AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearGender in title or SummaryEthnicity Identified in Title
Ellen Oberwetter Rethinking Military Deference: Male-only Draft Registration and the Intersection of Military Need with Civilian Rights 78 Texas Law Review 173 (November, 1999) When the Supreme Court held nearly twenty years ago in Rostker v. Goldberg that the male-only registration provisions of the Military Selective Service Act (MSSA) did not violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fifth Amendment, the case became immediate fodder for numerous law review notes and articles. Most commentators feared that the case...; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW Texas Law Review November, 1999 Notes RETHINKING MILITARY DEFERENCE: MALE-ONLY DRAFT REGISTRATION AND THE INTERSECTION OF MILITARY NEED WITH... 1999    
Joanna Burger Risk and Recreation: Differences Due to Gender, Age and Education 10 Risk: Health, Safety and Environment 109 (Spring, 1999) In the coming decades, the Department of Energy (DOE) will be making decisions regarding their mission for future land uses of many of its former weapons production sites in 34 states. The DOE is considering seven land use options: agriculture, residential, recreational, open space/recreation, open space, industrial/commercial, and...; Search Snippet: ...and Environment Spring, 1999 RISK AND RECREATION: DIFFERENCES DUE TO GENDER, AGE AND EDUCATION [FNa1] Joanna Burger [FNaa1] Copyright (c) 1999... 1999    
Laurie Schaffner Violence and Female Delinquency: Gender Transgressions and Gender Invisibility 14 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 40 (1999) Elizabeth Martin, a bright, blonde, sixteen-year-old valley-girl from suburban Northern California, was detained in a juvenile probation facility when I met her. She gave the following explanation for her current situation: I was in detention in Oakland and my dad came to pick me up from there. On the way home, I told my dad, Give me the cell...; Search Snippet: ...Berkeley Women's Law Journal 1999 Article VIOLENCE AND FEMALE DELINQUENCY: GENDER TRANSGRESSIONS AND GENDER INVISIBILITY Laurie Schaffner [FNd1] Copyright (c) 1999 Berkeley Women's Law... 1999    
Zanita E. Fenton Domestic Violence in Black and White: Racialized Gender Stereotypes in Gender Violence 8 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law L. 1 (1998) I. Introduction. 1 II. StereotypesSex, Power, Gender, Race. 10 A. The Formation of Stereotypes. 10 B. Stereotypes Formed. 19 C. Domestic Violencea Point of Culmination. 26 D. The Persistence of StereotypesPerspective, Juries, and Justice (or Just Us). 31 III. Pitting Race Against GenderThe Choice. 37 A. The Dynamics of Power. 37 B. The...; Search Snippet: ...and Law 1998 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN BLACK AND WHITE: RACIALIZED GENDER STEREOTYPES IN GENDER VIOLENCE Zanita E. Fenton [FNa1] Copyright (c) 1998 by the... 1998   Multiple Groups
Cynthia A. Prado Effects of Gender Differences on Physician-assisted Suicide: Practice and Regulation 8 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 101 (Fall, 1998) Many feminist critics of bioethics claim that bioethical discussions are almost always conducted with an androgynous patient in mind--rather, gender is out of mind. Professor of Law and Medicine, Susan M. Wolf describes this discussion as a focus on the genderless generic patient. Although discussions of genetic research, organ transplantation...; Search Snippet: ...of Law and Women's Studies Fall, 1998 Article EFFECTS OF GENDER DIFFERENCES ON PHYSICIAN-ASSISTED SUICIDE: PRACTICE AND REGULATION Cynthia A... 1998    
Toni J. Ellington,, Sylvia K. Higashi, Jayna K. Kim,, Mark M. Murakami Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Gender Discrimination 20 University of Hawaii Law Review 699 (Winter, 1998) Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Ginsburg) began arguing that the strict scrutiny standard should be applied to gender discrimination cases when she was a law professor at Columbia University. Women's rights groups from all camps hoped she would continue to argue for strict scrutiny in gender discrimination cases once she was appointed as...; Search Snippet: ...Winter, 1998 December 1998 Comments JUSTICE RUTH BADER GINSBURG AND GENDER DISCRIMINATION Toni J. Ellington Sylvia K. Higashi Jayna K. Kim... 1998    
