AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearGender in title or SummaryEthnicity Identified in Title
Meera E. Deo , Maria Woodruff , Rican Vue , Thomas Jefferson School of Law, UCLA, UCLA Paint by Number? How the Race and Gender of Law School Faculty Affect the First-year Curriculum 29 Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review 1 (2010) While there is a relatively standard first-year curriculum at all ABA-accredited law schools in the U.S., no two classrooms are identical. This article examines how the race and gender of law school faculty affect both what is taught in the first year and how that material is taught. Using focus group data from a national, longitudinal,...; Search Snippet: ...Review 2010 Articles PAINT BY NUMBER? HOW THE RACE AND GENDER OF LAW SCHOOL FACULTY AFFECT THE FIRST-YEAR CURRICULUM Meera... 2010    
Rachel J. Anderson Promoting Distributional Equality for Women: Some Thoughts on Gender and Global Corporate Citizenship in Foreign Direct Investment 32 Women's Rights Law Reporter 1 (Fall, 2010) This essay applies a legal theory of global corporate citizenship to the question of women's distributional equality in foreign direct investment (FDI). It proposes ways that a legal theory of mandatory global corporate citizenship can expand the ways we think about regulating transnational corporations and promoting gender equality. Gender...; Search Snippet: ...the Economy PROMOTING DISTRIBUTIONAL EQUALITY FOR WOMEN: SOME THOUGHTS ON GENDER AND GLOBAL CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP IN FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Rachel J... 2010    
Carissa Byrne Hessick Race and Gender as Explicit Sentencing Factors 14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 127 (Fall 2010) Most modern sentencing systems in the United States express an explicit commitment to ensuring that a defendant's sentence is not affected by the defendant's race or gender. This commitment to keeping criminal sentencing free of race and gender considerations is consistent with the wider legal trend of eradicating race and gender discrimination...; Search Snippet: ...and the Law Criminal Sentencing Guidelines Conference Articles RACE AND GENDER AS EXPLICIT SENTENCING FACTORS Carissa Byrne Hessick [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2010    
Leeron Avnery The Gender Gap: a Persistent Problem That Congress Has Yet to Address 16 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 395 (Winter, 2010) It is a well-known fact that women are noticeably outnumbered in the workplace when it comes to careers in math, engineering, and the sciences. This is what is known as a gender gap: a disproportionate difference or disparity between the sexes. What may not be as familiar to many is the concept of a gender gap in middle schools and high schools...; Search Snippet: ...Protecting Women's Privacy in the Most Important Places Notes THE GENDER GAP: A PERSISTENT PROBLEM THAT CONGRESS HAS YET TO ADDRESS... 2010    
Rhacel Salazar Parreñas Transnational Mothering: a Source of Gender Conflicts in the Family 88 North Carolina Law Review 1825 (June, 2010) Migration destabilizes families or what we think families should look like, as it forces the transformation of households from nuclear to transnational structures, challenges the traditional gender division of labor, and imposes the barrier of geographical distance on marital and intergenerational relations. Looking at the case of migration from...; Search Snippet: ...3: Families and Global Migration TRANSNATIONAL MOTHERING: A SOURCE OF GENDER CONFLICTS IN THE FAMILY [FNa1] Rhacel Salazar Parreñas [FNaa1] Copyright... 2010    
Angela Irvine, Ph.D. We've Had Three of Them: Addressing the Invisibility of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Gender Non-conforming Youths in the Juvenile Justice System 19 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 675 (2010) Two researchers were speaking to a high-ranking probation officer from a large city, trying to convince her to participate in a project on lesbian, gay, bisexual and questioning (LGB), and gender non-conforming youths. Her first response was, I've worked in this system for twenty-five years and in all of that time I think we've had three of...; Search Snippet: ...OF THEM: ADDRESSING THE INVISIBILITY OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND GENDER NON-CONFORMING YOUTHS IN THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM Angela Irvine... 2010    
