AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearGender in title or SummaryEthnicity Identified in Title
James Naughton THE SCHOOL FOIA PROJECT: UNCOVERING RACIAL DISPARITIES IN SCHOOL DISCIPLINE AND HOW TO RESPOND 52 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 1045 (Summer, 2021) Since 1984, Illinois has had a Freedom of Information Act law on the books that allows anyone--including educational advocates--to request public records. This creates a useful avenue to access and review records for any public entity, including public school districts. This Article proposes that FOIA creates a powerful pathway for educational... 2021    
Carliss N. Chatman , Najarian R. Peters THE SOFT-SHOE AND SHUFFLE OF LAW SCHOOL HIRING COMMITTEE PRACTICES 69 UCLA Law Review Discourse 2 (2021) The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them. -Ida B. Wells It is in the spirit of Ida B. Wells that we seek to turn the light upon the systemic racism of hiring practices. We believe these practices are indicators of the systemic failures on campuses and in workplaces that prevent them from being antiracist. We seek to use... 2021    
Zoe R. Feingold, Department of Psychology, Fordham University THE STIGMA OF INCARCERATION EXPERIENCE: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 27 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 550 (November, 2021) Individuals who have been incarcerated experience unparalleled health and economic disparities. Stigma, defined as a social phenomenon in which labeling, separation, and discrimination occur together in a power situation that allows them (Link & Phelan, 2001), may be a central cause of the social inequalities that formerly incarcerated persons face... 2021    
Robin Walker Sterling THROUGH A GLASS, DARKLY: SYSTEMIC RACISM, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, AND DISPROPORTIONATE MINORITY CONTACT 120 Michigan Law Review 451 (December, 2021) This Article is the first to describe how systemic racism persists in a society that openly denounces racism and racist behaviors, using affirmative action and disproportionate minority contact as contrasting examples. Affirmative action and disproportionate minority contact are two sides of the same coin. Far from being distinct, these two social... 2021    
Kelsey Scarlett, Lexi Weyrick TRANSFORMING THE FOCUS: AN INTERSECTIONAL LENS IN SCHOOL RESPONSE TO SEX DISCRIMINATION 57 California Western Law Review 391 (Spring, 2021) Intersectionality refers to the reality that a person's different identities (such as race, gender, and class, among others) exist simultaneously and when taken as a whole are what inform the discrimination they face. When Title IX, a law prohibiting sex discrimination in educational settings, was first passed by Congress in 1972, the only identity... 2021    
T. Markus Funk, Ph.D. UNDERSTANDING THE ROLE VALUES PLAY (AND SHOULD PLAY) IN SELF-DEFENSE LAW 58 American Criminal Law Review 331 (Spring, 2021) Introduction. 332 I. The Scholarly Community's Surprising Neglect of Values as Self-Defense Decision-Grounds. 333 II. Setting the Analytical Stage. 339 A. The German Fruit Thief. 342 B. Controversial Contemporary Cases. 345 III. Advancing the Debate Through a More Value-Centric Dialogue--Introducing the Seven Decision-Grounds. 349 A. Value #1:... 2021    
  Understanding Time to Exoneration: Race, Other Factors, and Why it Matters 57 Criminal Law Bulletin 1 (2021) Lauren O'Neill Shermer earned an M.A. and Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice from The University of Maryland, College Park. She is currently an Associate Professor and Chair of the Criminal Justice Department at Widener University in Chester, PA. Her research spans a wide range of topics, but most recently focuses on exonerations, eyewitness... 2021    
Shaun Ossei-Owusu VELVET ROPE DISCRIMINATION 107 Virginia Law Review 683 (June, 2021) Public accommodations are private and public facilities that are held out to and used by the public. Public accommodations were significant battlegrounds for the Civil Rights Movement as protesters and litigators fought for equal access to swimming pools, movie theaters, and lunch counters. These sites were also important for the Women's Rights... 2021    
  VI. PRISONERS' RIGHTS 50 Georgetown Law Journal Annual Review of Criminal Procedure 1163 (2021) Criminal convictions and lawful imprisonment allow for certain limitations on citizens' freedoms and other constitutional rights, but prisoners retain such rights when they are compatible with the objectives of incarceration. Federal courts are reluctant to intervene in internal prison administration and therefore give wide ranging deference to the... 2021    
