Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year |
Jessie Stomski Seim , Jessica Intermill |
The Nations Within an Indian Law Faq |
72-OCT Bench and Bar of Minnesota 18 (October, 2015) |
Indian law is a complex, difficult, and sometimes contradictory patchwork that varies enormously in substance and application from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. It can seem an impenetrable maze to the outside practitioner; this primer on its history and key principles is designed to serve as an aid to navigation. So you know that Minnesota is the... |
2015 |
Emily Becker |
The Power of Social Movements and the Limits of Pluralism: Tracing Rastafarianism and Indigenous Resurgence Through Commonwealth Caribbean Law and Culture |
43 International Journal of Legal Information 136 (Summer-Winter, 2015) |
In the post-colonial era, social movements in the Commonwealth Caribbean have empowered citizens to reclaim, redefine and further develop their identity. These movements, combined with a history of colonialism and transatlantic slavery in the region, have yielded a Caribbean culture too diverse to be labeled. Indeed, the Caribbean culture is... |
2015 |
Dr. Morad Elsana |
The Recognition of Indigenous Peoples' Land: Application of the Customary Land Rights Model on the Arab-bedouin Case in Israel |
7 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 45 (Spring, 2015) |
Inspired by Aboriginal land recognition in Australia, this article introduces the native title doctrine and customary law doctrine as methods for indigenous land recognition, and introduces the application of these methods to the Bedouin case of land conflict. This paper argues that the legal system in Israel includes at least two options that... |
2015 |
Robert T. Coulter |
The Situation of the Indigenous People of Rapa Nui and International Law: Reflections on Indigenous Peoples and the Ethics of Remediation |
13 Santa Clara Journal of International Law 293 (2015) |
My colleague Leonardo Crippa and I have advised and provided some legal assistance during the past four years to the indigenous people of Rapa Nui, often called Easter Island. This brief account of that situation and the applicable international law relating to indigenous peoples, self-determination, lands, sacred sites, and environmental... |
2015 |
Jasmine Plummer |
The Yanomami: Illegal Mining, Law, and Indigenous Rights in the Brazilian Amazon |
27 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 479 (Spring, 2015) |
The Yanomami are one of the largest isolated indigenous tribes in the world. They inhabit the Amazon rainforest, which is under significant pressure from a variety of companies and groups, including illegal miners. Illegal mining has been omnipresent and especially problematic for the Yanomami--the tribe has endured violence, disease, and constant... |
2015 |
Katerina Silcox |
Thompson V. Fairfax County Department of Family Services: Determining the Best Interests of the Indian Child |
10 Liberty University Law Review 141 (Fall, 2015) |
Children are a gift from the Lord - Psalm 127:3. Remember that your children are not your own, but are lent to you by the Creator. - Mohawk Proverb In the Virginia case of Thompson v. Fairfax County Department of Family Services, the Virginia Court of Appeals declined to recognize the so-called Existing Indian Family Exception (hereinafter... |
2015 |
Jessica Greer Griffith |
Too Many Gaps, Too Many Fallen Victims: Protecting American Indian Women from Violence on Tribal Lands |
36 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 785 (Spring 2015) |
1. Introduction. 787 2. Scope of the Problem. 790 3. Overview of Criminal Jurisdiction in Indian Country. 793 3. 1. Federal Jurisdiction in Indian Country. 795 3. 2. Public Law 280 and the Transfer of Jurisdiction in Indian Country to Specific States. 797 3. 3. The Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968. 799 3. 4. Tribal Jurisdiction over Non-Indians. 800... |
2015 |
Jessica Greer Griffith |
36 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 785 (Spring 2015) |
1. Introduction. 787 2. Scope of the Problem. 790 3. Overview of Criminal Jurisdiction in Indian Country. 793 3. 1. Federal Jurisdiction in Indian Country. 795 3. 2. Public Law 280 and the Transfer of Jurisdiction in Indian Country to Specific States. 797 3. 3. The Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968. 799 3. 4. Tribal Jurisdiction over Non-Indians. 800... |
2015 |
Treated Worse than Animals: Women and Girls in Indian Mental Institutions |
22 No.1 Human Rights Brief 14 (Spring, 2015) |
In January 2015, Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone revealed to the press that she has struggled with depression and anxiety. Her disclosure has received praise and sparked a discussion in a society where, according to Ms. Padukone, [t]here is shame and stigma attached to talking about depression. Supporting her assessment is a report released by... |
2015 |
Cynthia Castillo |
Tribal Courts, Non-indians, and the Right to an Impartial Jury after the 2013 Reauthorization of Vawa |
39 American Indian Law Review 311 (2014-2015) |
