AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearGender in title or SummaryEthnicity Identified in Title
Bethany R. Berger In the Name of the Child: Race, Gender, and Economics in Adoptive Couple V. Baby Girl 67 Florida Law Review 295 (January, 2015) On June 25, 2013, the Supreme Court decided Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, holding that the Indian Child Welfare Act did not permit the Cherokee father in that case to object to termination of his parental rights. The case was ostensibly about a dispute between prospective adoptive parents and a biological father. But this Article demonstrates that...; Search Snippet: ...January, 2015 Articles IN THE NAME OF THE CHILD: RACE, GENDER, AND ECONOMICS IN ADOPTIVE COUPLE V. BABY GIRL Bethany R... 2015    
Beth E. Richie Keynote--reimagining the Movement to End Gender Violence: Anti-racism, Prison Abolition, Women of Color Feminisms, and Other Radical Visions of Justice 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 257 (Summer, 2015) I. Introduction. 257 II. An Honest Analysis of Racism in the Movement. 262 III. Principles of Women of Color Feminisms. 266 IV. Prison Abolition. 268 V. Conclusion. 273; Search Snippet: ...Symposium Issue Transcript [FNa1] KEYNOTE--REIMAGINING THE MOVEMENT TO END GENDER VIOLENCE: ANTI-RACISM, PRISON ABOLITION, WOMEN OF COLOR FEMINISMS, AND... 2015    
James C. Feldman Nothing less than the Dignity of Man: the Eighth Amendment and State Efforts to Reinstitute Traditional Methods of Execution 90 Washington Law Review 1313 (October, 2015) Abstract: While lethal injection is the predominant method of executing death row inmates in America, European export bans and pharmaceutical manufacturers' refusal to supply execution drugs has impeded the ability of states' departments of corrections to obtain the drugs used for lethal injections. Facing a drug shortage, several death penalty...; Search Snippet: ...2015 Note and Comment NOTHING LESS THAN THE DIGNITY OF MAN: THE EIGHTH AMENDMENT AND STATE EFFORTS TO REINSTITUTE TRADITIONAL METHODS... 2015    
Rashmi Goel , Tamara Lave , Elizabeth MacDowell, Adele Morrison Panel on Problematizing Assumptions about Gender Violence 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 347 (Summer, 2015) MACDOWELL: As Beth Richie described in her keynote address, we are here to reimagine a movement to end gender violence, and that goal creates space for a feminist analysis that is at once broader and more particularized than the initial feminist analysis of the problem. So, for example, our analysis can be broader in that we consider the...; Search Snippet: ...Reimagining Gender Violence Transcript [FNa1] PANEL ON PROBLEMATIZING ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT GENDER VIOLENCE University of Miami School of Law Rashmi Goel [FNa2... 2015    
Eric J. Miller Police Encounters with Race and Gender 5 UC Irvine Law Review 735 (November, 2015) Introduction. 735 I. Reasonable Encounters?. 738 A. Targeting and Treating Civilians. 739 B. Contestatory Citizens. 744 II. Contesting Encounters. 748 Conclusion. 757; Search Snippet: ...Law Review November, 2015 Article POLICE ENCOUNTERS WITH RACE AND GENDER Eric J. Miller [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2015 UC Irvine Law... 2015    
Janel A. George Stereotype and School Pushout: Race, Gender, and Discipline Disparities 68 Arkansas Law Review 101 (2015) As in a family that can never discuss its fundamental secrets, our deeply held and often unconscious beliefs, stereotypes, and biases are too rarely brought to the surface, examined, and finally expunged. Yet as much as we seek to lock them from view, race and racism continue to color our interactions, including our disciplinary actions, on a...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review 2015 Symposium Article STEREOTYPE AND SCHOOL PUSHOUT: RACE, GENDER, AND DISCIPLINE DISPARITIES Janel A. George [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2015... 2015    
