Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year |
Gavin Clarkson |
Accredited Indians: Increasing the Flow of Private Equity into Indian Country as a Domestic Emerging Market |
80 University of Colorado Law Review 285 (Spring 2009) |
Indian Country is America's domestic emerging market, and, as in other emerging markets, many successful businesses in Indian Country are starving for expansion capital. The U.S. Treasury estimates that the private-equity deficit in Indian Country is $44 billion. While the handful of wealthier tribes might be logical investors in private-equity... |
2009 |
Delores Subia BigFoot, Janie Braden |
Adapting Evidence-based Treatments for Use with American Indian and Native Alaskan Children and Youth |
28 No.5 Child Law Practice 76 (July, 2009) |
It is impossible to capture or explain the nature and extent of assaults experienced by American Indians and Alaskan Native (AI/AN) families. AI/AN communities experience a disproportionate number of events that put them at risk for trauma reactions. Often, these contemporary disruptions have roots in the historical past. According to the National... |
2009 |
Madhav Khosla |
Addressing Judicial Activism in the Indian Supreme Court: Towards an Evolved Debate |
32 Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 55 (Winter 2009) |
In recent years, the Indian Supreme Court has invited significant attention for the important position it has come to occupy within the nation's politics. Commentary on the working of the Court has been varied, with some scholars voicing strong opposition to the judiciary's rise, while others highlighting its role in the achievement of social... |
2009 |
Dean John L. Carroll |
Alabama Native Becomes Chief Judge of Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals |
70 Alabama Lawyer 296 (July, 2009) |
On June 1, 2009, Judge Joel Dubina was sworn in as the seventh Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. He becomes the second Alabamian to hold this important position. Judge John Godbold was the first (see article on page 273 of this issue). Judge Dubina's elevation is yet another milestone in a long and... |
2009 |
Ryan M. Seidemann |
Altered Meanings: the Department of the Interior's Rewriting of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act to Regulate Culturally Unidentifiable Human Remains |
28 Temple Journal of Science, Technology & Environmental Law L. 1 (Spring 2009) |
Congress's purposes would not be served by requiring the transfer to modern American Indians of human remains that bear no relationship to them. I. Introduction. 3 II. NAGPRA's Function and Purpose. 4 A. How Does NAGPRA Work?. 4 1. Curated Remains. 5 2. Remains Found on Federal or Tribal Lands. 6 B. What are Culturally Unidentifiable Human... |
2009 |
Rob Capriccioso |
American Indian Children Faring Poorly in Foster Care |
28 No.8 Child Law Practice 125 (October, 2009) |
Of the approximately 500,000 American youth in foster care, Native American kids are faring among the worst, according to youth advocacy and policy experts. New analysis indicates that American Indian, Hispanic and African-American children all fare more poorly than white children in foster care--with Native youth being about three times more... |
2009 |
Richard B. Collins |
American Indian Law Deskbook, 4th Ed. By the Conference of Western Attorneys General 818 Pp.; $85 University Press of Colorado, 2008 5589 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 206c, Boulder, Co 80303 (800) 627-7377; |
38-NOV Colorado Lawyer 101 (November, 2009) |
The American Indian Law Deskbook (Deskbook) was first published in 1993 to address its authors' claim of the absence of a comprehensive and objective treatise on Indian law. In making this claim, the Conference of Western Attorneys General (CWAG) implied that Felix S. Cohen's Handbook of Federal Indian Law (Handbook) (1982), and perhaps its... |
2009 |
Robert J. Miller , Jacinta Ruru |
An Indigenous Lens into Comparative Law: the Doctrine of Discovery in the United States and New Zealand |
111 West Virginia Law Review 849 (Spring, 2009) |
I. The Doctrine of Discovery. 852 A. England and Discovery. 854 B. The Elements of Discovery. 856 II. The Doctrine of Discovery in United States Law. 858 A. The Colonial Law of Discovery. 858 B. The State Law of Discovery. 861 C. United States Law and Discovery to 1823. 864 D. Discovery and Manifest Destiny. 871 III. The Doctrine of Discovery in... |