In February 2013, Congress passed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA). The previous version of the bill lapsed in 2011 while lawmakers argued over several controversial provisions. One particularly controversial provision of the Act now extends tribal court jurisdiction over non-Indians in cases involving couples living on... |
2015 |
Cynthia Castillo |
39 American Indian Law Review 311 (2014-2015) |
In February 2013, Congress passed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA). The previous version of the bill lapsed in 2011 while lawmakers argued over several controversial provisions. One particularly controversial provision of the Act now extends tribal court jurisdiction over non-Indians in cases involving couples living on... |
2015 |
Addie C. Rolnick |
39 American Indian Law Review 337 (2014-2015) |
Introduction. 338 I. A Patchwork of Rules. 348 A. Jurisdiction Ends at the Indian. 352 B. Jurisdiction Extends to Nonmember Indians. 360 1. Duro v. Reina. 361 2. The Duro Fix. 364 C. Who Is an Indian?. 369 1. Challenges to the Duro Fix. 372 2. Federal Court Review of Tribal Jurisdiction over Unenrolled People. 376 3. Federal Jurisdiction... |
2015 |
Ann E. Tweedy |
46 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 104 (Spring, 2015) |
Although twelve federally recognized Indian tribes are currently known to allow same-sex marriage, comprehensive information on the content of each of these laws and the processes by which they came to be adopted is not available from any single source. This lack of information is due in part to the fact that tribal same-sex marriage laws as we... |
2015 |
Lorelei Laird |
Tribal Rights |
101-MAY ABA Journal 15 (May, 2015) |
When South Dakota's Pennington County petitioned to take custody of Madonna Pappan's children, the hearing lasted slightly more than 60 seconds. Pappan and her husband were not permitted to present any evidence supporting their continued custody, according to a subsequent lawsuit. After her husband asked the judge what he was allowed to say in... |
2015 |
Alex T. Skibine |
36 Public Land & Resources Law Review 3 (2015) |
Introduction. 4 I. Distinguishing Between Racial and Political Classifications. 10 A. The Case Law at the Supreme Court. 10 1. The Pre- Mancari Cases. 10 2. Mancari and its Progeny. 12 B. The Case Law in the Lower Courts. 21 C. The Indian Commerce Clause Power as the Determinant Factor on Whether the Classification is Racial or Political. 32 II.... |
2015 |
Robert T. Anderson |
Water Rights, Water Quality, and Regulatory Jurisdiction in Indian Country |
34 Stanford Environmental Law Journal 195 (September, 2015) |
In the seminal Indian water rights case, Winters v. United States (1908), the Court posed this question: The Indians had command of the lands and the waters-command of all their beneficial use, whether kept for hunting, and grazing roving herds of stock, or turned to agriculture and the arts of civilization. Did they give up all this? The... |
2015 |
Lorinda Riley |
39 American Indian Law Review 451 (2014-2015) |
Before a tribal entity can exercise the privileges and immunities of external sovereign status, they must first be recognized by the United States. For a variety of reasons, some legitimate tribal entities remain unrecognized today. The Department of the Interior has created a federal acknowledgement process under 25 C.F.R. Part 83, providing a... |
2015 |
Laura M. Seelau , Ryan Seelau |
When I Want Your Opinion, I'll Give it to You: How Governments Support the Indigenous Right to Consultation in Theory, but Not in Practice |
23 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law 547 (Spring, 2015) |
I. Introduction. 547 II. Consultation: The International Mechanism to Realize Indigenous Peoples' Rights. 550 III. Background. 553 A. Indigenous Peoples. 553 B. Indigenous Rights Legal Framework in Chile. 555 C. Indigenous Law (Law No. 19.253). 556 D. ILO Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples. 558 E. Decree No. 124. 562 F. Environmental... |
2015 |
Elizabeth Ann Kronk Warner |
Working to Protect the Seventh Generation: Indigenous Peoples as Agents of Change |
13 Santa Clara Journal of International Law 273 (2015) |
This essay builds on my comments presented in response to Professor Rebecca Tsosie's article at The Environment and Human Rights symposium co-hosted by the Santa Clara Journal of International Law and the Center for Global Law & Policy on January 24 and 25, 2014. Professor Tsosie's presentation and resulting article focus on the ethics of... |
2015 |
Jeanette Wolfley |
You Gotta Fight for the Right to Vote: Enfranchising Native American Voters |
18 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 265 (October, 2015) |
Introduction. 266 I. REVIEW OF SHELBY COUNTY AND INTER TRIBAL COUNCIL. 271 A. Shelby County. 271 B. Inter Tribal Council. 274 II. YOU GOTTA FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT . . . TO VOTE. 277 A. Indian Voting Challenges. 277 B. Disparities in Indian Country. 280 III. PROTECTING THE DREAM:THE FUTURE OF NATIVE AMERICAN VOTING RIGHTS IN INDIAN COUNTRY. 284 A.... |
2015 |
Bonnie Shucha |
106 Law Library Journal 199 (Spring, 2014) |
