AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearGender in title or SummaryEthnicity Identified in Title
Frank Dobbin , Jiwook Jung Corporate Board Gender Diversity and Stock Performance: the Competence Gap or Institutional Investor Bias? 89 North Carolina Law Review 809 (March, 2011) Introduction. 809 I. Theories of Group Composition and Efficacy. 813 A. Theories Suggesting Advantages of Group Diversity. 814 B. Theories Suggesting Disadvantages of Group Diversity. 815 II. Research on Board Diversity and Performance. 817 III. Institutional Investor Activism, Institutional Investor Bias. 820 IV. Data and Methods. 825 A. Sample....; Search Snippet: ...Diversity and Corporate Performance: Filling in the Gaps CORPORATE BOARD GENDER DIVERSITY AND STOCK PERFORMANCE: THE COMPETENCE GAP OR INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR... 2011    
Julie Goldscheid Disparate Impact's Impact: the Gender Violence Lens 90 Oregon Law Review 33 (2011) I. Introduction. 34 A. Disparate Impact: A Theory of Limits or Untapped Potential?. 36 B. Context: Domestic Violence. 38 II. Disparate Impact: Testing Theory and Doctrine. 42 A. Theory. 42 B. Doctrine. 45 1. Statutory Requirements. 45 2. Single Decision Cases. 48 C. Establishing Impact. 59 D. Impact of Impact Analysis. 65 Conclusion. 66; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW Oregon Law Review 2011 Articles DISPARATE IMPACT'S IMPACT: THE GENDER VIOLENCE LENS Julie Goldscheid [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2011 University of... 2011    
Diane S. Sykes Gender and Judging 94 Marquette Law Review 1381 (Summer 2011) On Monday, October 4, 2010, Elena Kagan heard her first case as the 112th Justice of the United States Supreme Court, replacing Justice John Paul Stevens, who retired in June after an extraordinary thirty-four-year tenure on the Court. It was often noted when she was nominated, and was emphasized again when she took the bench, that Justice Kagan is...; Search Snippet: ...4383274 MARQUETTE LAW REVIEW Marquette Law Review Summer 2011 Speech GENDER AND JUDGING The Honorable Diane S. Sykes [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2011    
Danielle R. Dale Gender Identity Protection: the Inadequacy of Shareholder Action to Amend Corporate Employment Discrimination Policies 36 Journal of Corporation Law 469 (Winter 2011) I. Introduction. 470 II. Background. 471 A. Gender Identity Disorder. 471 B. Title VII. 471 C. Interpretation of Title VII in Cases. 472 1. Ulane v. Eastern Airlines and the Interpretation That Sex Does Not Encompass Gender Identity and Does Not Protect Transsexuals. 472 2. Sex Stereotyping and Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins. 473 3. Smith v. City of...; Search Snippet: ...OF CORPORATION LAW Journal of Corporation Law Winter 2011 Note GENDER IDENTITY PROTECTION: THE INADEQUACY OF SHAREHOLDER ACTION TO AMEND CORPORATE... 2011    
Julie Goldscheid Gender Violence and Work in the United States and South Africa: the Parallel Processes of Legal and Cultural Change 19 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 921 (2011) Introduction. 922 I. Context. 924 A. Prevalence of Abuse. 924 B. Women's Labor Market Participation. 928 II. Reform Projects and Critiques. 931 III. Gender Violence and Work. 937 IV. Opportunities for Law Reform. 944 A. South Africa's Constitutional and Statutory Anti-Discrimination Laws. 944 B. Unjust Dismissal Law. 946 C. Limitations in the...; Search Snippet: ...Invention: Mapping the Connections Washington, DC; April 16, 2010 Article GENDER VIOLENCE AND WORK IN THE UNITED STATES AND SOUTH AFRICA... 2011    
Rosalie Berger Levinson Gender-based Affirmative Action and Reverse Gender Bias: Beyond Gratz, Parents Involved, and Ricci 34 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 1 (Winter 2011) I. Introduction. 1 II. History Behind the Affirmative Action Race/Gender Anomaly. 3 III. The Circuit Split on the Race/Gender Conundrum. 13 IV. Analogy to Race-Based Affirmative Action. 19 A. Remedial Purpose as a Justification for Affirmative Action. 20 B. The Diversity Rationale. 24 C. The Arguments Against Affirmative Action. 31 V. Conclusion....; Search Snippet: ...AND GENDER Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Winter 2011 Article GENDER-BASED AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND REVERSE GENDER BIAS: BEYOND GRATZ, PARENTS INVOLVED, AND RICCI Rosalie Berger Levinson... 2011    