Angela Mae Kupenda , Tamara F. Lawson 'Truth and Reconciliation': a Critical Step Toward Eliminating Race and Gender Violations in Tenure Wars 31 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 87 (2015) Women and other underrepresented groups have fought valiantly to render legal education inclusive regardless of one's race or gender. Clashing with a status quo denying access to individuals in underrepresented groups, they battled first just to gain admission to law schools as students and then to be admitted to the Bar. The struggle continued as...; Search Snippet: ...TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION: A CRITICAL STEP TOWARD ELIMINATING RACE AND GENDER VIOLATIONS IN TENURE WARS Angela Mae Kupenda [FNa1] Tamara F... 2015    
Mariela Olivares Unreformed: Towards Gender Equality in Immigration Law 18 Chapman Law Review 419 (Spring 2015) The history of American immigration law and policy has hills and valleys, twists and turns. When it comes to the inclusion and exclusion of socially and politically marginalized communities into the fabric of U.S. citizenship and society, U.S. immigration law is characterized by its inhospitality. Not surprising when considered against the backdrop...; Search Snippet: ...Review Spring 2015 Symposium: Stalemate on Immigration Reform UNREFORMED: TOWARDS GENDER EQUALITY IN IMMIGRATION LAW Mariela Olivares [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2015... 2015    
Janel A. George Undermining Opportunity: Race, Gender, and Discipline Disparities 19-DEC NBA National Bar Association Magazine 18 (December, 2014) Although many African American girls were pivotal in advancing educational opportunity before and during the Civil Rights era, the educational outcomes of African American girls are being undermined by practices influenced by race and gender bias, including overly punitive discipline practices in schools. A recent report by the NAACP Legal Defense...; Search Snippet: ...NBA National Bar Association Magazine December, 2014 UNDERMINING OPPORTUNITY: RACE, GENDER, AND DISCIPLINE DISPARITIES Janel A. George [FNa1] Copyright © 2014 by The National Bar Association; Janel A. George A lthough many African American girls were pivotal in advancing educational opportunity before and during the Civil Rights era, the educational outcomes of African American girls are being undermined by practices 2014   African/Black American
Kimberly D. Krawiec, John M. Conley, Lissa L. Broome A Difficult Conversation: Corporate Directors on Race and Gender 26 Pace International Law Review 13 (Spring 2014) This symposium essay summarizes our ongoing ethnographic research on corporate board diversity. This research is based on fifty-seven interviews with corporate directors and a limited number of other persons of interest (including institutional investors, executive search professionals, and proxy advisors) regarding their views on race and gender...; Search Snippet: ...2014 Article A DIFFICULT CONVERSATION: CORPORATE DIRECTORS ON RACE AND GENDER Kimberly D. Krawiec John M. Conley Lissa L. Broome [FNa1... 2014    
  Annotated Legal Bibliography on Gender 20 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 549 (Winter, 2014) Abortion and Reproductive Rights. 550 Children and Teenagers. 552 Crime Prevention. 554 Domestic Violence. 554 Education. 555 Family. 557 Gender Bias and Discrimination. 558 Health. 562 Human Rights. 565 LGBTQ Rights. 567 Marriage, Divorce, and Intimate Relationships. 570 Parenting. 572 Sex Industry. 573 Sex Offenses. 575 Women's Rights. 577; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law & Gender Winter, 2014 ANNOTATED LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY ON GENDER Copyright © 2014 by Yeshiva University Abortion and Reproductive Rights 550... 2014    
  Annotated Legal Bibliography on Gender 21 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 289 (Fall 2014) Annotated Legal Bibliography on Gender. 289 Abortion and Reproductive Rights. 290 Children and Teenagers. 293 Domestic Violence. 295 Education. 296 Family. 299 Gender Bias and Discrimination. 299 Health. 301 Human Rights. 302 LGBTQ Rights. 304 Marriage and Divorce. 308 Parenting. 309 Sex Industry. 310 Sex Offenses. 310 Women's Rights. 315; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law & Gender Fall 2014 ANNOTATED LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY ON GENDER Copyright (c) 2014 Yeshiva University Annotated Legal Bibliography on Gender... 2014    
