Morgan Gstalter Fbi Memo: Administration Officials Saw Immediate Threat from George Floyd Protests The Hill (7/29/2020) A memo from the deputy director of the FBI reportedly declared anti-racism protests following George Floyd's death a national crisis and suggested protesters be arrested under a law from the 1940s, a signal that Trump administration officials were alarmed and uncertain about the demonstrations. 2020  
Sahar F. Aziz , Khaled A. Beydoun Fear of a Black and Brown Internet: Policing Online Activism 100 Boston University Law Review 1151 (May, 2020) Virtual surveillance is the modern extension of established policing models that tie dissident Muslim advocacy to terror suspicion and Black activism to political subversion. Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) and Black Identity Extremism (BIE) programs that specifically target Muslim and Black populations are shifting from on the ground to... 2020  
Marty Johnson Federal Agents Clash with Portland Protesters, Use Tear Gas The Hill (7/25/2020) Protesters and federal agents faced off again Friday night in downtown Portland, with protesters shooting fireworks toward the federal courthouse and agents responding with tear gas. 2020  
Marty Johnson Federal Judge Temporarily Bars Federal Officers in Portland from Taking Actions Against Journalists, Observers The Hill (7/23/2020) A federal judge in Oregon on Thursday night issued a temporary restraining order against the federal agents deployed in Portland, prohibiting them from threatening to arrest, arresting, dispersing or using force against journalists and legal observers who are at the protests. 2020  
Jim Saksa, CQ Roll Call Fed's Powell Urges Congress to Spend on Unemployed in Pandemic CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Banking (6/16/2020) Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Tuesday urged Congress to spend more money to limit the economic damage of the COVID-19 pandemic, the latest in a chorus of current and past Fed officials to tell lawmakers that inaction could lengthen the recession. 2020  
G. Michael Parsons Fighting for Attention: Democracy, Free Speech, and the Marketplace of Ideas 104 Minnesota Law Review 2157 (May, 2020) Introduction. 2158 I. The Modern Market Metaphor: Reckoning with Reality. 2162 A. Conceptual Problems. 2162 1. Competition for Individual Acceptance. 2164 2. Competition for Exposure Across Society. 2169 B. Empirical Problems. 2171 C. Historical Problems. 2176 II. Attentional Choice: A Theory of Competition for the Marketplace of Ideas. 2180 III.... 2020  
Jessie Hellmann and Peter Sullivan Five Takeaways from Fauci's Testimony The Hill (7/31/2020) When Anthony Fauci, the nations top infectious diseases doctor, testified before Congress a month ago, the U.S. had just set a record with 48,000 new coronavirus cases in a single day. 2020  
Mike Lillis and Cristina Marcos Floyd's Brother Urges Congress to Take Action The Hill (6/10/2020) The brother of George Floyd appeared Wednesday on Capitol Hill to implore lawmakers to take the reins in the fight against racial injustice in law enforcement, injecting a shot of high emotion into an historic debate over police brutality and Congresss role in curbing it. 2020  
Nick Robinson Foreign Agents in an Interconnected World: Fara and the Weaponization of Transparency 69 Duke Law Journal 1075 (February, 2020) The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) is a sweeping and generally underenforced public-disclosure statute. Enacted in 1938, FARA was used during World War II to target fascist propaganda, but by the 1960s its enforcement had shifted to lobbyists and public-relations firms for foreign governments. After the 2016 presidential election, FARA... 2020  
Michael J. Klarman Foreword: the Degradation of American Democracy--and the Court 134 Harvard Law Review Rev. 1 (November, 2020) C1-2CONTENTS Introduction. 4 I. The Degradation of American Democracy. 11 A. The Authoritarian Playbook. 11 B. President Trump's Authoritarian Bent. 19 1. Attacks on Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech. 20 2. Attacks on an Independent Judiciary. 22 3. Politicizing Law Enforcement. 23 4. Politicizing the Rest of the Government. 25 5. Using... 2020  
