AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearGender in title or SummaryEthnicity Identified in Title
Sean P. Greene Discussion and Expression of Gender and Sexuality in Schools 4 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 421 (Fall, 2002) I. Student Rights. 421 A. Freedom of Speech. 422 B. Dress Codes. 424 C. Freedom of Association. 426 1. Equal Access Act. 426 a. Public Secondary Schools. 426 b. Public Colleges and Universities. 429 2. Financial Support of Lesbian and Gay Student Groups. 431 D. Students' Right to Privacy. 432 E. Equal Protection. 432 F. Private Colleges and...; Search Snippet: ...and Sexuality Law Education Law Chapter DISCUSSION AND EXPRESSION OF GENDER AND SEXUALITY IN SCHOOLS Sean P. Greene Copyright © 2003 by... 2002    
Saleda S. Bryant Discussion and Expression of Gender and Sexuality in Schools 3 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 525 (Spring, 2002) I. Student Rights. 525 A. Freedom of Speech. 527 B. Dress Codes. 529 C. Freedom of Association. 531 1. Equal Access Act. 531 a. Public Secondary Schools. 531 b. Public Colleges and Universities. 535 2. Financial Support of Lesbian and Gay Student Groups. 536 D. Equal Protection. 537 E. Students' Right to Privacy. 538 F. Private Colleges and...; Search Snippet: ...and Sexuality Law Education Law Chapter DISCUSSION AND EXPRESSION OF GENDER AND SEXUALITY IN SCHOOLS Saleda S. Bryant Copyright © 2001 by... 2002    
David B. Cruz Disestablishing Sex and Gender 90 California Law Review 997 (July, 2002) Introduction. 999 I. Conceptualizing Gender on the Model of Religion. 1005 A. Gender as Ideology and Organization. 1006 B. The Extra-Human Authority of Religion and Gender. 1011 C. Psychologies of Religion and Gender. 1016 D. Neutrality, Equality, and Democratic Citizenship in the United States. 1020 II. Disestablishing Gender in Theory. 1027 A....; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW California Law Review July, 2002 Articles DISESTABLISHING SEX AND GENDER David B. Cruz [FNd1] Copyright © 2002 David B. Cruz Table... 2002    
Robert J. Aalberts, Thomas E. Boyt, Lorne H. Seidman Do Race/ethnicity and Gender Influence Criminal Defendants' Satisfaction with Their Lawyers' Services? An Empirical Study of Nevada Inmates 2 Nevada Law Journal 72 (Spring/Summer 2002) The American legal system embodies the values, history, and culture of American society. Within this system are the courts, an indispensable institution and tool of public policy designed to settle disputes, as well as to create and interpret the law. In recent years, the confidence of the American people in their court system has been in question....; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Spring/Summer 2002 Article DO RACE/ETHNICITY AND GENDER INFLUENCE CRIMINAL DEFENDANTS' SATISFACTION WITH THEIR LAWYERS' SERVICES? AN EMPIRICAL... 2002    
Naomi Cahn Faithless Wives and Lazy Husbands: Gender Norms in Nineteenth-century Divorce Law 2002 University of Illinois Law Review 651 (2002) The article examines the nature of marriage and the expectations of husbands and wives in nineteenth-century America by analyzing trial reports of famous nineteenth-century divorce cases. The article argues that the textured history of divorce law in the United States shows how the law has affected gendered marital roles through its regulation of...; Search Snippet: ...Illinois Law Review 2002 Article FAITHLESS WIVES AND LAZY HUSBANDS: GENDER NORMS IN NINETEENTH-CENTURY DIVORCE LAW Naomi Cahn [FNa1] Copyright... 2002    
Vicki C. Jackson Gender and Transnational Legal Discourse 14 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 377 (2002) Two years ago the Women, Justice, and Authority (WJA) Conference sponsored a panel on gender issues in a transnational context, whose discussion focused on how to advance and achieve gender equality. My own remarks focused on interfaces between different sources of law (state, national and international), on citizenship and on the constitutional...; Search Snippet: ...Women, Justice, and Authority Feminist Justice, At Home and Abroad GENDER AND TRANSNATIONAL LEGAL DISCOURSE Vicki C. Jackson [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2002    