This article explores the costs and benefits of publishing tribal law. It begins by discussing the importance of tribal law and analyzing why tribal law is not widely disseminated. Next it discusses the benefits of making tribal law more accessible, and then it describes publication options for tribes. An appendix lists tribal law collections. ¶1... |
2014 |
58 Saint Louis University Law Journal 937 (Summer 2014) |
When Professor Joel Goldstein called to offer me the opportunity to deliver the 2013 Childress Lecture, I was, of course, immensely flattered, albeit immediately intimidated when he added that it would include the participation as well of a daunting group of commentators. That did not, of course, prevent me from accepting, though it did lead to... |
2014 |
Dean B. Suagee |
A Better Buildings Challenge for Indian Country |
29-FALL Natural Resources & Environment 58 (Fall, 2014) |
What are Indian tribal governments doing to help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? I thought there might be some information to answer this question in the recently released National Climate Assessment. Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment (2014) (Assessment). The Assessment, available at... |
2014 |
Joseph R. Membrino |
A Brief History of Indian Trust Administration Reform: Will the past Be Prologue? |
50 Tulsa Law Review 227 (Summer 2014) |
If we trace the management of Indian affairs in the Interior Department since 1849, we find much to call for prompt action to remedy existing evils. The Commission on Indian Trust Administration and Reform (Commission) approved its final report on December 10, 2013. Secretary of the Interior Salazar established the Commission by secretarial order... |
2014 |
Charles Pensabene |
7 Albany Government Law Review 637 (2014) |
Introduction: The Latest Rapid in a River of Sorrow. 638 I. From the Canyon to the Courtroom--The Impetus for the Controversy. 639 II. Legal Recourse for Native American Genetic Research Subjects. 642 A. Limited Extent of a Property Right in Genetic Information. 642 B. Limited Extent of Privacy Interest for Native Americans' Genetic Material. 644... |
2014 |
Daniel K. Lee |
A Century of Uncertainty and the New Politics of Indian Water Settlements: How Tribes and States Can Overcome the Chilling Effect of the Paygo Act |
92 Oregon Law Review 625 (2014) |
Introduction. 626 I. The Legal Background of Indian Water Rights Settlements. 627 A. The Law of Indian Reserved Water Rights. 628 B. The Trust Duty in Relation to Water Rights. 635 II. The Multilateral Benefits of Indian Water Rights Settlements. 637 III. Indian Water Settlements in the Era of PAYGO. 640 A. Requirements of the PAYGO Act. 640 B.... |
2014 |
Thomas M. Antkowiak |
A Dark Side of Virtue: the Inter-american Court and Reparations for Indigenous Peoples |
25 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law L. 1 (Fall 2014) |
INTRODUCTION. 2 I. REMEDIES IN INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS. 5 A. Overview. 5 B. Remedies for Indigenous Peoples in International Law. 10 II. THE INTER-AMERICAN COURT'S CASE LAW: REPARATIONS FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES. 17 A. Introduction. 17 1. Definition and Case Selection. 17 2. The Court's General Criteria for Monetary and... |
2014 |
Dean B. Suagee |
A Human Rights-based Environmental Remedy for the Legacy of the Allotment Era in Indian Country |
29-SUM Natural Resources & Environment Env't 3 (Summer, 2014) |
In the American constitutional democracy, Indian tribes have long been recognized as having governmental authority over their members and their territory as a matter of federal law. With respect to persons who are not tribal members, however, there is a body of case law holding that such persons are often not subject to tribal authority, especially... |
2014 |
Rohit De |
A Peripatetic World Court Cosmopolitan Courts, Nationalist Judges and the Indian Appeal to the Privy Council |
32 Law and History Review 821 (November, 2014) |
In early 1943, Lord Wilfred Green, the Master of Rolls and the head of the Chancery Division of the British judiciary, authored a secret memorandum proposing that the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council become a peripatetic court that would travel throughout the British Empire. This article explores the origins and politics of this proposal... |
2014 |
Hope Babcock |
90 North Dakota Law Review 13 (2014) |
The capacity of Indian tribal sovereignty to protect tribes from outside encroachment and interference has steadily diminished from when the concept was first enunciated in the nineteenth century in the Marshall Indian Law Trilogy. This article assumes as a working premise that only bringing tribes into the Constitution as co-equal sovereigns will... |
2014 |
Mark H. Reeves |
A Rejection of State Efforts to Enforce Gaming Laws on Indian Lands in the Absence of a Tribal-state Compact |
9 FIU Law Review 331 (Spring 2014) |
Ever since the Seminole Tribe of Florida opened the United States' first Indian bingo hall on its reservation lands near Hollywood, Florida on December 14, 1979, state and municipal governments have attempted to assert jurisdiction over and enforce their own laws against gaming activity in Indian country. Such efforts, along with the resulting... |
