AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearGender in title or SummaryEthnicity Identified in Title
Rachel Roth No New Babies? Gender Inequality and Reproductive Control in the Criminal Justice and Prison Systems 12 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 391 (2004) Introduction. 392 I. Rights Retained in the Criminal Justice System. 394 II. Gender Equality and the Right to Procreate from Prison. 397 III. Constraining Sex and Reproduction on the Outside. 404 IV. Prohibiting Procreation: A Closely Contested Decision. 409 V. A Misfortune or a Crime? Court Orders Prohibiting Procreation. 413 Conclusion: State...; Search Snippet: ...Social Policy and the Law 2004 Article NO NEW BABIES? GENDER INEQUALITY AND REPRODUCTIVE CONTROL IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PRISON... 2004    
Mary L. Clark One Man's Token Is Another Woman's Breakthrough? The Appointment of the First Women Federal Judges 49 Villanova Law Review 487 (2004) NO women served as Article III judges in the first one hundred and fifty years of the American republic. It was not until Franklin Delano Roosevelt named Florence Ellinwood Allen to the U.S. Court of Appeals in 1934 that women were included within the ranks of the federal judiciary. This Article examines the appointment of the first women federal...; Search Snippet: ...1445445 VILLANOVA LAW REVIEW Villanova Law Review 2004 Article ONE MAN'S TOKEN IS ANOTHER WOMAN'S BREAKTHROUGH? THE APPOINTMENT OF THE FIRST... 2004    
Stephanie M. Wildman Privilege, Gender, and the Fourteenth Amendment: Reclaiming Equal Protection of the Laws 13 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 707 (Spring 2004) The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution states: No state shall . . . deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. In the wake of Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger, cases some have touted as the most important civil rights decisions of the last several decades, it is time to reexamine...; Search Snippet: ...the History, Evolution, And Future of the Fourteenth Amendment PRIVILEGE, GENDER, AND THE FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT: RECLAIMING EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS... 2004    
Laura Fortney Public Single-sex Elementary Schools: "Separate but Equal" in Gender Fifty Years Following Brown V. Board of Education 35 University of Toledo Law Review 857 (Summer 2004) ABRAHAM Lincoln once said that education is the most important subject which we as a people can be engaged in. The Founders saw education as essential for preserving of the Union. Without a population that could read and understand the principles behind the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, liberty and the nation, as a result, would...; Search Snippet: ...Comments PUBLIC SINGLE-SEX ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS: SEPARATE BUT EQUAL IN GENDER FIFTY YEARS FOLLOWING BROWN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION Laura Fortney... 2004    
Nancy E. Dowd Race, Gender, and Work/family Policy 15 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 219 (2004) Family leave is not an end in itself, but rather is part of a much bigger picture: work/family policy. The goal of work/family policy is to achieve a good society by supporting families. Ideally, families enable children to develop to their fullest capacity and to contribute to their communities and society. Families are critical to children's...; Search Snippet: ...Medical Leave Act of 1993: Ten Years of Experience RACE, GENDER, AND WORK/FAMILY POLICY Nancy E. Dowd [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2004    
Vicki Lens Supreme Court Narratives on Equality and Gender Discrimination in Employment: 1971-2002 10 Cardozo Women's Law Journal 501 (Summer 2004) In 1971 the Supreme Court held for the first time that the Constitution forbid discrimination against women. Reversing course from the earlier part of the century when it upheld protective legislation limiting women's ability to work, the Court thus entered the national conversation on women's roles sparked by the modern feminist movement. One of...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Summer 2004 Articles SUPREME COURT NARRATIVES ON EQUALITY AND GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT: 1971-2002 Vicki Lens [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2004    
