AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearGender in title or SummaryEthnicity Identified in Title
Frank S. Ravitch Contextualizing Gender Harassment: Providing an Analytical Framework for an Emerging Concept in Discrimination Law 1995 Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University Law Review 853 (Fall, 1995) C1-3TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 853 I. UNDERSTANDING GENDER HARASSMENT 861 II. CAUSES OF ACTION FOR WORKPLACE HARASSMENT RECOGNIZED UNDER TITLE VII 864 A. Hostile Work Environment 864 B. Quid Pro Quo 871 III. ANALYZING GENDER HARASSMENT CLAIMS 872 A. Placing Gender Harassment in the Appropriate Context 872 B. Comparing Gender Harassment With...; Search Snippet: ...Law at Michigan State University Law Review Fall, 1995 CONTEXTUALIZING GENDER HARASSMENT: PROVIDING AN ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK FOR AN EMERGING CONCEPT IN... 1995    
Brian E. Leach Extending Batson V. Kentucky to Gender and Beyond: the Death Knell for the Peremptory Challenge? 19 Southern Illinois University Law Journal 381 (Winter, 1995) Historically, attorneys have had absolute discretion when exercising their peremptory challenges. In 1986, the Supreme Court of the United States limited the unrestrained nature of peremptories when it held that prosecutors may not exercise peremptory challenges based solely on the race of a prospective juror in Batson v. Kentucky. Subsequently,...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Winter, 1995 Comment EXTENDING BATSON v. KENTUCKY TO GENDER AND BEYOND: THE DEATH KNELL FOR THE PEREMPTORY CHALLENGE? Brian... 1995    
Beth A. Deverman Fourteenth Amendment--equal Protection: the Supreme Court's Prohibition of Gender-based Peremptory Challenges 85 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1028 (Spring, 1995) In J.E.B. v. Alabama, the United States Supreme Court held that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the exercise of peremptory challenges based solely on the gender of a potential juror. The Court applied a heightened scrutiny test, the traditional equal protection analysis prescribed...; Search Snippet: ...Review FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT--EQUAL PROTECTION: THE SUPREME COURT'S PROHIBITION OF GENDER-BASED PEREMPTORY CHALLENGES J.E.B. v. Alabama, 114 S. Ct. 1419... 1995    
Pam Frasher Fulfilling Batson and its Progeny: a Proposed Amendment to Rule 24 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure to Attain a More Race- and Gender-neutral Jury Selection Process 80 Iowa Law Review 1327 (July, 1995) Courts traditionally have exalted the peremptory challenge system as fundamental to achieving a fair trial by jury. The peremptory challenge system allows parties to eliminate persons from the venire whom they believe are incompetent or biased. In addition to helping litigants secure an unbiased jury, the peremptory challenge system gives the...; Search Snippet: ...RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE TO ATTAIN A MORE RACE- AND GENDER-NEUTRAL JURY SELECTION PROCESS Pam Frasher [FNa1] Copyright (c) 1995... 1995    
Lisa Kelly If Anybody Asks You Who I Am: an Outsider's Story of the Duty to Establish Paternity 3 American University Journal of Gender & the Law 247 (Spring, 1995) When Minerva looked into the face of her child asleep beside her in the bed, she saw peace, she saw freshness, she saw the world the way it should be. Contentment slept in Kiji's lips, pink brown lips closed loosely like a small bow. In the curl of her lashes rested hope. In her balled fists, strength and vulnerability. Minerva hated to wake her....; Search Snippet: ...297 (1994) . Originally presented at The American University Journal of Gender & the Law symposium Gender, Family and Change: Developments in the Legal Regulation of Family... 1995    
Kitt Janco Foster J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b.: Gender-based Peremptory Challenges 1995 Detroit College of Law Review 819 (Summer, 1995) J.E.B. v. Alabama ex rel. T.B. addresses the issue of gender discrimination in the jury selection process by use of peremptory challenges. Though the United States Supreme Court had previously decided in Batson v. Kentucky that the use of peremptory challenges, to eliminate people from the jury based solely on race, was in violation of the Equal...; Search Snippet: ...Review Summer, 1995 Casenote J.E.B. v. ALABAMA EX REL. T.B.: GENDER-BASED PEREMPTORY CHALLENGES Kitt Janco Foster Copyright (c) 1995 by... 1995    