Cynthia A. McNeely Lagging Behind the Times: Parenthood, Custody, and Gender Bias in the Family Court 25 Florida State University Law Review 891 (Summer, 1998) I. L2-4,T4INTRODUCTION 892 II. L2-4,T4THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICAN GENDER STEREOTYPES AS APPLIED TO MOTHER-FATHER ROLES 896 A. L3-4,T4From Colonial America to the Civil War 896 B. L3-4,T4The Industrial Revolution 898 C. L3-4,T4The 1920s to the 1970s 900 D. L3-4,T4The 1970s to the 1990s 904 III. L2-4,T4THE END RESULT: CULTURAL GENDER STEREOTYPES AND...; Search Snippet: ...Summer, 1998 Comment LAGGING BEHIND THE TIMES: PARENTHOOD, CUSTODY, AND GENDER BIAS IN THE FAMILY COURT [FNa1] Cynthia A. McNeely [FNaa1... 1998    
Karen B. Brown Not Color- or Gender-neutral: New Tax Treatment of Employment Discrimination Damages 7 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 223 (Spring 1998) To support a host of tax give aways offered as a palliative to small businesses required to pay a higher minimum wage, Congress eliminated a venerated Internal Revenue Code (IRC) provision that supported exclusion from gross income of damages received on account of race- and gender-based employment discrimination. Congress' 1996 amendment of IRC...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Women's Studies Spring 1998 Article NOT COLOR- OR GENDER-NEUTRAL: NEW TAX TREATMENT OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION DAMAGES [FNd1] Karen... 1998    
Elizabeth M. Iglesias , Francisco Valdes Religion, Gender, Sexuality, Race and Class in Coalitional Theory: a Critical and Self-critical Analysis of Latcrit Social Justice Agendas 19 Chicano-Latino Law Review 503 (Spring 1998) Introduction. 504 I. Mapping the Power of Faith: The Role of Religion in LatCrit Theory as Anti-Subordination Legal Scholarship. 511 A. Anti-Essentialism, Anti-Subordination (Again). 513 B. Detecting the Bottom. 515 C. Locating LatCrit Analysis in the Material Realities and Historical Antecedents of the Here and Now. 521 D. A Two-Tiered Framework...; Search Snippet: ...LAW REVIEW Chicano-Latino Law Review Spring 1998 Afterword RELIGION, GENDER, SEXUALITY, RACE AND CLASS IN COALITIONAL THEORY: A CRITICAL AND... 1998    
Martha I. Morgan Taking Machismo to Court: the Gender Jurisprudence of the Colombian Constitutional Court 30 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 253 (Winter, 1998) We cannot separate ourselves from the law. We are in a state of law. María Cristina Calderón, Director of Legal Services, PROFAMILIA. We want to make sure that people's fundamental rights do not just stay on paper. Carlos Gaviria Díaz, Magistrado and former President of the Colombian Constitutional Court. I. L2-4,T4introduction 255 L1-5 II....; Search Snippet: ...Review Winter, 1998 December, 1998 TAKING MACHISMO TO COURT: THE GENDER JURISPRUDENCE OF THE COLOMBIAN CONSTITUTIONAL COURT Martha I. Morgan [FNa1... 1998    
Tod Christopher Gurney The Aftermath of the Virginia Military Institute Decision: Will Single-gender Education Survive? 38 Santa Clara Law Review 1183 (1998) On June 26, 1996, the United States Supreme Court handed down its decision in United States v. Virginia. In this case, the Court ruled that the Virginia Military Institute's (VMI) male-only admissions policy violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Justice Ginsburg, for the majority, wrote that...; Search Snippet: ...THE AFTERMATH OF THE VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE DECISION: WILL SINGLE- GENDER EDUCATION SURVIVE? Tod Christopher Gurney Copyright (c) 1998 School of... 1998    
Jennifer L. Nye The Gender Box 13 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 226 (1998) When I was born.the doctor confidently declared, It's a girl. That might haave been the last time anyone was so sure. It is almost impossible to interact with other people without knowing their gender. Indeed, our lives are so highly gendered that gender becomes an invisible assumption which orders our lives. We use the correct bathroom, buy the...; Search Snippet: ...BERKELEY WOMENS LAW JOURNAL Berkeley Women's Law Journal 1998 THE GENDER BOX Jennifer L. Nye [FNd1] Copyright (c) 1998 by Jennifer... 1998    