Elisa Facio , Maura Toro-Morn , Anne R. Roschelle Tourism, Gender, and Globalization: Tourism in Cuba During the Special Period 14 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 119 (Spring 2004) I. Introduction. 120 II. Methodology. 121 III. Pleasure Island: Tourism in Pre-Revolutionary Cuba. 122 IV. The Cuban Revolution: Gender and Work. 124 V. Rectification Process: Tourism as a Global Economic Strategy. 125 VI. The Special Period and Tourism. 128 VII. The Consequences of Tourism as a Global Strategy: Research Findings. 131 A. Women...; Search Snippet: ...The University of Iowa College of Law Cuba Today TOURISM, GENDER, AND GLOBALIZATION: TOURISM IN CUBA DURING THE SPECIAL PERIOD Elisa... 2004    
Lucille M. Ponte Victims of Gender Discrimination or Disgruntled Employees? The Evolving Role of Candid E-mails in Gender Disparate Treatment Cases 19 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 47 (Spring 2004) In the modern workplace, direct evidence of gender discrimination is seldom available to help support disparate treatment claims under Title VII and other related state anti-discrimination laws. With the growth of digital technologies in the workplace, plaintiffs' attorneys have turned to mountains of e-mails in an effort to find evidence to...; Search Snippet: ...JOURNAL Wisconsin Women's Law Journal Spring 2004 Articles VICTIMS OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION OR DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEES? THE EVOLVING ROLE OF CANDID E-MAILS IN GENDER DISPARATE TREATMENT CASES Lucille M. Ponte [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2004... 2004    
Frank H. Wu The Arrival of Asian Americans: an Agenda for Legal Scholarship 10 Asian Law Journal 1 (May, 2003) Asian Americans have arrived. Every generation supposes itself to invent the world anew, but for Asian Americans as a racial minority group, there has been no better time than the present moment. In the past decade, Asian immigrants and their American-born descendants have become so numerous and prominent that it has become impossible to ignore...; Search Snippet: ...are only alluded to superficially, but omitted from substantive consideration. Asian Americans have our own issues of gender, sexual orientation, and disability; in some aspects, we are less... 2003   Asian American
Elvia R. Arriola Queering the Painted Ladies: Gender, Race, Class, and Sexual Identity at the Mexican Border in the Case of Two Paulas 1 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 679 (Spring/Summer, 2003) I have two friends who go by the name Paula. The first Paula lives in the United States in Austin, Texas. Juan Pablo, or Paola, lives in a Mexican city that borders Eagle Pass, Texas known as Piedras Negras, Coahuila. I met Juan Pablo through my travels to and from Mexico to examine the working and living conditions for maquiladora workers at the...; Search Snippet: ...Justice Spring/Summer, 2003 Law & Sexuality QUEERING THE PAINTED LADIES: GENDER, RACE, CLASS, AND SEXUAL IDENTITY AT THE MEXICAN BORDER IN... 2003   Hispanic/Latinx American
Bill Brooks, Media Consultant and Freelance Writer Indianapolis, Ind. Race & Gender Fairness Commission Focuses on Growing Hispanic Population 46-APR Res Gestae Gestae 7 (April, 2003) Miguel pulls his car to the side of the road while the lights from the deputy's squad car illuminate the night sky. The motorist speaks a little English - enough for him to do his job at the 24-hour truck stop - but this is his first encounter with a policeman during his six-month stay in the United States. He keeps his eyes down as he hands the...; Search Snippet: ...GESTAE Res Gestae April, 2003 Feature Bench & Bar News RACE & GENDER FAIRNESS COMMISSION FOCUSES ON GROWING HISPANIC POPULATION Bill Brooks Media Consultant and Freelance Writer Indianapolis, Ind... 2003   Hispanic/Latinx American
