H Türe, Z Eti, M Adil, ÖKF Yılmaz Göğüş The incidence of side effects and their relation with anesthetic techniques after ambulatory surgery 2003;10.3:155-9 Turkey
AUTHORS H Türe, Z Eti, M Adil, ÖKF Yılmaz Göğüş
TITLE The incidence of side effects and their relation with anesthetic techniques after ambulatory surgery
REFERENCE 2003;10.3:155-9
E Elena-Sorando, C Vázquez-Galeano, N Galeano-Ricaño, P Martınez-Seijas, J Azúa-Romeo, G Cimorra-Moreno Tumours of the eyelid: ambulatory surgery treatment 2003;10.3:161-2 Spain
AUTHORS E Elena-Sorando, C Vázquez-Galeano, N Galeano-Ricaño, P Martınez-Seijas, J Azúa-Romeo, G Cimorra-Moreno
TITLE Tumours of the eyelid: ambulatory surgery treatment
REFERENCE 2003;10.3:161-2
S Canonico, F Campitiello, A Santoriello Feasibility and problems of day-care varicose vein surgery in elderly patients 2003;10.3:163-6 Italy
AUTHORS S Canonico, F Campitiello, A Santoriello
TITLE Feasibility and problems of day-care varicose vein surgery in elderly patients
REFERENCE 2003;10.3:163-6
GP Joshi New concepts in recovery after ambulatory surgery 2003;10.3:167-70 USA
TITLE New concepts in recovery after ambulatory surgery
REFERENCE 2003;10.3:167-70
BK Philip More ambulatory surgery- Is it worth doing? 2003;10.2:53 USA
TITLE More ambulatory surgery- Is it worth doing?
REFERENCE 2003;10.2:53
J Cartagena, JP Vicente, A Moreno-Egea, MT Sanchez Elduayen, JL Aguay, J Sanz Regional anaesthesia in the outpatient treatment of bilateral inguinal hernias using totally extraperitoneal laparoscopy 2003;10.2:55-9 Spain
AUTHORS J Cartagena, JP Vicente, A Moreno-Egea, MT Sanchez Elduayen, JL Aguay, J Sanz
TITLE Regional anaesthesia in the outpatient treatment of bilateral inguinal hernias using totally extraperitoneal laparoscopy
REFERENCE 2003;10.2:55-9
P Lemos, A Regalado, D Marques, C Castanheira, F Malafaia, M Almeida, M Lanhoso, P Salgado The economic benefits of ambulatory surgery relative to inpatient surgery for laparoscopic tubal ligation 2003;10.2:61-5 Portugal
AUTHORS P Lemos, A Regalado, D Marques, C Castanheira, F Malafaia, M Almeida, M Lanhoso, P Salgado
TITLE The economic benefits of ambulatory surgery relative to inpatient surgery for laparoscopic tubal ligation
REFERENCE 2003;10.2:61-5
COUNTRY Portugal
CJC Cheng, I Smith, BJ Watson Recovery after day surgery: a survey of anaesthetists regarding return of home fitness and street fitness 2003;10.2:67-72 Singapore/England
AUTHORS CJC Cheng, I Smith, BJ Watson
TITLE Recovery after day surgery: a survey of anaesthetists regarding return of home fitness and street fitness
REFERENCE 2003;10.2:67-72
COUNTRY Singapore/England
M Kroneman, M van Oort, P Groenewegen, D de Jong Variation in day surgery among Dutch hospitals: The development of a theoretical model to explain variations 2003;10.2:73-9 Netherlands
AUTHORS M Kroneman, M van Oort, P Groenewegen, D de Jong
TITLE Variation in day surgery among Dutch hospitals: The development of a theoretical model to explain variations
REFERENCE 2003;10.2:73-9
COUNTRY Netherlands
A Dewar, K Craig, J Muir, C Cole Testing the effectiveness of a nursing intervention in relieving pain following day surgery 2003;10.2:81-8 Canada
AUTHORS A Dewar, K Craig, J Muir, C Cole
TITLE Testing the effectiveness of a nursing intervention in relieving pain following day surgery
REFERENCE 2003;10.2:81-8
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