C Brandi, H Martinez, E Beveraggi, E Sivori Ambulatory surgery, four years experience 1999;7.1:S12 Argentina
AUTHORS C Brandi, H Martinez, E Beveraggi, E Sivori
TITLE Ambulatory surgery, four years experience
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S12
COUNTRY Argentina
F Clément, B Roche, M-C Marti Evaluation of patient flow in a surgical outpatients departement with the help of bar man 1999;7.1:S12-13 Switzerland
AUTHORS F Clément, B Roche, M-C Marti
TITLE Evaluation of patient flow in a surgical outpatients departement with the help of bar man
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S12-13
COUNTRY Switzerland
M Herrmann, C Baatz Day surgery in a rural clinic in El Salvador 1999;7.1:S13 El Salvador
AUTHORS M Herrmann, C Baatz
TITLE Day surgery in a rural clinic in El Salvador
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S13
COUNTRY El Salvador
S Guerrini, N Prot, L Petruzzelli Organization model of a private day-surgery unit 1999;7.1:S13 Italy
AUTHORS S Guerrini, N Prot, L Petruzzelli
TITLE Organization model of a private day-surgery unit
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S13
S Guerrini, N Prot, L Petruzelli A free-standing day-surgery unit in a private clinic: valuation after two years 1999;7.1:S13 Italy
AUTHORS S Guerrini, N Prot, L Petruzelli
TITLE A free-standing day-surgery unit in a private clinic: valuation after two years
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S13
S Guerrini, T Musumeci, GC Fossati Day-surgery: organization and medical–legal problems 1999;7.1:S13 Italy
AUTHORS S Guerrini, T Musumeci, GC Fossati
TITLE Day-surgery: organization and medical–legal problems
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S13
S Guerrini, T Musumeci, GC Fossati Day-surgery and medical:legal issues during the phases of patient selection and dismissal (with particular reference to informed consent) 1999;7.1:S13-14 Italy
AUTHORS S Guerrini, T Musumeci, GC Fossati
TITLE Day-surgery and medical:legal issues during the phases of patient selection and dismissal (with particular reference to informed consent)
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S13-14
P Fabbrucci Center of day surgery and one day surgery: the model of the Azienda Sanitaria of Florence 1999;7.1:S14 Italy
AUTHORS P Fabbrucci
TITLE Center of day surgery and one day surgery: the model of the Azienda Sanitaria of Florence
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S14
B Mussa, S Sandrucci, F Trombetta, P Celoria One day surgery unit’s organisation 1999;7.1:S14 Italy
AUTHORS B Mussa, S Sandrucci, F Trombetta, P Celoria
TITLE One day surgery unit’s organisation
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S14
R Moscato, B Mussa, S Sandrucci, F Trombetta Quality assessment by indicators in a day surgery unit 1999;7.1:S14 Italy
AUTHORS R Moscato, B Mussa, S Sandrucci, F Trombetta
TITLE Quality assessment by indicators in a day surgery unit
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S14
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170