Kenneth L. Karst Constitutional Equality as a Cultural Form: the Courts and the Meanings of Sex and Gender 38 Wake Forest Law Review 513 (Summer 2003) This Article explores some interactions between judicial decisions and other cultural forms in shaping the meanings of sex and gender in modern American society. The first part examines the status of women. It begins with a consideration of influences of the larger culture on the judiciary's interpretation of the Constitution and federal laws, and...; Search Snippet: ...CULTURAL FORM: THE COURTS AND THE MEANINGS OF SEX AND GENDER Kenneth L. Karst [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2003 Wake Forest Law... 2003    
Nancy E. Dowd , Kenneth B. Nunn , Jane E. Pendergast Diversity Matters: Race, Gender, and Ethnicity in Legal Education 15 University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy 11 (Fall, 2003) I. L2-5,T5Introduction 12 II. L2-5,T5The Context 18 A. L3-5,T5Legal Education, the Profession, and Legal Services 18 B. L3-5,T5Prior Surveys/Studies 21 III. L2-5,T5The University of Florida Survey 23 A. L3-5,T5Design 23 B. L3-5,T5Summary of Survey Results 25 1. L4-5,T5Themes/Patterns 25. 2. L4-5,T5Detailed Summary 27. a. Race Differences. 27 b....; Search Snippet: ...A Dedication to Chesterfield H. Smith Article DIVERSITY MATTERS: RACE, GENDER, AND ETHNICITY IN LEGAL EDUCATION Nancy E. Dowd [FNa1] Kenneth... 2003    
Darren Lenard Hutchinson Factless Jurisprudence 34 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 615 (Summer 2003) Professor Terry Smith has written a very important work on the inadequacy of juridical approaches to antidiscrimination law in the context of Title VII litigation. Smith argues that the anti-retaliation provisions of Title VII can serve more broadly as a mechanism for protecting workers of color from prohibited racial discrimination. Smith contends...; Search Snippet: ...H. Rehnquist Court. See, e.g., Judith Resnik, Categorical Federalism: Jurisdiction, Gender, and the Globe, 111 Yale L.J. 619, 624 (2001) Demanding... 2003    
Terry Morehead Dworkin , Cindy A. Schipani Gender Voice and Correlations with Peace 36 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 527 (March, 2003) The statistics regarding violence in today's society are staggering. A newly released study published by the World Health Organization, making headlines in the Wall Street Journal (Oct. 3, 2002), reports that Violence Took 1.6 Million Lives in 2000. This statistic includes only the data obtained from the 70 countries that report such statistics...; Search Snippet: ...Transnational Law March, 2003 Corporate Governance and Sustainable Peace Articles GENDER VOICE AND CORRELATIONS WITH PEACE Terry Morehead Dworkin [FNa1] Cindy... 2003    
Kate E. Andrias Gender, Work, and the Nafta Labor Side Agreement 37 University of San Francisco Law Review 521 (Spring 2003) IT HAS BEEN nearly ten years since the public debate over the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the advent of trade liberalization with America's neighbors to the north and south. In the years since NAFTA's signing in 1993, economic globalization has fundamentally changed our conception of the nation-state, citizenship, trade, and...; Search Snippet: ...the 21st Century--A Look at the Contemporary Labor Movement GENDER, WORK, AND THE NAFTA LABOR SIDE AGREEMENT Kate E. Andrias... 2003    
Amy Cohen Gender: an (Un)useful Category of Prescriptive Negotiation Analysis? 13 Texas Journal of Women and the Law 169 (Fall 2003) I. Introduction. 169 II. The Feminization of Negotiation. 174 III. Gender: Substance or Shadows?. 180 IV. Gender, Pedagogy, and Clinical Negotiation Teaching. 191; Search Snippet: ...Texas Journal of Women and the Law Fall 2003 Article GENDER: AN (UN)USEFUL CATEGORY OF PRESCRIPTIVE NEGOTIATION ANALYSIS? [FNa1] Amy Cohen... 2003    
Pauline Park, Ph.D Genderpac, the Transgender Rights Movement and the Perils of a Post-identity Politics Paradigm 4 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 747 (Spring, 2003) In her capacity as executive director of GenderPAC, Riki Anne Wilchins has called for the creation of a post-identity politics national gender rights movement for all Americans. By way of a critique of that call, I will argue here that the discourse of a post-identity politics movement--far from providing a unifying philosophy and political...; Search Snippet: ...on a presentation to the 5th Annual Georgetown Symposium on Gender & Sexuality, Crossing Boundaries, Redefining Gender: A New Front on Equality (February 27, 2002). . Pauline... 2003    