J. Herbie DiFonzo How Marriage Became Optional: Cohabitation, Gender, and the Emerging Functional Norms 8 Rutgers Journal of Law & Public Policy 521 (Spring, 2011) In 1953, sociologist Ray E. Baber confidently asserted that the opportunity which marriage affords for constant and complete companionship with the person most loved, with the full sanction of society, is its greatest single attraction. Another mid-20th century text, Paul H. Landis' Making the Most of Marriage, referred to the long-accepted...; Search Snippet: ...Current Issues in Public Policy HOW MARRIAGE BECAME OPTIONAL: COHABITATION, GENDER, AND THE EMERGING FUNCTIONAL NORMS J. Herbie DiFonzo [FNa1] Copyright... 2011    
Pat K. Chew Judges' Gender and Employment Discrimination Cases: Emerging Evidence-based Empirical Conclusions 14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 359 (Spring 2011) Why did we think that women would transform institutions without simultaneously--or alternatively--being transformed by them . . .? Why did we believe that women appointed to positions of power would be representative of women as a group, rather than being those who most resemble the traditional incumbents and are thus considered least likely to...; Search Snippet: ...Intersection in Employment, Economics, and the Law Symposium Article JUDGES' GENDER AND EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES: EMERGING EVIDENCE-BASED EMPIRICAL CONCLUSIONS Pat... 2011    
Wendy Parker Juries, Race, and Gender: a Story of Today's Inequality 46 Wake Forest Law Review 209 (Summer 2011) The Civil Rights Act of 1991 (Act or 1991 Act) was thought to be a victory for employment discrimination plaintiffs--a dramatic expansion of their rights. Twenty years later, however, we are told that the news for employment discrimination plaintiffs has gone from bad to worse. Employment discrimination plaintiffs should expect defendants...; Search Snippet: ...Wake Forest Law Review Summer 2011 Article JURIES, RACE, AND GENDER: A STORY OF TODAY'S INEQUALITY Wendy Parker [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2011    
Eve M. Grina Mainstreaming Gender in Rule of Law Initiatives in Post-conflict Settings 17 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 435 (Winter, 2011) Gender inequality is a pandemic, both in the developing world and in developed countries. In an attempt to address the situation, the United Nations (U.N.) has called on its subsidiary agencies and all Member States to mainstream a gender approach in all programming. Although the mandate is vague concerning implementation, the clear goal is gender...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Women and the Law Winter, 2011 Notes MAINSTREAMING GENDER IN RULE OF LAW INITIATIVES IN POST-CONFLICT SETTINGS Eve... 2011    
Sheldon Goldman, Elliot Slotnick, Sara Schiavoni Obama's Judiciary at Midterm: the Confirmation Drama Continues 94 Judicature 262 (May-June 2011) When Barack Obama assumed the presidency on January 20, 2009, he inherited a country struggling with an economy on the brink of reprising the Great Depression of the 1930s, two middle-eastern wars, crushing deficits, a lopsided tax policy that favored the wealthy and deprived the country of badly needed tax revenue, a health care crisis, and myriad...; Search Snippet: ...THE CONFIRMATION DRAMA CONTINUES Barack Obama's stunning achievement of promoting gender, ethnic, and racial diversity on the federal bench, including two... 2011    
Christopher Smith Polarized Circuits: Party Affiliation of Appointing Presidents, Ideology, and Circuit Court Voting in Race and Gender Civil Rights Cases 22 Hastings Women's Law Journal 157 (Winter 2011) Empty federal judicial benches, long Senate confirmation delays, highly partisan Senate judiciary confirmation hearings, and Kabuki theater characterize the polarizing environment that is the federal judiciary branch. Such an atmosphere raises the question of whether the partisanship and politicization within the confirmation process affects how...; Search Snippet: ...APPOINTING PRESIDENTS, IDEOLOGY, AND CIRCUIT COURT VOTING IN RACE AND GENDER CIVIL RIGHTS CASES Christopher Smith [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2011 UC... 2011    