2014 |
Affie Ellis |
A Roadmap for Making Native America Safer |
37-JUN Wyoming Lawyer 20 (June, 2014) |
Reading the front page headlines of a recent edition of the Wind River News, which serves the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho tribes of Wyoming, illustrates this point: Trial set for man accused of assaulting BIA police officer; Arrest made locally in federal murder, sexual assault case; Child's death near Ethete investigated; and Man... |
2014 |
Suzianne D. Painter-Thorne |
A Strange Kind of Identity Theft: How Competing Definitions of "Indian" May Deny Individual Identity |
14 Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal 29 (Fall-Winter, 2014) |
When I was a little girl, I learned about my family's heritage the same way everyone else does-from my parents and grandparents. My mother, grandmother, and aunts were open about my family's Native American heritage, and I never had any reason to doubt them. What kid asks their grandparents for legal documentation to go along with their family... |
2014 |
Prof. Angelique EagleWoman |
A Tradition of Excellence in Native American Law at the University of Idaho College of Law |
57-OCT Advocate 58 (October, 2014) |
(Wambdi A. WasteWin) Over the years, the University of Idaho College of Law has offered courses on Native American law topics to prepare law students for legal practice in the state, region, and on the national level. Prior to 2008, courses were offered by such distinguished professors of law such as Emeritus Professor Dennis Colson; Former Interim... |
2014 |
Meredith L. Jewitt |
A Tradition of Sovereignty: Examining Tribal Sovereign Immunity in Bay Mills Indian Community V. Michigan |
9 Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy Sidebar 163 (4/9/2014) |
Tribal sovereign immunity has been a core principle of Indian law and United States-tribal interactions since first contact between European and native peoples. For centuries, this principle has dictated that Indian tribes, like sovereign nations, are immune from legal action as distinct, independent, political communities retaining their original... |
2014 |
Matthew L.M. Fletcher |
46 Arizona State Law Journal 779 (Fall 2014) |
Two theories of tribal government authority under federal Indian law-- territory-based authority and consent-based authority--are at war. No theory is acceptable to either tribal governance advocates or their opponents. The war plays out most dramatically in conflicts over tribal authority over nonmembers. The Supreme Court's own precedents on... |
2014 |
Ada Melton, Kimberly Cobb, Adrienne Lindsey, R. Brian Colgan, David J. Melton, American Indian Development Associates, LLC, American Probation and Parole Association, Arizona State University, Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy, Supervisory Unite |
Addressing Responsivity Issues with Criminal Justice-involved Native Americans |
78-SEP Federal Probation 24 (September, 2014) |
THE CONCEPTS OF general and specific responsivity are integral elements of the Risk, Needs, Responsivity (RNR) supervision model. Lowenkamp and colleagues (2012) describe what would be entailed to truly individualize the delivery of correctional interventions: Accounting for responsivity requires that the agency vary treatment delivery depending on... |
2014 |
Shreya A. Fadia |
Adopting "Biology Plus" in Federal Indian Law: Adoptive Couple V. Baby Girl's Refashioning of Icwa's Framework |
114 Columbia Law Review 2007 (December, 2014) |
This Note argues that the Supreme Court's decision in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl creates an apparent tension in federal Indian law. The Court's characterization of the broader aims of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 and of biology's role within it appears irreconcilable with previous interpretations of the Act--including the Court's own... |
2014 |
Dustin C. Jones |
Adoptive Couple V. Baby Girl: the Creation of Second-class Native American Parents under the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 |
32 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 421 (Summer, 2014) |
For us as Indians, much is at stake, because it is about nurturing community and culture, while honoring our traditions. After all, we are fond of saying: The children are our future. In June 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court found that an absentee biological Native American father could have his parental rights terminated without triggering the... |
2014 |
Jessica Di Palma |
Adoptive Couple V. Baby Girl: the Supreme Court's Distorted Interpretation of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 |
47 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 523 (2014) |
Congress enacted the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA) to establish federal standards governing state-court child-custody cases involving Indian children. The statute attempted to remedy the unwarranted removal of Indian children from their biological parents by nontribal public and private agencies, by creating minimum Federal standards for... |
2014 |
