Jack Davis The Public Use of Reparations: How Land-based Reparations Can Satisfy the Public Use Requirement of the Takings Clause ( Emancipation, one of our nation's boldest and most morally profound acts, rested upon the hope that a dramatic reconception of property would take root. Almost four million African Americans gained the rights and remedies of personhood, no longer to be property. This transformation also carried with it one of our nation's most enduring property... 2020  
Jeff Sloan, Sloan Sakai Yeung & Wong, LLP The Relative Benefits of Advisory Arbitration 30No.18 California Employment Law Letter Letter 3 (7/20/2020) In late June 2020, California's 5th District Court of Appeal overturned an arbitrator's advisory decision in favor of two deputy sheriffs and their union in a contractual dispute arising under a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the county and the union. The dispute centered on the county's decision to remove the deputies from specialty... 2020  
Zohra Ahmed The Sanctuary of Prosecutorial Nullification 83 Albany Law Review 239 (2019-2020) In the aftermath of the 2016 election, the shortcomings of existing sanctuary protections came sharply into focus. Historically, cities enacted sanctuary protections to extricate their law enforcement agencies from activities related to federal immigration enforcement. In sanctuary cities, local government agencies are typically restricted from... 2020  
Mary Anne Franks The Second Amendment's Safe Space, or the Constitutionalization of Fragility 83 Law and Contemporary Problems 137 (2020) Contempt for vulnerability is the defining characteristic of contemporary American conservatism. Conservatives ridicule diversity initiatives, government assistance, antidiscrimination policies, the #MeToo movement, worker protections, universal health care, family leave, forgiveness of student debt, and other progressive concepts as obsessions of... 2020  
Molly P. Matter The Shaw Claim: the Rise and Fall of Colorblind Jurisprudence 18 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 25 (Summer, 2020) The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. --Amendment XV, Section 1, United States Constitution Justice is not blind, nor should it aspire to be. Our training as legal professionals demands that we apply the... 2020  
Elsa Kaka The Supreme Court of Canada's Justification of Charter Breaches and its Effect on Black and Indigenous Communities 43 Manitoba Law Journal 117 (2020) Throughout my time in law school, I noticed that the criminal cases covered in my courses very rarely adequately dealt with how racism affected the ways in which the police investigated and arrested Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC). Instead, I observed an expansion of police powers and a frightening trend of justifying Charter... 2020  
Michael A. Lawrence The Thirteenth Amendment as Basis for Racial Truth & Reconciliation 62 Arizona Law Review 637 (Fall, 2020) This is a country whose existence was predicated on the torture of black fathers, on the rape of black mothers, on the sale of black children .. Having been enslaved for 250 years, black people were not left to their own devices [after slavery ended]. They were terrorized. In the Deep South, a second slavery ruled. In the North, legislatures,... 2020  
K-Sue Park This Land Is Not Our Land 87 University of Chicago Law Review 1977 (October, 2020) The story of our relationship to the earth is written more truthfully on the land than on the page. It lasts there. The land remembers what we said and what we did. -Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass 341 (Milkweed 2013) The land and the wealth that began in it still carry the shape of history .. The land remembers. But what do we remember... 2020  
Morgan Gstalter Tim Ryan Condemns Trump's Call for Goodyear Boycott: 'This Is an Iconic American Company in a Swing State' The Hill (8/19/2020) Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan (D) on Wednesday said he was shocked to see President Trump call for a boycott of Goodyear over reports that employees were told not to wear the president's trademark Make America Great Again attire. 2020  
Yolanda Hunter, Workplace HR, LLC Tips for Improving, Maintaining Inclusion in a Remote Workforce 18No.2 Federal Employment Law Insider Insider 6 (10/1/2020) During the global pandemic, organizational leaders and HR professionals have been challenged with managing a remote workforce. Along with increasing social justice issues and concerns raised by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, organizational leaders are now focusing their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts on ensuring remote... 2020  
Justin Wise Top Pence Aide Calls Nba Player Strike over Jacob Blake Shooting 'Absurd' and 'Silly' The Hill (8/27/2020) A Trump administration official on Thursday dismissed the decision of NBA teams to refuse to play Wednesday night's playoff games to protest the police shooting of Jacob Blake, calling it absurd" and "silly."" 2020  
Monica Bell, Stephanie Garlock, Alexander Nabavi-Noori Toward a Demosprudence of Poverty 69 Duke Law Journal 1473 (April, 2020) This Article describes the rift between a due-process-focused jurisprudence on legal-financial obligations--the centerpiece of the current fight against criminalization of poverty--and the substantive and structural problems of poverty criminalization. It argues that judges can help address this disconnect while still operating within the scope of... 2020  