Katharine K. Baker Gender, Genes, and Choice: a Comparative Look at Feminism, Evolution, and Economics 80 North Carolina Law Review 465 (January, 2002) This Article compares the methodological similarities between evolutionary biology and conventional law and economics. It shows how these methodologies diverge, in critical and parallel ways, from what has come to be known as feminist method. In doing so, the Article suggests that feminists in the legal academy should be suspicious of the...; Search Snippet: ...CAROLINA LAW REVIEW North Carolina Law Review January, 2002 Article GENDER, GENES, AND CHOICE: A COMPARATIVE LOOK AT FEMINISM, EVOLUTION, AND... 2002    
Vicki Lawrence MacDougall Medical Gender Bias and Managed Care 27 Oklahoma City University Law Review 781 (Fall 2002) I. Introduction II. A Wrong Without a Remedy A. Constitutional Attacks 1. Section 1985 2. The Equal-Protection Clause B. Personal Injury Actions 1. Medical Negligence Actions 2. The Doctrine of Informed Consent C. Legislation III. Medical Gender Bias A. The Genesis of Gender Bias B. The Gender Gap in Modern Medicine 1. Medical and Scientific...; Search Snippet: ...University Law Review Fall 2002 Healthcare and the Law MEDICAL GENDER BIAS AND MANAGED CARE Vicki Lawrence MacDougall [FNa1] Copyright © 2002... 2002    
Sandra Patton-Imani Redefining the Ethics of Adoption, Race, Gender, and Class 36 Law and Society Review 813 (2002) Hawley Fogg-Davis, The Ethics of Transracial Adoption. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2002. ix + 154 pp. $25.00 cloth. Rickie Solinger, Beggars and Choosers: How the Politics of Choice Shapes Adoption, Abortion, and Welfare in the United States. New York: Hill and Wang, 2001. ix + 290 pp. $25.00 cloth. When I was a child, I had a book...; Search Snippet: ...Review 2002 Review Essay REDEFINING THE ETHICS OF ADOPTION, RACE, GENDER, AND CLASS Sandra Patton-Imani [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2002 The... 2002    
Diane M. Nelson Relating to Terror: Gender, Anthropology, Law, and Some September Elevenths 9 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 195 (Summer 2002) . . . those forays into the interior are a source of strength for me. I feel close to the people there, and these moments make me forget other hurtful things in my life. I have seen new places where beauty and sorrow are intertwined, where there is a silent struggle to rise above pain and despair, to not surrender. But the miniscule changes occur...; Search Snippet: ...2002 SPECIAL TOPIC: Gender and War Commentaries RELATING TO TERROR: GENDER, ANTHROPOLOGY, LAW, AND SOME SEPTEMBER ELEVENTHS Diane M. Nelson [FNa1... 2002    
Jennifer Thibodeau Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice: Female Juvenile Delinquency and Gender Bias in Punishment and Behavior in Juvenile Courts 8 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 489 (Spring, 2002) The face of the juvenile delinquent in America is changing - and her sad eyes reflect the pain of a childhood lost. The juvenile court system in the United States is reaching a flash point concerning female juvenile offenders. On the one hand, some judges and state legislatures cling to the old-fashioned rehabilitative models of treating girls...; Search Snippet: ...SUGAR AND SPICE AND EVERYTHING NICE: FEMALE JUVENILE DELINQUENCY AND GENDER BIAS IN PUNISHMENT AND BEHAVIOR IN JUVENILE COURTS Jennifer Thibodeau... 2002    
Celesta A. Albonetti The Joint Conditioning Effect of Defendant's Gender and Ethnicity on Length of Imprisonment under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Drug Trafficking/manufacturing Offenders 6 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 39 (Spring/Summer 2002) During the last three decades, numerous studies have focused on the effects of extralegal defendant characteristics on sentence outcomes. Much of this research has examined the effect of the defendant's gender and/or the effect of the defendant's ethnicity on sentence severity. These studies have produced important findings establishing a...; Search Snippet: ...American Drug War Article THE JOINT CONDITIONING EFFECT OF DEFENDANT'S GENDER AND ETHNICITY ON LENGTH OF IMPRISONMENT UNDER THE FEDERAL SENTENCING... 2002    