Martha Chamallas The New Gender Panic: Reflections on Sex Scandals and the Military 83 Minnesota Law Review 305 (December, 1998) The legal regulation of sexual conduct is a precarious enterprise. At times, it appears that laws governing sexual conduct are grossly underenforced. We are used to statistics that tell us that only a small fraction of rapes are reported to police and that relatively few victims of sexual harassment have the temerity to complain about their...; Search Snippet: ...LAW REVIEW Minnesota Law Review December, 1998 Article THE NEW GENDER PANIC: REFLECTIONS ON SEX SCANDALS AND THE MILITARY Martha Chamallas... 1998    
Marilyn V. Yarbrough A Sporting Chance: the Intersection of Race and Gender 38 South Texas Law Review 1029 (October, 1997) I. Introduction. 1029 II. A Proposal For Change. 1031 III. If You Let Me Play Sports'. 1033 IV. The Intersection of Race and Gender. 1035 V. Conclusion. 1042; Search Snippet: ...and Value A SPORTING CHANCE: THE INTERSECTION OF RACE AND GENDER Marilyn V. Yarbrough [FNa1] Copyright (c) 1997 South Texas Law... 1997    
Christopher M. Alexander Crushing Equality: Gender Equal Sentencing in America 6 American University Journal of Gender & the Law 199 (Fall 1997) I. INTRODUCTION. 200 II. A LOOK AT THE CURRENT SENTENCING POLICIES. 201 A. Federal: the Sentencing Guidelines and Mandatory Minimums. 201 B. State: Mandatory Minimums and Three Strikes . 202 III. RATIONALES SUPPORTING AND OPPOSING THE REFORMS. 203 A. Benefits of Current Sentencing Laws. 203 1. Deterrence. 203 2. Uniform Punishment System. 205 3....; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Gender & the Law Fall 1997 Articles CRUSHING EQUALITY: GENDER EQUAL SENTENCING IN AMERICA Christopher M. Alexander [FNa1] Copyright ©... 1997    
Janice Koch Dr. Janice Koch 14 New York Law School Journal of Human Rights 139 (Symposium, 1997) DR. JANICE KOCH: I am a science teacher educator, and my research has been engaged in encouraging the participation of girls and young women in all areas of mathematics and science. I spent a great deal of my time, first, as a teacher in a coeducational private school in New York City in the sciences for about 12 years, and then as a consultant to...; Search Snippet: of Right From the Start: Preparing Teachers to Address Gender Equity in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (1997). Dr. Koch... 1997    
  Final Report & Recommendations of the Eighth Circuit Gender Fairness Task Force 31 Creighton Law Review 9 (December, 1997) In the Summer of 1993 the Judicial Council of the Eighth Circuit passed a resolution calling for the establishment of a task force to study and report on the role of gender as it affects the lawyers, litigants, judges, employees, and others who participate in the courts of the Eighth Circuit. The task has been formidable--the data are complex and...; Search Snippet: ...Fairness Task Force FINAL REPORT & RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT GENDER FAIRNESS TASK FORCE September, 1997 Copyright (c) 1997 Creighton University... 1997    
Judith Resnik Gender Matters, Race Matters 14 New York Law School Journal of Human Rights 219 (Symposium, 1997) As the luncheon speaker, I was asked to take a step back from the specific issue of an all-girls school in New York City. Instead of focusing on the experiences of girls between the ages of ten and eighteen in middle and high schools, I was asked to speak about women over the age of twenty-one, in legal education and in law. The questions are...; Search Snippet: ...Three: Educational and Social Scientific Perspectives on All-Female Education GENDER MATTERS, RACE MATTERS Judith Resnik [FNa1] Copyright (c) 1998 Judith... 1997    
Katherine Chen Including Gender in Bias Crime Statutes: Feminist and Evolutionary Perspectives 3 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 277 (Spring, 1997) In December, 1989, Marc Lepine walked into an engineering class at the University of Montreal, armed with a rifle. He divided the class into two groups, shouting, I want the women. As he shot each woman at point blank range, he shouted, You're all a bunch of feminists. I hate feminists. After he shot fourteen women, all between the ages of...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Women and the Law Spring, 1997 Note INCLUDING GENDER IN BIAS CRIME STATUTES: FEMINIST AND EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVES Katherine Chen... 1997    
