AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearGender in title or SummaryEthnicity Identified in Title
Kareem Crayton Gender Unbound? 81 George Washington Law Review 1799 (November, 2013) This Essay engages current research on gender norms and biases and the way they interact in the political sphere with female candidates. Since Hillary Clinton's campaign for U.S. President in 2008, many scholarly retrospectives have presented various reasons that her candidacy faltered. As a starting point, this piece addresses one particular...; Search Snippet: ...A Symposium on the Law Governing Our Democratic Process Essay GENDER UNBOUND? Kareem Crayton [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2013 George Washington Law... 2013    
Aya Gruber Leniency as a Miscarriage of Race and Gender Justice 76 Albany Law Review 1571 (2012-2013) What is a miscarriage of justice? One might think of many ways in which the wheels of criminal justice jump the tracks. The criminal system might permit the conviction of an innocent or the admission of a coerced confession. The system might permit bribery and influence of state actors. The system might tolerate the mistreatment of victims,...; Search Snippet: ...2012-2013 Article LENIENCY AS A MISCARRIAGE OF RACE AND GENDER JUSTICE Aya Gruber [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2013 Albany Law School... 2013    
Alyson L. Dimmitt Gnam Mexico's Missed Opportunities to Protect Irregular Women Transmigrants: Applying a Gender Lens to Migration Law Reform 22 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 713 (June, 2013) Abstract: Mexico is a transit country for hundreds of thousands of migrants traveling north. Due to economic liberalization, women increasingly migrate in search of employment opportunities, a phenomenon called the feminization of migration. As women migrate, they face high risks of sexual and gender-based violence, including sexual assault,...; Search Snippet: ...MEXICO'S MISSED OPPORTUNITIES TO PROTECT IRREGULAR WOMEN TRANSMIGRANTS: APPLYING A GENDER LENS TO MIGRATION LAW REFORM Alyson L. Dimmitt Gnam [FNd1... 2013    
Lisa Mottet Modernizing State Vital Statistics Statutes and Policies to Ensure Accurate Gender Markers on Birth Certificates: a Good Government Approach to Recognizing the Lives of Transgender People 19 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 373 (2013) Introduction. 376 I. Understanding The Problem. 379 A. A Brief Overview of the Legal Landscape with Regard to Correcting Gender on Birth Certificates. 379 1. The Model State Vital Statistics Act (MSVSA). 380 2. Current U.S. State Law and Policies Overview. 381 3. New Policy on Consular Reports of Birth Abroad and Passports. 383 4. The U.K....; Search Snippet: ...MODERNIZING STATE VITAL STATISTICS STATUTES AND POLICIES TO ENSURE ACCURATE GENDER MARKERS ON BIRTH CERTIFICATES: A GOOD GOVERNMENT APPROACH TO RECOGNIZING... 2013    
Madeline Porta Not Guilty by Reason of Gender Transgression: the Ethics of Gender Identity Disorder as Criminal Defense and the Case of Pfc. Chelsea Manning 16 CUNY Law Review 319 (Summer 2013) A young person sits in a dark room, face lit by the glow of a computer screen. The person types for long stretches, then pauses while waiting for an instant message response from a new friend. The message thread is bursting with the types of confessions familiar in a world of cyber anonymity: job frustration, anxiety, interspersed with...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Summer 2013 Note NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF GENDER TRANSGRESSION: THE ETHICS OF GENDER IDENTITY DISORDER AS CRIMINAL DEFENSE AND THE CASE OF PFC... 2013    
Leslie Joan Harris Reforming Paternity Law to Eliminate Gender, Status, and Class Inequality 2013 Michigan State Law Review 1295 (2013) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction 1295 I. The Evolution of Paternity Law--A Brief Survey 1299 A. Paternity at Common Law 1300 B. The 1973 UPA--Implementing Equal Protection 1301 C. Child-Support Enforcement and the 2002 UPA 1304 II. Paternity Law Today--The Continued Persistence of Gendered and Class Rules 1307 A. Married Mothers 1308 1. Statutes...; Search Snippet: ...Michigan State Law Review 2013 REFORMING PATERNITY LAW TO ELIMINATE GENDER, STATUS, AND CLASS INEQUALITY Leslie Joan Harris [FNa1] Copyright © 2013... 2013    