Josephine Ross The Sexualization of Difference: a Comparison of Mixed-race and Same-gender Marriage 37 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 255 (Summer, 2002) The past prohibition of mixed-race marriages in many U.S. states is often cited by those who support civil recognition of same-sex marriages. Advocates and scholars reason that just as it is no longer legal to deny marriage licenses on the basis of race, it should be illegal to deny marriage licenses on the basis of sex. Unfortunately, the...; Search Snippet: ...SEXUALIZATION OF DIFFERENCE: A COMPARISON OF MIXED-RACE AND SAME- GENDER MARRIAGE Josephine Ross [FNa1] Copyright © 2002 by President and Fellows... 2002    
Celina Romany, Katherine Culliton The Un World Conference Against Racism: a Race-ethnic and Gender Perspective 9 Human Rights Brief 14 (Winter, 2002) Over 10,000 delegates attended the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Xenophobia, and Related Forms of Intolerance (WCAR) in Durban, South Africa at an historic moment. Only seven years earlier, the mobilization of worldwide protest condemning racism as a crime against humanity through the UN system played a significant role in the...; Search Snippet: ...THE UN WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM: A RACE-ETHNIC AND GENDER PERSPECTIVE Celina Romany Katherine Culliton [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2002 by... 2002    
Serena Mayeri A Common Fate of Discrimination: Race-gender Analogies in Legal and Historical Perspective 110 Yale Law Journal 1045 (April, 2001) In her classic work Ain't I a Woman, African-American feminist critic bell hooks excoriated white feminists for their constant comparison[s] of the plight of women and blacks, charging that such analogies support the exclusion of black women and represent the linguistic expression of a sexist-racist attitude endemic to the women's...; Search Snippet: ...Journal April, 2001 Notes A COMMON FATE OF DISCRIMINATION: RACE- GENDER ANALOGIES IN LEGAL AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Serena Mayeri Copyright ©... 2001   African/Black American
David B. Mustard, University of Georgia Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in Sentencing: Evidence from the U.s. Federal Courts 44 Journal of Law & Economics 285 (April, 2001) This paper examines 77,236 federal offenders sentenced under the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 and concludes the following. First, after controlling for extensive criminological, demographic, and socioeconomic variables, I found that blacks, males, and offenders with low levels of education and income receive substantially longer sentences. Second,...; Search Snippet: ...ECONOMICS Journal of Law & Economics April, 2001 RACIAL, ETHNIC, AND GENDER DISPARITIES IN SENTENCING: EVIDENCE FROM THE U.S. FEDERAL COURTS [FNa1... 2001   African/Black American
Laura Ann Foster Social Security and African American Families: Unmasking Race and Gender Discrimination 12 UCLA Women's Law Journal 55 (Fall/Winter 2001) Despite the greater dependency on social security of African Americans and women, specific elements of the social security system discriminate against these groups by penalizing dual-income couples, centralizing marriage, and linking benefits to wages. Although the redistribution of income under social security is complex and scholars debate the...; Search Snippet: ...Fall/Winter 2001 December 2001 Recent Development SOCIAL SECURITY AND AFRICAN AMERICAN FAMILIES: UNMASKING RACE AND GENDER DISCRIMINATION Laura Ann Foster [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 Regents of... 2001   African/Black American
HARVEY GEE Identity Consciousness How Did You Get to Be Mexican?: a White/brown Man's Search for Identity by Kevin R. Johnson Temple University Press, 1999. Pp.245 4 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 37 (Fall 2001) You do not have to be white to be an American, and not everyone belongs to one race. In fact, Americans come in all skin colors and shades, and many claim a mixed racial identity. This acute observation and its implications are explored in How Did You Get to Be Mexican?: A White/Brown Man's Search for Identity by University of California at Davis...; Search Snippet: ...HOW DID YOU GET TO BE MEXICAN?: A WHITE/BROWN MAN'S SEARCH FOR IDENTITY [FN1] BY KEVIN R. JOHNSON TEMPLE UNIVERSITY... 2001   Multiple Groups