Stacey L. Wichterman J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b.: Gender-based Peremptory Challenges on Trial 16 Northern Illinois University Law Review 209 (Fall, 1995) Why do we love this trial by jury? Because it prevents the hand of oppression from cutting you off. The American public is captivated by every aspect of jury trials, from their initial stages to the verdict and sentencing, and all phases in-between. So fascinated are we with the American way of justice, that a cable-access television network...; Search Snippet: ...Review Fall, 1995 Casenote J.E.B. v. ALABAMA EX REL. T.B.: GENDER-BASED PEREMPTORY CHALLENGES ON TRIAL Stacey L. Wichterman Copyright ©... 1995    
Robert Nelson Law, Markets, and Gender Inequality in Pay 10 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 61 (1995) In 1983, Judge Tanner of the Federal District Court of Western Washington handed the pay equity movement its largest legal victory. In American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees v. Washington, the court found that the State of Washington had discriminated against workers in predominantly female jobs and awarded the plaintiffs a...; Search Snippet: ...Women's Law Journal 1995 Symposium Panel Discussion LAW, MARKETS, AND GENDER INEQUALITY IN PAY Robert Nelson [FNd] Copyright (c) 1995 Berkeley... 1995    
Lewis A. Kornhauser , Richard L. Revesz Legal Education and Entry into the Legal Profession: the Role of Race, Gender, and Educational Debt 70 New York University Law Review 829 (October, 1995) Debt burden is routinely cited as the major force driving law school graduates to choose private practice over careers in government or other public-interest settings. In an effort to counter that force and level the playing field with regard to career choice, many law schools have developed loan repayment assistance programs. In this Article,...; Search Snippet: ...AND ENTRY INTO THE LEGAL PROFESSION: THE ROLE OF RACE, GENDER, AND EDUCATIONAL DEBT Lewis A. Kornhauser [FNa] Richard L. Revesz... 1995    
Celia M. Ruiz, J.D. Legal Standards Regarding Gender Equity and Affirmative Action 100 West's Education Law Reporter 841 (August, 1995) Public educational institutions and entities have an affirmative duty under federal law to eliminate the pernicious vestiges of racial and sexual discrimination in every aspect of their programs, including the area of employment. This duty stems from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and from decisions of the United States Supreme Court....; Search Snippet: ...West's Education Law Reporter August, 1995 Commentary LEGAL STANDARDS REGARDING GENDER EQUITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION [FNa] Celia M. Ruiz , J.D. [Fnaa... 1995    
George P. Choundas Neither Equal Nor Protected: the Invisible Law of Equal Protection, the Legal Invisibility of its Gender-based Victims 44 Emory Law Journal 1069 (Summer, 1995) We disagree with the trial court's assessment [that ORS 106.155 is unconstitutional in that it denies equal protection of laws in that it gives greater protection to a victim who is assaulted because of his race, color, religion, or national origin than to another person who is assaulted for some other reason.] The statute does not offer more...; Search Snippet: ...INVISIBLE LAW OF EQUAL PROTECTION, THE LEGAL INVISIBILITY OF ITS GENDER-BASED VICTIMS George P. Choundas [FNa1] Copyright (c) 1995 by... 1995    
Francisco Valdes Queers, Sissies, Dykes, and Tomboys: Deconstructing the Conflation of "Sex," "Gender," and "Sexual Orientation" in Euro-american Law and Society 83 California Law Review Rev. 1 (1/1/1995) Foreword Notes on The Conflation'. 11 I. The Conflation as Triangle. 12 II. The Conflation, Language & Common (Mis)Understandings. 20 III. The Conflation & the Law. 23 IV. The Conflation, This Project & Legal Theory. 28 Chapter One Modern Culture: Codification & Internalization. 36 I. The Conflation of Sex, Gender & Sexual Orientation. 36 II....; Search Snippet: ...QUEERS, SISSIES, DYKES, AND TOMBOYS: DECONSTRUCTING THE CONFLATION OF SEX, GENDER, AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION IN EURO-AMERICAN LAW AND SOCIETY Francisco... 1995    