Anita Bernstein , Hans Dieter Seibel Reparations, Microfinance, and Gender: a Plan, with Strategies for Implementation 44 Cornell International Law Journal 75 (Winter 2011) Introduction. 76 I. The Strategy. 79 A. Engaging Microfinance Institutions to Effect Reparations. 79 1. Terminology. 79 2. The Plan in Brief: Transfer Payments to, and Shares in, Microfinance Institutions. 80 3. Upgrading and Linking to Larger Financial Institutions. 81 4. Options for the Reparations Plan. 85 B. Extending the Microfinance Record....; Search Snippet: ...Cornell International Law Journal Winter 2011 Article REPARATIONS, MICROFINANCE, AND GENDER: A PLAN, WITH STRATEGIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION Anita Bernstein [FNd1] , Hans... 2011    
Rayvon Fouché , Sharra Vostral Selling Women: Lillian Gilbreth, Gender Translation, and Intellectual Property 19 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 825 (2011) I. Introduction. 825 II. Women's Bodies, Vernacular Knowledge, and Intellectual Property. 831 III. The Gilbreth Report: Extracting, Commodifying, and Packaging. 835 IV. Gender Translation. 844; Search Snippet: ...April 16, 2010 Symposium Article SELLING WOMEN: LILLIAN GILBRETH, GENDER TRANSLATION, AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Rayvon Fouché [FNa1] Sharra Vostral [FNd1... 2011    
Melissa Murray Teaching Gender as a Core Value: the Softer Side of Criminal Law 36 Oklahoma City University Law Review 525 (Summer 2011) This is my fifth year teaching family law and criminal law at the University of California, Berkeley. In many ways, incorporating issues of gender into the traditional family-law curriculum is a no-brainer. From Bradwell v. Illinois to more recent cases like In re Baby M, the family-law canon is replete with examples of how gender shapes the...; Search Snippet: the Classroom: Teaching Gender as a Core Value TEACHING GENDER AS A CORE VALUE: THE SOFTER SIDE OF CRIMINAL LAW... 2011    
Mildred Wigfall Robinson The Current Economic Situation and its Impact on Gender, Race, and Class: the Legacy of Raced (And Gendered) Employment 14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 431 (Spring 2011) In November 2009, American joblessness soared to 10.2%, the highest unemployment rate reported in a quarter century. The present unemployment rate continues to hover near 10%. More than 15 million Americans are encompassed within this percentage. Moreover, available data suggest that the number of unemployed is actually significantly higher than 15...; Search Snippet: ...Symposium Article THE CURRENT ECONOMIC SITUATION AND ITS IMPACT ON GENDER, RACE, AND CLASS: THE LEGACY OF RACED (AND GENDERED) EMPLOYMENT... 2011    
Michael J. Higdon To Lynch a Child: Bullying and Gender Nonconformity in Our Nation's Schools 86 Indiana Law Journal 827 (Summer, 2011) Introduction. 827 I. Bullying and Its Gendered Roots. 833 A. The Bully as Gender Enforcer. 836 B. Beyond the Bully: The Complicity of Educators. 843 II. The Harms of Chronic Bullying: A Psychological and Spiritual Lynching. 847 A. Physical Effects: A Growing Body Count. 851 B. Emotional Effects: First they bully you, then you bully yourself.. 855...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Summer, 2011 Article TO LYNCH A CHILD: BULLYING AND GENDER NONCONFORMITY IN OUR NATION'S SCHOOLS [FNd1] Michael J. Higdon [FNa1... 2011    
June Carbone Unpacking Inequality and Class: Family, Gender and the Reconstruction of Class Barriers 45 New England Law Review 527 (Spring 2011) The changing economy and evolution of political ideas have led to a resurgence of the idea of class in American discourse. Relatively little of that discourse, however, acknowledges the role of greater inequality as a critical force remaking the family along class lines. The political right exploits class resentments in championing family values...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Spring 2011 Article UNPACKING INEQUALITY AND CLASS: FAMILY, GENDER AND THE RECONSTRUCTION OF CLASS BARRIERS June Carbone [FNa1] Copyright... 2011    
