Justin Wise Loeffler Knocks Wnba Players for Wearing Shirts Backing Democratic Challenger The Hill (8/4/2020) Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler on Tuesday ramped up her criticism of the WNBA after players across the league wore T-shirts endorsing her Democratic challenger in the Georgia Senate race, claiming it showed they were more concerned with playing politics than basketball. 2020  
  Looking Back, and Looking Ahead, at Corporate Governance 24No.12 Securities in the Electronic Age NL 2 (12/1/2020) Earlier this year, John Wilcox retired as Executive Chairman of Morrow Sodali (he is now Chairman Emeritus), a role that he held from 2006 to 2020. From 2003 to 2008 he was Senior Vice President and Head of Corporate Governance at TIAA-CREF and earlier he served as Chairman of Georgeson & Company. He is also a member of Wall Street Lawyers... 2020  
Zack Budryk Los Angeles Mayor Announces He Won't Be Joining Biden Administration The Hill (12/17/2020)   2020  
Marty Johnson Louisville Police Chief Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Expected Breonna Taylor Announcement The Hill (9/21/2020)   2020  
Richard Delgado , Jean Stefancic Love in the Time of Cholera 68 UCLA Law Review Discourse 176 (2020) A famous novel by Gabriel García Márquez describes a love story among three actors that took place in a city in Colombia during the time of cholera. The interpersonal dynamics that unfold in this work by a Nobel Prize-winning writer offer insight into events taking place today. We show how the urge to romanticize emotions during a time of great... 2020  
  Manage Political Messaging Through Dress Codes 37No.18 Employment Alert NL 1 (9/1/2020) 18.1 During every presidential election, employers contend with employees who want to express support for their candidate through hats, buttons, t-shirts, and other apparel emblazoned with candidates names or slogans. Add in a new option for expression this yearface masks meant to protect workers and customers from COVID-19and employers will... 2020  
David L. Johnson, Butler Snow LLP Managing Office Politics: Avoiding Discord in the Workplace 1No.11 Midsouth Employment Law Letter 1 (11/1/2020) It seems like we live in a tinderbox. The combination of the upcoming presidential election, emerging debates about social justice issues, and the ongoing pandemic seems to have created the perfect storm. When filtered into a diverse workplace, passionate opposing political viewpoints can harm productivity and morale and even create liability... 2020  
Caroline V. Lawrence, The COVID-Dynamic Team Masking Up: a Covid-19 Face-off Between Anti-mask Laws and Mandatory Mask Orders for Black Americans 11 California Law Review Online 479 (November, 2020) Mandatory PPE orders during COVID-19 have forced Black Americans to weigh the dangers of disease against the dangers of selective enforcement and racial profiling. In states with civil rights-era anti-mask laws, both wearing and eschewing masks could lead to police interaction. This Essay argues that anti-mask laws were only superficially intended... 2020  
Naomi Murakawa Mass Incarceration Is Dead, Long Live the Carceral State! 55 Tulsa Law Review 251 (Winter, 2020) James Forman, Jr., Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America (Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2017). Pp. 320. Hardcover $27.00. PaperbackK $16.00. Issa Kohler-Hausmann, Misdemeanorland: Criminal Courts and Social Control in an Age of Broken Windows Policing (Princeton University Press 2018). Pp. 328. Hardcover $29.95. Paperback $22.95.... 2020  
Sharon Dolovich Mass Incarceration, Meet Covid-19 11/16/2020 University of Chicago Law Review Online Online 4 (11/16/2020) From the earliest days of the pandemic, it was clear that the novel coronavirus posed an outsized danger to the more than two million people locked inside America's prisons and jails. Responding to the risk, many public officials nationwide took modest steps to reduce the incarcerated populations in their jurisdictions. But these efforts, though... 2020  
Zack Budryk Mccarthy Yanks Endorsement of California Candidate over Social Media Posts The Hill (5/25/2020) House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Monday rescinded his endorsement of Ted Howze, a candidate for a California House district, after social media posts expressing anti-Muslim sentiment and accusing prominent Democrats of murder and drug use came to light. 2020  
Brett Samuels Mcenany Attacks Media in Response to Questions about Trump Nascar Tweet The Hill (7/6/2020) White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany sparred with members of the press on Monday after repeatedly dodging questions about a tweet in which President Trump blamed NASCAR's decision to ban the Confederate flag for lower ratings and attacked one of the sport's most prominent Black drivers. 2020  
  Mcenany Says Maga Is Synonymous 'With Blue Lives Matter' The Hill (8/19/2020) White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Wednesday that the president's 2016 Make American Great Again" slogan 2020  
  Minimum Lot Size Zoning Restrictions in Fact Dictate Much of the Affordable Housing Debate. 2020-8 Construction Briefings NL 1 (8/1/2020) As the novel coronavirus continues its march across the country, and as the nation continues to confront the issues raised by the Black Lives Matter movement, both have brought to the fore concerns that have remained smoldering for a long time. One of those is the matter of affordable housing. In our preceding Briefings, we briefly looked at... 2020  
Chan Tov McNamarah Misgendering as Misconduct 68 UCLA Law Review Discourse 40 (2020) As litigation regarding the civil rights of transgender persons blossoms, a curious trend has emerged: In briefs, pleadings, and motions advocating antitrans positions, attorneys have addressed trans parties with language at odds with their gender. Through a close review of the language in briefs for three recent Supreme Court cases, this Article... 2020  