Douglas W. Ackerman Kennewick Man: the Meaning of "Cultural Affiliation" and "Major Scientific Benefit" in the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act 33 Tulsa Law Journal 359 (Fall, 1997) Passed quietly and without dissent in 1990, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) was intended to terminate centuries of plundering of Native American grave sites. Native American cultural and religious beliefs with respect to the dead, most of which differ significantly with Anglo-American traditions, were affronted...; Search Snippet: ...817271 TULSA LAW JOURNAL Tulsa Law Journal Fall, 1997 KENNEWICK MAN: THE MEANING OF CULTURAL AFFILIATION AND MAJOR SCIENTIFIC BENEFIT IN THE NATIVE AMERICAN GRAVES PROTECTION AND REPATRIATION ACT Douglas W. Ackerman [FNd1] Copyright... 1997    
Leslie G. Espinoza Legal Narratives, Therapeutic Narratives: the Invisibility and Omnipresence of Race and Gender 95 Michigan Law Review 901 (February, 1997) My first introduction to Denise Gray was through a form. The intake sheet was dated October 17, 1994. The legal problem was straightforward: Divorce. Married 7 years. Has lived with H [husband] on and off for 15 years. Two children from H born out of wedlock. Clt [client] married in Belmont, MA. Clt has children. H has not been living at home since...; Search Snippet: ...NARRATIVES, THERAPEUTIC NARRATIVES: THE INVISIBILITY AND OMNIPRESENCE OF RACE AND GENDER Leslie G. Espinoza [FNa] Copyright (c) 1997 Michigan Law Review... 1997    
Patricia B. Campbell , Ellen Wahl Of Two Minds: Single-sex Education, Coeducation, and the Search for Gender Equity in K-12 Public Schooling 14 New York Law School Journal of Human Rights 289 (Symposium, 1997) After decades of coeducation as the norm for K-12 public education in the United States, reports that schools shortchange girls fueled an interest in single-sex education for girls in both single-sex schools and all-girl classes within co-ed schools. This paper presents what is known about the effects of single-sex and coeducation within a...; Search Snippet: ...TWO MINDS: SINGLE-SEX EDUCATION, COEDUCATION, AND THE SEARCH FOR GENDER EQUITY IN K-12 PUBLIC SCHOOLING Patricia B. Campbell [FNa1... 1997    
Darryl C. Wilson Parity Bowl Ix: Barrier Breakers V. Common Sense Makers the Serpentine Struggle for Gender Diversity in Collegiate Athletics 27 Cumberland Law Review 397 (1996-1997) C1-3Table of Contents INTRODUCTION. 398 I. TITLE IX, ATHLETICS AND CIVIL RIGHTS. 401 A. The Female Athlete Through History. 403 1. The Physiology Factor. 404 2. Rules of Society or of a Chosen Few?. 410 3. Economic Justifications. 413 B. The Evolution of Title IX. 415 C. The Incivility of the Civil Rights Analogy in the Athletic Context. 419 II....; Search Snippet: ...BARRIER BREAKERS v. COMMON SENSE MAKERS THE SERPENTINE STRUGGLE FOR GENDER DIVERSITY IN COLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Darryl C. Wilson [FNaa] Copyright ©... 1997    
Alan J. Lizotte , Gregory J. Howard , Marvin D. Krohn , Terence P. Thornberry Patterns of Illegal Gun Carrying among Young Urban Males 31 Valparaiso University Law Review 375 (Spring, 1997) This paper uses data from the Rochester Youth Development Study, an ongoing panel study of urban youth, to examine the phenomenon of illegal gun carrying among young males. The analysis assesses the magnitude of gun carrying among these subjects and considers the consistency in carrying over the life course of the subjects from about fifteen years...; Search Snippet: ...Guns & Violence PATTERNS OF ILLEGAL GUN CARRYING AMONG YOUNG URBAN MALES Alan J. Lizotte [FNa] Gregory J. Howard [FNaa] Marvin D... 1997    
