Brett Samuels and Morgan Chalfant Trump Stirs Controversy with Latest Race Remarks The Hill (7/14/2020) President Trump offered inflammatory comments on race in two separate interviews Tuesday, including responding to a question about police killings of Black people by saying police also kill white people. 2020  
Jonathan Easley Trump to Attack Biden's Record in Convention Address The Hill (8/27/2020) President Trump plans to go on the attack against Democratic nominee Joe Biden in his convention speech on Thursday night, which will paint his rival as a failed Washington lifer and a vehicle for a radical left-wing agenda. 2020  
Morgan Chalfant Trump to Hold Unconventional White House Convention The Hill (8/23/2020) President Trump wont get the convention moment he originally hoped or planned for when he officially accepts the Republican nomination for president but it may be one on which he can still capitalize. 2020  
Rachel Frazin Trump to Withdraw Controversial Public Lands Nominee The Hill (8/15/2020) President Trump will withdraw William Perry Pendleys nomination to lead the Department of Interior's Bureau of Land Management (BLM), a White House official confirmed to The Hill. 2020  
Marty Johnson Trump Upends Own Messaging with Black Voters The Hill (10/1/2020) President Trump, trailing in polls and desperately needing to expand his voting base, potentially hamstrung his chances to do so by refusing to condemn white supremacy during Tuesday nights presidential debate in Cleveland. 2020  
Morgan Chalfant Trump Urges Boycott of Goodyear Tires over Maga Attire Policy The Hill (8/19/2020) President Trump on Wednesday discouraged Americans from purchasing Goodyear tires after it was reported that company employees in Kansas were told not to wear Make America Great Again attire or other politically-affiliated gear. 2020  
Alexander Bolton Trump Warnings on Lawlessness Divide Gop Candidates The Hill (9/1/2020) Senate Republicans running for reelection are divided over whether to embrace President Trumps aggressive tactics toward Black Lives Matter protesters and his dire warnings of lawlessness under a possible Biden administration. 2020  
Rebecca Klar Trump, Portland Mayor Trade Blame for Rise in Violence The Hill (8/30/2020) President Trump and Portland, Ore., Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) on Sunday traded jabs over who was responsible for the rise in violence in the city between Black Lives Matter protesters and counterprotesters that led to a fatal shooting Saturday night. 2020  
Justine Coleman Trump-appointed Global Media Chief Sued over Allegations of Pro-trump Agenda The Hill (10/8/2020) Five suspended officials in the U.S. Agency for Global Media filed a lawsuit Thursday against the agency and its Trump-appointed CEO over allegations executives are breaking the laws by promoting a pro- President Trump agenda. 2020  
Engy Abdelkader, Elie Mystal, Wajahat Ali, Jim Weinstein U.s. Elections 2020: Where and How Do We Draw a Constitutionally Permissible Line to a Candidate's Inflammatory Political Rhetoric? 44 Harbinger 140 (4/24/2020) From November 2019 to April 2020, the ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice's Rights of Immigrants Committee hosted a six-part webinar series exploring immigration at the intersection of national security law, public international law, and U.S. Constitutional law. What follows is a transcript from the second panel of the series, which took... 2020  
Ellison Berryhill Unintended Consequences: an Analysis of Six Proposals to Reform the U.s. Criminal Justice System 58 University of Louisville Law Review 485 (Summer, 2020) The dramatic increase in the incarceration rate in the United States has been well documented. Between 1975 and 2003, the number of prisoners increased by five times the historical average. Reformers and critics typically focus on Presidents Nixon and Reagan as the major causes of this rise. These presidents spearheaded efforts to fight wars on... 2020  
Ruth Milkman Union Decline and Labor Revival in the 21 Century United States 95 Chicago-Kent Law Review 273 (2020) The size and influence of organized labor in the United States has been declining steadily for more than half a century. The relentless downward trend in union density (defined as the proportion of wage and salary workers who are union members) began in the late 1950s and accelerated with the systematic dismantling of New Deal era reforms after the... 2020  