Kingsley R. Browne Sex and Temperament in Modern Society: a Darwinian View of the Glass Ceiling and the Gender Gap 37 Arizona Law Review 971 (1995) I. Introduction. 973 II. Sex Differences and Evolutionary Theory. 985 A. Natural Selection and Evolutionary Psychology. 985 B. Evolution of Temperamental Sex Differences. 990 C. Evidence of Differential Reproductive Strategies in Our Evolutionary Past. 1000 D. Evidence for the Continued Existence of the Evolved Psychological Mechanism. 1006 III....; Search Snippet: ...SOCIETY: A DARWINIAN VIEW OF THE GLASS CEILING AND THE GENDER GAP Kingsley R. Browne [FNa1] Copyright (c) 1995 by the... 1995    
Nicholas J. Johnson Shots Across No Man's Land: a Response to Handgun Control, Inc.'S, Richard Aborn 22 Fordham Urban Law Journal 441 (Winter, 1995) Mr. Aborn's essay, The Battle Over the Brady Bill and the Future of Gun Control Advocacy, reflects the wide chasm separating gun owners and the anti-gun lobby. Some of the reasons are not immediately obvious. I will try to illuminate a few of them here. As his essay reflects, Mr. Aborn's organization, Handgun Control, Inc., is one of the primary...; Search Snippet: ...Fordham Urban Law Journal Winter, 1995 Essay SHOTS ACROSS NO MAN'S LAND: A RESPONSE TO HANDGUN CONTROL, INC.'S, RICHARD ABORN Nicholas... 1995    
Elaine Golin Solving the Problem of Gender and Racial Bias in Administrative Adjudication 95 Columbia Law Review 1532 (10/1/1995) Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) preside over hundreds of thousands of adjudications every year and their decisions affect the lives of millions of Americans. As the decisionmakers in the on-the-record hearings of federal administrative agencies, ALJs play an important role in overseeing the enforcement of federal law and the distribution of...; Search Snippet: ...Columbia Law Review October 1995 Note SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF GENDER AND RACIAL BIAS IN ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUDICATION Elaine Golin Copyright ©... 1995    
Trlica Cosby Strictly Speaking: Viewing J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b. as Sub Silentio Application of Strict Scrutiny to Gender-based Classifications 32 Houston Law Review 869 (Fall 1995) I. Introduction. 869 II. Recitation. 872 III. Analysis. 877 A. Background: Method and Procedure of Jury Selection. 877 B. The Development of a Standard of Review for Gender Classifications. 879 C. Laying a Foundation for Strict Scrutiny. 884 D. Reconciling Taylor v. Louisiana with the J.E.B. Decision. 888 IV. Future Effects on Peremptory...; Search Snippet: ...REL. T.B. AS SUB SILENTIO APPLICATION OF STRICT SCRUTINY TO GENDER-BASED CLASSIFICATIONS [FNa1] Trlica Cosby Copyright (c) 1995 Houston Law... 1995    
Peter Michael Collins Taking Batson One Giant Step Further: the Court Prohibits Gender-based Peremptory Challenges in J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b. 44 Catholic University Law Review 935 (Spring 1995) The United States Constitution grants to every criminal defendant accused of serious crimes the right to a jury trial, and preserves for every civil litigant the right to a jury trial where it existed at common law. The jury selection process is a complex mechanism designed to ensure that those selected will be fair and impartial decision-makers....; Search Snippet: ...Note TAKING BATSON ONE GIANT STEP FURTHER: THE COURT PROHIBITS GENDER-BASED PEREMPTORY CHALLENGES IN J.E.B. v. ALABAMA EX REL. T.B... 1995    
Tammy B. Grubb The Functional Effect of Eliminating Gender Bias in Jury Selection: a Critique and Analysis of J.e.b. V. Alabama 48 Oklahoma Law Review 173 (Spring, 1995) The two sexes are not fungible; a community made up exclusively of one is different from a community composed of both; the subtle interplay of influence one on the other is among the imponderables. To insulate the courtroom from either may not in a given case make an iota of difference. Yet a flavor, a distinct quality is lost if either sex is...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Spring, 1995 Note THE FUNCTIONAL EFFECT OF ELIMINATING GENDER BIAS IN JURY SELECTION: A CRITIQUE AND ANALYSIS OF J.E.B... 1995    