Julie Goldscheid Rethinking Civil Rights and Gender Violence 14 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 43 (Winter, 2013) Advocacy seeking justice for survivors of domestic and sexual violence historically has invoked civil rights law and rhetoric to advance legal remedies and public policy reform. Although many have come to think of a civil rights remedy as a private right of action against an individual, when we think about civil rights and gender violence, we...; Search Snippet: ...of Gender and Sexuality Law Article RETHINKING CIVIL RIGHTS AND GENDER VIOLENCE Julie Goldscheid [FNa1] Copyright © 2013 by Julie Goldscheid Abstract... 2013    
Ajmel Quereshi The Forgotten Remedy: a Legal and Theoretical Defense of Intermediate Scrutiny for Gender-based Affirmative Action Programs 21 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 797 (2013) Introduction. 798 I. The Rise and Fall of Gender-Based Affirmative Action: An Examination of the Development and Decline of Intermediate Scrutiny. 800 A. The Rise of Intermediate Scrutiny: The Development of the Court's Jurisprudence with Regard to Statutes That Differentiate on the Basis of Gender. 801 B. The First Step Backwards: The Supreme...; Search Snippet: ...REMEDY: A LEGAL AND THEORETICAL DEFENSE OF INTERMEDIATE SCRUTINY FOR GENDER-BASED AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAMS Ajmel Quereshi [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2013... 2013    
Geneva Brown Ain't I a Victim? The Intersectionality of Race, Class, and Gender in Domestic Violence and the Courtroom 19 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 147 (Fall 2012) African American women who seek protection from law enforcement and the courts encounter a legal system that has fixed notions of African Americans as more susceptible and amenable to violence. Race and gender stereotyping affect how successfully African American women can avail themselves of the full panoply of services and protections offered to...; Search Snippet: ...AIN'T I A VICTIM? THE INTERSECTIONALITY OF RACE, CLASS, AND GENDER IN DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND THE COURTROOM Geneva Brown [FNa1] Copyright... 2012   African/Black American
Perry L. Moriearty , William Carson Cognitive Warfare and Young Black Males in America 15 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 281 (Spring 2012) During the 1990s, deep into America's Wars on Crime and Drugs, an incursion commenced against a target that had, to that point, remained largely outside the crosshairs. Prompted by rising crime rates and a handful of high-profile incidents, politicians, the media, and much of the public became consumed by what they characterized as a looming...; Search Snippet: ...on Social Issues Symposium Article COGNITIVE WARFARE AND YOUNG BLACK MALES IN AMERICA Perry L. Moriearty [FNa1] William Carson [FNaa1] Copyright... 2012   African/Black American
Gina M. Vincent, Melissa L. Paiva-Salisbury, Nathan E. Cook, Laura S. Guy, Rachael T. Perrault, University of Massachusetts Medical School Impact of Risk/needs Assessment on Juvenile Probation Officers' Decision Making: Importance of Implementation 18 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 549 (2012) The adoption of risk assessment tools has increased in popularity in the juvenile justice system due, in part, to recommendations by the Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA). However, very little is known about whether adoption of these tools actually effectuates change in the way young offenders are handled. Qualitative and...; Search Snippet: ...was interviewed at least once. The sample was 53.2% male, 66.7% White and 31.4% African American, and averaged 38.91 years of age ( SD = 10.67... 2012   African/Black American
Iván Espinoza-Madrigal Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Diversity in the Workplace 58 Practical Lawyer 39 (8/1/2012) Ms. Vinson's experience as a woman and as an African-American placed her in a unique position with respect to her relationship with her manager and the sexual harassment she experienced. The lack of job opportunities she likely encountered as an African-American woman in 1974 may have contributed to her hesitation to report Mr. Taylor and,...; Search Snippet: ...WL 3094950 PRACTICAL LAWYER Practical Lawyer August 2012 SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, AND DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE LGBT equality in the... 2012   African/Black American
