PJ Thomson, IR Fletcher, S Briggs Design and construction of a purpose built oral surgery day unit— the Newcastle experience 1999;7.1:S75 England
AUTHORS PJ Thomson, IR Fletcher, S Briggs
TITLE Design and construction of a purpose built oral surgery day unit— the Newcastle experience
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S75
S Vaccarisi, A Bergantino, M Ponsetto, E Personnett, M Obialero Experience of two years of activity in a non autonomous unit of day hospital and day surgery 1999;7.1:S75 Italy
AUTHORS S Vaccarisi, A Bergantino, M Ponsetto, E Personnett, M Obialero
TITLE Experience of two years of activity in a non autonomous unit of day hospital and day surgery
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S75
WG Stein Planning, organisation and functioning of two ambulatory surgery units in Chile 1999;7.1:S75 Chile
TITLE Planning, organisation and functioning of two ambulatory surgery units in Chile
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S75
V Vaškelis, Z Čekavičius, T Kasarskas Development of ambulatory surgery in the Kaunas Municipal out-patient departments 1999;7.1:S75-76 Lithuania
AUTHORS V Vaškelis, Z Čekavičius, T Kasarskas
TITLE Development of ambulatory surgery in the Kaunas Municipal out-patient departments
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S75-76
COUNTRY Lithuania
D Prieto, F Barreiro, JA Pun˜ al, E Mena, C Fdez Viz, J Potel, M Ariza Ambulatory surgery results in Comlejo hospitalario, Universitaro de Santiagour 1999;7.1:S76 Spain
AUTHORS D Prieto, F Barreiro, JA Pun˜ al, E Mena, C Fdez Viz, J Potel, M Ariza
TITLE Ambulatory surgery results in Comlejo hospitalario, Universitaro de Santiagour
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S76
P Cabre, C Alerany, G Agreda, C Semeraro, C Vicens, A Rodriguez The evolution of quality indicator in a day surgery unit 1999;7.1:S76 Spain
AUTHORS P Cabre, C Alerany, G Agreda, C Semeraro, C Vicens, A Rodriguez
TITLE The evolution of quality indicator in a day surgery unit
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S76
M Ramos, F Malafaia, M Almeida, P Lemos Is there a distance-limit for selecting patients for ambulatory surgery 1999;7.1:S76 Portugal
AUTHORS M Ramos, F Malafaia, M Almeida, P Lemos
TITLE Is there a distance-limit for selecting patients for ambulatory surgery
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S76
COUNTRY Portugal
J Avram, F Cadariu, A Rodica, A Enache, I Avram, N Miculescu Ambulatory surgery in Timisoara, Romania 1999;7.1:S76-77 Romania
AUTHORS J Avram, F Cadariu, A Rodica, A Enache, I Avram, N Miculescu
TITLE Ambulatory surgery in Timisoara, Romania
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S76-77
FJ García, R Pernas, F López, M Rodríguez, F Fernández, R Anera Significance of recovery room in a day-surgery unit 1999;7.1:S77 Spain
AUTHORS FJ García, R Pernas, F López, M Rodríguez, F Fernández, R Anera
TITLE Significance of recovery room in a day-surgery unit
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S77
MA Prieto Reyes, JL Blanco, J Mena, R Glez Burguillos, L Cuaresma, R Santos, F Gomez, A Fernandez, M Bastos Causes of the hospital stay in ambulatory surgery 1999;7.1:S77 Spain
AUTHORS MA Prieto Reyes, JL Blanco, J Mena, R Glez Burguillos, L Cuaresma, R Santos, F Gomez, A Fernandez, M Bastos
TITLE Causes of the hospital stay in ambulatory surgery
REFERENCE 1999;7.1:S77
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