Taylor Flynn Instant (Gender) Messaging: Expression-based Challenges to State Enforcement of Gender Norms 18 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 465 (Spring 2009) Statements of identity, without more, have long been a potent form of demand for inclusion and equal treatment. Consider the signs carried by workers, most of whom were African American, during the 1968 Memphis sanitation strike during which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated. They read, quite simply, I AM A MAN. Or, consider the...; Search Snippet: ...2009 Symposium: Intersections of Transgender Lives and the Law INSTANT ( GENDER) MESSAGING: EXPRESSION-BASED CHALLENGES TO STATE ENFORCEMENT OF GENDER NORMS Taylor Flynn [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2009 Temple Political & Civil... 2009   African/Black American
Gregory S. Parks , Quinetta M. Roberson Michelle Obama: a Contemporary Analysis of Race and Gender Discrimination Through the Lens of Title Vii 20 Hastings Women's Law Journal 3 (Winter 2009) Meet the new political wife. She has a career; she has opinions--a partner in every way. . . . And now, she's become controversial. - Ted Koppel The 2008 presidential campaign is historic given the presence of a Black candidate (Barack Obama) and a woman candidate (Hillary Clinton). Not only is it historic that Americans had a real opportunity to...; Search Snippet: ...Winter 2009 MICHELLE OBAMA: A CONTEMPORARY ANALYSIS OF RACE AND GENDER DISCRIMINATION THROUGH THE LENS OF TITLE VII Gregory S. Parks... 2009   African/Black American
M.V. Lee Badgett, Brad Sears, Holning Lau, Deborah Ho Bias in the Workplace: Consistent Evidence of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination 1998-2008 84 Chicago-Kent Law Review 559 (2009) This article summarizes social science data published during the past decade documenting discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in employment. Over the last ten years, many researchers have conducted studies to find out whether LGBT people face sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace. These studies...; Search Snippet: ...BIAS IN THE WORKPLACE: CONSISTENT EVIDENCE OF SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY DISCRIMINATION 1998-2008 M.V. Lee Badgett Brad Sears Holning... 2009    
Anita Bernstein Fellow-feeling and Gender in the Law of Personal Injury 18 Journal of Law & Policy 295 (2009) Whenever authorities instruct audiences about the law that American courts apply--in civics lessons, in speeches to the public, and to students in law schools, as well as in the scripted instructions written for a jury--they typically emphasize the tenet of impartiality. Impartiality underlies fairness, justice, and intelligibility in any legal...; Search Snippet: ...POLICY Journal of Law & Policy 2009 Article FELLOW-FEELING AND GENDER IN THE LAW OF PERSONAL INJURY Anita Bernstein [FNa1] Copyright... 2009    
Katie J. Colopy, Sandra K. Dielman, Michelle A. Morgan Gender Discrimination in the Workplace: "We've Come a Long Way, Baby" 49 The Advocate (Texas) 11 (Winter, 2009) Since the enactment of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), the proportion of women working outside the home has steadily increased. In fact, women now comprise nearly half of the U.S. labor force. Despite the significance of these gains, allegations of workplace discrimination based on gender continue to be made with alarming...; Search Snippet: ...Texas) Winter, 2009 December, 2009 Symposium: Women and the Law GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN THE WORKPLACE: WE'VE COME A LONG WAY, BABY... 2009    
Aeyal Gross Gender Outlaws Before the Law: the Courts of the Borderland 32 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 165 (Winter 2009) This Article considers four trials held in the United States, United Kingdom, and Israel, in which gender outlaws were accused and convicted in a criminal court for fraudulent gender presentations. These trials raise questions at a number of junctures that touch on the regulation and politics of sex, gender, and sexuality. I argue that these cases...; Search Snippet: ...LAW AND GENDER Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Winter 2009 GENDER OUTLAWS BEFORE THE LAW: THE COURTS OF THE BORDERLAND [FNa1... 2009    