2009 |
Carmel Sileo |
Arizona Court Says Indian Tribe Can Sue Researchers |
45-FEB Trial 66 (February, 2009) |
A lawsuit by the Havasupai Indian tribe claiming that university researchers misused blood samples they took from members of the tribe during a study may proceed, according to a ruling by the Arizona Court of Appeals. In overturning a lower court ruling, the court, in an opinion by Judge Diane Johnsen, found that the injury that naturally flows... |
2009 |
Karine Vanthuyne , University of Ottawa |
Becoming Maya? The Politics and Pragmatics of "Being Indigenous" in Postgenocide Guatemala |
32 PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 195 (November, 2009) |
This paper contrasts the way Mayan identity is conceptualized by NGOs and intellectuals in Guatemala with the everyday practices and material conditions influencing perceptions of identity in the rural town of Guaisná. The truth of past genocide and the experience of ongoing harsh socioeconomic inequality take on different meanings from these... |
2009 |
Matthew Murphy |
Betting the Rancheria: Environmental Protections as Bargaining Chips under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act |
36 Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 171 (2009) |
In 2005, the State of California and the Big Lagoon Rancheria American Indian Tribe reached an agreement whereby the tribe agreed to forego development plans for a casino on environmentally sensitive lands in exchange for the right to build a casino in Barstow, California. In January 2008, the Department of the Interior denied the... |
2009 |
W.S. Miller, Chad LeBlanc, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, University of North Texas |
Bingo?: an Overview of the Potential Legal Issues Arising from the Use of Indian Gaming Revenues to Fund Professional Sports Facilities |
19 Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 121 (Summer 2009) |
The cost for new North American professional sports facilities continues to skyrocket. New arenas built to house National Basketball Association (NBA) or National Hockey League (NHL) teams now routinely exceed $300 million in price. New Major League Baseball (MLB) stadiums typically cost between $450 million to $700 million. For example, Nationals... |
2009 |
John R. Hein |
Born in the U.s.a., but Not Natural Born: How Congressional Territorial Policy Bars Native-born Puerto Ricans from the Presidency |
11 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 423 (January, 2009) |
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.... |
2009 |
Amanda M.K. Pacheco |
Broken Traditions: Overcoming the Jurisdictional Maze to Protect Native American Women from Sexual Violence |
11 Journal of Law & Social Challenges Challenges 1 (Spring, 2009) |
The rape of Native American women has been likened to the destruction of indigenous culture because both are seen as attacks on the human soul. Both, it is claimed, are a kind of spiritual death. This sentiment is explained by Andrea Smith, a Native American anti-violence rape counselor and activist, who wrote that every Native [rape] survivor... |
2009 |
Markham C. Erickson |
Carcieri V. Salazar: the Supreme Court's Definition of "Now" Creates Uncertainty for Indian Tribes |
56-JUL Federal Lawyer 20 (July, 2009) |
The Indian Reorganization Act (IRA), which was enacted in 1934, authorizes the secretary of the interior to acquire land and hold it in trust for the purpose of providing land to Indians and defines Indian to include all persons of Indian descent who are members of any Indian tribe now under Federal jurisdiction. 25 U.S.C. § 479. On Feb. 24,... |
2009 |
Rebecca Tsosie |
Climate Change, Sustainability and Globalization: Charting the Future of Indigenous Environmental Self-determination |
4 Environmental & Energy Law & Policy Journal 188 (Fall 2009) |
I. Introduction. 189 II. The Politics of Climate Change within International and Domestic Governance Structures. 195 A. The International Regime. 196 B. The Domestic Arena. 199 C. Summary and Recommendations for Action. 202 1. International Human Rights Law. 202 2. Domestic Law. 204 III. The Tribal Arena: Energy Development and Native Nations. 208... |