Julia Manchester and Scott Wong Former Cop Demings Faces Progressive Pushback in Veepstakes The Hill (6/19/2020) ORLANDO Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.) is coming under intense scrutiny from progressives over her record as Orlando police chief a decade ago, posing a potential hurdle to her prospects of becoming Joe Biden's running mate. 2020  
Marty Johnson Former Dhs Spokesman Rips Federal Agents' Presence in Portland The Hill (7/28/2020) A former spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wrote an op-ed Monday criticizing the Trump administration's response to the protests in Portland, Ore. 2020  
Marty Johnson Former Homeland Security Secretary Says Dhs Not Meant to Be 'President's Personal Militia' The Hill (7/22/2020) Tom Ridge, a former Republican governor of Pennsylvania and the first secretary of Homeland Security, asserted that the department established in late 2002 was not created to be the President's personal militia."" 2020  
Timothy Zick Framing the Second Amendment: Gun Rights, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties 106 Iowa Law Review 229 (November, 2020) ABSTRACT: Gun rights proponents and gun control advocates have devoted significant energy to framing the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. In constitutional discourse, advocates and commentators have referred to the Second Amendment as a collective, civic republican, individual, and fundamental right. Gun rights advocates have... 2020  
Alan K. Chen Free Speech, Rational Deliberation, and Some Truths about Lies 62 William and Mary Law Review 357 (November, 2020) Could fake news have First Amendment value? This claim would seem to be almost frivolous given the potential for fake news to undermine two core functions of the freedom of speech--promoting democracy and facilitating the search for truth, as well as the corollary that to be valuable, speech must promote rational deliberation. Some would... 2020  
Justin Driver Freedom of Expression Within the Schoolhouse Gate 73 Arkansas Law Review Rev. 1 (2020) In the late 1960s, the Supreme Court began contemplating how the First Amendment's commitment to the freedom of speech should protect the right of students to introduce their own ideas into the schoolhouse. This constitutional question extended well beyond the matter addressed in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, because that... 2020  
Molly Connor From First Steps to Second Chances: Addressing Mass Incarceration in State Prisons 95 Notre Dame Law Review 1699 (March, 2020) It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones .. --Nelson Mandela The United States contains only 5% of the world's population, but incarcerates over 20% of the world's prisoners. For the 2.3 million people currently behind... 2020  
Megan Armstrong From Lynching to Central Park Karen: How White Women Weaponize White Womanhood 32 Hastings Women's Law Journal 27 (Winter, 2020) In recent years, we have seen an influx of Karens and otherwise nicknamed white women gain infamy on the internet. Though sometimes the behavior of these women is innocuous and merely entitled, the pejorative nickname Karen has also become a term for white women engaging in racist behavior. A typical scenario involves a white woman calling the... 2020  
Bandana Purkayastha From Suffrage to Substantive Human Rights: the Continuing Journey for Racially Marginalized Women 42 Western New England Law Review 419 (2020) This Article highlights racially marginalized women's struggles to substantively access rights. Suffrage was meant to acquire political rights for women, and through that mechanism, move towards greater equality between women and men in the public and private spheres. Yet, racial minority women, working class and immigrant women, among others,... 2020  
Myra C. Selby From the Chair 26No.3 Dispute Resolution Magazine Mag. 3 (September, 2020) The first Chair column of the bar year probably ought to be an inspirational and uplifting discussion of goals for the coming year, ending with a polite invitation to keep up the good work. As I sat down to write that column, the uplifting words just would not flow because other words spoke louder and with unrelenting urgency. THE WORLD IS ON... 2020  
  From the Desk of Jessica Klein 26No.8 National Bulletin on Domestic Violence Prevention NL 3 (8/1/2020) Note: Jessicas column this month is written by Dominique Rémy. Dominique is a NYC-based writer and producer who is currently working on video and written projects about issues that impact Black and Brown communities. She is producing a feature-length documentary about maternal mortality and morbidity in communities of color. by Dominique Rémy Dear... 2020  