Jordan Herman The Fusion of Gay Rights and Feminism: Gender Identity and Marriage after Baehr V. Lewin 56 Ohio State Law Journal 985 (1995) Then you should say what you mean, the March Hare went on. I do, Alice hastily replied; at least--at least I mean what I say-- that's the same thing, you know. Looking back on judicial decisions, we are nonplussed. An unexpected opinion becomes explicable after it occurs. And, after it occurs, its significance and meaning change. The opinion...; Search Snippet: ...1995 Case Comment THE FUSION OF GAY RIGHTS AND FEMINISM: GENDER IDENTITY AND MARRIAGE AFTER BAEHR V. LEWIN Jordan Herman Copyright... 1995    
Sandra Farrington-Domingue The Intersection of Race and Gender and its Effects in the Workplace 5 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 187 (Fall 1995) The workplace that I am most familiar with is the city of Los Angeles. I have been an employee of the city for more than twenty years, as a Building Mechanical Inspector and, since July 1993, as a staff member for Councilmember Jackie Goldberg. Presently, the city government is comprised of approximately forty-two departments. Of these forty-two...; Search Snippet: ...Gender and Sexual Oreintation: Comment THE INTERSECTION OF RACE AND GENDER AND ITS EFFECTS IN THE WORKPLACE Sandra Farrington-Domingue [Fna... 1995    
John R. Quinn The Lost Language of the Irishgaymale: Textualization in Ireland's Law and Literature (Or the Most Hidden Ireland ) 26 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 553 (Spring 1995) Introduction. 555 I. Theoretical Considerations. 566 A. Constructionism v. Essentialism. 566 B. Elaine Showalter's Model of Muted Group Discourse. 579 C. The Gaymale. 584 D. The Irishmale. 593 E. The Irishgaymale. 600 II. The Substantive Textualization of the Irishgaymale: Law. 605 A. The Sodomy and Gross Indecency Statutes. 606 B. The Norris...; Search Snippet: ...Madden-Simpson applies the term to female writers in Ireland's male-dominated critical tradition in Anglo Irish Literature: The Received Tradition... 1995    
Anita L. Allen The Proposed Equal Protection Fix for Abortion Law: Reflections on Citizenship, Gender, and the Constitution 18 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 419 (Spring, 1995) I. Introduction . 419 II. Second-class Citizenship . 424 A. The Consititution on Gender . 424 B. The Meaning of American Citizenship . 426 C. Life Before Privacy and Equality: An Example . 428 D. The Trivialization of Citizenship . 431 E. German Citizenship and Abortion Rights . 433 III. Equal Protection for Equal Citizenship . 435 A. An Equal...; Search Snippet: ...PROPOSED EQUAL PROTECTION FIX FOR ABORTION LAW: REFLECTIONS ON CITIZENSHIP, GENDER, AND THE CONSTITUTION Anita L. Allen [FNa] Copyright (c) 1995... 1995    
Joseph D. Kuborn The Unconstitutionality of Gender Based Peremptory Challenges 78 Marquette Law Review 1069 (Summer, 1995) Peremptory challenges by definition permit both the plaintiff and the defendant to strike a limited number of potential jury members without stating a reason. These challenges, which allow the striking party to remain silent on the reasons behind the strike, provide a potential platform for unconstitutional discrimination in the jury selection...; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW Marquette Law Review Summer, 1995 Note THE UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF GENDER BASED PEREMPTORY CHALLENGES THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT'S REVIEW OF... 1995    
Matthew L. Daniel Title Ix and Gender Equity in College Athletics: How Honesty Might Avert a Crisis 1995 Annual Survey of American Law 255 (1995) There is a crisis threatening the future of college sports in America. And the unfortunate truth is that this crisis has emerged from the solution to the gender equity problem confronting institutions of higher education. After decades of inequities against women in educational fora, Congress, through the 1972 Educational Amendments (commonly...; Search Snippet: ...Survey of American Law 1995 Title IX TITLE IX AND GENDER EQUITY IN COLLEGE ATHLETICS: HOW HONESTY MIGHT AVERT A CRISIS... 1995    
