemingly opposing, yet in fact mutually supportive practices. This discriminatory dualism occurs in multiple contexts, including policing, housing, and employment. In policing, communities of color... 2020  
Clint Watts Disinformation's Dangerous Appeal: How the Tactic Continues to Shape Great Power Politics 44-SUM Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 19 (Summer, 2020) fletcher forum: Can you define for us what is meant by the term, disinformation? clint watts: Disinformation is information that is deliberately created to achieve an objective that is knowingly false. This means that the person, the organization, the country, or the entity that is distributing it knows that it is not true, but it's designed to... 2020  
Kevin E. Jason Dismantling the Pillars of White Supremacy: Obstacles in Eliminating Disparities and Achieving Racial Justice 23 CUNY Law Review 139 (Winter, 2020) Introduction. 140 I. A Tale of Two Americas Still Persists Today Between People of Color and Whites. 142 II. The Four Pillars Of White Supremacy: A Proposed Framework and Illustration Through Housing Policies. 148 A. Recognizing the Four Pillars of White Supremacy. 148 B. The Four Pillars at Work in Government-Led and Government-Sanctioned Housing... 2020  
Peter Blanck , Ynesse Abdul-Malak , Meera Adya , Fitore Hyseni , Mary Killeen , Fatma Altunkol Wise Diversity and Inclusion in the American Legal Profession: First Phase Findings from a National Study of Lawyers with Disabilities and Lawyers Who Identify as Lgbtq+ 23 University of the District of Columbia Law Review 23 (Spring, 2020) Purpose: This article presents initial, descriptive findings from the first phase of a national study, with a planned longitudinal component, conducted in collaboration with the American Bar Association (ABA). With representation from all U.S. regions and states, as well as the District of Columbia, the study examined lawyers with diverse... 2020  
  Diversity Matters, Disclosure Works, and the Sec Can Do More 24No.10 Securities in the Electronic Age NL 5 (10/1/2020) Today I want to talk you about a topic that has dominated my thoughts recently, and Im sure many of yours as well: diversity and inclusion. I know that many of you have long advocated for greater diversity on corporate boards and elsewhere. Recent events have triggered an unprecedented national conversation on racial injustice that also highlights... 2020  
Richard S. Levick Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: the Challenges Ahead for Lawyers and Directors 39No.10 Of Counsel Counsel 5 (October, 2020) Are directors even relevant anymore? --Fortune 150 Board Member Over the years, I have had the honor of working with and speaking to many boards, public and private, and with many individual board members. Never was I simultaneously impressed and surprised by a question more than the one above. And that was three years ago. The world has only... 2020  
Jonathan Cardi , Valerie P. Hans , Gregory Parks Do Black Injuries Matter?: Implicit Bias and Jury Decision Making in Tort Cases 93 Southern California Law Review 507 (March, 2020) They say that black lives matter, but how much relative to white lives? Political activists and legal theorists have debated whether the injuries suffered by African Americans are devalued relative to the injuries of whites. This study is one of the first comprehensive experimental examinations of how race affects judgments of tort injuries. We... 2020  
  Dress Code-related Discipline Related to Blm Movement Turns into a Breeding Ground of Controversy 360 Employment Law Counselor NL 3 (8/1/2020) An employee handbook clearly states that employees are prohibited from donning visible slogans, messages, logos or advertising that are not company-related. During the COVID-19 era, that organizations employees are expected to wear face masks at work. If they wear masks with messaging or non-work-related logos, the employer offers them... 2020  
Malhar Shah Elusive Morality: Why the Supreme Court Should Formally Disavow Moral Justifications for Burdening Liberty Interests, but Recognize its Importance for Expanding Rights 25 Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights 131 (Spring, 2020) Abstract. 132 I. Introduction. 132 II. The Mentalist Theory: A Framework for Understanding Meaning. 133 III. How Judith Butler and Slavoj Iiiek's Theories of the Mind Make Meaning Fraught. 135 IV. Brain Scans: A Lens into Meaning. 138 V. The History of Morality in the Supreme Court. 141 A. The Supreme Court's disavowal of moral interests. 141 B.... 2020  
CQ Roll Call staff Emergency Room Visits Plunged During Covid-19 Lockdowns, Cdc Says CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing (6/4/2020) Emergency room visits fell sharply over a four-week period from March 29 to April 25 as states imposed lockdowns to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data shows. 2020  
Karen M. Markin, Ph.D., Director of Research Development, University of Rhode Island Emerson, Thomas I. Toward a General Theory of the First Amendment, 72 Yale L. J. 877 (1963) 25 Communication Law and Policy 390 (Summer, 2020) I have probably referred to Thomas I. Emerson's Toward a General Theory of the First Amendment more often than any other article. Emerson's theory--which covers the values served by the First Amendment, the problems with maintaining a system of freedom of expression, the role of law and legal institutions in this effort, and the formulation of... 2020  
