  Convicted: Do Recent Cases Represent a Shift in Police Accountability? A Research Note 56 Criminal Law Bulletin ART 3 (2020) Dr. Jones-Brown earned a J.D. and a Ph.D. in criminal justice from Rutgers University. She is retired from the Department of Law, Police Science, and Criminal Justice Administration at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York (CUNY). She was the founding director of the John Jay College Center on Race, Crime, and Justice... 2020  
Frank Rudy Cooper Cop Fragility and Blue Lives Matter 2020 University of Illinois Law Review 621 (2020) There is a new police criticism. Numerous high-profile police killings of unarmed blacks between 2012-2016 sparked the movements that came to be known as Black Lives Matter, #SayHerName, and so on. That criticism merges race-based activism with intersectional concerns about violence against women, including trans women. There is also a new police... 2020  
  Copyright Law Reports Letter No. 495 CCH Copyright Law Reporter P 1192309 (2020) Rapper Drake's sampling of Jimmy Smith song was fair use $6.75M award for destruction of aerosol art paintings affirmed LEGO entitled to injunction barring rival from selling action figures Newsletter publisher's failure to mitigate not a complete defense In-vehicle CD-copying devices not subject to royalty provisions Use of video to... 2020  
Robert B. Barnett Jr., J.D. Copyright-s.d.n.y.: Use of Video to Mock Views Expressed in it Deemed Fair Use Wolters Kluwer Intellectual Property Law Daily (2/7/2020) The court determined that it had the right to adjudicate fair use, an affirmative defense, from the face of the complaint on a motion to dismiss. A suit by Akilah Hughes, a liberal YouTube content creator, against Carl Benjamin, a conservative YouTube content creator, alleging copyright infringement and misrepresentation was dismissed with... 2020  
Eric Berger Courts, Culture, and the Lethal Injection Stalemate ( The Supreme Court's 2019 decision in Bucklew v. Precythe reiterated the Court's great deference to states in Eighth Amendment lethal injection cases. The takeaway is that when it comes to execution protocols, states can do what they want. Events on the ground tell a very different story. Notwithstanding courts' deference, executions have ground to... 2020  
Jessica Bregant , Eugene M. Caruso , Alex Shaw Crime Because Punishment? The Inferential Psychology of Morality and Punishment 2020 University of Illinois Law Review 1177 (2020) Psychologically speaking, punishment may operate as a special case of social norm information, but what sets punishment apart from other norms is the moral weight punishment carries. Although norms other than punishment may also communicate moral messages, punishment seems to be unique in its relationship to morality, and especially to judgments of... 2020  
Marisol Orihuela Crim-imm Lawyering 34 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 613 (Spring, 2020) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 614 I. The Rise of Crim-Imm. 616 II. Lawyering Theory in Criminal and Immigration Law. 619 A. Why Lawyering Models Matter. 620 1. Early Social Change Lawyering Scholarship. 621 2. Intentionality and Self-Reflection. 622 B. Lawyering Theory in Immigration Law. 623 1. Community Lawyering. 624 2. Movement Lawyering.... 2020  
Daniel S. McConkie, Jr. Criminal Justice Citizenship 72 Florida Law Review 1023 (September, 2020) The American criminal justice system is fundamentally democratic and should reflect an ideal of citizenship that is equal, participatory, and deliberative. Unfortunately, the outcomes of criminal cases are now almost always determined by professionals (prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges) instead of by juries. This overly bureaucratized... 2020  
Barbara O'Brien , Catherine M. Grosso Criminal Trials and Reforms Intended to Reduce the Impact of Race: a Review 16 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 117 (2020) race, criminal trials, pretrial decisions, bail, jury selection, peremptory strikes, jury deliberations, jury unanimity, implicit bias, prison abolition This review collects initiatives and legal decisions designed to mitigate discrimination in pretrial decision making, jury selection, jury unanimity, and jury deliberations. It also reviews... 2020  
Featuring Michael Banerjee, Michael Z. Green, Alexis Karteron, Ji Seon Song Critical Topics Concerning Police and Policing - Panel Discussion from Fourth National People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference, Hosted at the American University Washington College of Law 44 Harbinger 45 (2/9/2020) All right, so it seems like we're running a few minutes behind, maybe it's a good time to get started. Welcome everyone, my name is Alexis Karteron. I'm an Assistant Professor at Rutgers Law School in Newark, and I have been drafted to moderate this panel, and we're lucky to have some really interesting papers and topics up for... 2020  
Marty Johnson Cuccinelli Says Dhs to Change Camouflage Uniforms of Federal Agents Used in Portland The Hill (8/4/2020) Acting Deputy Homeland Security Secretary Ken Cuccinelli told a Senate panel on Tuesday that the remaining federal agents in Portland, Ore., would be transitioning away from the camouflage military-style uniforms they have been wearing. 2020  
Brendan Doneghy Culturally Courageous Conversations 2020-AUT West Virginia Lawyer 44 (Autumn, 2020) In his 1963 letter from the Birmingham jail, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote [i]njustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Culturally Courageous Conversations is a 2020 webinar and article series... 2020  
Sarah Chaney Reichenbach Cve and Constitutionality in the Twin Cities: How Countering Violent Extremism Threatens the Equal Protection Rights of American Muslims in Minneapolis-st. Paul 69 American University Law Review 1989 (August, 2020) In 2011, President Barack Obama announced a national strategy for countering violent extremism (CVE) to attempt to prevent the radicalization of potential violent extremists. The Obama Administration intended the strategy to employ a community-based approach, bringing together the government, law enforcement, and local communities for CVE... 2020  
Valencia Richardson Data-driven Discrimination: a Case for Equal Protection in the Racially Disparate Impact of Big Data 12 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 209 (Fall, 2020) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 209 I. Holding the Government Liable Under the Fourteenth Amendment. 211 II. What Happens When Big Data is Racist. 214 A. What is Big Data?. 214 B. The Consequences of Big Data. 215 C. Responding to Big Data's Challenges Through Civil Rights Statutes. 217 III. Revisiting Fourteenth Amendment Jurisprudence for... 2020  