Emily Hammond Toward a Role for Protest in Environmental Law 70 Case Western Reserve Law Review 1039 (Summer, 2020) The story of environmental law closely coincides with that of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which has doubtless made many contributions to improved governance and enhanced environmental protection. In this symposium tribute to the EPA's fiftieth anniversary, however, I invite a renewed look at the role of protest in environmental... 2020  
Martin Johnson Trump Administration, Oregon Governor's Office Talking about Removing Agents from Portland: Report The Hill (7/29/2020) The Trump administration is in early talks with the Oregon governor's office to remove federal officers from Portland that have been in the city since late June to protect its federal courthouse, which has become a focal point for Black Lives Matter protests, a senior White House official told The Associated Press. 2020  
Marty Johnson Trump after Portland Mayor Tear-gassed: 'He Made a Fool out of Himself' The Hill (7/24/2020) President Trump took a dig at Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) on Thursday evening, mocking him for getting tear-gassed at protests in Oregon the previous night. 2020  
Marty Johnson Trump Blasts Oregon Officials over Portland Protests The Hill (7/29/2020) President Trump on Wednesday went on the offensive once again against Oregon Democrats who have opposed the presence of federal agents in Portland, calling Gov. Kate Brown (D) and Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) very weak people. 2020  
  Trump Calls into Rush Limbaugh's Show for Two Hours (10/9/2020) President Trump on Friday called into Rush Limbaugh's talk radio show for two hours, during which the president levied familiar complaints about the media and Democrats and took yet another position on stimulus talks. 2020  
Brett Samuels Trump Calls Treatment of St. Louis Couple Who Pointed Guns at Protesters 'A Disgrace' The Hill (7/14/2020) President Trump on Tuesday defended a St. Louis couple who went viral after they stood outside their home brandishing weapons as a group of protesters marched past them. 2020  
Morgan Chalfant Trump Dismisses Question on Deaths of Black Americans in Police Custody The Hill (7/14/2020) President Trump on Tuesday asserted that more white Americans die at the hands of police than Black Americans and criticized a reporter for asking why African Americans are still dying in law enforcement custody. 2020  
Justin Wise Trump Labels Portland Mayor a 'Fool': 'Bring in the National Guard' The Hill (8/30/2020) President Trump ramped up his attacks against Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) on Sunday after a person was killed in the Oregon city following skirmishes between supporters of the president and Black Lives Matter demonstrators. 2020  
Rebecca Kheel Trump on Collision Course with Congress over Bases with Confederate Names The Hill (6/11/2020) President Trump and Congress are on a collision course over whether to rename Army bases that are named for Confederate military officers. 2020  
  Trump on Romney March with Protesters: 'Tremendous Sincerity, What a Guy' The Hill (6/8/2020) President Trump on Monday weighed in on video of Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) marching with protesters in Washington, D.C., a day earlier and saying black lives matter."" 2020  
Morgan Chalfant and Brett Samuels Trump Police Executive Order Seeks to Limit Chokeholds The Hill (6/16/2020) President Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order on police reform amid a broad national debate sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, which has itself led to heightened calls to address racial justice issues in the United States. 2020  
Marty Johnson Trump Punts When Asked about Systemic Racism in Us The Hill (9/1/2020) President Trump pivoted upon being asked whether he thought systemic racism is a problem in the United States on Tuesday during a press conference in Kenosha, the Wisconsin city where a Black man was shot in the back by police numerous times recently. 2020  
Tal Axelrod Trump Rallies Supporters at White House in First Event since Covid-19 Diagnosis The Hill (10/10/2020) President Trump rallied his supporters at the White House Saturday in the first public event hes held since he was diagnosed with COVID-19. 2020  
Morgan Chalfant and Brett Samuels Trump Renews Culture War, Putting Gop on Edge The Hill (7/6/2020) President Trump is sharpening his attacks on cultural issues in a return to a political safe haven that has some Republicans on the defensive ahead of November. 2020  
Morgan Chalfant Trump Says He's Considering Swapping out Goodyear Tires from Presidential Car The Hill (8/19/2020) President Trump doubled down on his attacks against tiremaker Goodyear over its policies on political attire, saying Wednesday he's considering replacing the company's tires on the presidential car with a different brand. 2020  
Julia Manchester Trump Seeks to Overcome Eroding Support among Women The Hill (8/22/2020) President Trump is facing a growing deficit with female voters, putting his reelection chances in jeopardy ahead of November. 2020  
Brett Samuels and Morgan Chalfant Trump Sidesteps Blake Shooting to Extol Law Enforcement in Kenosha The Hill (9/1/2020) President Trump on Tuesday toured property damage and lauded law enforcement in Kenosha, Wis., while largely sidestepping the police shooting of Jacob Blake there that set off days of demonstrations and renewed calls for systemic reform to policing and racial justice. 2020  
  Trump Slams Romney: He 'Couldn't Be Elected Dog Catcher Right Now in Utah' (9/3/2020) President Trump took a swipe at Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) during a campaign event in Latrobe, Pa., on Thursday, saying the lawmaker couldn't be elected dog catcher right now in Utah. 2020  
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