Kalen Coleman WAKE UP OR GET WOKE: THE PARADOX OF AMERICA'S DIPLOMATIC EXPORT OF HIP HOP 43 Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal 59 (Winter, 2021) Since 2001, the United States has been sending hip hop artists overseas to perform and promote American culture. But hip hop began in the South Bronx of New York City, driven by disaffected and impoverished African American youth who gave voice to their discontent. There is an inherent hypocrisy in the appropriation and export of a subculture whose... 2021    
  WARRANTLESS SEARCHES AND SEIZURES 50 Georgetown Law Journal Annual Review of Criminal Procedure 51 (2021) Under the Fourth Amendment, every search or seizure by a government agent must be reasonable. In general, searches and seizures are unreasonable and invalid unless based on probable cause and executed pursuant to a warrant. However, certain kinds of searches and seizures are valid as exceptions to the probable cause and warrant requirements,... 2021    
Tasnim Motala WORDS STILL WOUND: IIED & EVOLVING ATTITUDES TOWARD RACIST SPEECH 56 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 115 (Winter, 2021) C1-3Table of Contents R1-2Introduction . L3116 I. Racial Insults: A Harm Without a Remedy. 119 A. Dignitary Harms. 120 B. Psychological Harms. 122 C. Societal Harms. 125 II. Responses to Racial Insults. 126 A. Societal Responses to Racial Insults. 126 B. Legal Responses to Racial Insults. 130 1. Human Rights Commissions. 130 2. Criminal Law. 132... 2021    
James Thuo Gathii WRITING RACE AND IDENTITY IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT: WHAT CRT AND TWAIL CAN LEARN FROM EACH OTHER 67 UCLA Law Review 1610 (April, 2021) This Article argues that issues of race and identity have so far been underemphasized, understudied, and undertheorized in mainstream international law. To address this major gap, this Article argues that there is an opportunity for learning, sharing, and collaboration between Critical Race Theorists (CRT) and scholars of Third World Approaches to... 2021    
Shontel Stewart Man's Best Friend? How Dogs Have Been Used to Oppress African Americans 25 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 183 (Winter, 2020) The use of dogs as tools of oppression against African Americans has its roots in slavery and persists today in everyday life and police interactions. Due to such harmful practices, African Americans are not only disproportionately terrorized by officers with dogs, but they are also subject to instances of misplaced sympathy, ill-suited laws, and...; Search Snippet: ...LAW Michigan Journal of Race and Law Winter, 2020 Article MAN'S BEST FRIEND? HOW DOGS HAVE BEEN USED TO OPPRESS AFRICAN AMERICANS Shontel Stewart [FNa1] Copyright © 2020 by University of Michigan Law... 2020   African/Black American
Catherine Powell Race, Gender, and Nation in an Age of Shifting Borders: the Unstable Prisms of Motherhood and Masculinity 24 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 133 (Spring, 2020) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 134 I. Nationhood, Borders, and Fluidity. 140 II. The Welfare Cheat Narrative: Using the Race and Gender of Latina Mothers to Shift Borders Inward. 142 A. The New Welfare Queen. 143 B. Shifting the Border Inward: A New Way of Understanding the Family Separation Policy. 147 III. The Criminal and the...; Search Snippet: ...and Foreign Affairs Spring, 2020 Article and Comment Article RACE, GENDER, AND NATION IN AN AGE OF SHIFTING BORDERS: THE UNSTABLE... 2020   Hispanic/Latinx American
Kimberly Jade Norwood Gender Bias as the Norm in the Legal Profession: It's Still a [White] Man's Game 62 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 25 (2020) This volume, born in the spirit of commemoration, celebrates 150 years of women at Washington University School of Law. I am honored to be a part of an institution that has facilitated the entry of women into the legal profession since 1869. That year, not one but two women--Phoebe Couzins and Lemma Barkeloo--were admitted to Washington University...; Search Snippet: ...Law & Policy 2020 Celebrating 150 Year of Women at WashULaw GENDER BIAS AS THE NORM IN THE LEGAL PROFESSION: IT'S STILL A [WHITE] MAN'S GAME Kimberly Jade Norwood [FNa1] Copyright © 2020 by Washington University... 2020   Multiple Groups