Candace Hamilton Hester, Chris Meyer, Steven Raphael The Evolution of Gender Employment Rate Differentials Within Racial Groups in the United States 41 Journal of Legal Studies 385 (June, 2012) This paper analyzes changes in gender employment rate (GER) differentials for whites and blacks in the United States from 1950 to 2008. We document the evolution of the GER gap, which narrows considerably within both racial groups and turns slightly negative for blacks. We document the changing employment levels that drive these patterns as well as...; Search Snippet: ...Conference: The Law and Economics of Race THE EVOLUTION OF GENDER EMPLOYMENT RATE DIFFERENTIALS WITHIN RACIAL GROUPS IN THE UNITED STATES... 2012   African/Black American
Caroline Joan (“Kay”) S. Picart Colloquium Proceedings: Critical Pedagogy, Race/gender & Intellectual Property 48 California Western Law Review 493 (Spring 2012) The vantage point from which I engage LatCrit XVI's emphases on Global Justice: Theories, Histories, Futures is rooted personally, as a body and entity marked by multiple hybridities, but also as a trained philosopher concerned with metaphysical and ethical questions of truth in relation to the generation of narratives. In other words, I engage...; Search Snippet: ...Improving Legal and Latino Education COLLOQUIUM PROCEEDINGS: CRITICAL PEDAGOGY, RACE/ GENDER & INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Caroline Joan (Kay) S. Picart [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2012   Hispanic/Latinx American
Steven F. Shatz , Naomi R. Shatz Chivalry Is Not Dead: Murder, Gender, and the Death Penalty* 27 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 64 (Winter 2012) Chivalry--that set of values and code of conduct for the medieval knightly class--has long influenced American law, from Supreme Court decisions to substantive criminal law doctrines and the administration of criminal justice. The chivalrous knight was enjoined to seek honor and defend it through violence and, in a society that enforced strict...; Search Snippet: ...Law & Justice Winter 2012 Article CHIVALRY IS NOT DEAD: MURDER, GENDER, AND THE DEATH PENALTY* Steven F. Shatz [FNd1] Naomi R... 2012    
Gabriel Arkles Correcting Race and Gender: Prison Regulation of Social Hierarchy Through Dress 87 New York University Law Review 859 (October, 2012) This Article examines the enforcement of racialized gender norms through the regulation of dress in prisons. Dress, including hair and clothing, is central to the ways government and other institutions enforce hierarchical social norms. These norms are based on the intersection of race and gender, as well as religion, sexuality, class, age, and...; Search Snippet: ...York University Law Review October, 2012 Articles CORRECTING RACE AND GENDER: PRISON REGULATION OF SOCIAL HIERARCHY THROUGH DRESS Gabriel Arkles [FNa1... 2012    
Kolleen Duley Gender and Criminality 18 UCLA Women's Law Journal 273 (Winter 2012) I. Introduction. 273 II. Women's Prison Reform Movement: Scholarly Reviews. 275 III. Early Literature on Gender and Criminality. 281 IV. Law Enforcement Violence. 291 V. Gender Essentialism and Female Policing. 293 VI. Globalization and Imprisonment. 296 VII. Conclusion. 299; Search Snippet: ...LAW JOURNAL UCLA Women's Law Journal Winter 2012 Student Scholarship GENDER AND CRIMINALITY Kolleen Duley [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2012 Regents of... 2012    
Alexander Tsesis Gender Discrimination and the Thirteenth Amendment 112 Columbia Law Review 1641 (November, 2012) Although the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified more than a century and a half ago, courts have yet to delve into its relevance to gender discrimination. This oversight is unfortunate given the extent to which jurisprudence about another Reconstruction Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment, has evolved beyond its original racial confines to include...; Search Snippet: ...Amendment: Meaning, Enforcement, and Contemporary Implications Panel II: Reconstruction Revisited GENDER DISCRIMINATION AND THE THIRTEENTH AMENDMENT Alexander Tsesis [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2012    