Aniella Gonzalez Being Individuals: a Comparative Look at Relationships, Gender and the Public/private Dichotomy 9 University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review 115 (2000/2001) I. Introduction. 115 II. Human Relationships and the Public/Private Dichotomy. 117 III. Gender and Public/Private Dichotomy. 119 IV. Conclusion. 123; Search Snippet: Comparative Perspective BEING INDIVIDUALS: A COMPARATIVE LOOK AT RELATIONSHIPS, GENDER AND THE PUBLIC/PRIVATE DICHOTOMY Aniella Gonzalez [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2001    
Judith Resnik Categorical Federalism: Jurisdiction, Gender, and the Globe 111 Yale Law Journal 619 (December, 2001) The Constitution requires a distinction between what is truly national and what is truly local. These words were used by the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court in 2000 to explain why a statute described by Congress as providing a civil rights remedy for victims of gender-biased assaults unconstitutionally trenched on lawmaking...; Search Snippet: ...JOURNAL Yale Law Journal December, 2001 Essay CATEGORICAL FEDERALISM: JURISDICTION, GENDER, AND THE GLOBE Judith Resnik [FNd1] Copyright (c) 2001 Yale... 2001    
Gary W. Harper Contextual Factors That Perpetuate Statutory Rape: the Influence of Gender Roles, Sexual Socialization and Sociocultural Factors 50 DePaul Law Review 897 (Spring 2001) Childhood and adolescent sexuality are complex phenomena that are impacted by a host of cultural, developmental, environmental, and familial factors. As young people traverse the developmental pathway to adult sexuality, some are confronted with unwanted or premature sexual activity with an adult that can have deleterious psychological, social, or...; Search Snippet: ...Article CONTEXTUAL FACTORS THAT PERPETUATE STATUTORY RAPE: THE INFLUENCE OF GENDER ROLES, SEXUAL SOCIALIZATION AND SOCIOCULTURAL FACTORS Gary W. Harper [FNa1... 2001    
B.J. Chisholm Credible Definitions: a Critique of U.s. Asylum Law's Treatment of Gender-related Claims 44 Howard Law Journal 427 (Spring 2001) Don't conspire with oblivion, tear down the silence. I want to be the appeared woman from among the labyrinths come back, return name myself. Call my name. - Marjorie Agosin A woman leaves her country, realizing that she may never return. She is in exile in a new country; she was in exile within her own country. Arriving in the United States, this...; Search Snippet: ...CREDIBLE DEFINITIONS: A CRITIQUE OF U.S. ASYLUM LAW'S TREATMENT OF GENDER-RELATED CLAIMS B.J. Chisholm [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 Howard University... 2001    
Elizabeth A. Hueben Domestic Violence and Asylum Law: the United States Takes Several Remedial Steps in Recognizing Gender-based Persecution 70 UMKC Law Review 453 (Winter, 2001) Millions of people annually seek shelter in another country due to persecution in their home countries. Among these are women who suffer brutal abuse at the hands of their husbands. If those women try to find refuge in the United States, they most often are turned away, their claims falling through the cracks in United States asylum law. Recent...; Search Snippet: ...LAW: THE UNITED STATES TAKES SEVERAL REMEDIAL STEPS IN RECOGNIZING GENDER-BASED PERSECUTION Elizabeth A. Hueben [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 Curators... 2001    
Carlos A. Ball Essentialism and Universalism in Gay Rights Philosophy: Liberalism Meets Queer Theory 26 Law and Social Inquiry 271 (Winter, 2001) The grand philosophical battle between postmodernists and liberals is reflected in disputes within gay rights philosophy. On one side are postmodernist queer theorists who, in addressing the meaning and implications of sexuality in our society, reject foundational values and deny that there is a natural or essentialist component to sexual...; Search Snippet: ...J. Richards. Identity and the Case for Gay Rights: Race, Gender, Religion as Analogies. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1999. Pp. 234... 2001    
