Marc-Tizoc González LA GRAN LUCHA: LATINA AND LATINO LAWYERS, BREAKING THE LAW ON PRINCIPLE, AND CONFRONTING THE RISKS OF REPRESENTATION 13 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 61 (Winter, 2016) Chicana, Chicano, and Mexican American law professors are rare in the United States. Although Michael A. Olivas began to teach law in 1982, three decades after the first Mexican American law professor (Carlos Cadena in 1952), Professor Olivas holds the distinction of being regarded as the Dean of Latina and Latino (Latina/o) law professors in the... 2016  
Patricia Hagler Minter LAW, CULTURE, AND HISTORY: THE STATE OF THE FIELD AT THE INTERSECTIONS 56 American Journal of Legal History 139 (March, 2016) This article considers the current state of the field of legal history within an intersectional framework. It also examines how legal historians address questions of exclusion and inclusion in American legal culture, focusing on scholarship at the intersection of legal and cultural history. Finally, this article suggests ways that future scholars... 2016  
Yxta Maya Murray LEAKED MEMO TO WEST POINT SUPERINTENDENT LT. GEN. ROBERT CASLEN FROM MAJOR CONSUELO ANTOINETTE MARTINEZ REGARDING THE "RAISED BLACK FEMALE FIST" OLD CORPS PHOTOGRAPH INCIDENT 23 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 149 (Fall, 2016) This satire responds to the recent United States Military Academy (USMA or West Point) Investigation sixteen African American female cadets who took a photograph of themselves holding up their fists. This work of legal analysis and of the imagination takes the form of an investigatory memo written by a fictional Latina West Point official to... 2016  
Susan R. Jones LESSONS FROM BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, D.C.: WORKING WITH COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS TO BUILD CAPACITY AND FIGHT FOR ECONOMIC JUSTICE 25 Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 25 (2016) The following articles, written by legal educators, are based on a joint presentation, Lessons from Baltimore and Washington, D.C.: Working with Community-Based Organizations to Build Capacity and Fight for Economic Justice, at the Association of American Law Schools Conference on Clinical Legal Education, April 30-May 3, 2016, in Baltimore. The... 2016  
Mike Lillis Liberals rally to sink Obama trade deal 2016 The Hill 4260950 (August 14, 2016) Liberals are amping up their opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on and off of Capitol Hill, amid escalating concerns that the package will get an 11th hour vote after the November elections. 2016  
Brishen Rogers LIBERTARIAN CORPORATISM IS NOT AN OXYMORON 94 Texas Law Review 1623 (June, 2016) Our constitutional democracy and our republican form of government, Joseph Fishkin and William Forbath argue in their recent work, depend on a measure of economic and social democracy. A truly democratic state, in their view, cannot just regulate powerful actors. It must also enable or positively encourage robust intermediate organizations,... 2016  
Michael P. Maslanka, FisherBroyles, LLP LIFE, DEATH, AND WORK: 4 TOUGH QUESTIONS FOR EMPLOYERS AFTER DALLAS 27 Texas Employment Law Letter 1 (July 1, 2016) Dallas has been my home for 32 years. Currently, I live and work downtown. The murders of the five Dallas police officers took place just a few blocks from my home. Neighbors in my building heard the firefight as it unfolded. I am a law professor, and three of my students are police officers. I have thought of them a lot lately. The public-policy... 2016  
Michael P. Maslanka, FisherBroyles, LLP LIFE, DEATH, AND WORK: 4 TOUGH QUESTIONS FOR EMPLOYERS AFTER DALLAS 28 Florida Employment Law Letter 4 (August 1, 2016) Dallas has been my home for 32 years. Currently, I live and work downtown. The murders of the five Dallas police officers took place just a few blocks from my home. Neighbors in my building heard the firefight as it unfolded. I am a law professor, and three of my students are police officers. I have thought of them a lot lately. The public-policy... 2016  
Gregory S. Parks , Caryn Neumann LIFTING AS THEY CLIMB: RACE, SORORITY, AND AFRICAN AMERICAN UPLIFT IN THE 20TH CENTURY 27 Hastings Women's Law Journal 109 (Winter 2016) In the July 2015 issue of Essence magazine, Donna Owens wrote an intriguing piece on black sororities within the Black Lives Matter Movement. Owens addressed the complicated and somewhat standoffish position of four major black sororities--Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho--in light of the deaths of Michael... 2016  
Aziz Z. Huq , Richard H. McAdams LITIGATING THE BLUE WALL OF SILENCE: HOW TO CHALLENGE THE POLICE PRIVILEGE TO DELAY INVESTIGATION 2016 University of Chicago Legal Forum 213 (2016) Under state law, municipal codes, and collective bargaining agreements, police officers in many jurisdictions benefit from a set of heightened procedural protections. These frequently include provisions restricting the timing and manner by which investigators interview or interrogate police, which we call interrogation buffers. One specific... 2016  
