Doron Teichman, Kristen Underhill INFECTED BY BIAS: BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE AND THE LEGAL RESPONSE TO COVID-19 47 Am. J.L. & Med. 205 [American Journal of Law & Medicine] (2021) This Article presents the first comprehensive analysis of the contribution of behavioral science to the legal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the descriptive level, the Article shows how different psychological phenomena such as loss aversion and cultural cognition influenced the way policymakers and the public perceived the pandemic, and how... 2021  
Doron Teichman, Kristen Underhill INFECTED BY BIAS: BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE AND THE LEGAL RESPONSE TO COVID-19 47 Am. J.L. & Med. 205 [American Journal of Law & Medicine] (2021) This Article presents the first comprehensive analysis of the contribution of behavioral science to the legal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the descriptive level, the Article shows how different psychological phenomena such as loss aversion and cultural cognition influenced the way policymakers and the public perceived the pandemic, and how... 2021  
James Dever , Jack Dever INFORMATION AGE IMPERIALISM: CHINA, 'RACE,' AND NEO-COLONIALISM IN AFRICA AND LATIN AMERICA 52 U. Miami Inter-Am. L. Rev. 1 [University of Miami Inter-American Law Review] (Spring/Summer, 2021) I. Introduction. 2 II. China in Crisis. 3 A. The Chinese Context. 3 B. Behind the Wolf. 6 III. State-Sponsored Domestic Terror. 10 A. Hong Kong. 10 B. Tragedy in Xinjiang. 11 C. High-Tech Surveillance. 13 D. Opportunity Wasted. 15 IV. Great Power Competition. 17 A. Threat Vectors. 17 B. BRI: The Foreign Policy Vision. 21 V. Colonialism. 23 A. The... 2021  
Susan Ayres INSIDE THE MASTER'S GATES: RESOURCES AND TOOLS TO DISMANTLE RACISM AND SEXISM IN HIGHER EDUCATION 21 J. L. Society 20 [Journal of Law in Society] (Winter, 2021) INTRODUCTION. 21 I. DISMANTLING THE MASTER'S HOUSE: RESOURCES. 28 II. SUBSTANCE OF FIRE AND THE STORYTELLING MOVEMENT. 31 A. The Backstory. 31 B. Overview of Substance of Fire. 33 C. The Case for Storytelling. 35 III. SUBSTANCE OF FIRE: NARRATIVES AND COUNTER-STORYTELLING. 37 A. Lack of Mentors, Microaggressions. 38 B. Performing Gender, Safe... 2021  
Jessica L. Roberts INTRODUCTION 58 Hous. L. Rev. 807 [Houston Law Review] (Symposium, 2021) On October 9, 2020, Dean Angela Onwuachi-Willig delivered the twenty-fifth annual Frankel Lecture, From Lynching as Status Quo to the New Status Quo. It was the first Frankel Lecture to address the issue of racial violence in policing, a topic that was long overdue. It was also the first event in the series's illustrious history to take place... 2021  
Jessica L. Roberts INTRODUCTION 58 Hous. L. Rev. 807 [Houston Law Review] (Symposium, 2021) On October 9, 2020, Dean Angela Onwuachi-Willig delivered the twenty-fifth annual Frankel Lecture, From Lynching as Status Quo to the New Status Quo. It was the first Frankel Lecture to address the issue of racial violence in policing, a topic that was long overdue. It was also the first event in the series's illustrious history to take place... 2021  
  Is the Chauvin conviction just a moment, or the start of lasting change? (7/7/2021) Dr. Manuel Pastor of the University of Southern California discusses the impact of social justice movements in response to police brutality and what the conviction of Derek Chauvin means for the future of police reform. 2021  
David A. Grenardo IT'S WORTH A SHOT: CAN SPORTS COMBAT RACISM IN THE UNITED STATES? 12 Harv. J. Sports & Ent. L. 237 [Harvard Journal of Sports & Entertainment Law] (Spring, 2021) Racism has stained this country throughout its history, and racism persists today in the United States, including in sports. Sports represent a reflection of society and its ills, but they can also provide a powerful means to combat racism. This article examines the state of racism in society and sports both historically and today. It also provides... 2021  
  JOHNSON & JOHNSON (REMMER) SEC No Action Ltrs. WSB File No. 0208202115 [SEC No Action Letters] (2021) WSB File No. 0208202115 WSB Subject Category: 74 Public Availability Date: February 05, 2021. Prepared By: Skadden Arps References: Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Section 14(a); Rule 14a-8 ________________Washington Service Bureau Summary________________ BY EMAIL ( December 11, 2020 U.S. Securities and Exchange... 2021  
  JPMORGAN CHASE & CO. (CTW INVESTMENT) SEC No Action Ltrs. WSB File No. 0329202123 [SEC No Action Letters] (2021) WSB File No. 0329202123 WSB Subject Category: 77 Public Availability Date: March 26, 2021. Prepared By: Skadden Arps References: Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Section 14(a); Rule 14a-8 ________________Washington Service Bureau Summary________________ January 11, 2021 BY EMAIL ( U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission... 2021  