2009 |
Juanita Sales Lee |
Coming Home to Indian Country: More Firsts in Native Leadership |
56-APR Federal Lawyer Law. 3 (March/April, 2009) |
The Federal Bar Association is continuing its tradition of employing the talents of all Americans as national leaders. Next September, when Lawrence Baca becomes president of the association, he will be our first Native American president and the first of any national nonminority bar. Born in Montrose, Colo., Baca grew up in El Cajon, Calif. He... |
2009 |
Patrick A. Byorth |
Conflict to Compact: Federal Reserved Water Rights, Instream Flows, and Native Fish Conservation on National Forests in Montana |
30 Public Land & Resources Law Review 35 (2009) |
Introduction. 35 I. The Winters Doctrine and Federal Reserved Water Rights. 37 II. Federal Reserved Water Rights and the U.S. Forest Service. 40 A. USFS Federally Reserved Water Rights in Federal Court. 40 B. Western State Resistance to Federal Reserved Rights. 43 III. The Montana Compact. 46 IV. A Case for Flushing Flows. 50 A. Climate Change and... |
2009 |
Ann E. Tweedy |
42 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 651 (Spring 2009) |
This law review Article examines: (1) the underpinnings of tribal sovereignty within the American system; (2) the need for restoration based on the Court's drastic incursions on tribal sovereignty over the past four decades and the grave circumstances, particularly tribal governments' inability to protect tribal interests on the reservation and... |
2009 |
Patrice H. Kunesh |
19-FALL Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 8 (Fall 2009) |
The landscape of history tells us that tribes are resilient governing institutions. They have withstood the forces of alienation and assimilation because their constancy is rooted in their culture and their land. Those forces are still afoot in dispiriting Supreme Court decisions and in the country's economic demise. Today, tribes throughout the... |
2009 |
Afra Afsharipour |
Corporate Governance Convergence: Lessons from the Indian Experience |
29 Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business 335 (Spring 2009) |
Over the past two decades, corporate governance reforms have emerged as a central focus of corporate law in countries across the development spectrum. Various legal scholars studying these reform efforts have engaged in a vigorous debate about whether globalization will lead to convergence of corporate governance laws toward one model of... |
2009 |
Alex Tallchief Skibine |
Culture Talk or Culture War in Federal Indian Law? |
45 Tulsa Law Review 89 (Fall 2009) |
When it comes to conflicts between Native American culture and the cultural norms of the dominant society, is federal law more inclined towards culture talk, meaning engaging Indian tribes in a dialogue aiming at finding common grounds, or is it more engaged in culture war ? The point of this essay is to evaluate how the law of the dominant... |
2009 |
David Bogen , Leslie F. Goldstein |
Culture, Religion, and Indigenous People |
69 Maryland Law Review 48 (2009) |
The Constitution treats culture, religion, and government as separate concepts. Different clauses of the First Amendment protect culture and religion from government. For several decades, the Supreme Court of the United States interpreted the First Amendment as offering religion greater protection against interference than was offered to culture,... |
2009 |
Sharmila Rudrappa |
Cyber-coolies and Techno-braceros: Race and Commodification of Indian Information Technology Guest Workers in the United States |
44 University of San Francisco Law Review 353 (Fall 2009) |
Coolie is a word that . . . has no established etymology: some place it from the Tamil kuli (hire), others find it in use in sixteenth-century Portugal as Koli, after the name of a Gujarati community, still others notice that it sounds like the Chinese ku-li (bitter labor) or like the Fijian kuli meaning dog. One way or another, to be called... |
2009 |
Kristen Cates, of the Great Falls Tribune |
Denise Juneau: a Long Road from Browning |
34-APR Montana Lawyer 10 (April, 2009) |
It's a long road from Browning's Last Star Housing Project to the office of the superintendent of Montana's public schools in Helena. Along that road, Denise Juneau carried many titles: daughter, student, teacher, lawyer and basketball player. On Jan. 5 she was sworn in as the first Native American woman elected to a statewide executive office -- a... |