Susan Sturm, Lani Guinier Learning from Conflict: Reflections on Teaching about Race and Gender 53 Journal of Legal Education 515 (December, 2003) In 1992 I had been teaching for four years at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. I taught voting rights and criminal procedure, subjects related to what I had done as a litigator. Preparing for class meant reading many of the same cases I had read preparing for trial. Some were even cases I had tried. Teaching offered me a fresh chance to...; Search Snippet: ...Education LEARNING FROM CONFLICT: REFLECTIONS ON TEACHING ABOUT RACE AND GENDER Susan Sturm Lani Guinier [FNa1] Copyright © 2003 by Association of... 2003    
Carlos A. Ball Lesbian and Gay Families: Gender Nonconformity and the Implications of Difference 31 Capital University Law Review 691 (2003) For several years now, critics and proponents of lesbian and gay families have been debating the significance of the social science literature that has studied lesbian and gay parents and their children. As in many areas of social science research, the meaning and implications of the empirical data are highly contested. On one side of the debate,...; Search Snippet: ...Best Interest of the Child Article LESBIAN AND GAY FAMILIES: GENDER NONCONFORMITY AND THE IMPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENCE Carlos A. Ball [FNa1... 2003    
Christopher Q. Cutler Nothing less than the Dignity of Man: Evolving Standards, Botched Executions and Utah's Controversial Use of the Firing Squad 50 Cleveland State Law Review 335 (2002-2003) Human justice is sadly lacking in consolation; it can only shed blood for blood. But we mustn't ask that it do more than it can. I. Introduction. 336 II. Historical Use of Utah's Firing Squad. 338 A. The Firing Squad from Wilderness to Statehood. 339 B. From Statehood to Furman. 347 1. Gary Gilmore to the Present Death Row Crowd. 357 2. Modern...; Search Snippet: ...Review 2002-2003 Article NOTHING LESS THAN THE DIGNITY OF MAN: EVOLVING STANDARDS, BOTCHED EXECUTIONS AND UTAH'S CONTROVERSIAL USE OF THE... 2003    
Thomas Scarlett One Man's Justice Thomas R. Berger University of Washington Press 304 Pp., $30 39-JUN Trial 84 (June, 2003) Thomas Berger has had a distinguished career at the Canadian baras a plaintiff lawyer, then as a judge, and then in private practice once again. He also found time to serve in the Canadian Parliament along the way. His memoir, One Man's Justice: A Life in the Law, is a lively and provocative volume that should interest Canadian attorneys and those...; Search Snippet: ...2003 WL 21301149 TRIAL Trial June, 2003 Department Book ONE MAN'S JUSTICE THOMAS R. BERGER UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS WWW.WASHINGTON.EDU/UWPRESS... 2003    
Ian Ayres, Book Review by Nancy Payne Sabol Pervasive Prejudice? Unconventional Evidence of Race and Gender Discrimination 29 Ohio Northern University Law Review 425 (2003) Many non-minority Americans are convinced that we have achieved a color blind society, a society where the color of your skin is at best irrelevant, and at worst, is a detriment only if you are white. At the same time, our society increasingly demands proof in the form of empirical findings that a problem exists. It is unclear why many white...; Search Snippet: ...2003 Book Review PERVASIVE PREJUDICE? UNCONVENTIONAL EVIDENCE OF RACE AND GENDER DISCRIMINATION Ian Ayres Book Review by Nancy Payne Sabol [FNa1... 2003    
Scott R. Rosner Reflections on Augusta: Judicial, Legislative and Economic Approaches to Private Race and Gender Consciousness 37 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 135 (Fall 2003) In light of the recent controversy surrounding Augusta National Golf Club's exclusionary membership policy, this Article highlights the myriad incentives and disincentives that Augusta and similar clubs have for reforming such policies. The author acknowledges the economic importance of club membership in many business communities and addresses the...; Search Snippet: ...AUGUSTA: JUDICIAL, LEGISLATIVE AND ECONOMIC APPROACHES TO PRIVATE RACE AND GENDER CONSCIOUSNESS Scott R. Rosner [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2004 University of... 2003    