Susan P. Klopman, Sangeetha Mallavarapu Gender Still Matters: a Primer on Gender Discrimination Law 41-OCT Colorado Lawyer 33 (October, 2012) Written for employment and non-employment lawyers alike, this article provides an overview of disparate treatment gender discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. The focus is on definitions of sex and gender, as well as-sex stereotyping and sex-plus theories. Federal law has prohibited discrimination against women because of their...; Search Snippet: ...Issue: Women and the Law Article Women and the Law GENDER STILL MATTERS: A PRIMER ON GENDER DISCRIMINATION LAW Susan P. Klopman Sangeetha Mallavarapu [FNa1] Copyright © 2012... 2012    
Nancy Staudt, April Yanyuan Wu, Chao Wang Is Gender-based Policymaking Relevant in the 21st Century? 13 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 59 (2012) On virtually every dimension, women's life choices and experiences have changed, and most agree, these changes are for the better. Compared to the average woman thirty years ago, women today have higher levels of education, more stable career trajectories, better salaries, longer life expectancies . the list continues. Because these economic and...; Search Snippet: ...the Intersection of Tax Law, Gender and Sexuality Article IS GENDER-BASED POLICYMAKING RELEVANT IN THE 21ST CENTURY? Nancy Staudt April... 2012    
Alicia Brokars Kelly Navigating Gender in Modern Intimate Partnership Law 14 Journal of Law and Family Studies 1 (2012) With women edging up to become half the workforce, claims of women's economic empowerment now abound. But the reality is that gender equality has not been mainstreamed. The truly eye-opening new data is how marginalized and partial many women's attachment to the labor force continues to be. Simultaneously, another misleading narrative also...; Search Snippet: ...STUDIES Journal of Law and Family Studies 2012 Article NAVIGATING GENDER IN MODERN INTIMATE PARTNERSHIP LAW Alicia Brokars Kelly [FNa1] Copyright... 2012    
Hannah Brenner , Renee Newman Knake Rethinking Gender Equality in the Legal Profession's Pipeline to Power: a Study on Media Coverage of Supreme Court Nominees (Phase I, the Introduction Week) 84 Temple Law Review 325 (Winter 2012) Three women now sit on the Supreme Court of the United States, and a fourth recently retired, suggesting the attainment of formal gender equality. Despite this appearance of progress, women remain significantly underrepresented in major leadership roles within the legal profession, where they face extensive gender bias and stereotyping. This gender...; Search Snippet: ...TEMPLE LAW REVIEW Temple Law Review Winter 2012 Articles RETHINKING GENDER EQUALITY IN THE LEGAL PROFESSION'S PIPELINE TO POWER: A STUDY... 2012    
Miranda McGowan Stop the Fight for Women's Equality Gender Equality: Dimensions of Women's Citizenship, (Linda C. Mcclain & Joanna L. Grossman, Eds.). New York, Cambridge University Press. 2009. Pp. 450. $99.00 28 Constitutional Commentary 139 (Spring 2012) Many civil rights scholars despair that the Equal Protection Clause's success in securing women and minorities' formal equality has come at the price of achieving substantive equality for individuals without regard to their race or sex. In the service of formal equality, for example, the Court has barred race-conscious measures to remedy past...; Search Snippet: ...Spring 2012 Book Review STOP THE FIGHT FOR WOMEN'S EQUALITY GENDER EQUALITY: DIMENSIONS OF WOMEN'S CITIZENSHIP, (LINDA C. MCCLAIN [FN1] & JOANNA... 2012    
Veronica Colon-Padilla The "Miss America" Ideal: an Analysis of the Legality and Enforceability of Bodily Contract Clauses Within Modern Pageantry and the Gender and Cultural Implications of Using Governmentally Unregulated Weight Requirements in the Media 34 Women's Rights Law Reporter 79 (Fall 2012) And so in these economic times, we need to be looking forward to what America needs, and I think Miss America needs to represent all. -Oskar Garcia The first recorded bathing beauty contest took place at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware in 1880, a mere seventeen years after President Lincoln's signing of the Emancipation Proclamation and at the turn of...; Search Snippet: ...ENFORCEABILITY OF BODILY CONTRACT CLAUSES WITHIN MODERN PAGEANTRY AND THE GENDER AND CULTURAL IMPLICATIONS OF USING GOVERNMENTALLY UNREGULATED WEIGHT REQUIREMENTS IN... 2012    
