E Challet, L Pain, P Peveta, P Oberling 6b1 General anesthesia provoked a long-lasting shift in circadian sleep-waking rhythm 2001;9(S):S27 France
AUTHORS E Challet, L Pain, P Peveta, P Oberling
TITLE 6b1 General anesthesia provoked a long-lasting shift in circadian sleep-waking rhythm
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S27
F Bauknecht, R Hunkeler, A Villiger, R Stieger 7a1 Permanent quality assurance in ambulant pacemaker implantation 2001;9(S):S29 Switzerland
AUTHORS F Bauknecht, R Hunkeler, A Villiger, R Stieger
TITLE 7a1 Permanent quality assurance in ambulant pacemaker implantation
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S29
COUNTRY Switzerland
MP Rivas, X Gonzalez, JL Nin, F Garcıa, M Giner, J Marın, JL Barrera, C Ramon, R Gutierrez, A Laza 7a2 Standards for ambulatory units accreditation. The first handbook 2001;9(S):S29 Spain
AUTHORS MP Rivas, X Gonzalez, JL Nin, F Garcıa, M Giner, J Marın, JL Barrera, C Ramon, R Gutierrez, A Laza
TITLE 7a2 Standards for ambulatory units accreditation. The first handbook
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S29
E Eicher 7a3 Total quality management in ambulatory surgery in Switzerland 2001;9(S):S29 Switzerland
TITLE 7a3 Total quality management in ambulatory surgery in Switzerland
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S29
COUNTRY Switzerland
P Colobraro, M Mancini, A Tommasielli, A Borzone 7a4 Quality and accredit: new frontier of day-surgery 2001;9(S):S29-S30 Italy
AUTHORS P Colobraro, M Mancini, A Tommasielli, A Borzone
TITLE 7a4 Quality and accredit: new frontier of day-surgery
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S29-S30
EA Matthews 7a5 An exploratory study of patients’ expectations and experiences of day care surgery in a single NHS trust in the UK 2001;9(S):S30 England
TITLE 7a5 An exploratory study of patients’ expectations and experiences of day care surgery in a single NHS trust in the UK
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S30
E Vernes, E Viel, J-J Eledjam 7a6 A role for general practitioners in the management of ambulatory surgical patients: facts and wishes. A French survey. 2001;9(S):S30 France
AUTHORS E Vernes, E Viel, J-J Eledjam
TITLE 7a6 A role for general practitioners in the management of ambulatory surgical patients: facts and wishes. A French survey.
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S30
K Bofkin, SM Lloyd 7a7 Use of a structured interview technique to obtain patient’s perspective on the day surgery experience and identify changes to improve the quality of the service in line with these comments 2001;9(S):S30 England
AUTHORS K Bofkin, SM Lloyd
TITLE 7a7 Use of a structured interview technique to obtain patient’s perspective on the day surgery experience and identify changes to improve the quality of the service in line with these comments
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S30
E Nydahl, R-M Birksjo, S Lundquist 7a8 The use of patient questionnaires and nursing care programmes in quality control at a day surgery unit 2001;9(S):S30-S31 Sweden
AUTHORS E Nydahl, R-M Birksjo, S Lundquist
TITLE 7a8 The use of patient questionnaires and nursing care programmes in quality control at a day surgery unit
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S30-S31
G Aguzzi, C Gobetti, G Zanetti, M Bertassello, A Miozzo, M Favazza, G Campedelli, S Magagnotto 7a9 Analysis of the satisfaction level linked to the patient’s state of anxiety in day surgery 2001;9(S):S31 Italy
AUTHORS G Aguzzi, C Gobetti, G Zanetti, M Bertassello, A Miozzo, M Favazza, G Campedelli, S Magagnotto
TITLE 7a9 Analysis of the satisfaction level linked to the patient’s state of anxiety in day surgery
REFERENCE 2001;9(S):S31
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