Zanita E. Fenton Silence Compounded -- the Conjunction of Race and Gender Violence 11 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 271 (2003) These remarks were first prepared for this conference, originally scheduled for September 13, cancelled because of the events of 9/11. I note the date because of the unfortunate irony in cancelling a conference concerning one form of violence because of the perpetration of another. This fact is perhaps the best prologue to my remarks as I prepare...; Search Snippet: Elizabeth Schneider SILENCE COMPOUNDED -- THE CONJUNCTION OF RACE AND GENDER VIOLENCE Zanita E. Fenton [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2003 American University... 2003    
Andrea M. Matwyshyn Silicon Ceilings: Information Technology Equity, the Digital Divide and the Gender Gap among Information Technology Professionals 2 Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property 2 (Fall, 2003) Information technology increasingly permeates all aspects of life. In the last ten years, home computers have become, in some sectors of society, nearly as commonplace as telephones, and Internet access has become an apparent necessity for inclusion in mainstream society. As a consequence of this social transformation, new policy dilemmas have...; Search Snippet: ...SILICON CEILINGS: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUITY, THE DIGITAL DIVIDE AND THE GENDER GAP AMONG INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONALS Andrea M. Matwyshyn [FNa1] Copyright... 2003    
Vicki C. Jackson Transnational Discourse, Relational Authority, and the U.s. Court: Gender Equality 37 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 271 (Fall 2003) Global developments in domestic constitutionalism and international human rights law have engendered a new set of dynamic relationships between and among legal systems. Scholars and jurists have taken note of transnational judicial conversations, dialogue or transjudicial communication about human rights, of a rise in world...; Search Snippet: ...Transnational Constitution TRANSNATIONAL DISCOURSE, RELATIONAL AUTHORITY, AND THE U.S. COURT: GENDER EQUALITY Vicki C. Jackson [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2003 Loyola Law... 2003    
Ruben J. Garcia New Voices at Work: Race and Gender Identity Caucuses in the U.s. Labor Movement 54 Hastings Law Journal 79 (November, 2002) Introduction. 81 I. A Brief History of Minority Voice in the Labor Movement--The Historical and Contextual Need for Identity Caucuses in Unions. 92 A. Racism, Sexism, and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in the Labor Movement. 92 B. Black Caucuses, 1964-1975. 94 C. Rank-and-File Protest Outside the Auto Industry. 97 D. Chicano/Chicana Insurgency. 100 E....; Search Snippet: ...Journal November, 2002 Article NEW VOICES AT WORK: RACE AND GENDER IDENTITY CAUCUSES IN THE U.S. LABOR MOVEMENT Ruben J. Garcia... 2002   African/Black American
Betty W. Taylor A History of Race and Gender at the University of Florida Levin College of Law 1909-2001 54 Florida Law Review 495 (July, 2002) Long before the Spanish first settled in St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565, Native Americans roamed the area now occupied by the University of Florida Levin College of Law. Located about 100 yards west of our campus and south of Southwest Second Avenue is an aboriginal burial mound built ca. A.D. 1000 by Alachua tradition peoples, ancestors of the...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review July, 2002 Essays A HISTORY OF RACE AND GENDER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA LEVIN COLLEGE OF LAW 1909... 2002    
Giancarlo Panagia A Man, His Dream , and His Final Banishment: a Marxian Interpretation of Amended Louisiana Student Practice Rule 17 Journal of Environmental Law & Litigation 1 (Spring 2002) He did the sprinkling act, and obtained official permission to gouge his way through . . . . The pieces were falling majestically into place, and Victor Mattiece could smell a billion dollars. Maybe two or three. Then an odd thing happened. A lawsuit was filed . . . . The plaintiff was an obscure environmental outfit known simply as Green Fund. The...; Search Snippet: ...LITIGATION Journal of Environmental Law & Litigation Spring 2002 Comment A MAN, HIS DREAM [FN1] , AND HIS FINAL BANISHMENT: A MARXIAN INTERPRETATION... 2002    
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