Neomi Rao Gender, Race, and Individual Dignity: Evaluating Justice Ginsburg's Equality Jurisprudence 70 Ohio State Law Journal 1053 (2009) American equal protection jurisprudence reflects various competing conceptions of equality. This Article will compare Justice Ginsburg's treatment of gender and racial classifications. When considering constitutional challenges to gender classifications, Justice Ginsburg has focused closely on individual merit and eliminating barriers that deny...; Search Snippet: ...Discussion of Fifteen Years on the U.S. Supreme Court Articles GENDER, RACE, AND INDIVIDUAL DIGNITY: EVALUATING JUSTICE GINSBURG'S EQUALITY JURISPRUDENCE Neomi... 2009    
Sheryll D. Cashin Justice Thurgood Marshall: a Race Man's Race-transcending Jurisprudence 52 Howard Law Journal 507 (Spring 2009) The historic 2008 presidential election and the debates that have swirled around Barack Obama remind me of the generational transition that is taking place. A new generation of leadership is emerging, another is receding, and yet another is dying off. In celebrating and contemplating the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Thurgood Marshall and his...; Search Snippet: ...Work, His Legacy Keynote Address JUSTICE THURGOOD MARSHALL: A RACE MAN'S RACE-TRANSCENDING JURISPRUDENCE Sheryll D. Cashin [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2009... 2009    
Brittany Violet Lucas No Man's Land: Seattle, Washington 7 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 637 (Spring/Summer, 2009) So I woke up at three in the morning, my heart racing, and no one but myself was around. I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, and I knew there was no way I could drink away the anxiety--the bars and clubs were all closed, and I had to pass a breathalyzer at the methadone van in the morning. No, this time I would just have to endure the...; Search Snippet: ...Issue National Conference on Homeless Youth and the Law NO MAN'S LAND: SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Brittany Violet Lucas Copyright © 2009 by Seattle... 2009    
Tamara R. Piety Onslaught: Commercial Speech and Gender Inequality 60 Case Western Reserve Law Review 47 (Fall, 2009) Utilizing Dove's infamous Onslaught viral ad, this Article explores the ways commercial speech constructs images of and attitudes toward women that interfere with full equality for women. Advertising and marketing contribute to creating a social reality in which it is taken for granted that women must spend a great deal of time on appearance and...; Search Snippet: ...Reserve Law Review Fall, 2009 Article ONSLAUGHT: COMMERCIAL SPEECH AND GENDER INEQUALITY Tamara R. Piety [FNd1] Copyright © 2009 Case Western Reserve... 2009    
Iris Halpern Rape, Incest, and Harper Lee's to Kill a Mockingbird: on Alabama's Legal Construction of Gender and Sexuality in the Context of Racial Subordination 18 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 743 (2009) In 1960, To Kill a Mockingbird was published to significant popular acclaim: a reception that has proved enduring. Mockingbird remains one of the most widely circulated works in United States history. Curiously enough, however, the nonpareil American novel known for its condemnation of racism has proven itself a more venerable object in the heart...; Search Snippet: ...LEE'S TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD: ON ALABAMA'S LEGAL CONSTRUCTION OF GENDER AND SEXUALITY IN THE CONTEXT OF RACIAL SUBORDINATION Iris Halpern... 2009    
Jacquelyn Bridgeman , Gracie Lawson-Borders , Margaret Zamudio Representative Democracy in Rural America: Race, Gender, and Class Through a Localism Lens 8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 81 (Fall/Winter 2009) Political history is often made during presidential election cycles. For example, in 1861 President Abraham Lincoln not only became the sixteenth president of the United States, but he was also thrust into a nation-changing social and political maelstrom centered on slavery, secession, and preservation of the Union that would etch him into history....; Search Snippet: ...Place, Identity, and Politics REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY IN RURAL AMERICA: RACE, GENDER, AND CLASS THROUGH A LOCALISM LENS Jacquelyn Bridgeman [FN1] Gracie... 2009    