Keith J. Bybee The Limits of Debate or What We Talk about When We Talk about Gender Imbalance on the Bench 2012 Michigan State Law Review 1481 (2012) Introduction. 1481 I. The Significance of Structure. 1483 II. Impartial Arbiters and Political Actors. 1484 III. The Limits of the Debate. 1490 IV. A Way Forward. 1496 What do we talk about when we talk about gender imbalance on the bench? The first thing we do is count. Scholars, pundits, the press, and organizations all keep track of the number...; Search Snippet: ...DEBATE OR WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT GENDER IMBALANCE ON THE BENCH Keith J. Bybee [FNa1] Copyright © 2012... 2012    
Vivian Berger The Mediator's (Female) Gender: Irrelevant, Important, or In-between? 30 Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation 83 (April, 2012) My answer to the question posed in the title is all of the above. Generally speaking, the best mediators have what I call the four Ps: Process skills, Preparedness, Patience, and Perseverance. I doubt that such attributes lodge in our X or Y chromosomes. As a traditional, Ruth Ginsburg feminist, I tend to be leery of difference talk. Thus,...; Search Snippet: ...of Litigation April, 2012 Women in ADR THE MEDIATOR'S (FEMALE) GENDER: IRRELEVANT, IMPORTANT, OR IN-BETWEEN? Vivian Berger [FNa1] Copyright © 2012... 2012    
Dean Spade The Only Way to End Racialized Gender Violence in Prisons Is to End Prisons: a Response to Russell Robinson's "Masculinity as Prison" 3 California Law Review Circuit 182 (December, 2012) In Masculinity As Prison: Sexual Identity, Race, and Incarceration, Professor Russell Robinson explores the creation of the K6G unit of the Los Angeles County Jail. Robinson describes how this unit, designed to protect prisoners who may be targets because of their non-normative gender and/or sexual orientation, operates as a site for the...; Search Snippet: ...Review Circuit December, 2012 THE ONLY WAY TO END RACIALIZED GENDER VIOLENCE IN PRISONS IS TO END PRISONS: A RESPONSE TO... 2012    
Jessica Dixon Weaver African-american Grandmothers: Does the Gender-entrapment Theory Apply? Essay Response to Professor Beth Richie 37 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 153 (2011) First, I would like to extend my appreciation to Dean Appell and Vice-Provost Davis for inviting me to discuss how my research on the African-American family intersects with Professor Richie's work in the anti-violence black feminist movement area. My focus on the black family deals with how the family has been historically structured, how law and...; Search Snippet: ...Justice: Mass Incarceration and Masculinity Through a Black Feminist Lens AFRICAN- AMERICAN GRANDMOTHERS: DOES THE GENDER-ENTRAPMENT THEORY APPLY? ESSAY RESPONSE TO PROFESSOR BETH RICHIE Jessica... 2011   African/Black American
SpearIt Gender Violence in Prison & Hyper-masculinities in the 'Hood: Cycles of Destructive Masculinity 37 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 89 (2011) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction to the Problem 90 A. Gender Norms in Society 95 1. Pornography & Prostitution 99 2. Hate Language 103 B. Prison Reproductions of Destructive Masculinity 106 II. Documenting Destructive Masculinity 107 A. Prisoner on Prisoner 108 1. Rape and Turning Out 111 2. Forced Families, Prostitution & Slavery 116 B. Guard...; Search Snippet: ...Justice: Mass Incarceration and Masculinity Through a Black Feminist Lens GENDER VIOLENCE IN PRISON & HYPER-MASCULINITIES IN THE 'HOOD: CYCLES OF... 2011   African/Black American
Christina M. Tenuta Can You Really Be a Good Role Model to Your Child If You Can't Braid Her Hair? The Unconstitutionality of Factoring Gender and Sexuality into Custody Determinations 14 CUNY Law Review 351 (Summer 2011) The best way to defend your constitutional rights as a parent may be to enroll in beauty school. One trial court implied that the ability of a parent to style a child's hair is a relevant consideration in the determination of a child custody dispute. While family courts make decisions about what traits children should learn from their parents with...; Search Snippet: ...IF YOU CAN'T BRAID HER HAIR? THE UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF FACTORING GENDER AND SEXUALITY INTO CUSTODY DETERMINATIONS Christina M. Tenuta [FNd1] Copyright... 2011    
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