H Ma, Q Ma, Y Dai, Z Shui, Z Li, W Yu, G Duan Ambulatory surgery medical safety and patient perception survey analysis 2013;19.3:100 China
AUTHORS H Ma, Q Ma, Y Dai, Z Shui, Z Li, W Yu, G Duan
TITLE Ambulatory surgery medical safety and patient perception survey analysis
REFERENCE 2013;19.3:100
K Mevik, I Olsen, R Skirbekk Is day surgery a safe choice for cancer mammae surgeries? 2013;19.3:100 Norway
AUTHORS K Mevik, I Olsen, R Skirbekk
TITLE Is day surgery a safe choice for cancer mammae surgeries?
REFERENCE 2013;19.3:100
N Mitic, V Pejcic, S Jovanovic, B Jovanovic, A Pavlovic, M Tatic Laparoscopic Treatment of Acute Cholecystitis – Our Experience 2013;19.3:101 Serbia
AUTHORS N Mitic, V Pejcic, S Jovanovic, B Jovanovic, A Pavlovic, M Tatic
TITLE Laparoscopic Treatment of Acute Cholecystitis – Our Experience
REFERENCE 2013;19.3:101
H Mølgaard, N Spangsberg, B Sestoft The LMA ‘Best Practice’ revolves around size – patients at risk of getting sore throat 2013;19.3:101 Denmark
AUTHORS H Mølgaard, N Spangsberg, B Sestoft
TITLE The LMA ‘Best Practice’ revolves around size – patients at risk of getting sore throat
REFERENCE 2013;19.3:101
S Neves, S Carneiro, M Pereira, S Caldas, C Gomes, V Vieira ENT Adult Ambulatory Surgery: One Year Experience 2013;19.3:102 Portugal
AUTHORS S Neves, S Carneiro, M Pereira, S Caldas, C Gomes, V Vieira
TITLE ENT Adult Ambulatory Surgery: One Year Experience
REFERENCE 2013;19.3:102
COUNTRY Portugal
S Neves, S Carneiro, C Gomes, S Caldas, V Vieira Complications in Ambulatory Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy: Is there a difference between Adult and Pediatric Populations? 2013;19.3:102 Portugal
AUTHORS S Neves, S Carneiro, C Gomes, S Caldas, V Vieira
TITLE Complications in Ambulatory Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy: Is there a difference between Adult and Pediatric Populations?
REFERENCE 2013;19.3:102
COUNTRY Portugal
L Oudejans-Nanne, P Moerbeek Surgery with anaesthesia: what can the patient expect? 2013;19.3:103 Netherlands
AUTHORS L Oudejans-Nanne, P Moerbeek
TITLE Surgery with anaesthesia: what can the patient expect?
REFERENCE 2013;19.3:103
COUNTRY Netherlands
P Ranta, M-L Vuokila, M Viitanen, A Leinonen Trends in Day Surgery Practice in Northern Finland: Comparing five-year-time points at Oulu University Hospital 2013;19.3:103 Finland
AUTHORS P Ranta, M-L Vuokila, M Viitanen, A Leinonen
TITLE Trends in Day Surgery Practice in Northern Finland: Comparing five-year-time points at Oulu University Hospital
REFERENCE 2013;19.3:103
N T Row, T S Row, P Dande Analysis of Day Surgery in India: an update. 2013;19.3:104 India
AUTHORS N T Row, T S Row, P Dande
TITLE Analysis of Day Surgery in India: an update.
REFERENCE 2013;19.3:104
M Sato, K Hirota, K Fukuda Influence of postanesthesia hypoxemia on recovery time in ambulatory electroconvulsive therapy 2013;19.3:104 Japan
AUTHORS M Sato, K Hirota, K Fukuda
TITLE Influence of postanesthesia hypoxemia on recovery time in ambulatory electroconvulsive therapy
REFERENCE 2013;19.3:104
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