Gabriel Arkles Safety and Solidarity Across Gender Lines: Rethinking Segregation of Transgender People in Detention 18 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 515 (Spring 2009) The correctional officers are the ones who are the most violent. They're the ones to be scared of. . . . I'm raped on a daily basis, I've made complaint after complaint, but no response. No success. I'm scared to push forward with my complaints against officers for beating me up and raping me. I was in full restraints when the correctional officers...; Search Snippet: ...of Transgender Lives and the Law SAFETY AND SOLIDARITY ACROSS GENDER LINES: RETHINKING SEGREGATION OF TRANSGENDER PEOPLE IN DETENTION Gabriel Arkles... 2009    
  Taking the Heat: Gender Discrimination in Firefighting 17 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 713 (2009) PROCEEDINGS: DANIELA KRAIEM: Good afternoon everyone. My name is Daniela Kraiem, I'm the Associate Director of the Women in the Law Program, and I am thrilled to be able to bring you this program today. We're working in conjunction with the Program on Law and Government and with Professor Richard Ugelow. I'm going to ask everybody to fill in over...; Search Snippet: ...Taking the Heat: Gender Discrimination in Firefighting TAKING THE HEAT: GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN FIREFIGHTING [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2009 American University Journal... 2009    
Joanna Lian Pearson, Donna Rouner The 2008 Elections and the Role of Gender among Young Voters 24 Saint John's Journal of Legal Commentary 343 (Fall 2009) The presidential election process of 2008 was a study in conflict diversity, the understanding of how different groups exist in a hierarchy of inequality. This study looks at how gender schemas exist in the minds of first-time voters to determine whether they could elect a woman for president of the United States and the reason(s) why or why not....; Search Snippet: ...Fall 2009 Article THE 2008 ELECTIONS AND THE ROLE OF GENDER AMONG YOUNG VOTERS Joanna Lian Pearson Donna Rouner [FNa1] Copyright... 2009    
Robin E. Shea, Charles M. Louderback, Philip S. Mortensen, Esq., C. R. Wright, Geoffrey S. Sheldon The Impact of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009: an Immediate Look at the Legal, Governmental, and Economic Ramifications of New Legislation Regarding Equal Pay Based on Gender 2009 Aspatore Special Report 17 (6/1/2009) President Barack Obama, in the first such act of his term, signed into law the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Pub. L. No. 111-2, 123 Stat. 5 (2009), which will dramatically lengthen the statute of limitations in certain discrimination cases. The Ledbetter Act amends Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e (2009), et seq.; the...; Search Snippet: ...ECONOMIC RAMIFICATIONS OF NEW LEGISLATION REGARDING EQUAL PAY BASED ON GENDER Robin E. Shea [FNa1] Charles M. Louderback [FNa1... 2009    
K.J. Greene Intellectual Property at the Intersection of Race and Gender: Lady Sings the Blues 16 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 365 (2008) I. The Emergence of Race in Legal Analysis. 367 A. Intellectual Property, Innovation and African-Americans. 368 B. Blacks and Copyright Law. 370 C. Blacks and Trademark Law. 374 II. The Emerging Feminist Critique of Intellecual Property. 378 A. African-American Women and IP. 380 III. Traditional Knowledge/Indigenous Peoples and Intellectual...; Search Snippet: ...2008 Article INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AT THE INTERSECTION OF RACE AND GENDER: LADY SINGS THE BLUES K.J. Greene [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2008... 2008   African/Black American
Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol The Gender Bend: Culture, Sex, and Sexuality-a Latcritical Human Rights Map of Latina/o Border Crossings 83 Indiana Law Journal 1283 (Fall, 2008) [C]ultures provide specific plots for lives. Away, she went away but each place she went pushed her to the other side, al otro lado. [j]Mejor puta que pata. Mejor ladrón que maricón. In the course of studying and theorizing about Latinas/os and their location in law and culture, critical theory has been simultaneously liberating and restraining,...; Search Snippet: ...Epicenter of Contemporary Legal Discourses Gender and Human Rights THE GENDER BEND: CULTURE, SEX, AND SEXUALITY-A LATCRITICAL HUMAN RIGHTS MAP OF LATINA/O BORDER CROSSINGS Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2008   Hispanic/Latinx American