2009 |
Shira Kieval |
Discerning Discrimination in State Treatment of American Indians Going Beyond Reservation Boundaries |
109 Columbia Law Review 94 (January, 2009) |
Generally, federal Indian law cases focus on jurisdiction inside of Indian Country. Occasionally, however, challenges arise about the application of state law to American Indians outside of Indian Country. In 1973, and again in 2005, the Supreme Court announced that [a]bsent express federal law to the contrary, Indians going beyond reservation... |
2009 |
Meghan Theresa McCauley |
Empowering Change: Building the Case for International Indigenous Land Rights in the United States |
41 Arizona State Law Journal 1167 (Winter 2009) |
International law is part of [United States] law, and must be ascertained and administered by the courts of justice of appropriate jurisdiction as often as question of right depending upon it are duly presented for their determination. Old wounds of marginalization and exploitation continue for Indigenous Peoples (Indigenous Peoples), such as... |
2009 |
Kimberly L. Alderman |
Ethical Issues in Cultural Property Law Pertaining to Indigenous Peoples |
45 Idaho Law Review 515 (2009) |
C1-2TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION. 516 II. WHY DEFINE THE ETHICAL ISSUES?. 517 A. The 5Ps Framework for Ethical Decision-Making Starts with Identifying the Ethical Problem. 517 B. What Are the Surrounding Facts?. 519 1. The Crises in the Cultural Property Trade Persist. 519 2. The Cultural Property Debates are Divisive and Stagnant. 521 3. The... |
2009 |
Christopher W. Behan |
Everybody Talks: Evaluating the Admissibility of Coercively Obtained Evidence in Trials by Military Commission |
48 Washburn Law Journal 563 (Spring 2009) |
We have ways of making men talk. Modern coercive interrogation techniques are devastatingly effective. Skilled interrogators can break even the most hardened subject by engaging in a concerted attack on his psyche. Notorious torture machines such as the rack or the iron maiden have been replaced by an ingenious system that relies on psychological... |
2009 |
Duane H. King, Ph.D. |
Exhibiting Culture: American Indians and Museums |
45 Tulsa Law Review 25 (Fall 2009) |
As long as museums have been in this country, American Indians have been represented in them. How Native American subjects have been treated by museums over the years has changed considerably. Much of the change I have witnessed firsthand. I entered the museum profession over 40 years ago. My first museum job, as a teenager, was scrubbing potsherds... |
2009 |
Matthew L.M. Fletcher |
Factbound and Splitless: the Certiorari Process as Barrier to Justice for Indian Tribes |
51 Arizona Law Review 933 (Winter 2009) |
The Supreme Court's certiorari process does more than help the Court parse through thousands of uncertworthy claims--the Court's process creates an affirmative barrier to justice for parties like Indian tribes and individual Indians. The Court has long maintained that the certiorari process is a neutral and objective means of eliminating patently... |
2009 |
Matthew L.M. Fletcher |
51 Arizona Law Review 933 (Winter 2009) |
The Supreme Court's certiorari process does more than help the Court parse through thousands of uncertworthy claims--the Court's process creates an affirmative barrier to justice for parties like Indian tribes and individual Indians. The Court has long maintained that the certiorari process is a neutral and objective means of eliminating patently... |
2009 |
Merritt Schnipper |
Federal Indian Law--ambiguous Abrogation: the First Circuit Strips the Narragansett Indian Tribe of its Sovereign Immunity |
31 Western New England Law Review 243 (2009) |
Chief Sachem Matthew Thomas got up and put on a shirt and tie. The Narragansett tribe leader expected to end the day in federal court, where he would confront the Rhode Island officials who were attempting to shut down the tribe's tax-free smoke shop. But when Tribal Councilman Hiawatha Brown called at one in the afternoon to say that a convoy of... |
2009 |
T. Haller Jackson IV |
88 Nebraska Law Review 1 (2009) |
