M Mistrangelo, M Caldart, D Donati, G Giraudo, L Mazza, F Corno 2c1 Outpatient proctological surgery: experience of the last year 2001;9(S):S9 Italy
AUTHORS M Mistrangelo, M Caldart, D Donati, G Giraudo, L Mazza, F Corno
TITLE 2c1 Outpatient proctological surgery: experience of the last year
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S9
M Mistrangelo, D Donati, M Mineccia, S Gorrino, E Bonino, V Costamagna, M Caldart, F Corno 2c2 Outpatient haemorrhoidectomy: our experience 2001;9(S):S9 Italy
AUTHORS M Mistrangelo, D Donati, M Mineccia, S Gorrino, E Bonino, V Costamagna, M Caldart, F Corno
TITLE 2c2 Outpatient haemorrhoidectomy: our experience
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S9
S Kawamoto, Y Huduno, T Kotoli, K Inada 2c3 Impact of circumferential mucosectomy with stapler for hemorrhoid and/or anorectal prolapse on day surgery 2001;9(S):S9-S10 Japan
AUTHORS S Kawamoto, Y Huduno, T Kotoli, K Inada
TITLE 2c3 Impact of circumferential mucosectomy with stapler for hemorrhoid and/or anorectal prolapse on day surgery
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S9-S10
T Alekperova, OV Yablonko, LF Tverkina 2c4 Ambulatory phlebosurgery 2001;9(S):S10 Russia
AUTHORS T Alekperova, OV Yablonko, LF Tverkina
TITLE 2c4 Ambulatory phlebosurgery
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S10
D Mili, A Karanikolic, M Radojkovic, D Todorovic, S Zivic 2c5 Minimally invasive surgery (ambulatory phlebectomy) in the treatment of varicose veins 2001;9(S):S10
AUTHORS D Mili, A Karanikolic, M Radojkovic, D Todorovic, S Zivic
TITLE 2c5 Minimally invasive surgery (ambulatory phlebectomy) in the treatment of varicose veins
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S10
TV Alekperova, ED Donskaya 2c6 Duplex power phlebography (DPP) in ambulatory phlebosurgery practice 2001;9(S):S10-S11 Russia
AUTHORS TV Alekperova, ED Donskaya
TITLE 2c6 Duplex power phlebography (DPP) in ambulatory phlebosurgery practice
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S10-S11
AN Papageorgiou, B Arapoglou, K Katsenis, P Dimacacos 2c7 One-day surgery of varicose veins — early results 2001;9(S):S11 Greece
AUTHORS AN Papageorgiou, B Arapoglou, K Katsenis, P Dimacacos
TITLE 2c7 One-day surgery of varicose veins — early results
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S11
P Pavei, GF Petrin, C Castoro, E Giraldi, G Spreafico, U Baccaglini 2c8 Operation for recurrent sapheno-femoral incompetence in a day surgery unit 2001;9(S):S11 Italy
AUTHORS P Pavei, GF Petrin, C Castoro, E Giraldi, G Spreafico, U Baccaglini
TITLE 2c8 Operation for recurrent sapheno-femoral incompetence in a day surgery unit
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S11
C Wyndham-White and B Roche 2c9 How to simplify post-operative controls and wound care on operated varicose veins 2001;9(S):S11 Switzerland
AUTHORS C Wyndham-White and B Roche
TITLE 2c9 How to simplify post-operative controls and wound care on operated varicose veins
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S11
COUNTRY Switzerland
V Mazzagliaa, A Bonoraa, G Aguzzib, M Bertassellob, S Magagnottoa 3b1 Significance of a dermatological service affering to day surgery unit. 2001;9(S):S13 Italy
AUTHORS V Mazzagliaa, A Bonoraa, G Aguzzib, M Bertassellob, S Magagnottoa
TITLE 3b1 Significance of a dermatological service affering to day surgery unit.
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S13
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