  Annotated Legal Bibliography on Gender 15 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 169 (2008) Abortion and Reproductive Rights. 170 Children and Teenagers. 174 Domestic Violence. 181 Education. 183 Family. 187 Feminism. 194 Gender Bias. 195 History and Culture. 199 Human Rights. 200 LGBT Rights. 200 Marriage. 205 Parenting. 207 Race and Gender. 211 Same Sex Marriage. 216 Sex Discrimination. 217 Sexual Abuse. 221 Social Class. 224 Workplace...; Search Snippet: ...Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 2008 ANNOTATED LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY ON GENDER Copyright (c) 2008 Yeshiva University Annotated Legal Bibliography on Gender... 2008    
  Annotated Legal Bibliography on Gender 14 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 459 (Spring 2008) Abortion. 460 Bioethics. 462 Children. 463 Civil Disorder. 471 Domestic Violence. 472 Education. 475 Employment Discrimination. 480 Family. 480 Gender Bias. 481 Health. 484 Human Rights. 487 Immigration. 489 International Law. 491 LGBT. 493 Marriage. 496 Parenting. 499 Racial Discrimination. 502 Rape. 505 Religion. 507 Reproduction. 508 Sexual...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law & Gender Spring 2008 ANNOTATED LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY ON GENDER Copyright (c) 2008 Yeshiva University Abortion 460 Bioethics 462 Children... 2008    
Elizabeth Loeb As "Every Schoolboy Knows": Gender, Land, and Native Title in the United States 32 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 253 (2008) This article begins with an obvious but necessary premise: the U.S. state has historically produced itself as sovereign over a specific territorial mass through the violent conquest and continuing occupation of lands to which Native Americans also lay and have laid sovereign claim. At its core, this article seeks to ask how a Liberal conception of...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Social Change 2008 Article AS EVERY SCHOOLBOY KNOWS: GENDER, LAND, AND NATIVE TITLE IN THE UNITED STATES Elizabeth Loeb... 2008    
Julie Goldscheid Gender Violence and Work: Reckoning with the Boundaries of Sex Discrimination Law 18 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 61 (2008) It is uncontroverted . that Hossack was terminated because management feared her husband's threats and that he might very well cause workplace disruption in the future . [consequently] no reasonable jury could find that the defendant terminated [her] employment because she is a woman. Workplace inequality based on sex, as well as discrimination...; Search Snippet: ...GENDER AND LAW Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 2008 GENDER VIOLENCE AND WORK: RECKONING WITH THE BOUNDARIES OF SEX DISCRIMINATION... 2008    
Rhonda Copelon Gender Violence as Torture: the Contribution of Cat General Comment No. 2 11 New York City Law Review 229 (Summer 2008) Violence against women persists in every country in the world as a pervasive violation of human rights and a major impediment to achieving gender equality. Such violence is unacceptable, whether perpetrated by the State and its agents or by family members or strangers, in the public or private sphere, in peacetime or in times of conflict. The...; Search Snippet: ...and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Remarks GENDER VIOLENCE AS TORTURE: THE CONTRIBUTION OF CAT GENERAL COMMENT NO... 2008    
Lisa R. Pruitt 2008 Gender, Geography & Rural Justice 23 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 338 (Fall 2008) This Article argues that a more grounded and nuanced understanding of women's lived realities requires legal scholars to engage geography. Because spatial aspects of women's lives implicate inequality and moral agency, they have direct relevance to an array of legal issues. The Article thus deploys the tools of critical geographers--space, place,...; Search Snippet: ...JUSTICE Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice Fall 2008 Article GENDER, GEOGRAPHY & RURAL JUSTICE Lisa R. Pruitt 2008 [FNd1] Copyright ©... 2008    
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