Myles V. Lynk LOOKING BACK TO LOOK AHEAD: RACE AND LAW IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY 41 Human Rights 22 (2016) Before anticipating the future, let's reflect on the past of race and the role of law in the United States. Race and the law in the early history of the United States was defined by the institution of slavery, which predated the establishment of the United States but was retained at the creation of our country. Although the words slave and slavery... 2016  
Cynthia Lee MAKING BLACK AND BROWN LIVES MATTER: INCORPORATING RACE INTO THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CURRICULUM 60 Saint Louis University Law Journal 481 (Spring 2016) The fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an African American teenager, in August 2014 by a White police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, and the death of Eric Garner, an African American man who died after being put into a chokehold by a New York City police officer in July 2014, led to a firestorm of protests under the moniker of Black Lives Matter.... 2016  
William E. Hannum III , Managing Partner, Schwartz Hannum PC MANAGING THE IMPACT OF CHANGING EDUCATION LAW 2016 Aspatore 1595365 (March, 2016) This chapter focuses on various issues that we recommend counsel consider to help independent schools and colleges minimize legal risks. As a threshold concept, some areas of risk remain constant, while new ones continually emerge. Take technology and privacy, for instance: monitoring student and employee conduct and establishing appropriate... 2016  
Jasmine Sankofa MAPPING THE BLANK: CENTERING BLACK WOMEN'S VULNERABILITY TO POLICE SEXUAL VIOLENCE TO UPEND MAINSTREAM POLICE REFORM 59 Howard Law Journal 651 (Spring 2016) ABSTRACT. 652 INTRODUCTION. 652 I. RACE AND POLICING. 658 II. RACE AND STRUCTURAL SEXUAL VIOLENCE. 666 A. Police Sexual Violence. 666 B. A Brief History of Sexualized Racial Terror Against Black Women. 673 III. ADVANCING JUSTICE: BROADENING THE SCOPE OF PROPOSED INTERVENTIONS. 683 A. Divesting From Law Enforcement. 683 B. Building Survivor Support.... 2016  
Phyllis Goldfarb MATTERS OF STRATA: RACE, GENDER, AND CLASS STRUCTURES IN CAPITAL CASES 73 Washington and Lee Law Review 1395 (Summer, 2016) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 1395 II. The Role of Race. 1399 A. History of Race Ideologies. 1401 B. Understanding Race in the Giarratano Case. 1408 1. Departure and Return of the Death Penalty. 1410 2. Executive Clemency. 1411 3. Juries. 1414 4. Judges. 1418 5. Race of Victims. 1422 III. Other Ideologies at Work. 1423 A. Gender... 2016  
Geoff Ward MICROCLIMATES OF RACIAL MEANING: HISTORICAL RACIAL VIOLENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 2016 Wisconsin Law Review 575 (2016) This article examines the socially constitutive force of historical racial violence, dimensions and mechanisms of environmental impact, enduring questions, and remedial implications. I stress the importance of empirical scrutiny of racial violence since the nineteenth century, both for the development of critical race perspective on its social... 2016  
Mary Beth Tinker MIGHTY TIMES 68 Arkansas Law Review 895 (2016) Good afternoon, everyone. And, thank you, Professor Killenbeck, for inviting me to be with all of you today. I've been traveling around the country speaking about students' rights and children's rights, and part of my motivation for doing that comes from being a pediatric nurse. Over the years, I've been with so many kids who don't have rights, or... 2016  
Mary Wright MISSION ACCOMPLISHED? THE UNFINISHED RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BLACK LAW SCHOOLS AND THEIR HISTORICAL CONSTITUENCIES 39 North Carolina Central Law Review 1 (2016) Today, there are six historically Black law schools operating in the United States. These are all that remain of the twenty-two Black law schools that were in existence at some point beginning in 1869. With the exception of Howard University School of Law, established as Howard University Law Department in 1869, and Miles Law School, established... 2016  
Raymond M. Brown, Wanda Akin MLK: HUMAN RIGHTS & DREAMS & METAPHORS OR . JUSTICE AS A VERB 51 Valparaiso University Law Review 57 (Fall, 2016) I say to you today, my friends, though, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. For today's conversation, we want to emphasize three truths. First, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a human symbol of an attempt by one wing of the mid-twentieth century civil... 2016  