Hon. Thadd A. Blizzard Book Review: Gender and Judging 25 Hastings Women's Law Journal 267 (Summer 2014) The recently published book Gender and Judging brings together a wide-ranging collection of scholarly works that together present the story of women's difficulties in becoming judges, the degree to which they have in some ways overcome those difficulties, and the impact women have had on society in their role as judicial officers. It is a rich...; Search Snippet: ...JOURNAL Hastings Women's Law Journal Summer 2014 Article BOOK REVIEW: GENDER AND JUDGING Hon. Thadd A. Blizzard [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2014... 2014    
Deborah L. Rhode Diversity and Gender Equity in Legal Practice 82 University of Cincinnati Law Review 871 (Spring, 2014) One irony of this nation's continuing struggle for diversity and gender equity in employment is that the profession leading the struggle has failed to set an example in its own workplaces. In principle, the American bar is deeply committed to equal opportunity and social justice. In practice, it lags behind other occupations in leveling the playing...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Spring, 2014 Robert S. Marx Lecture DIVERSITY AND GENDER EQUITY IN LEGAL PRACTICE Deborah L. Rhode [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2014    
Daniel E. Ho, Mark G. Kelman Does Class Size Affect the Gender Gap? A Natural Experiment in Law 43 Journal of Legal Studies 291 (June, 2014) We study a unique natural experiment in which Stanford Law School randomly assigned first-year students to small or large sections of mandatory courses from 2001 to 2011. We provide evidence that assignment to small sections closed a slight (but substantively and highly statistically significant) gender gap existing in large sections from 2001 to...; Search Snippet: ...Studies June, 2014 PT. 1 DOES CLASS SIZE AFFECT THE GENDER GAP? A NATURAL EXPERIMENT IN LAW Daniel E. Ho Mark... 2014    
Saurabh Vishnubhakat Gender Diversity in the Patent Bar 14 John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law 67 (2014) I. Introduction. 68 II. Relevant Dimensions of Gender Diversity. 68 III. The Patent Bar Gender Data File. 72 A. Data and Methodology. 72 B. Practitioners in the Active Roster. 73 C. Practitioners Named on Granted Patents. 75 IV. Discussion. 76 V. Conclusion. 77 Appendix: Tables and Figures. 79; Search Snippet: ...LAW John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law 2014 Article GENDER DIVERSITY IN THE PATENT BAR Saurabh Vishnubhakat [FNa1] Copyright © Saurabh... 2014    
Cheryl L. Wade Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards: How Racial Politics Impedes Progress in the United States 26 Pace International Law Review 23 (Spring 2014) The excellent conference organized by Darren Rosenblum comparing global approaches to board diversity inspired me to think about how progress in this context has unfolded in the United States. Even though the issue of diversity on corporate boards has become a global issue, few U.S. boards have moved beyond mere tokenism when it comes to female...; Search Snippet: ...INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEW Pace International Law Review Spring 2014 Article GENDER DIVERSITY ON CORPORATE BOARDS: HOW RACIAL POLITICS IMPEDES PROGRESS IN... 2014    
Angela Nicole Johnson Intersectionality, Life Experience & Judicial Decision Making: a New View of Gender at the Supreme Court 28 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 353 (2014) On New Year's Day, acting at the request of an order of Catholic nuns in Colorado, Justice Sotomayor temporarily blocked the Obama administration, acting under the Affordable Care Act, from requiring some religiously affiliated groups to provide health insurance coverage of birth control. In response, commentators attacked the Justice and blamed...; Search Snippet: ...INTERSECTIONALITY, LIFE EXPERIENCE & JUDICIAL DECISION MAKING: A NEW VIEW OF GENDER AT THE SUPREME COURT Angela Nicole Johnson [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2014    
Chelsea V. King Procedurally Criminal: How Peremptory Challenges Create Unfair and Unrepresentative Single-gender Juries 21 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 187 (Fall, 2014) Introduction I. The Gender-Based Peremptory Challenge A. In General: Peremptory Challenges B. Batson: Equal Protection Protects Jurors from Racial Discrimination C. Extension of Batson Rationale, Prohibiting Discriminatory Peremptory Challenges to Gender D. Peremptory Challenges in Practice II. The Right to an Impartial Jury of One's Peers A....; Search Snippet: ...PROCEDURALLY CRIMINAL: HOW PEREMPTORY CHALLENGES CREATE UNFAIR AND UNREPRESENTATIVE SINGLE- GENDER JURIES Chelsea V. King [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2014 College of... 2014    