Mikah K. Thompson JUST ANOTHER FAST GIRL: EXPLORING SLAVERY'S CONTINUED IMPACT ON THE LOSS OF BLACK GIRLHOOD 44 Harv. J. L. & Gender 57 [Harvard Journal of Law & Gender] (Winter, 2021) Introduction. 58 I. The Stereotypic Connection between Blackness and Promiscuity. 59 A. Black Hypersexuality as a Justification for Sexual Violence During Slavery. 60 B. The Persistence of Stereotypes Concerning Black Sexuality in Post-Civil War America. 64 C. Modern-Day Perceptions of Black Sexuality. 66 D. Black Sexuality and the Law of Statutory... 2021  
Addison C. McCauley, '22 KELSAY v. ERNST: IN A TIME OF NATIONAL PUBLIC OUTRAGE OVER A LACK OF POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY, THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT'S BOTCHED QUALIFIED IMMUNITY ANALYSIS HIGHLIGHTS SERIOUS PROBLEMS WITH THE DOCTRINE AS A WHOLE 54 Creighton L. Rev. 605 [Creighton Law Review] (September, 2021) Nothing can destroy a government more quickly than its failure to observe its own laws, or worse, its disregard of the charter of its own existence. - Justice Tom C. Clark (1961) Across the United States during the summer of 2020, millions of Americans protested in the streets to demand law enforcement accountability for unconstitutional conduct... 2021  
Gregory P. Magarian KENT STATE AND THE FAILURE OF FIRST AMENDMENT LAW 65 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol'y 41 [Washington University Journal of Law & Policy] (2021) Since the U.S. Supreme Court decided its first free speech case 100 years ago, two very different eras have defined First Amendment law. For a half century, before 1970, the Supreme Court focused on protecting the expressive freedom of political dissidents and social reformers. In 1970, amid protests against the Vietnam War, the Ohio National Guard... 2021  
Gregory P. Magarian KENT STATE AND THE FAILURE OF FIRST AMENDMENT LAW 65 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol'y 41 [Washington University Journal of Law & Policy] (2021) Since the U.S. Supreme Court decided its first free speech case 100 years ago, two very different eras have defined First Amendment law. For a half century, before 1970, the Supreme Court focused on protecting the expressive freedom of political dissidents and social reformers. In 1970, amid protests against the Vietnam War, the Ohio National Guard... 2021  
Fareed Nassor Hayat KILLING DUE PROCESS: DOUBLE JEOPARDY, WHITE SUPREMACY AND GANG PROSECUTIONS 69 UCLA L. Rev. Discourse 18 [UCLA Law Review Discourse] (2021) The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution holds that no person shall be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb for the same offense. Read plainly, a person cannot be tried or punished more than once for a single crime. Yet in recent decades, as legislatures have expanded the prosecutorial state with weapons designed to punish more criminal... 2021  
Fareed Nassor Hayat KILLING DUE PROCESS: DOUBLE JEOPARDY, WHITE SUPREMACY AND GANG PROSECUTIONS 69 UCLA L. Rev. Discourse 18 [UCLA Law Review Discourse] (2021) The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution holds that no person shall be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb for the same offense. Read plainly, a person cannot be tried or punished more than once for a single crime. Yet in recent decades, as legislatures have expanded the prosecutorial state with weapons designed to punish more criminal... 2021  
Trevor George Gardner LAW AND ORDER AS THE FOUNDATIONAL PARADOX OF THE TRUMP PRESIDENCY 73 Stan. L. Rev. Online 141 [Stanford Law Review Online] (June, 2021) This Essay scrutinizes the feuding between the Trump White House and various federal law enforcement agencies, concurrent with criminal lawbreaking in the Trump Administration, in an effort to extend scholarly understanding of the relationship between law-and-order politics and popular regard for rule-of-law principles. Sociolegal... 2021  
Keith J. Bybee LAW AND/OR/AS CIVILITY 17 Ann. Rev. L. & Soc. Sci. 1 [Annual Review of Law and Social Science] (2021) civility, norms, rule of law, free speech, hypocrisy, democracy The United States, like many countries around the world today, is experiencing the disruption of traditional patterns of governance and the breaking of norms of everyday behavior. If we identify the norms of governance with the rule of law, and if we consider the norms of everyday... 2021  
Keith J. Bybee LAW AND/OR/AS CIVILITY 17 Ann. Rev. L. & Soc. Sci. 1 [Annual Review of Law and Social Science] (2021) civility, norms, rule of law, free speech, hypocrisy, democracy The United States, like many countries around the world today, is experiencing the disruption of traditional patterns of governance and the breaking of norms of everyday behavior. If we identify the norms of governance with the rule of law, and if we consider the norms of everyday... 2021  
Distinguished Panelists LAW, SOCIAL JUSTICE, WOKENESS AND THE PROTESTS: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? 33 Regent U. L. Rev. 315 [Regent University Law Review] (2020-2021) Hon. Kenneth Lee: Good morning, or good afternoon, wherever you may be. My name is Ken Lee, and I sit on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. I will be moderating the first showcase panel, Law, Social Justice, Wokeness and the Protests: Where Do We Go From Here? This is obviously a very timely topic, and today we are privileged to... 2021  