Michele C. Nielsen MUTE AND MOOT: HOW CLASS ACTION MOOTNESS PROCEDURE SILENCES INMATES 63 UCLA Law Review 760 (March, 2016) This Comment uses a recent prisoners' rights class action that challenges solitary confinement to demonstrate the way in which class action mootness procedure disadvantages inmates. With courts divided on how they should evaluate plaintiffs' claims that are mooted before the court reaches a class certification decision, this unsettled area leaves... 2016  
Morris B. Hoffman , District Court, Second Judicial District, Denver, Colorado, USA, Corresponding author. E-mail: NEUROSCIENCE CANNOT ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS: A RESPONSE TO G. AND R. MURROW'S ESSAY HYPOTHESIZING A LINK BETWEEN DEHUMANIZATION, HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES AND PUBLIC POLICY 3 Journal of Law & the Biosciences 167 (April, 2016) The Murrows' paper, A hypothetical link between dehumanization and human rights abuses', in which they propose that neuroscience may answer some difficult public policy questions, including questions about the First Amendment, is an unfortunate foray into law and public policy unjustified by the current state of neuroscience. Neuroscientific... 2016  
Nancy Leong NEW ECONOMY, OLD BIASES 100 Minnesota Law Review 2153 (May, 2016) Alan David Freeman's seminal article, Legitimizing Racial Discrimination Through Antidiscrimination Law: A Critical Review of Supreme Court Doctrine, provided a pathbreaking account of Supreme Court jurisprudence. The article laid bare a striking contradiction. The law promised racial equality, and indeed communicated that we had achieved such... 2016  
Nina W. Chernoff NO RECORDS, NO RIGHT: DISCOVERY & THE FAIR CROSS-SECTION GUARANTEE 101 Iowa Law Review 1719 (July, 2016) ABSTRACT: Every criminal defendant has the right to a jury selected from a fair cross-section of the community--a pool of people reflecting the community's racial and ethnic makeup. Yet there is substantial evidence that juries in state courts across the country do not reflect a fair cross-section of their communities, in violation of the Sixth... 2016  
Adam Epstein, Kathryn Kisska-Schulze NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, AND THE "STUDENT-ATHLETE": MOBILIZATION EFFORTS AND THE FUTURE 26 Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 71 (August, 2016) Student-athletes have a powerful voice in issues that matter to them. This was most recently demonstrated in two ways, including the 2014 Northwestern University football team's unsuccessful attempt to organize as a union, and the 2015 University of Missouri's successful demonstration, both in-person and via social media, ultimately resulting in... 2016  
Maj. Gen. Larry Stutzriem (ret.), contributor Obama should not support Kaepernick's protest 2016 The Hill 4726437 (September 12, 2016) Observing the bombardment of Baltimore by British ships, Francis Scott Key penned the Star-Spangled Banner to capture the onslaught U.S. troops braved rockets red glare, bombs bursting in air for the sake of the land of the free. As it did then, our military will always without question answer the call to defend our nation. But airmen,... 2016  
  Obama: Police shootings of black men 'an American issue' (July 7, 2016) President Obama on Thursday said all Americans should be troubled by the two fatal shootings of black men at the hands of police this week, urging the country to believe we can be better than this. 2016  
Jordan Fabian Obama's toughest challenge: Healing racial divide 2016 The Hill 3681917 (July 12, 2016) President Obama will confront one of the great paradoxes of his tenure on Tuesday as he flies to Dallas to address a nation reeling from racially charged violence. 2016  
Justin Hansford ON RACE AND JUSTICE: HOW FAR HAVE WE REALLY COME? 42 Human Rights 1 (2016) Eight years ago, before the confetti hit the ground celebrating the election of the first [African American president, tears of joy streamed down the faces of many who [were prepared to usher in an era of post-racialism. Today, on the eve of President Obama's exit, the harsh and dissonant reality of enduring racialism echoes across the American... 2016  
  On the Beat 24 Police Department Disciplinary Bulletin 2 (October 1, 2016) New York City might never tell the public if the police officer at the center of the Eric Garner chokehold death case is disciplined, the mayor and police commissioner indicated after reaching a new interpretation of a 40-year-old state civil rights law. The New York Police Department recently ended a longstanding practice of letting reporters see... 2016  
James M. Doyle ORWELL'S ELEPHANT AND THE ETIOLOGY OF WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS 79 Albany Law Review 895 (2015-2016) And afterwards I was very glad that the coolie had been killed; it put me legally in the right and it gave me a sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant. I often wondered whether any of the others grasped that I had done it solely to avoid looking a fool. --Shooting an Elephant, George Orwell Criminal justice reform is having its moment. The... 2016  
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