  Report of the Working Committees to the Second Circuit Task Force on Gender, Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts 1997 Annual Survey of American Law 117 (1997) BACKGROUND OF THE TASK FORCE. 124 Section I INTRODUCTION. 126 Section II A SOCIAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF THE SECOND CIRCUIT. 133 A. AN OVERVIEW OF THE SECOND CIRCUIT. 133 1. Facts About the Region: Geography and Population Density. 133 2. Economic Base. 135 3. The Population. 137 B. THE COURTS OF THE SECOND CIRCUIT: WHAT IS THE CASELOAD?. 139...; Search Snippet: ...THE WORKING COMMITTEES TO THE SECOND CIRCUIT TASK FORCE ON GENDER, RACIAL AND ETHNIC FAIRNESS IN THE COURTS Copyright (c) 1997... 1997    
Christopher W. Deering Same-gender Sexual Harassment: a Need to Re-examine the Legal Underpinnings of Title Vii's Ban on Discrimination "Because Of" Sex 27 Cumberland Law Review 231 (1996-1997) C1-3Table of Contents Introduction. 232 I. Sexual Harassment Under Title VII. 235 A. Background. 235 B. Two Theories of Sexual Harassment Liability Under Title VII. 239 1. The Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment Claim. 239 2. The Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment Claim. 239 II. Same-Gender Sexual Harassment: Inconsistency Under Title VII. 242...; Search Snippet: ...CUMBERLAND LAW REVIEW Cumberland Law Review 1996-1997 Comment SAME- GENDER SEXUAL HARASSMENT: A NEED TO RE-EXAMINE THE LEGAL UNDERPINNINGS... 1997    
Brian L. Porto The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: Title Ix and the Battle for Gender Equity in College Sports 41-DEC Res Gestae 26 (November, 1997) Editor's Note: Brian L. Porto, Bethel, Vt., is the second-place recipient of the 1997 Harrison Legal Writing Award. Established in 1996 by the ISBA Written Publications Committee, the Harrison Legal Writing Award commemorates the first president of the Indiana State Bar Association, former U.S. President Benjamin Harrison. Plaques and cash prizes...; Search Snippet: ...THEY STAY THE SAME: TITLE IX AND THE BATTLE FOR GENDER EQUITY IN COLLEGE SPORTS Brian L. Porto [FNa1] Copyright ©... 1997    
Terry S. Kogan Transsexuals and Critical Gender Theory: the Possibility of a Restroom Labeled "Other" 48 Hastings Law Journal 1223 (August, 1997) The voices of transsexuals have been ignored in our country and, accordingly, few social and legal institutions have developed to support the unique needs of this minority. Yet one group of feminist theorists who might be expected to ally with transsexuals in their struggle for recognitionscholars I will refer to as critical gender theorists...; Search Snippet: ...of Race, Ethnicity, Class, Gender & Sexual Orientation TRANSSEXUALS AND CRITICAL GENDER THEORY: THE POSSIBILITY OF A RESTROOM LABELED OTHER Terry S... 1997    
Elizabeth A. Douglas United States V. Virginia: Gender Scrutiny under an "Exceedingly Persuasive Justification" Standard 26 Capital University Law Review 173 (1997) It was more than a century after the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified before the United States Supreme Court, in Reed v. Reed, first recognized that a state's gender-based classifications require some form of heightened scrutiny to comport with the Equal Protection Clause. Shortly after Reed, the Court announced that such classifications must...; Search Snippet: ...Capital University Law Review 1997 Note UNITED STATES V. VIRGINIA: GENDER SCRUTINY UNDER AN EXCEEDINGLY PERSUASIVE JUSTIFICATION STANDARD Elizabeth A. Douglas... 1997    
Whitney Kelly United States V. Virginia: the United States Supreme Court Rules That the Virginia Military Institute's Male-only Admissions Policy Violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution 71 Tulane Law Review 1375 (March, 1997) Throughout its 150-year history, the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) closed its doors to women. Of the fifteen public colleges and universities in Virginia, VMI was the only such school to remain single-sex. VMI is also unique because it is the only Virginia public school of higher learning to be run on an adversative model--in an effort to...; Search Snippet: ...UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT RULES THAT THE VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE'S MALE-ONLY ADMISSIONS POLICY VIOLATES THE EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE OF THE... 1997    
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