I. Introduction. 2 II. (Very) Brief Histories. 6 A. 42 U.S.C. § 1983. 6 B. 42 U.S.C. § 1988. 9 C. The States' Eleventh Amendment Sovereign Immunity. 11 III. The Full Contours of the Problem. 16 A. The Practical Context. 16 B. The Doctrinal Background. 19 C. The Near Misses in Precedent. 23 IV. Easy Answers Dismissed. 26 A. Personal Capacity... |
2009 |
Kevin K. Washburn |
Felix Cohen, Anti-semitism and American Indian Law |
33 American Indian Law Review 583 (2008-2009) |
Architect of Justice: Felix S. Cohen and the Founding of American Legal Pluralism. By Dalia Tsuk Mitchell. Ithaca and London: Cornell Univ. Press. 2007. Pp. xi, 368. On the morning of Wednesday, November 1, 1939, a bright young government lawyer who had been detailed to the United States Department of Justice was summoned to his supervisor's... |
2009 |
Carole Goldberg |
Finding the Way to Indian Country: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Decisions in Indian Law Cases |
70 Ohio State Law Journal 1003 (2009) |
Two tax cases notably mark the distance, in Indian law terms, between Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's early and later years on the United States Supreme Court. In the first case, decided in her second term on the Court, Justice Ginsburg wrote for a majority, rejecting tribal members' claim of exemption from a state income tax. It was her first Indian... |
2009 |
Alex M. Hagen |
54 South Dakota Law Review 129 (2009) |
The dual sovereignty doctrine reflects the bifurcated structure of the federal system, but it also incorporates individual Indian tribes as unique third sovereigns within that system. Recently, the doctrine's application to the Sixth Amendment right to counsel has split the federal circuit courts and revealed a conflict between adhering to the dual... |
2009 |
Larry Cata Backer |
From Hatuey to Che: Indigenous Cuba Without Indians and the U.n. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
33 American Indian Law Review 201 (2008-2009) |
Indigenous peoples have been quite useful to political elites in Latin America almost since the time of the conquests by Spanish and Portuguese adventurers in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, indigenous people supplied the foundations for a trope, both literary and political, essential for the... |
2009 |
Brooke Delores Swier |
Gaming Goldmines Grow Green: Limited Gaming, Good Faith Negotiations, and the Economic Impact of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act in South Dakota |
54 South Dakota Law Review 493 (2009) |
During the late 1980s, South Dakota gradually began to legalize various types of gaming, most notably casino-style gaming in Deadwood. In 1988, Congress enacted the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) which provided Indian tribes with the ability to conduct gaming operations on tribal land if that state offered gaming. At the same time the IGRA... |
2009 |
Kirsty Gover |
33 American Indian Law Review 243 (2008-2009) |
Tribal membership rules constitute the self that is to self-govern, by defining the class of persons entitled to share in tribal resources and participate in tribal politics. Increasingly, tribal membership rules also define the class of persons who are the ultimate beneficiaries of United States federal Indian policy. In the modern era of... |
2009 |
Travis Thompson |
Getting over the Hump: Establishing a Right to Environmental Protection for Indigenous Peoples in the Inter-american Human Rights System |
19 Journal of Transnational Law & Policy 179 (Fall, 2009) |
Climate change is threatening the traditional way of life for indigenous peoples and the Inter-American Human Rights System declines to combat this growing problem by refusing to acknowledge a right to environmental protection for indigenous peoples. The Inter-American Human Rights System has thus effectively cut off the possibility of remedying... |
2009 |
Jason Scott Zenor |
Gilbert V. Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe: the South Dakota Supreme Court Assumes Jurisdiction, Overlooks Federal Indian Law, and Misapplies Constitutional Principles to a Tribal Nation |
54 South Dakota Law Review 333 (2009) |