Bridgette Baldwin Stratification of the Welfare Poor: Intersections of Gender, Race, & "Worthiness" in Poverty Discourse and Policy 6 Modern American Am. 4 (Spring, 2010) On average, we black women have bigger, better problems than any other women alive. We bear the burden of being seen as pretenders to the thrones of both femininity and masculinity, endlessly mocked by the ambiguously gendered crown-of-thorns imagery of queen Madame Queen, snap queen, welfare queen, quota queen, Queenie Queen, Queen Queen Queen....; Search Snippet: ...American Spring, 2010 STRATIFICATION OF THE WELFARE POOR: INTERSECTIONS OF GENDER, RACE, & WORTHINESS IN POVERTY DISCOURSE AND POLICY Bridgette Baldwin [FN1... 2010   African/Black American
George W. Gowen The Measure of Injury: Race, Gender, and Tort Law by Martha Chamallas and Jennifer B. Wriggins New York University Press, New York, Ny, 2010. 228 Pages, $40.00 57-JUL Federal Lawyer 53 (July, 2010) If there is truth to the Japanese proverb, The saddest thing in life is to be born a woman, it lies in the treatment of women as chattel in much of the world, in female infanticide and circumcision, and in the sex trade in adolescent girls. But, if we flatter ourselves in believing that the United States is approaching gender equality as well as...; Search Snippet: ...Lawyer July, 2010 Book Review THE MEASURE OF INJURY: RACE, GENDER, AND TORT LAW BY MARTHA CHAMALLAS AND JENNIFER B. WRIGGINS... 2010   Asian American
Lindsay Pérez Huber Beautifully Powerful: a Latcrit Reflection on Coming to an Epistemological Consciousness and the Power of Testimonio 18 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 839 (2010) I. Introduction. 840 II. Coming to the Study. 841 III. Description of the Study. 843 IV. Coming to an Epistemological Consciousness. 844 V. The Power of Testimonio. 848 VI. Conclusion. 851; Search Snippet: ...overarching framework that examines the intersection of race, class, and gender, while also acknowledging the unique forms of subordination within the Latina/o community based on immigration status, language, phenotype, and ethnicity... 2010   Hispanic/Latinx American
Beth Caldwell Latinas' Experiences in Relation to Gangs: Intersectionality of Race, Class, Gender, and the State 2 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 19 (Spring, 2010) Women involved with gangs face gender bias and oppression at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels: within themselves and their families, within the gang subculture, at the community level, and through the state, as enacted by the law and its systems of enforcement. Gang-involved women face multiple experiences of victimization that occur within these...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives Spring, 2010 Article LATINAS' EXPERIENCES IN RELATION TO GANGS: INTERSECTIONALITY OF RACE, CLASS, GENDER, AND THE STATE Beth Caldwell [FNa1] Copyright © 2010 by Beth... 2010   Hispanic/Latinx American
Robert S. Chang , Adrienne D. Davis An Epistolary Exchange Making up Is Hard to Do: Race/gender/sexual Orientation in the Law School Classroom 33 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 1 (Winter 2010) Abstract. This exchange of letters picks up where Professors Adrienne Davis and Robert Chang left off in an earlier exchange that examined who speaks, who is allowed to speak, and what is remembered. Here, Professors Davis and Chang explore the dynamics of race, gender, and sexual orientation in the law school classroom. They compare the...; Search Snippet: ...AN EPISTOLARY EXCHANGE MAKING UP IS HARD TO DO: RACE/ GENDER/SEXUAL ORIENTATION IN THE LAW SCHOOL CLASSROOM Robert S. Chang... 2010    
Angela P. Harris Beyond the Monster Factory: Gender Violence, Race, and the Liberatory Potential of Restorative Justice 25 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 199 (Spring 2010) Some years ago, Frank Zimring and Gordon Hawkins noted that American crime rates are similar to those of other industrialized nations in most categories of nonviolent crime - even lower, in some cases. Only when it comes to lethal violence does the United States outpace other Western nations, with homicide rates many, many times greater. Zimring...; Search Snippet: ...Law & Justice Spring 2010 Book Review BEYOND THE MONSTER FACTORY: GENDER VIOLENCE, RACE, AND THE LIBERATORY POTENTIAL OF RESTORATIVE JUSTICE Dreams... 2010    