Professor Michael McCann Revisiting Sex: Keynote Address Money, Sex, and Power: Gender Discrimination and the Thwarted Legacy of the 1964 Civil Rights Act 91 Denver University Law Review 779 (2014) Introduction. 779 I. Some Frustrating Facts About Continuing Gender Inequality. 781 II. Critical Feminist Theory on the Limits of Rights-Based Strategies for Change. 785 III. A Different Explanation: Power and Politics of Law. 788 A. Discrimination Is Structural. 791 B. Dispensing with Demonstrations of Intent. 792 C. Enhanced Empirical Evidence....; Search Snippet: ...2014 Article REVISITING SEX: KEYNOTE ADDRESS MONEY, SEX, AND POWER: GENDER DISCRIMINATION AND THE THWARTED LEGACY OF THE 1964 CIVIL RIGHTS... 2014    
Professor Donna Coker Stand Your Ground in Context: Race, Gender, and Politics University of Miami Law Review Eleventh Circuit Issue "Stand Your Ground" Laws 68 University of Miami Law Review 943 (Summer 2014) Florida's self-defense law, commonly known as Stand Your Ground (SYG), has been the subject of extraordinary debate, both popular and scholarly. SYG was the subject of hearings conducted by the Senate Judiciary Committee, the United Nations Human Rights Committee, and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; the focus of a new American...; Search Snippet: ...Review Summer 2014 Foreword STAND YOUR GROUND IN CONTEXT: RACE, GENDER, AND POLITICS UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI LAW REVIEW ELEVENTH CIRCUIT ISSUE... 2014    
Holly Foster, John Hagan Supportive Ties in the Lives of Incarcerated Women: Gender, Race/ethnicity, and Children's Human Rights 17 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 257 (Spring 2014) In keeping with trends of mass imprisonment in the contemporary United States of America, especially the pronounced increase in incarcerated groups from the 1970s forward, women's rates of incarceration have increased six-fold between 1980 and 2008. The majority of female inmates are parents of young children and many of these women were living...; Search Snippet: ...Symposium Article SUPPORTIVE TIES IN THE LIVES OF INCARCERATED WOMEN: GENDER, RACE/ETHNICITY, AND CHILDREN'S HUMAN RIGHTS Holly Foster John Hagan... 2014    
Megan Veith The Continuing Gender-health Divide: a Discussion of Free Choice, Gender Discrimination, and Gender Theory as Applied to the Affordable Care Act 21 Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy 341 (Spring, 2014) Men and women are historically, socially, and biologically different from each other. Therefore, they utilize different health care services from each other, or similar services, but in different ways. With so much gender variation, measuring equality in the current health care system is a difficult task. However, for gender equality to exist in...; Search Snippet: ...on Poverty Law and Policy Spring, 2014 Note THE CONTINUING GENDER-HEALTH DIVIDE: A DISCUSSION OF FREE CHOICE, GENDER DISCRIMINATION, AND GENDER THEORY AS APPLIED TO THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT Megan Veith... 2014    
Catherine Jean Archibald Transgender Student in Maine May Use Bathroom That Matches Gender Identity--are Co-ed Bathrooms Next? 83 UMKC Law Review 57 (Fall, 2014) No State shall . . . deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. -Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Section 1. No person shall . . . be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law . . . . -Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. This is an exciting time for...; Search Snippet: ...Article TRANSGENDER STUDENT IN MAINE MAY USE BATHROOM THAT MATCHES GENDER IDENTITY--ARE CO-ED BATHROOMS NEXT? Catherine Jean Archibald [FNa1... 2014    