Longstanding United States Supreme Court precedent recognizes that American Indian tribes are pre-constitutional sovereign nations, and thus, are outside the dictates of federal and state constitutional principles. Similarly, the United States Supreme Court has held that internal tribal matters fall within a tribe's exclusive jurisdiction. However,... |
2009 |
Jason Scott Zenor |
54 South Dakota Law Review 333 (2009) |
Longstanding United States Supreme Court precedent recognizes that American Indian tribes are pre-constitutional sovereign nations, and thus, are outside the dictates of federal and state constitutional principles. Similarly, the United States Supreme Court has held that internal tribal matters fall within a tribe's exclusive jurisdiction. However,... |
2009 |
Christopher Kelty, Rice University |
Global "Body Shopping": an Indian Labor System in the Information Technology Industry Biao Xiang (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007) Virtual Migration: the Programming of Globalization A. Aneesh (Durham: Duke University Press, 2006) |
32 PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 156 (May, 2009) |
In April of 2001, I sat on the roof of an office building in Bangalore listening to Metallica covers sung by a band made up of IT (Information Technology) professionals in their twenties. My new friends regaled me with stories of their success, boasting of their enormous salaries and summer homes under construction in the countryside. To them, this... |
2009 |
Dean B. Suagee |
Going "Code Green" in Indian Country |
23-SPG Natural Resources & Environment 55 (Spring, 2009) |
Fundamental changes are coming as we move toward a post-fossil-fuels economy. Global climate change is a compelling reason why we need to shift to an economic order that uses energy efficiently and meets most of our needs for energy services with renewable resources. Meeting our energy demands through efficiency and renewables will also reduce our... |
2009 |
Barbara McDonald |
How a Nineteenth Century Indian Treaty Stopped a Twenty-first Century Megabomb |
9 Nevada Law Journal 749 (Spring 2009) |
The U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) created controversy beginning in 2006 when it announced its intention to detonate Divine Strake, a 700-ton fuel oil and fertilizer bomb at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). The DTRA maintained the purpose of the bomb was to advance conventional weapons, even though government documents had described the... |
2009 |
Indian Cigarette Sales Enjoined |
15 CITYLAW 134 (November/December, 2009) |
Reservation smoke shops sold millions of untaxed cigarettes to bootleggers. Golden Feather Smoke Shop and other smoke shops located on the Poospatuck Indian Reservation in Mastic, New York, purchased millions of untaxed cigarettes from wholesalers and sold them at significantly reduced prices to nonmembers of the Unkechauge Indian Nation.... |
2009 |
Alan P. Meister, Ph.D. , Kathryn R.L. Rand , Steven Andrew Light |
Indian Gaming and Beyond: Tribal Economic Development and Diversification |
54 South Dakota Law Review 375 (2009) |
The timing of the South Dakota Law Review symposium on Economic Development in Indian Country coincides with the 20th anniversary of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988 (IGRA), 25 U.S.C. §§ 2701-2721, the federal law that established the legal and regulatory framework for tribal government gaming. When Congress enacted IGRA, it codified... |
2009 |
Brian Lewis, Raymond Campbell |
Indian Law a Needed Addition to the Arizona Bar Exam |
45-MAY Arizona Attorney 34 (May, 2009) |
Bar examinations evolve over time, adding or omitting topics that wax or wane in relevance to law practice. Is it time for a new topic--Indian law--to be added to that test? We are currently in a comment period until May 20 for a proposed Supreme Court rule change. To understand the proposal better, we asked rule-change proponents to explain the... |
2009 |
Johanna Sheehe |
Indian Patent Law: Walking the Line? |
29 Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business 577 (Spring 2009) |
Every day countless lives are saved by drugs produced by pharmaceutical companies. These life-saving drugs demonstrate the incredible medical advances that can be achieved through research and development. These drugs, however, do not come cheaply. Pharmaceutical companies expect high returns from their successful drugs and rely on profits... |
2009 |