L Roberts The scope for day surgery in the treatment of breast pathology 1999;7.1:S38 Australia
TITLE The scope for day surgery in the treatment of breast pathology
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S38
COUNTRY Australia
G Garau, C Moretti, B Boggio, A Deserra, M Pisano, A Cois, M Cagetti Inguinal hernioplasty in patients over 70 years of age: ambulatory surgery vs short hospitalization 1999;7.1:S38 Italy
AUTHORS G Garau, C Moretti, B Boggio, A Deserra, M Pisano, A Cois, M Cagetti
TITLE Inguinal hernioplasty in patients over 70 years of age: ambulatory surgery vs short hospitalization
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S38
L Masoni, M Gasparrini, G Pascarella, L de Anna, J Montori, E Ruggeri, AM Malgioglio, A Montori Pneumatic balloon dilation for chronic anal fissure: 5 years of experience 1999;7.1:S38 Italy
AUTHORS L Masoni, M Gasparrini, G Pascarella, L de Anna, J Montori, E Ruggeri, AM Malgioglio, A Montori
TITLE Pneumatic balloon dilation for chronic anal fissure: 5 years of experience
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S38
B Roche, J Deléaval, A Forster, M-C Marti Postoperative recovery after ambulant vein surgery 1999;7.1:S38 Switzerland
AUTHORS B Roche, J Deléaval, A Forster, M-C Marti
TITLE Postoperative recovery after ambulant vein surgery
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S38
COUNTRY Switzerland
J Bjerkén, AT Pedersen Ambulatory versus inpatient Tonsillectomy. A comparative analysis of 404 consecutive cases 1999;7.1:S38-39 Denmark
AUTHORS J Bjerkén, AT Pedersen
TITLE Ambulatory versus inpatient Tonsillectomy. A comparative analysis of 404 consecutive cases
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S38-39
M Cirillo, R De Falco, N Gennarelli, F Veneri, G Vivona, A Cauteruccio, R Lobello Advantages of pylonidal ‘closed’ fistulectomy in ambulatorial surgery 1999;7.1:S39 Italy
AUTHORS M Cirillo, R De Falco, N Gennarelli, F Veneri, G Vivona, A Cauteruccio, R Lobello
TITLE Advantages of pylonidal ‘closed’ fistulectomy in ambulatorial surgery
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S39
M Cirillo, G Coppola, E Marciano, G Gargiulo, G Vivona, M Cibelli, R Lobello The hernioplastic operation according to Lichtenstein in day surgery 1999;7.1:S39 Italy
AUTHORS M Cirillo, G Coppola, E Marciano, G Gargiulo, G Vivona, M Cibelli, R Lobello
TITLE The hernioplastic operation according to Lichtenstein in day surgery
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S39
V Papic, A Gajic Lesions to the knee cartilage: arthroscopic surgical treatment 1999;7.1:S39 Bosnia and Herzegovina
AUTHORS V Papic, A Gajic
TITLE Lesions to the knee cartilage: arthroscopic surgical treatment
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S39
COUNTRY Bosnia and Herzegovina
S Bilbija, P Vladimir Arthroscopies of the knee, diagnostic and operative in local anaesthaesia. Introducing endoscopis surgery of the shoulder in Banja Luka 1999;7.1:S39-40 Bosnia and Herzegovina
AUTHORS S Bilbija, P Vladimir
TITLE Arthroscopies of the knee, diagnostic and operative in local anaesthaesia. Introducing endoscopis surgery of the shoulder in Banja Luka
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S39-40
COUNTRY Bosnia and Herzegovina
A Bezera, AM Pietrantoniob, M Capalbob, G Tontob, C Giovanardia, F Golinellia Day Surgery experiences in the surgical treatment of mammary neoplasm 1999;7.1:S40 Italy
AUTHORS A Bezera, AM Pietrantoniob, M Capalbob, G Tontob, C Giovanardia, F Golinellia
TITLE Day Surgery experiences in the surgical treatment of mammary neoplasm
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S40
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