Verónica Caridad Rabelo, Lilia M. Cortina , University of Michigan Two Sides of the Same Coin: Gender Harassment and Heterosexist Harassment in Lgbq Work Lives 38 Law and Human Behavior 378 (August, 2014) This project investigated the incidence, interplay, and impact of gender-and sexuality-based harassment, as experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) employees in higher education. Unlike much queer empirical research, participants in this study were residents of noncoastal regions of the U.S. that are predominantly White, rural, and...; Search Snippet: ...Human Behavior August, 2014 TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN: GENDER HARASSMENT AND HETEROSEXIST HARASSMENT IN LGBQ WORK LIVES Verónica Caridad... 2014    
Ashley Valdez Who's Really Determining Our Social Policy? Revisiting the Relationship Between Congress and the Courts in Workplace Gender Discrimination 25 Hastings Women's Law Journal 327 (Summer 2014) Betty Dukes worked as a Wal-Mart employee in Pittsburg, California since 1994. She started as a cashier, but eventually received a promotion to customer service manager. Despite years of service and positive performance reviews, the employment relationship soured when Wal-Mart disciplined Dukes for violating company policy. When filing her claim,...; Search Snippet: ...REVISITING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CONGRESS AND THE COURTS IN WORKPLACE GENDER DISCRIMINATION Ashley Valdez [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2014 UC Hastings College... 2014    
Lolita Buckner Inniss From Space-off to Represented Space: a Review of Reimagining Equality: Stories of Gender, Race, and Finding Home by Anita Hill. Boston: Beacon Press, 2011. 195 Pp. $25.95 Hardback. 28 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 138 (Winter 2013) In Reimagining Equality: Stories of Gender, Race, and Finding Home, author Anita Hill explores some of the literal and figurative meanings of home, focusing specifically on African-American women in their quest for home. Hill layers discussions of law, literature, and culture with stories of individual women, both historic and contemporary. In...; Search Snippet: ...TO REPRESENTED SPACE: A REVIEW OF REIMAGINING EQUALITY: STORIES OF GENDER, RACE, AND FINDING HOME BY ANITA HILL. BOSTON: BEACON PRESS... 2013   African/Black American
Neville Hoad Sovereign Feeling: the South African Constitution, Hiv/aids, and the Right to Sexual Orientation and Dignity 18 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 125 (Fall, 2013) As the gay rights movement gathered momentum in many parts of the world, countries increasingly started considering if and how to protect the rights of their citizens to be free from discrimination based on sexual orientation. In 1996, South Africa, a relatively new country still reeling from the racial discrimination that permeated society during...; Search Snippet: ...Angeles, Feb. 14-15, 2013); African Same-Sex Sexualities and Gender Diversity Conference (Pretoria, Feb. 13-16, 2011); Modern Languages Association... 2013   African/Black American
Alejandro Madrazo Biocolonialism: Trips and the Genetic No Man's Land 25 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 487 (2013) This article explores the parallels between the legal doctrines that supported early European colonialism in the Americas and the current intellectual property rights regime as applied to the patenting of genetic resources and biodiversity. By exploring the historic and methodological origins of colonial doctrines, it draws to the forefront the...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review 2013 Article BIOCOLONIALISM: TRIPS AND THE GENETIC NO MAN'S LAND Alejandro Madrazo [FNa1] Copyright © 2013 by Alejandro Madrazo Abstract... 2013    
Maria Noel Leoni Zardo Gender Equality and Indigenous Peoples' Right to Self-determination and Culture 28 American University International Law Review 1053 (2013) I. INTRODUCTION. 1053 II. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND THE COLLECTIVE RIGHT TO CULTURE. 1059 A. The Importance of Recognizing Collective Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 1059 B. The Scope of the Collective Rights to Self-Determination and Culture. 1068 III. ADDRESSING GENDER INEQUALITY WITHIN INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES. 1073 IV....; Search Snippet: ...the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and International Human Rights Law GENDER EQUALITY AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND CULTURE... 2013    
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