MW Watson, MJ Watson, WT Frame A double blind, randomised trial to compare the analgesic effect of oral premedication with paracetamol, diclofenac, or diclofenac and paracetamol, on postoperative pain following surgical suction termination of pregnancy 2005;12.1:35-8 Scotland
AUTHORS MW Watson, MJ Watson, WT Frame
TITLE A double blind, randomised trial to compare the analgesic effect of oral premedication with paracetamol, diclofenac, or diclofenac and paracetamol, on postoperative pain following surgical suction termination of pregnancy
REFERENCE 2005;12.1:35-8
COUNTRY Scotland
SS Reuben, SB Gutta, H Maciolek, J Sklar A comparison of local intraarticular anesthesia versus general anesthesia for ambulatory arthroscopic knee surgery 2005;12.1:39-44 USA
AUTHORS SS Reuben, SB Gutta, H Maciolek, J Sklar
TITLE A comparison of local intraarticular anesthesia versus general anesthesia for ambulatory arthroscopic knee surgery
REFERENCE 2005;12.1:39-44
J Bueno Lledó, M Planells Roig, C Arnal Bertomeu, A Sanahuja Santafé, M Guillemot Lafargue, R Garcia Espinosa Preoperative predictive factors of ambulatory laparoscopic cholecystectomy 2005;12.1:45-9 Spain
AUTHORS J Bueno Lledó, M Planells Roig, C Arnal Bertomeu, A Sanahuja Santafé, M Guillemot Lafargue, R Garcia Espinosa
TITLE Preoperative predictive factors of ambulatory laparoscopic cholecystectomy
REFERENCE 2005;12.1:45-9
J Marin Foreword 2005;12.Suppl:vii Spain
TITLE Foreword
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:vii
A George, R Padmanabhun, PO Svanberg, A Hildreth, D Laws 1 A prospective, randomlsed controlled study examining blnaural beat audlo and preoperatlve anxlety In patlents undergolng general anaesthesla for day case surgery 2005;12.Suppl:S1 England
AUTHORS A George, R Padmanabhun, PO Svanberg, A Hildreth, D Laws
TITLE 1 A prospective, randomlsed controlled study examining blnaural beat audlo and preoperatlve anxlety In patlents undergolng general anaesthesla for day case surgery
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S1
B Tandon 2 Perl-operatlve fluids and PONV In patients undergoing day surgery: An audlt report 2005;12.Suppl:S1 England
TITLE 2 Perl-operatlve fluids and PONV In patients undergoing day surgery: An audlt report
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S1
M Janecsko, K Nagy 3 Day care surgery In Hungary. Preoperative assessment 2005;12.Suppl:S1 Hungary
AUTHORS M Janecsko, K Nagy
TITLE 3 Day care surgery In Hungary. Preoperative assessment
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S1
CJ De Jong 4 Anesthesia Assisted Opiate Detoxlflcatlon (AAOD) for heroln addlcts durlng 24 hour hospltal admlsslon: compllcatlons of anaesthesla, and results for oplate abstlnence at one year follow-up 2005;12.Suppl:S1 Netherlands
TITLE 4 Anesthesia Assisted Opiate Detoxlflcatlon (AAOD) for heroln addlcts durlng 24 hour hospltal admlsslon: compllcatlons of anaesthesla, and results for oplate abstlnence at one year follow-up
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S1
COUNTRY Netherlands
T Barreto, N Gulmarães, F Barros, L Fonseca, P Lemos 5 Comparison of Intravenous paracoxib and ketorolac In the treatment of postoperative pain after outpatient varicose vein surgery 2005;12.Suppl:S2 Portugal
AUTHORS T Barreto, N Gulmarães, F Barros, L Fonseca, P Lemos
TITLE 5 Comparison of Intravenous paracoxib and ketorolac In the treatment of postoperative pain after outpatient varicose vein surgery
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S2
COUNTRY Portugal
C Hammond C Chembu, I Smith 6 Ambulatory anti-reflux surgery: learnlng from the cholecystectomy experience 2005;12.Suppl:S2-S3 England
AUTHORS C Hammond C Chembu, I Smith
TITLE 6 Ambulatory anti-reflux surgery: learnlng from the cholecystectomy experience
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S2-S3
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