A Staniszewski, D Kurpas 37 Teaching clinical skills In minor and ambulatory surgery - the European "medskllls" project. (Leonardo da Vinci programme) 2005;12.Suppl:S11 Poland
AUTHORS A Staniszewski, D Kurpas
TITLE 37 Teaching clinical skills In minor and ambulatory surgery - the European "medskllls" project. (Leonardo da Vinci programme)
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S11
P Hernandez, JA Rueda, C Fiuza, A Alvarez, C Loinaz, A Quintans 38 Quality Indicators In Ambulatory Surgery In General Surgery, Analysis of 7 years of experience In Fundaclón Hospital Alcorcón 2005;12.Suppl:S12 Spain
AUTHORS P Hernandez, JA Rueda, C Fiuza, A Alvarez, C Loinaz, A Quintans
TITLE 38 Quality Indicators In Ambulatory Surgery In General Surgery, Analysis of 7 years of experience In Fundaclón Hospital Alcorcón
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S12
D Bandyopadhyay, S Herpe, S Moorehouse, B Khan, CR Kapadia, EP Dewar 39 Effectiveness and patient satisfaction of day case laparoscoplc cholecystectomy 2005;12.Suppl:S12 England
AUTHORS D Bandyopadhyay, S Herpe, S Moorehouse, B Khan, CR Kapadia, EP Dewar
TITLE 39 Effectiveness and patient satisfaction of day case laparoscoplc cholecystectomy
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S12
W Vásquez, F Ruiz, JM Asencio, E Bastida, S Agustí, M Zaballos, JR Polo 40 Thyroldectomy In ambulatory surgery and overnlght stay surgery 2005;12.Suppl:S12 Spain
AUTHORS W Vásquez, F Ruiz, JM Asencio, E Bastida, S Agustí, M Zaballos, JR Polo
TITLE 40 Thyroldectomy In ambulatory surgery and overnlght stay surgery
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S12
E Bamglia, G Bonotto, E Caronia 41 Antibiotic prophylaxis for hernia repair with P.A.D. technique 2005;12.Suppl:S12 Italy
AUTHORS E Bamglia, G Bonotto, E Caronia
TITLE 41 Antibiotic prophylaxis for hernia repair with P.A.D. technique
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S12
D Bandyopadhyay, T Saleem, B Khan, CR Kapadia, EP Dewar 42 Initial results of clinical trial of day case Llgasure versus stapled haemorrholdectomy 2005;12.Suppl:S13 England
AUTHORS D Bandyopadhyay, T Saleem, B Khan, CR Kapadia, EP Dewar
TITLE 42 Initial results of clinical trial of day case Llgasure versus stapled haemorrholdectomy
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S13
A Arroyo, J Ayarra, M Congregado, J Loscertales, R Jiménez, JC Girón, C Arenas 43 Experience on ambulatory surgery In thoracoscoplc sympathlcotomy for the treatment of primary hyperhidrosls 2005;12.Suppl:S13 Spain
AUTHORS A Arroyo, J Ayarra, M Congregado, J Loscertales, R Jiménez, JC Girón, C Arenas
TITLE 43 Experience on ambulatory surgery In thoracoscoplc sympathlcotomy for the treatment of primary hyperhidrosls
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S13
JM Sanchez-Blanco, G Recio, A Guerola, R Jurado, C Torres 44 Outpatient thyroldectomy. A comparative prospective study between local and combined local/general anesthesia 2005;12.Suppl:S13 Spain
AUTHORS JM Sanchez-Blanco, G Recio, A Guerola, R Jurado, C Torres
TITLE 44 Outpatient thyroldectomy. A comparative prospective study between local and combined local/general anesthesia
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S13
M Deeny 45 Endometrlal ablation with microwave under local anaesthesia 2005;12.Suppl:S13 Scotland
TITLE 45 Endometrlal ablation with microwave under local anaesthesia
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S13
COUNTRY Scotland
J Shihib, R Zia, C Davies 46 Patient satisfaction following major oculoplastlc surgery using local anaesthesia plus sedation In UK centre 2005;12.Suppl:S14 England
AUTHORS J Shihib, R Zia, C Davies
TITLE 46 Patient satisfaction following major oculoplastlc surgery using local anaesthesia plus sedation In UK centre
REFERENCE 2005;12.Suppl:S14
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