William L. Iggiagruk Hensley |
Alaska's Native History |
31 Alaska Law Review 169 (December, 2014) |
I was born in 1941, exactly two hundred years after Bering stumbled onto Alaska down near Seattle. I like to say that because he failed in his first attempt to show that Asia and North American were not connected. All he should have done was just ask our people if they were joined--they weren't. By that time, we had long ago traversed all the way... |
2014 |
Samuel Gottstein |
An Era of Continued Neglect: Assessing the Impact of Congressional Exemptions for Alaska Natives |
55 Boston College Law Review 1253 (September, 2014) |
Although Native Americans in the contiguous United States have benefited from recent congressional reforms, Alaska Native communities were largely ignored. Despite the widely acknowledged crisis of sexual assault and domestic violence in rural Alaska Native communities, Congress has explicitly exempted Alaska from legislation that would... |
2014 |
Tony Penikett |
An Unfinished Journey: Arctic Indigenous Rights, Lands, and Jurisdiction? |
37 Seattle University Law Review 1127 (Summer, 2014) |
Yellowknife-Dene political scientist Glen Coulthard sums up the goals of the indigenous rights movement Idle No More as a struggle for land and jurisdiction. Over the last forty years, American and Canadian governments made much progress on the land question in the Arctic and sub-Arctic; however, from an irrational fear of the unknown, politicians... |
2014 |
Russell Del Toro III |
Application of the Fair Use Limitation Within the Dualist Copyright System: an Argument in Favor of a Flexible Approach to the Public Policy Considerations Native to Issues of Copyright |
48 Revista Juridica Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico 259 (Agosto-Mayo, 2013-2014) |
I. Introduction. 260 II. Historical overview of copyright and fair use. 263 III. The dualist approach to fair use. 280 IV. Conclusion. 289 |
2014 |
Veronica Gordon |
Appropriation Without Representation? The Limited Role of Indigenous Groups in Wipo's Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge, and Folklore |
16 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law 629 (Spring, 2014) |
The World Intellectual Property Organization's (WIPO) Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge, and Folklore (IGC) is currently engaged in text-based negotiations to develop an international legal instrument, or set of instruments, that will effectively protect traditional knowledge,... |
2014 |
Dwight Newman , Michelle Biddulph , Lorelle Binnion |
Arctic Energy Development and Best Practices on Consultation with Indigenous Peoples |
32 Boston University International Law Journal 449 (Summer 2014) |
Abstract. 450 I. Introduction. 450 II. Legal Frameworks for Consultation. 456 A. The United States. 457 i. Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. 457 ii. Environmental Statutes. 461 iii. North Slope Borough. 462 iv. Consultation Policies. 463 B. Canada. 464 i. Land Claims Agreements. 464 a. Northwest Territories. 465 b. Nunavut. 468 c. Yukon. 470 ii.... |
2014 |
Bethany Henneman |
Artful Pleading Defeats Historic Commitment to American Indians |
14 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 142 (Spring 2014) |
The United States government has specific commitments to federally recognized American Indian tribes through treaties, Congressional Acts, Executive Orders, and Executive Agreements as well as judicially created commitments. One such commitment is the Department of the Interior's responsibility to hold American Indian lands in trust for the benefit... |
2014 |
Hon. Peter J. Herne |
Best Interests of an Indian Child |
86-APR New York State Bar Journal 22 (March/April, 2014) |
Family law treatises summarize New York's Best Interest of a Child standard as follows: 1. Maintaining stability for the child(ren) 2. Child(ren's) wishes 3. Home environment with each parent 4. Each parent's past performance and relative fitness 5. Each parents ability to guide and provide for child(ren's) overall well-being 6. Each parent's... |
2014 |
Sara Daly |
Bordering on Discrimination: Effects of Immigration Policies/legislation on Indigenous Peoples in the United States and Mexico |
38 American Indian Law Review 157 (2013-2014) |
Border security and state immigration legislation are issues that many Americans love to hate. By and large, there is little debate about the need for national security measures at the borders. However, when it comes to the implementation of policies that actually attempt border security and immigration enforcement, the end results risk stifling... |
2014 |
JoAnne L. Dunec |
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants Robin Wall Kimmerer Milkweed Editions, 2013 |
28-WTR Natural Resources & Environment 61 (Winter, 2014) |
Braiding Sweetgrass is an exploration of scientific principles and indigenous thinking. The author, a trained botanist, is an enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and a SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor of Environmental Biology. She introduces us to sweetgrass, Hierorochloe odorata, which, according to the author, means the... |
2014 |