Julia Lamber Gender and Intercollegiate Athletics: Data and Myths 34 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 151 (Fall & Winter 2000 & 2001) This Article explores what nondiscrimination means in the context of intercollegiate athletics. After reviewing the Department of Education's controversial Title IX Policy Interpretation, it critically examines the analytical framework used in Title IX athletic cases and concludes that commonly made analogies to litigation under Title VII of the...; Search Snippet: ...the 21st Century: Title IX, Gender Equity, and Athletics Article GENDER AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS: DATA AND MYTHS Julia Lamber [FNa1] Copyright... 2001    
June Carbone Has the Gender Divide Become Unbridgeable? The Implications for Social Equality 5 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 31 (Fall 2001) Each generation renegotiates the relationship between the sexes. Sometimes, the adjustments are minor: reconsidering the significance of a first kiss, deciding who changes the diapers, resolving the property interest in a diamond ring at the termination of an engagement. In other eras, minor changes combine with major ones to effect a wholesale...; Search Snippet: ...of Gender, Race and Justice Fall 2001 Article HAS THE GENDER DIVIDE BECOME UNBRIDGEABLE? THE IMPLICATIONS FOR SOCIAL EQUALITY June Carbone... 2001    
Nancy G. Maxwell Opening Civil Marriage to Same-gender Couples: a Netherlands-united States Comparison 18 Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law 141 (Spring, 2001) This Article examines and compares the legal developments in the Netherlands and the United States concerning the right of same-gender couples to marry. These two countries were selected for this comparison because, in December of 2000, the Dutch Parliament enacted legislation that changed the definition of marriage to include same-gender couples,...; Search Snippet: ...Comparative Law Spring, 2001 Article OPENING CIVIL MARRIAGE TO SAME- GENDER COUPLES: A NETHERLANDS-UNITED STATES COMPARISON [FNa1] Nancy G. Maxwell... 2001    
Christopher S. Hargis Queer Reasoning: Immigration Policy, Baker V. State of Vermont, and the (Non)recognition of Same-gender Relationships 10 Law and Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Legal Issues 211 (2001) I. Introduction. 211 II. Historical Treatment of Homosexuality Under Immigration Law. 217 III. Marriage, Family, and Immigration Policy. 222 IV. Immigration Policy and Other Controversial Relationships--Polygamous and Incestuous Marriages. 227 A. Incestuous Marriages. 227 B. Polygamous Marriages. 229 V. Baker v. Vermont--Recognizing the Validity of...; Search Snippet: ...BAKER V. STATE OF VERMONT, AND THE (NON)RECOGNITION OF SAME- GENDER RELATIONSHIPS Christopher S. Hargis [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 Law and... 2001    
  Report of the Race, Class, Ethnicity, and Gender Working Group 70 Fordham Law Review 411 (November, 2001) What should the Conference recommend to change the way parents involved with the child welfare system are treated by the system and perceived by the public, with particular emphasis on issues of race, class, ethnicity, and gender? The working group examined the way parents involved with the child welfare system are treated by the system and...; Search Snippet: ...Child Welfare System REPORT OF THE RACE, CLASS, ETHNICITY, AND GENDER WORKING GROUP [FN1] Copyright (c) 2001 Fordham Law Review Charge... 2001    
Roger E. Hartley Senate Delay of Minority Judicial Nominees a Look at Race, Gender, and Experience 84 Judicature 190 (January/February, 2001) An unprecedented number of nominations have been delayed in recent years-- have minorities and females, as some critics charge, been delayed longer? Since 1997, the media have focused on the issue of confirmation delays for President Clinton's judi-cial nominations. Early in the controversy, there were real concerns that these delays had impacted...; Search Snippet: ...SENATE DELAY OF MINORITY JUDICIAL NOMINEES A LOOK AT RACE, GENDER, AND EXPERIENCE Roger E. Hartley [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 by... 2001    
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