C Gudex, J Sørensen, I Clausen Day surgery for gynaecological laparoscopy: Clinical results from an RCT 2005;12.4:151-7 Denmark
AUTHORS C Gudex, J Sørensen, I Clausen
TITLE Day surgery for gynaecological laparoscopy: Clinical results from an RCT
REFERENCE 2005;12.4:151-7
JE Calle, P Parra, R Gomis, T Ramón, F San Eustaquio Use of the substitution index to identify improvement opportunities in major ambulatory surgery 2005;12.4:159-66 Spain
AUTHORS JE Calle, P Parra, R Gomis, T Ramón, F San Eustaquio
TITLE Use of the substitution index to identify improvement opportunities in major ambulatory surgery
REFERENCE 2005;12.4:159-66
E Jacquet, P Puche, J Alahyane, S Jaber, JP Carabalona, D Bessaou, J Domergue, JJ Eledjam, F Navarro, J Giordan Evaluation of inguinal hernia in ambulatory surgery: A prospective monocentric study on 1009 inguinal hernia 2005;12.4:167-71 France
AUTHORS E Jacquet, P Puche, J Alahyane, S Jaber, JP Carabalona, D Bessaou, J Domergue, JJ Eledjam, F Navarro, J Giordan
TITLE Evaluation of inguinal hernia in ambulatory surgery: A prospective monocentric study on 1009 inguinal hernia
REFERENCE 2005;12.4:167-71
HM Paterson, R McMillan, SJ Nixon True day surgery or 23-hour admission for unselected elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy 2005;12.4:177-80 Scotland
AUTHORS HM Paterson, R McMillan, SJ Nixon
TITLE True day surgery or 23-hour admission for unselected elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy
REFERENCE 2005;12.4:177-80
COUNTRY Scotland
J-Y Hong, J Kim Use of paracervical analgesia for outpatient hysteroscopic surgery: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study 2005;12.4:181-5 South Korea
TITLE Use of paracervical analgesia for outpatient hysteroscopic surgery: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
REFERENCE 2005;12.4:181-5
COUNTRY South Korea
K Sri-Ram, T Irvine, CL Ingham Clark A Direct Booking Hernia Service – A shorter wait and a satisfied patient 2005;12.3:113-7 England
AUTHORS K Sri-Ram, T Irvine, CL Ingham Clark
TITLE A Direct Booking Hernia Service – A shorter wait and a satisfied patient
REFERENCE 2005;12.3:113-7
A Jiménez, C Artigas, M Elia, C Casamayor, JA Gracia, M Martínez Cancellations in ambulatory day surgery: Ten years observational study 2005;12.3:119-23 Spain
AUTHORS A Jiménez, C Artigas, M Elia, C Casamayor, JA Gracia, M Martínez
TITLE Cancellations in ambulatory day surgery: Ten years observational study
REFERENCE 2005;12.3:119-23
DR Leff, RP Bhutiani Give the patients the choice—The ‘walk in walk out’ hernia clinic 2005;12.3:125-9 England
AUTHORS DR Leff, RP Bhutiani
TITLE Give the patients the choice—The ‘walk in walk out’ hernia clinic
REFERENCE 2005;12.3:125-9
M Mitchell Nursing knowledge and the expansion of day surgery in the United Kingdom 2005;12.3:131-8 England
AUTHORS M Mitchell
TITLE Nursing knowledge and the expansion of day surgery in the United Kingdom
REFERENCE 2005;12.3:131-8
A Corner, R Lightfoot, D James Oral or rectal diclofenac for laparoscopic sterilization 2005;12.3:139-42 England
AUTHORS A Corner, R Lightfoot, D James
TITLE Oral or rectal diclofenac for laparoscopic sterilization
REFERENCE 2005;12.3:139-42
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