Distinguished Panelists LAW, SOCIAL JUSTICE, WOKENESS AND THE PROTESTS: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? 33 Regent U. L. Rev. 315 [Regent University Law Review] (2020-2021) Hon. Kenneth Lee: Good morning, or good afternoon, wherever you may be. My name is Ken Lee, and I sit on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. I will be moderating the first showcase panel, Law, Social Justice, Wokeness and the Protests: Where Do We Go From Here? This is obviously a very timely topic, and today we are privileged to... 2021  
Deborah L. Rhode LEADERSHIP IN TIMES OF SOCIAL UPHEAVAL: LESSONS FOR LAWYERS 73 Baylor L. Rev. 67 [Baylor Law Review] (Winter, 202 (Winter, 2021)1) This article explores the leadership challenges that arose in the wake of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread protests following the killing of an unarmed Black man, George Floyd. Lawyers have been key players in both crises, as politicians, general counsel, and leaders of protest movements, law firms, bar associations, and law... 2021  
Mirko Bagaric , Peter Isham , Jennifer Svilar , Theo Alexander LESS PRISON TIME MATTERS: A ROADMAP TO REDUCING THE DISCRIMINATORY IMPACT OF THE SENTENCING SYSTEM AGAINST AFRICAN AMERICANS AND INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS 37 Ga. St. U. L. Rev. 1405 [Georgia State University Law Review] (Summer, 2021) The criminal justice system discriminates against African Americans. There are a number of stages of the criminal justice process. Sentencing is the sharp end of the system because this is where the community acts in its most coercive manner by intentionally inflecting hardships on offenders. African Americans comprise approximately 40% of the... 2021  
Julia E. Paranyuk LESSONS FROM THE MILITARY ON REFORMING POLICE DISCIPLINE 96 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1675 [New York University Law Review] (November, 2021) In recent years, there has been significant public debate concerning policing in the United States. Current events and recurring instances of police brutality have drawn attention to police misconduct and reinvigorated calls for systemic reforms to policing and police discipline. While there is a growing consensus in the United States among... 2021  
Raymond H. Brescia LESSONS FROM THE PRESENT: THREE CRISES AND THEIR POTENTIAL IMPACT ON THE LEGAL PROFESSION 49 Hofstra L. Rev. 607 [Hofstra Law Review] (Spring, 2021) The United States faces three simultaneous crises: a pandemic, a civil rights reckoning, and a crisis of democracy. The first of these crises has sparked dramatic--though potentially temporary--changes to the practice of law: moving much legal work to remote settings almost overnight, after the profession had largely resisted making such... 2021  
  LOR/WH REPORT LETTER LETTER NO. 1278 ISSUE NO. 2183 Labor & Empl. L. 1601116 [Labor & Employment Law] (2021) Medical imaging company violated NLRA by refusing to bargain Media-contact provision in Tesla confidentiality agreement unlawfully barred employee contact with media Winery violated NLRA by banning employee's Cellar Lives Matter vest Employer went through the motions of collective bargaining, but had no real intention of reaching... 2021  
  Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces bill to award Congressional Gold Medal to Rittenhouse (11/24/2021) Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) introduced a bill on Tuesday to award Kyle Rittenhouse the Congressional Gold Medal for protecting the community of Kenosha 2021  
Russell K. Robinson MAYOR PETE, OBERGEFELL GAYS, AND WHITE MALE PRIVILEGE 69 Buff. L. Rev. 295 [Buffalo Law Review] (April, 2021) 296 Introduction. 296 I. Challenging Anti-Gay Stereotypes. 303 II. Is Pete Gay Enough?. 309 III. Pete as a Symbol of Respectability Politics. 316 A. An Examination of Racialized Respectability Politics in the Don't Ask, Don't Tell and Marriage Equality Movements. 317 B. Analyzing Buttigieg's Candidacy as the Embodiment of the Gay and... 2021  
  MCDONALD'S CORP. SEC No Action Ltrs. WSB File No. 0329202120 [SEC No Action Letters] (2021) WSB File No. 0329202120 WSB Subject Category: 77 Public Availability Date: March 26, 2021. Prepared By: Gibson Dunn References: Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Section 14(a); Rule 14a-8 ________________Washington Service Bureau Summary________________ January 18, 2021 VIA E-MAIL Office of Chief Counsel Division of Corporation Finance Securities... 2021  
  Menendez rips Johnson as 'racist' over Capitol riot remark (3/16/2021) Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) slammed GOP Sen. Ron Johnson's (Wis.) recent remarks on the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, calling them hurtful 2021  
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