Vinecea Edwards Gender Equality in the Legal Workplace 37 GPSolo 22 (July/August, 2020) I'm a millennial lawyer who dreams of bursting through the glass ceiling for those who follow behind me. As a mixed-race, Black and Muscogee Creek Native woman lawyer, I am inspired by Lyda Conley (the first Native American woman admitted to the bar), Charlotte E. Ray (the first African American woman admitted to the bar), my mother, and my...; Search Snippet: ...22 2020 WL 5758857 GPSOLO GPSolo July/August, 2020 Feature GENDER EQUALITY IN THE LEGAL WORKPLACE The Heart of the Matter... 2020   Multiple Groups
Cassandra A. Bailey, Betsy E. Galicia, Kalin Z. Salinas, Melissa Briones, Sheila Hugo, Kristin Hunter, Amanda C. Venta, Sam Houston State University, Community Supervision and Corrections Department, Huntsville, Texas, Sam Houston State University Racial/ethnic and Gender Disparities in Anger Management Therapy as a Probation Condition 44 Law and Human Behavior 88 (February, 2020) Objective: This study examined whether race/ethnicity and gender predicted sentencing to anger management therapy as a probation condition. Hypotheses: We predicted judges would be more likely to assign African Americans and Hispanics, and males to anger management than Caucasians and women, respectively. We hypothesized demographic variables would...; Search Snippet: ...BEHAVIOR Law and Human Behavior February, 2020 RACIAL/ETHNIC AND GENDER DISPARITIES IN ANGER MANAGEMENT THERAPY AS A PROBATION CONDITION [FNa1... 2020   Multiple Groups
W. Michael Schuster , R. Evan Davis , Kourtenay Schley , Julie Ravenscraft An Empirical Study of Patent Grant Rates as a Function of Race and Gender 57 American Business Law Journal 281 (Summer, 2020) In this article we examine the rate at which patent applications are granted as a function of the inventor's race and gender. Empirical analysis of more than 3.9 million U.S. applications finds minority and women applicants are significantly less likely to secure a patent relative to the balance of inventors. Further analysis indicates that a...; Search Snippet: ...OF PATENT GRANT RATES AS A FUNCTION OF RACE AND GENDER W. Michael Schuster [FNa1] R. Evan Davis [FNaa1] Kourtenay Schley... 2020    
Jessica Szuminski Behind the Binary Bars: a Critique of Prison Placement Policies for Transgender, Non-binary, and Gender Non-conforming Prisoners 105 Minnesota Law Review 477 (November, 2020) After police responded to a domestic dispute, arrestee Zack was held at Riverside Correctional Facility in Philadelphia. When Zack arrived, he was forced to submit to an intrusive genital examination that was alleged to confirm his gender identity, was abused by correctional officers who taunted him for having a beard and then refused to give him...; Search Snippet: ...CRITIQUE OF PRISON PLACEMENT POLICIES FOR TRANSGENDER, NON-BINARY, AND GENDER NON-CONFORMING PRISONERS Jessica Szuminski [FNa1] Copyright © 2020 by Jessica... 2020    
Nancy E. Dowd Children's Equality: the Centrality of Race, Gender, and Class 47 Fordham Urban Law Journal 231 (February, 2020) Hierarchies among children dramatically impact their development. Beginning before birth, and continuing during their progression to adulthood from birth to age 18, structural and cultural barriers separate and subordinate some children, while they privilege others. The hierarchies replicate patterns of inequality along familiar lines, particularly...; Search Snippet: ...Children of Color Article CHILDREN'S EQUALITY: THE CENTRALITY OF RACE, GENDER, AND CLASS Nancy E. Dowd [FNa1] Copyright © 2020 by Fordham... 2020    
Chris Chambers Goodman, Esq. Clearing the Bench: Using Mandatory Retirement to Promote Gender Parity in the U.s. and the Eu Judiciaries 95 Tulane Law Review Rev. 1 (November, 2020) Many EU countries have been particularly adept at implementing antidiscrimination laws that go beyond merely promoting gender diversity, but also toward obtaining gender parity in some areas. These laws, directives, and policies, along with other factors, have expanded the representation of women in the legal profession generally and specifically...; Search Snippet: ...2020 Article CLEARING THE BENCH: USING MANDATORY RETIREMENT TO PROMOTE GENDER PARITY IN THE U.S. AND THE EU JUDICIARIES Chris Chambers... 2020    