John Bowden Dc Mayor: Trump Treated Military 'Like Toy Soldiers' to Intimidate Americans The Hill (6/8/2020) Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) accused President Trump on Monday of using the U.S. military as toy soldiers" to "intimidate Americans" in her city." 2020  
  Deconstructing Disinformation's Threat to Democracy 44-WTR Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 153 (Winter, 2020) FLETCHER FORUM: Are there any new developments in the disinformation arena that you're worried people are overlooking at this time? joan donovan: It really depends on what events we might be talking about. Different media manipulators use different tactics. For example, some of the things we're looking at in our lab have to do with elections, so... 2020  
Aila Hoss Decriminalization as Substance Use Disorder Prevention 51 University of Toledo Law Review 477 (Spring, 2020) FROM the President pointing fingers at China for the influx of fentanyl to journalists encouraging celebrities to end the stigma of substance use disorder (SUD) to activists promoting harm reduction strategies, everyone has something to say about the opioid use disorder and overdose crisis. Just like during its predecessor the crack epidemic,... 2020  
Richard L. Hasen Deep Fakes, Bots, and Siloed Justices: American Election Law in a "Post-truth" World 64 Saint Louis University Law Journal 535 (Summer, 2020) About a decade or so ago, the major questions in the field of election law were familiar to scholars and centered on the Supreme Court: Would the Supreme Court overrule cases upholding limits on corporate and labor union campaign spending in candidate elections? Would the Court strike down a key provision of the Voting Rights Act requiring... 2020  
Meaghan O'Connor Defamation in the Age of Social Media: Why North Carolina's "Micro-influencers" Should Be Classified as Limited Purpose Public Figures 42 Campbell Law Review 335 (Spring, 2020) The advent of social media has changed the way society communicates and the way ideas are spread. These new platforms for speech have inevitably pushed the boundaries of the law, particularly in the area of defamation. Social media has created new types of speakers, new publication methods, and easier ways for people to defame each other. This... 2020  
David J. Oliveiri, M.B.A., J.D. Defense of Good Faith in Action for Damages Against Law Enforcement Official under 42 U.s.c.a. § 1983, Providing for Liability of Person Who, under Color of Law, Subjects Another to Deprivation of Rights 61 American Law Reports ALR Federal 7 (2020) Collected and analyzed in this annotation are those cases in which the federal courts have considered questions related to the availability or establishment by law enforcement officials of a defense of good faith in actions seeking damages under 42 U.S.C.A. § 1983, which provides for liability of persons who, under color of law, subject another to... 2020  
David Schraub Deliberation and Dismissal 22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 1319 (August, 2020) One of the earliest steps in civil litigation is the motion to dismiss. Dismissal offers the opportunity to preemptively dispose of a given claim that does not present a legally judiciable case or controversy prior to expending time or energy on matters like discovery or a trial. Everyday talk, of course, is not bound by such procedural rules.... 2020  
Amna A. Akbar Demands for a Democratic Political Economy 134 Harvard Law Review Forum 90 (12/1/2020) Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters .. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. --Frederick Douglass, 1857 We are living in a... 2020  
  Democratic Attorneys Criticize House Judiciary Democrats' Questioning of Barr (7/28/2020) Democratic attorneys criticized Democrat lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee over their questioning of Attorney General William Barr on Tuesday, opining that they could have been more effective and pointed with the nation's top lawyer. 2020  
Cristina Marcos Democratic Rep. Max Rose Concedes New York House Race The Hill (11/12/2020) Rep. Max Rose (D-N.Y.) conceded his House race against Republican challenger Nicole Malliotakis on Thursday, paving the way for the GOP to retake one of the most competitive districts in the nation. 2020  
CQ Roll Call Washington Energy Briefing Democrats Push for Hearing on Pendley Nomination for Blm (8/7/2020) More than a year into the job officially still temporary, acting Bureau of Land Management Director William Perry Pendley is making decisions that may be permanent and Senate Democrats are seeking a chance to hold him to account. 2020  
Mike Lillis and Cristina Marcos Democrats See Victory in Trump Culture War The Hill (7/8/2020) Democrats are taking aggressive steps to highlight President Trumps focus on the hot-button cultural topics of race and heritage, betting it will play to their partys advantage in November. 2020  
Mike Lillis and Scott Wong Democrats Unveil Sweeping Legislation in Response to Protests of Police Brutality The Hill (6/8/2020) Democrats in both chambers introduced sweeping reforms on Monday designed to combat racial disparities in the criminal justice system the partys much awaited legislative response to recent police violence against African Americans that's sparked mass protests across the country and beyond. 2020  
Rebecca Beitsch Democrats Use Vulnerable Gop Senators to Get Rare Win on Environment The Hill (8/17/2020) President Trumps decision to withdraw his controversial nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is a rare example of Democrats and conservation groups being able to leverage the vulnerability of Republican senators to their advantage. 2020  
Alexander Bolton Democrats Worry about Voter Backlash in Suburbs The Hill (8/28/2020) Democratic strategists are worried scenes of violence in Kenosha, Wis., and the defund the police debate could give Republicans and President Trump a boost with suburban voters. 2020  
Justine Coleman Demonstrators Protest Portland Tactics Outside Home of Dhs Chief The Hill (7/26/2020) Demonstrators protested the tactics federal authorities are using in Portland, Ore., outside the Virginia home of the acting Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secretary on Sunday. 2020  
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