Gurjot Kaur, Dana Sussman Unlocking the Power and Possibility of Local Enforcement of Human and Civil Rights: Lessons Learned from the Nyc Commission on Human Rights 51 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 582 (Winter, 2020) If you ask most people in the United States where to go to file a complaint of discrimination or receive assistance from the government in addressing discrimination, chances are that they will not likely be able to tell you. For those who do have some familiarity, they may point to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC),... 2020  
Marty Johnson Us Attorney: Agents Will Stay in Portland as Long as Attacks on Federal Property, Personnel Last The Hill (7/28/2020) Billy Williams, the U.S. attorney for the district of Oregon, on Monday signaled that federal officers stationed in Portland would not be removed as long as damages and threats to federal property, namely the city's federal courthouse, continue. 2020  
Lisa P. Ramsey Using Failure to Function Doctrine to Protect Free Speech and Competition in Trademark Law (Iowa 104 Iowa Law Review Online 70 (2020) Online) I. Introduction. 71 II. Failure to Function Doctrine and Its Relationship to Other Trademark Laws. 76 A. Almost Anything Can Qualify as Protectable Trademark Subject Matter. 76 B. A Trademark Must Be Distinctive. 77 C. Functional Matter Cannot Be Registered or Protected. 80 D. This Matter Must Be Used and Function as a Trademark. 81 III. Examples... 2020  
Erin Sheley Victim Impact Statements and Corporate Sex Crimes 73 Oklahoma Law Review 209 (Autumn, 2020) Wherever there is a position of power, there seems to be potential for abuse. I had a dream to go to the Olympics, and the things that I had to endure to get there, were unnecessary, and disgusting. . A question that has been asked over and over is: How could have Larry Nassar been allowed to assault so many women and girls for more than two... 2020  
Erin Sheley Victim Impact Statements at Canadian Corporate Sentencing 43 Manitoba Law Journal 421 (2020) The recent SNC-Lavalin scandal and its political fallout have drawn public attention to an existing culture of impunity enjoyed by corporate criminal wrongdoers, despite the 2004 changes to the Criminal Code of Canada that intended to make corporate prosecutions easier. In this article, I argue that the conceptual problems with corporate criminal... 2020  
Jack T. Vanderford Wardlow Revisited: How Media Coverage of Police Brutality Makes Empirical Data More Relevant than Ever 22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 1523 (August, 2020) Freddie Gray stood on a street corner in West Baltimore when he made eye contact with a uniformed police officer. Gray ran from the area after seeing the officer, who chased Gray down and forced him to stop by drawing and threatening to use his Taser gun. A video taken by a bystander captures Gray screaming in pain as his arms are handcuffed behind... 2020  
Morgan Chalfant Washington Archbishop Criticizes Trump Visit to Catholic Shrine The Hill (6/2/2020) Washington Archbishop Wilton Gregory rebuked President Trumps visit to a Catholic shrine in D.C. on Tuesday, calling it baffling and reprehensible after the president moved to crack down on demonstrations in the district. 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Washington State Law Provides New Model in Drive for Board Gender Diversity CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (6/11/2020) Corporations based in the state of Washington must have corporate boards that are at least 25 percent female under a law taking effect Thursday that aims to gauge broader diversity efforts. 2020  
Katelyn Ringrose , Divya Ramjee Watch Where You Walk: Law Enforcement Surveillance and Protester Privacy 11 California Law Review Online 349 (September, 2020) Protest is a fundamental feature of democracy, yet protesters have been continuously met with domestic surveillance mechanisms intended to chill public free expression and criminalize lawful behavior. The deployment of privacy-invasive measures against protesters in public spaces has an extensive and storied history--one often rooted in racism and... 2020  
Burton J. Fishman, Fortney & Scott, LLC What Is to Be Done with the State of Our Country? 17No.11 Federal Employment Law Insider Insider 7 (7/1/2020) The view from K Street has special meaning this month. Offices and storefronts are boarded up from 14th St. to 22nd and beyond. From our (unoccupied) office near Connecticut and K, you can see the looted CVS, struggling to reopen. Around the corner, on I St., things are worse. Across Farragut Square, the signs of protest are everywhere, from the... 2020  