Blair Chavis, Kevin Davis, Liane Jackson Moment -Or- Movement? 106-NOV ABA Journal 34 (October/November, 2020) Lawyers have a long tradition of supporting efforts to bring racial and social justice to this country. They've argued important civil rights cases, demanded police accountability and advocated for public policies to address systemic and institutional racism. Recent killings of unarmed Black people by police have sparked a new wave of protests and... 2020  
Celine Castronuovo More than 1,000 Black Women Urge Biden to Appoint More Black Female Cabinet Members The Hill (12/8/2020) A group of more than 1,000 Black women leaders from across the country on Monday penned an open letter to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris urging them to consider nominating more Black women for top Cabinet posts. 2020  
  More than 130 Federal Agents Will Stay Behind in Portland as 'Quick Reaction Force' :Report (7/31/2020) As some federal forces withdraw from Portland, more than 130 other federal officers will stay behind near the federal courthouse there to act as a quick reaction force, The Washington Post reported Friday 2020  
Katharine Silbaugh More than the Vote: 16-year-old Voting and the Risks of Legal Adulthood 100 Boston University Law Review 1689 (October, 2020) Advocates of 16-year-old voting have not grappled with two significant risks to adolescents of their agenda. First, a right to vote entails a corresponding accessibility to campaigns. Campaign speech is highly protected, and 16-year-old voting invites more unfettered access to minors by commercial, government, and political interests than current... 2020  
John Kruzel More than Two Dozen Dc Bar Members Urge Disciplinary Probe of Ag Barr The Hill (7/22/2020) More than two dozen members of the D.C. Bar Association, including four of its former presidents, urged the groups disciplinary board on Wednesday to investigate Attorney General William Barr for committing serious ethical deviations as head of the Justice Department under President Trump. 2020  
Scott L. Cummings Movement Lawyering 27 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 87 (Winter, 2020) Over the past decade, scholars and practitioners in the United States, and around the world, have turned greater attention to the role of lawyers in social movements. This new focus has come at a time when fundamental questions ask what it means to achieve access to justice against the backdrop of extreme inequality and right wing populism across... 2020  
Anastasia M. Boles Moving the Needle: Two Promising Tools to Attack Arkansas's Racial Disparity in Criminal Sentencing 43 University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review Rev. 1 (Fall, 2020) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 1 II. Race and Incarceration in Arkansas. 6 A. Sentencing Disparities in Arkansas. 9 B. The Science of Racial Bias and the Criminal Justice System. 12 III. Racism, the Constitution, and the Jury Process. 15 IV. Before The Verdict: Arkansas's New Jury Instruction. 17 A. AMI Crim. 2d 101. 18 B. Other... 2020  
Shiu-Ming Cheer Moving Toward Transformation: Abolitionist Reforms and the Immigrants' Rights Movement 68 UCLA Law Review Discourse 68 (2020) This Article discusses the criteria for abolitionist reforms and assesses whether current immigrants' rights demands move us towards a more transformative agenda, one that questions the legitimacy of the state. The Article argues that calls to invest in immigrant communities and to release immigrants from detention can be radical reforms that move... 2020  
Caitlin Reilly, CQ Roll Call Muni Investors, Advisers Seek Transparency on Police Misconduct Payouts CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (7/6/2020) As Black Lives Matter protests march on around the U.S., some investment advisers and asset managers are pushing for more disclosure on so-called judgment allocation bonds issued by cities and governments to fund payouts for settlements of lawsuits against police. 2020  
Marty Johnson Nba Flexes Muscle amid Partisan Attacks The Hill (8/28/2020) When the Milwaukee Bucks refused to play their playoff game against the Orlando Magic in outrage over the police shooting of Jacob Blake on Wednesday, the NBA already maligned by some as being too political took a giant step to the forefront on one of Americas most pressing social issues. 2020  
  Ncua's Harper Calls for Greater Agency, Industry Focus on Racial Justice (6/19/2020) National Credit Union Administration Board Member Todd M. Harper challenged the industry and his agency to do more to promote economic equality and racial justice amid the aftermath of the death of George Floyd and the protests by the Black Lives Matter movement that followed. 2020  
Marty Johnson New Aclu Report Finds That Police Shootings Have Not Decreased Despite Pandemic The Hill (8/19/2020) A new report from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) reveals that even though Americans have spent most of 2020 inside their homes social distancing because of the coronavirus pandemic, fatal police shootings haven't stopped or slowed down. 2020  
Dylan Phillips New Technological Trends Are Changing the Legal, Ethical, and Public Policy Implications of Sting Operations 26 Richmond Journal of Law and Technology Tech. 4 (Summer, 2020) It has long been held that a lawyer may not act deceitfully when working on a case by making false statements to the opposing party, especially to a person who has already retained counsel and the lawyer has already made statements directly to the opposing party. However, like all other legal doctrines, there are exceptions to the requirement that... 2020  
  News and Notes 10/2020 The Florida Bar News 22 (10/1/2020) Roy L. Weinfeld presented, The End of Florida Moratoriums and Impact of Evictions, Foreclosures and Enforceable Writs, via Zoom webinar. Nicola Larmond-Harvey of Saunders & Walker in Pinellas Park has been appointed by the U.S. Southern District Court to the plaintiffs leadership team in the Zantac Multidistrict Litigation. 2020  
Tal Axelrod Number of Americans Who Disapprove of Trump's Race Relations Rises since February The Hill (10/3/2020) The number of Americans who disapprove of President Trumps handling of race relations ticked up since February, according to a new survey from the Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape Project that was published by USA Today. 2020  
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