Lindsay R. Johnson , Mary-Kathryn Hawes From the Trail of Tears to Tam: How United States Trademark Law Fails Native Americans 21 Wake Forest Journal of Business and Intellectual Property Law 29 (Fall, 2020) Abstract. 32 I. Introduction. 32 II. The Psychology of Trademarks. 34 A. Overview. 34 B. The Psychological Difference Between Design and Word Marks. 35 C. The Psycho-Socio-Economic Effects of Misappropriation of Racial Representations in Design Marks. 37 III. The Indian Arts and Crafts Act. 38 A. Background and Legislative History of the Indian and... 2020  
Christopher Williams Gatekeeping the Profession 26 Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights & Social Justice 171 (Winter, 2020) Introduction. 171 Part I: Social Stratification. 175 Part II. The Structure of U.S. Legal Education. 179 A. Introduction to The Gate. 182 1. Test Prep. 182 2. LSAC Costs. 183 3. LSAT Bias. 185 4. Admission Bias. 186 B. Navigating Law School. 189 1. In Class. 190 2. Activities. 190 3. Community. 192 C. Exiting Law School. 193 Part III: Adapting to... 2020  
Helen M. Alvaré Gender Mistrust as a Public Health Crisis: a Preliminary Proposal 108 Georgetown Law Journal 1401 (May, 2020) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction . L31401 I. Impaired Relations and Negative Stereotypes as a Public Health Crisis?. 1403 a. what makes a public health crisis?. 1403 b. impaired relations as a public health crisis: gun violence, racism, and opioid addiction. 1405 II. Gender Mistrust Has the Characteristics of a Public Health Crisis. 1408 a.... 2020  
Trina Jones , Jessica L. Roberts Genetic Race? Dna Ancestry Tests, Racial Identity, and the Law 120 Columbia Law Review 1929 (November, 2020) Can genetic tests determine race? Americans are fascinated with DNA ancestry testing services like 23andMe and AncestryDNA. Indeed, in recent years, some people have changed their racial identity based upon DNA ancestry tests and have sought to use test results in lawsuits and for other strategic purposes. Courts may be similarly tempted to use... 2020  
Zack Budryk George Floyd's Brother: Trump Kept 'Pushing Me Off' During Call The Hill (5/31/2020) The brother of George Floyd, the man whose death in Minneapolis on Monday set off nationwide protests, expressed disappointment with a conversation he had with President Trump, saying the president kept pushing me off. 2020  
Girardeau A. Spann Good Trouble 10/30/2020 University of Chicago Law Review Online 35 (10/30/2020) The widespread, controversial protests against racial injustice that began in the spring of 2020 offer hope that U.S. culture may be evolving to a more sophisticated conception of racial equality. The contemporary clash between competing visions of race is illustrated perhaps most clearly in the debate about affirmative action--a debate that often... 2020  
  Goodyear Stock Falls after Trump Tweet Calling for Boycott The Hill (8/19/2020) Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company stock fell by as much as 3.5 percent on Wednesday after President Trump called for a boycott over reports that employees in Kansas were told that Make America Great Again" apparel and other politically affiliated gear is not acceptable at work." 2020  
Mark Stricherz, CQ Roll Call Google, Netflix, Paypal to Bolster Black-owned Startups, Banks with Capital CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Capital Markets (7/1/2020) Alphabet Inc.'s Google and Netflix Inc. said they will spend hundreds of millions of dollars to support Black-owned startups and banks in underserved communities after the technology companies were criticized over their hiring practices and other polices amid the Black Lives Matter movement. PayPal Holdings Inc. is also pitching in. 2020  
Juliegrace Brufke Gop Rep Calls on Primary Opponent to Condemn Campaign Surrogate's Racist Video The Hill (6/4/2020) Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-Va.) called on his primary opponent Bob Good to condemn a video containing racist and homophobic remarks made by Goods campaign surrogate circulating social media on Thursday. 2020  
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