James Weinstein What Lies Ahead?: the Marketplace of Ideas, Alvarez V. United States, and First Amendment Protection of Knowing Falsehoods 51 Seton Hall Law Review 135 (2020) I. Introduction. 135 II. The Supreme Court's Pre-Alvarez Jurisprudence Concerning First Amendment Protection of Lies and the Marketplace of Ideas. 140 III. United States v. Alvarez, Protection of Lies and the Marketplace of Ideas. 144 A. The Plurality Opinion. 145 B. The Concurring Opinion. 152 C. The Dissenting Opinion. 157 D. Free Speech Values... 2020  
Kurtis A Kemper, J.D. What Matters Not Contained in Pleadings May Be Considered in Ruling on a Motion to Dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings under Rule 12(c) Without Conversion to Motion for Summary Judgme 138 American Law Reports ALR Federal 393 (2020) Rules 12(b) and (c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provide that if, on a motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6) or a motion for judgment on the pleadings, matters outside the pleadings are presented to and not excluded by the court, the motion must be treated as one for summary judgment and disposed of as provided in Rule 56. The court in... 2020  
Jaime M. Nies, J.D., LL.M. What Matters Not Contained in Pleadings May Be Considered in Ruling on Motion to Dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6) of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or Motion for Judgment on Pleadings under Rule 12(c) Without Conversion to Motion for Summary Judgment-ninth C 56 American Law Reports ALR Federal 3d Art. 1 (2020) If matters outside the pleadings are presented to and not excluded by the court when deciding a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6), or a motion for judgment on the pleadings under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(c), the motion must be treated as a motion for summary judgment under Fed. R. Civ. P. 56. A court has... 2020  
Zachary Stoner What You Rhyme Could Be Used Against You: a Call for Review of the True Threat Standard 44 Nova Law Review 225 (Spring, 2020) I. Introduction. 225 II. The True Threat Doctrine: A History of Confusion and Ambiguity. 229 A. The True Threat Doctrine and the Supreme Court's Lack of Guidance. 231 B. The Lower Court's Struggle with Uniformity. 237 1. The Subjective Intent Analysis. 238 2. The Objective Intent Analysis. 240 III. Hip-Hop and the Criminal Justice System. 242 A. A... 2020  
Benjamin Levin What's Wrong with Police Unions? 120 Columbia Law Review 1333 (June, 2020) In an era of declining labor power, police unions stand as a success story for worker organizing--they exert political clout and negotiate favorable terms for their members. Yet, despite support for unionization on the political left, police unions have become public enemy number one for commentators concerned about race and police violence. Much... 2020  
Morgan Simone Mallory When the Sun of Cultural Beauty Rises, the Competent Mind Remains Resilient!: the Journey of Title Vii and the Story of Natural Hair 47 Southern University Law Review 315 (Spring, 2020) When you see me passing, It ought to make you proud. I say, It's in the click of my heels, The bend of my hair, the palm of my hand, The need for my care. 'Cause I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me. --Maya Angelou In 2010, Catastrophe Management Solutions (CMS) sought to hire employees who demonstrated basic computer skills and... 2020  
  When Your Employee Is the Star of a Viral Video: Six Questions to Ask 37No.15 Employment Alert NL 1 (7/22/2020) 15.1 Your phone starts blowing up with texts and emails. When you check, everyone is sending you the same thinga video of one of your employees making crude and racist comments. The video has gone viral on social media and its just a matter of time before the employees affiliation with your organization goes viral too. You know other companies... 2020  
Peter Y. Kim Where We're Going, We Don't Need Drivers: Autonomous Vehicles and Ai-chaperone Liability 69 Catholic University Law Review 341 (Spring, 2020) Unwittingly, Iggy Pop's The Passenger prophetically envisions what a world filled with autonomous vehicles may look like: Get into the car We'll be the passenger We'll ride through the city tonight See the city's ripped backsides We'll see the bright and hollow sky We'll see the stars that shine so bright The sky was made for us tonight[. In the... 2020  
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