Karin Carmit Yefet Divorce as a Substantive Gender-equality Right 22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 455 (February, 2020) This Article--the first half of a diptych thatcontinues with Divorce as a Formal Gender-Equality Right, 22 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 793 (2020) -- draws on the insight that the position of women in society is nowhere better reflected and constituted than in a nation's personal status laws. Contemporary feminist and constitutional scholars have devoted...; Search Snippet: ...of Constitutional Law February, 2020 Article DIVORCE AS A SUBSTANTIVE GENDER-EQUALITY RIGHT Karin Carmit Yefet [FNa1] Copyright © 2020 by University... 2020    
Kruthika N. S. Esports and its Reinforcement of Gender Divides 30 Marquette Sports Law Review 347 (Spring, 2020) Electronic sport has emerged from 1980s' video-game culture to what we see today: international leagues, campaigns for inclusion in the Olympics, and a projected billion-dollar industry. Also referred to as eSports or competitive gaming, it is often portrayed as an antithesis to conventional or real sport (traditional sport) due to its...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Spring, 2020 Essay ESPORTS AND ITS REINFORCEMENT OF GENDER DIVIDES Kruthika N. S. [FNa1] Copyright © 2020 by Marquette University... 2020    
Helen M. Alvaré Gender Mistrust as a Public Health Crisis: a Preliminary Proposal 108 Georgetown Law Journal 1401 (May, 2020) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction . L31401 I. Impaired Relations and Negative Stereotypes as a Public Health Crisis?. 1403 a. what makes a public health crisis?. 1403 b. impaired relations as a public health crisis: gun violence, racism, and opioid addiction. 1405 II. Gender Mistrust Has the Characteristics of a Public Health Crisis. 1408 a....; Search Snippet: ...Journal May, 2020 Symposium: Law and the Nation's Health Article GENDER MISTRUST AS A PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS: A PRELIMINARY PROPOSAL Helen... 2020    
Trina Jones , Emma E. Wade Me Too? Race, Gender, and Ending Workplace Sexual Harassment 27 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 203 (2019-2020) On October 5, 2017, the New York Times published an exposé that propelled the nation into what has become known as the Me Too era. The exposé detailed nearly three decades of predatory behavior by Harvey Weinstein, one of Hollywood's most influential producers, toward actresses, aspiring actresses, and female employees of the Weinstein Company....; Search Snippet: ...of Gender Law & Policy 2019-2020 Article ME TOO? RACE, GENDER, AND ENDING WORKPLACE SEXUAL HARASSMENT Trina Jones [FNa1] Emma E... 2020    
Amy C. Madl , Lisa Larrimore Ouellette Policy Experiments to Address Gender Inequality among Innovators 57 Houston Law Review 813 (Symposium, 2020) In the twenty-fourth annual Frankel Lecture, Professor Orly Lobel set forth an intriguing hypothesis: that noncompete agreements, nondisclosure agreements, and other legal restrictions on employee exit and voice exacerbate the innovation gender gap. The unequal participation of women in science, technology, and innovation is an issue of increasing...; Search Snippet: ...Twenty-Fourth Annual Frankel Lecture Commentary POLICY EXPERIMENTS TO ADDRESS GENDER INEQUALITY AMONG INNOVATORS Amy C. Madl [FNa1] Lisa Larrimore Ouellette... 2020    
Catherine Powell , Camille Gear Rich The "Welfare Queen" Goes to the Polls: Race-based Fractures in Gender Politics and Opportunities for Intersectional Coalitions 19th Georgetown Law Journal 105 (June, 2020) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 108 I. The Welfare Queen Goes to the Polls. 115 A. ORIGINS OF THE WELFARE QUEEN. 115 B. THE WELFARE QUEEN AT THE POLLS. 121 C. DISCURSIVE GOALS: THE WELFARE QUEEN AS A THREAT TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACY. 125 1. The Right to Vote as a Scarce Resource. 126 2. Individual Malfeasance Versus Institutional Wrongdoing. 127 3....; Search Snippet: ...WELFARE QUEEN GOES TO THE POLLS: RACE-BASED FRACTURES IN GENDER POLITICS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR INTERSECTIONAL COALITIONS Catherine Powell [FNa1] Camille... 2020    
Kingsly Alec McConnell The Liberty Impact of Gender 95 Washington Law Review 459 (March, 2020) Abstract: Can the federal government unilaterally change your gender? In October of 2018, the New York Times revealed that the Trump Administration's Department of Health and Human Services was considering a new federal definition of gender. The policy would redefine gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth....; Search Snippet: ...Washington Law Review March, 2020 Comment THE LIBERTY IMPACT OF GENDER Kingsly Alec McConnell [FNa1] Copyright © 2020 by Washington Law Review... 2020    
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