Richard I. Lehr, Lehr Middlebrooks Vreeland & Thompson, P.C. Employers Play Key Role in National Reckoning on Racial Disparities 1No.8 Southeast Employment Law Letter 5 (8/1/2020) The Black Lives Matter movement emerged in 2013 after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. The recent killings of George Floyd and others have resulted in the movement expanding beyond the issues of law enforcement and race--they have resulted in a national reckoning on racial disparities in several regards,... 2020  
Ethan Howland, CQ Roll Call Environmental Justice to Factor in Corporate Renewable Deals, Levelten Says CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (11/9/2020) Companies will increasingly consider social justice issues when they buy renewable energy, according to LevelTen Inc. 2020  
  Eric's Blog 25No.4 Cyberspace Lawyer NL 5 (5/1/2020) Bell authored a book called Winning Isnt Normal. He got a copyright registration for the book and a separate registration for a 241-word passage from the book (I wont include that passage here for reasons that soon will be obvious). Bell claims this passage is the heart of the book. In May 2016, Moawad Group posted the passage to its social... 2020  
Era Anagnosti, Colin Diamond, Maia Gez, Dov Gottlieb, Danielle Herrick Esg Disclosure Trends in Sec Filings Corporate Governance Advisor 6018401 (2020) Era Anagnosti, Colin Diamond, Maia Gez, and Dov Gottlieb are Partners, and Danielle Herrick is a Professional Support Lawyer, of White & Case LLP. By Era Anagnosti, Colin Diamond, Maia Gez, Dov Gottlieb, and Danielle Herrick © 2020 White & Case LLP. Era Anagnosti, Colin Diamond, Maia Gez, and Dov Gottlieb are Partners, and... 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Esg Investors Emphasize Paid Leave, Worker Say as Covid-19 Cases Climb CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (11/19/2020) As the U.S. reaches record-highs for daily COVID-19 cases, investors are demanding that companies provide workers with paid sick leave and give employees a say in pandemic safety and other workplace issues. 2020  
Tom C.W. Lin Executive Private Misconduct 88 George Washington Law Review 327 (March, 2020) Executives misbehave. In recent years, the world has been outraged and appalled by the shocking misbehavior of corporate executives. Some of their behavior have been plainly unethical; others have been deeply offensive; and still others have been simply criminal. Regardless of the misbehavior, such executive private misconduct--when made... 2020  
Zack Budryk Ex-pence Aide Turned Trump Critic 'Very Concerned' about Jan. 6 Violence The Hill (12/29/2020) A former aide to Vice President Pence who has since become a vocal critic of the Trump administration warned Monday that she feared violence could erupt in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, when Congress will formally certify President-elect Joe Bidens Electoral College victory. 2020  
Zack Budryk Ex-presidents Honor Lewis's Contributions to Nation at Funeral The Hill (7/30/2020) Every living former president was present or represented at the Thursday funeral of the late Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) at Atlantas Ebenezer Baptist Church, capping off a week of tributes to the late civil rights icon. 2020  
  Facebook Directors Failed to Curb Discrimination, Investor Suit Says 35No.02 08 (2020) A Facebook shareholder says the social media giant's top executives and directors have perpetuated unlawful discrimination against Black individuals and other minorities, causing massive damage" to the company's reputation and bottom line. Natalie Ocegueda's derivative complaint 2020  
Cristina Marcos Facebook Removes Gop Lawmaker's Post for Inciting Violence The Hill (9/2/2020) Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) suggested in a Facebook post on Tuesday that armed demonstrators in his state should be met with force, leading the social media platform to remove it for breaking its policies against inciting violence. 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Facebook, Oracle, Qualcomm Shareholders Sue over Diversity Commitments CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (8/27/2020) Boards of some of the largest U.S. companies including Facebook Inc. and Oracle Corp. are failing to follow through on public statements about diversity, according to lawsuits filed on behalf of investors. 2020  
Joyce Boland-DeVito Fashion(ing) a Political Statement: a Review of the Legal & Social Issues That Arise from Banned Political Clothing and Other Controversial Fashion Items in Light of the U.s. Supreme Court's Decision in Minnesota Voters Alliance V. Mansky 30 Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal 493 (Winter, 2020) Does the U.S. Supreme Court believe that the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment includes freedom of expression in our clothing? The answer is yes! This Article will show that fashion can make a strong political statement (or misstatement) in the court of law as demonstrated by the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision striking down... 2020  
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