Leslie Pearlman Transsexualism as Metaphor: the Collision of Sex and Gender 43 Buffalo Law Review 835 (Winter 1995) [W]e [transsexuals] and the professionals should stress that there are many sexes and genders, and try to change the legal and popular view of sex from a dichotomy to a continuum . . . to have sex reassignment as acceptable as moving from New York to Los Angeles. I've been treated so bad as a drag queen. If I get a pussy, I'll be treated fabulous....; Search Snippet: ...1995 Comment TRANSSEXUALISM AS METAPHOR: THE COLLISION OF SEX AND GENDER Leslie Pearlman [FNd] Copyright (c) 1995 Buffalo Law Review; Leslie... 1995    
Linda J. Lacey We Have Nothing to Fear but Gender Stereotypes: of Katie and Amy and "Babe Feminism" 80 Cornell Law Review 612 (March, 1995) (Girls' Chorus) Tell me more, tell me more. Was it love at first sight? (Boys' Chorus) Tell me more, tell me more. Did she put up a fight? . . . (Girls' Chorus) He got friendly, holding my hand. (Boys' Chorus) She got friendly, down in the sand. In The Morning After: Sex, Fear, and Feminism on Campus, Katie Roiphe claims that feminists have gone...; Search Snippet: ...March, 1995 Book Review WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR BUT GENDER STEREOTYPES: OF KATIE AND AMY AND BABE FEMINISM The Morning... 1995    
Nathaniel R. Jones For Black Males and American Society--the Unbalanced Scales of Justice: a Costly Disconnect 23 Capital University Law Review 1 (1994) The disproportionate number of black males in the criminal justice system continues to stir the debate regarding the societal implications of this phenomenon. Fueling and heating the debate is the nation's preoccupation with crime and its proposed remedies. We must not, however, consider this subject in a vacuum. To make an informed contribution to...; Search Snippet: ...LAW REVIEW Capital University Law Review 1994 Essay FOR BLACK MALES AND AMERICAN SOCIETY--THE UNBALANCED SCALES OF JUSTICE: A COSTLY... 1994   African/Black American
Jerome G. Miller From Social Safety Net to Dragnet: African American Males in the Criminal Justice System 51 Washington and Lee Law Review 479 (Spring, 1994) During the 1980s and 1990s, in the midst of two decades of social neglect, America's white majority presented its inner cities with an expensive gift--a new and improved criminal justice system. This new and improved system would, the government promised, bring domestic tranquility--with particular relevance to African Americans. No expense was...; Search Snippet: ...Race and Criminal Justice FROM SOCIAL SAFETY NET TO DRAGNET: AFRICAN AMERICAN MALES IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Jerome G. Miller [FNa1] Copyright... 1994   African/Black American
Floyd D. Weatherspoon The Devastating Impact of the Justice System on the Status of African-american Males: an Overview Perspective 23 Capital University Law Review 23 (1994) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction 24. I. Stereotypical Biases Against African-American Males. 28 II. Criminal Justice System. 30 A. Selective Enforcement. 30 B. Incarceration of African-American Males. 35 C. Racial Disparities in Sentencing. 38 D. Racial Disparities in Prosecutorial Decisions. 42 E. Law Enforcement and Police Brutality--The...; Search Snippet: ...DEVASTATING IMPACT OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM ON THE STATUS OF AFRICAN- AMERICAN MALES: AN OVERVIEW PERSPECTIVE Floyd D. Weatherspoon [FNa1] Copyright (c) 1994... 1994   African/Black American
Kevin D. Brown The Dilemma of Legal Discourse for Public Educational Responses to the "Crisis" Facing African-american Males 23 Capital University Law Review 63 (1994) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction 64. I. Legal Discourse and the Intersection of Race, Gender and Public Education. 67 II. The Individualist Framework. 71 A. Conceptual Structure. 71 1. View of the knowing individual. 71 2. Emancipatory role of this framework. 72 3. Role of government. 74 B. The Constitutional Historical Development. 75 1....; Search Snippet: ...LEGAL DISCOURSE FOR PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL RESPONSES TO THE CRISIS FACING AFRICAN- AMERICAN MALES Kevin D. Brown [FNa1] Copyright (c) 1994 by the Capital... 1994   African/Black American
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41