Jennifer B. Wriggins Constitution Day Lecture: Constitutional Law and Tort Law: Injury, Race, Gender, and Equal Protection 63 Maine Law Review 263 (2010) Welcome to the annual Constitution Day lecture at the University of Maine School of Law. This lecture follows the example set last year by Professor Mel Zarr who spoke about the Fourth Amendment and search and seizure law in a piece that was published by the Maine Law Review. My focus today is on a different section of the Constitution, the...; Search Snippet: ...CONSTITUTION DAY LECTURE: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND TORT LAW: INJURY, RACE, GENDER, AND EQUAL PROTECTION Jennifer B. Wriggins [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2010... 2010    
Leah M. Provost Excavating from the Inside: Race, Gender, and Peremptory Challenges 45 Valparaiso University Law Review 307 (Fall, 2010) Class, race, sexuality, gender-and all other categories by which we categorize and dismiss each other-need to be excavated from the inside. The attorney begins by asking Juror Number Four, a white male, questions about his background. Do you have any legal training? No, Juror Number Four replies. Please tell me your present occupation. I...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Fall, 2010 Notes EXCAVATING FROM THE INSIDE: RACE, GENDER, AND PEREMPTORY CHALLENGES Leah M. Provost [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2010... 2010    
Sarah Hinger Finding the Fundamental: Shaping Identity in Gender and Sexual Orientation Based Asylum Claims 19 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 367 (2010) Within the United States and globally, gender and sexual orientation form the basis of an increasing number of rights claims and protections. Both grounds, which reflect the expanding notions and challenges of identity-based rights, have been incorporated into United States asylum law with varying success. The extension of asylum to include some...; Search Snippet: ...Gender and Law 2010 FINDING THE FUNDAMENTAL: SHAPING IDENTITY IN GENDER AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION BASED ASYLUM CLAIMS Sarah Hinger [FNa1] Copyright... 2010    
Michael Correll Getting Fat on Government Cheese: the Connection Between Social Welfare Participation, Gender, and Obesity in America 18 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 45 (Fall 2010) The dramatic increase in obese and overweight Americans over the last two decades has produced enormous scholarly interest. New theories as to the causes, medical consequences, and legal implications of obesity abound. Despite this increase in obesity scholarship, medical, legal, and social science understandings of this topic largely remain...; Search Snippet: ...FAT ON GOVERNMENT CHEESE: THE CONNECTION BETWEEN SOCIAL WELFARE PARTICIPATION, GENDER, AND OBESITY IN AMERICA Michael Correll [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2010... 2010    
Shaun Ossei-Owusu Gimme Some More: Centering Gender and Inequality in Criminal Justice and Discretion Discourse 18 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 607 (2010) I. Introduction. 608 II. Understanding Discretion. 612 A. Discretion as Discreetness. 612 B. Widening Our Lens. 613 III. Sites and Stages of Discretion. 614 A. Understanding Institutional Fields and Bureaucratic Patriarchy. 614 B. Police Practices and Preemptive Investigations. 616 C. Arrests. 619 D. Charging. 620 IV. Conclusion. 622; Search Snippet: Help End the Status Quo GIMME SOME MORE: CENTERING GENDER AND INEQUALITY IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND DISCRETION DISCOURSE Shaun Ossei... 2010    
Laura E. Pisarello Lawless by Design: Jurisdiction, Gender and Justice in Indian Country 59 Emory Law Journal 1515 (2010) [O]ur method of dealing with [murder] was Crow Dog should go take care of Spotted Tail's family, and if he didn't do that we'd banish him from the tribe. But that was considered too barbaric . . . so they passed the Major Crimes Act that said we don't know how to handle murderers and they were going to show us. [I]f you want to rape or kill...; Search Snippet: ...JOURNAL Emory Law Journal 2010 Comment LAWLESS BY DESIGN: JURISDICTION, GENDER AND JUSTICE IN INDIAN COUNTRY Laura E. Pisarello [FNa1] Copyright... 2010    
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