Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year |
Carolyn Jin-Myung Oh |
Questioning the Cultural and Gender-based Assumptions of the Adversary System: Voices of Asian-american Law Students |
7 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 125 (1992) |
The political and legal institutions of a country inevitably reflect the ethos of its dominant culture. The legal system in the United States is no exception. It has been and continues to be shaped by the cultural values prevalent in America, especially the values held by those in powereducated white men. The entry of women in increasing numbers... |
1992 |
Su Sun Bai |
Affirmative Pursuit of Political Equality for Asian Pacific Americans: Reclaiming the Voting Rights Act |
139 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 731 (January, 1991) |
The participation of Asian Pacific Americans in the American political process has recently attracted significant media attention as the mainstream political leadership has come to recognize a growing enclave of potential votes and other forms of valuable support. Popular perceptions of Asian Pacific Americans as an economically successful minority... |
1991 |
Richard Delgado , Jean Stefancic |
Norms and Narratives: Can Judges Avoid Serious Moral Error? |
69 Texas Law Review 1929 (June, 1991) |
I. Introduction. 1929 II. Notorious Cases and Saving Narratives: What the Juxtaposition Shows. 1934 A. Dred Scott and Plessy v. Ferguson. 1934 B. Indian Cases. 1939 C. The Chinese Exclusion Case. 1943 D. The Japanese Internment Cases. 1945 E. Bradwell v. Illinois. 1947 F. Buck v. Bell. 1948 G. Bowers v. Hardwick. 1950 III. Law and Literature: The... |
1991 |
Grace W. Tsuang |
Assuring Equal Access of Asian Americans to Highly Selective Universities |
98 Yale Law Journal 659 (January, 1989) |
In the post-Bakke era, many institutions of higher education have sought to maintain their commitment to minority admissions programs without the use of explicit racial quotas. In Bakke, Justice Powell deemed the Harvard Admissions Program, which considers race or ethnic background a plus' in evaluating the applicant, the ideal means to achieve... |
1989 |
Justice Delayed: the Record of the Japanese American Internment Cases. Edited by Peter Irons. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press. 1989. Pp. Xi, 436. $40.00. |
103 Harvard Law Review 403 (November, 1989) |
Peter Irons collects the essential documents and provides a moving narrative of the successful legal challenge to the Supreme Court's 1943 and 1944 decisions upholding the evacuation and internment of 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Irons, a political scientist and attorney who assisted in the recent... |
1989 |
Land Use-exclusionary Zoning-community Displacement Within New York City Not Actionable under New York Constitution-Asian Americans for Equality V. Roch, 72 N.y.2d 121, 527 N.e.2d 265, 531 N.y.s.2d 782 (1988). |
102 Harvard Law Review 1092 (March, 1989) |
Although the United States Supreme Court has imposed only minimal constitutional restrictions on local zoning, several state courts have held that exclusionary zoningthat is, regulations that by design or effect restrict residence in a community to wealthy residents violates state constitutional requirements. In Berenson v. Town of New Castle,... |
1989 |
Glenn P. Harris |
Sovereign Immunity |
55 George Washington Law Review 1068 (May/August, 1987) |
The forced evacuation, relocation, and detention of nearly 120,000 Japanese-American citizens during the Second World War stands as a prominent scar on our heritage of constitutional liberties. To remedy this injustice, the D.C. Circuit recently allowed victims of the detention program and their relatives to sue the federal government for damages,... |
1987 |
Philip Tajitsu Nash |
Moving for Redress and Justice for All: an Oral History of the Japanese American Detention Camps. By John Tateishi. New York: Random House, 1984. Pp. 260. |
94 Yale Law Journal 743 (January, 1985) |
Over 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry were forcibly removed from their west coast homes in 1941 and early 1942, suffering extensive property, income, and psychological damage as a result. Despite reports to the contrary by staff members of the F.B.I. and Office of Naval Intelligence, military leaders argued that persons of Japanese ancestry... |
1985 |
Sheri Lynn Johnson |
Cross-racial Identification Errors in Criminal Cases |
69 Cornell Law Review 934 (June, 1984) |
C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction 935 I. The Reliability of Cross-Racial Identification. 937 A. The Own-Race Phenomenon. 938 1. Laboratory Findings. 938 a. White Subjects. 938 b. Black Subjects. 940 c. Asian American Subjects. 940 2. External Validity. 941 B. Correlates and Explanations of the Own-Race Effect. 943 C. Laymen's Beliefs About... |
1984 |
Barry Sullivan |
Justice at War. By Peter Irons. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1983. Pp. Xiii, 407. $18.95 |
60 Notre Dame Law Review 237 (1984) |
In the months following the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor, the United States government first imposed a curfew on Japanese Americans residing in the Western states and then ordered their evacuation and detention in internment camps. These measures, as the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians has recently explained, were... |
1984 |
Justice at War: the Story of the Japanese American Internment Cases. By Peter Irons. New York: Oxford University Press. 1983. Pp. Xiii, 407. $18.95. |
82 Michigan Law Review 887 (February, 1984) |
Peter Irons's, Justice at War adds new evidence to the extensive array of literature attacking the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II and the Supreme Court cases that sanctioned the internment. In Justice at War, Irons focuses on lawyers who could have prevented the internment tragedy - those who had significant connections with... |
1984 |
Arval A. Morris |
Justice, War, and the Japanese-american Evacuation and Internment. Book Review Of-justice at War: the Story of the Japanese American Internment Cases-by Peter Irons. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. Pp. Xiii, 407. $18.95. |
59 Washington Law Review 843 (September, 1984) |
With all the advantages of hindsight, the shameful episode that saw the militarily ordered exclusion and internment of over 112,000 Japanese Americans during World War II without declaration of martial law looms as one of the greatest mass deprivations of civil liberties by the American government since slavery. This harsh, vast, and discriminatory... |
1984 |
Major John H. Culley, USAFR |
Relocation of Japanese Americans: the Hawaiian Experience |
24 Air Force Law Review 176 (1984) |
The Japanese Navy struck a crippling blow at the American Pacific fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. Along with reports about the devastation on battleship row, newspapers and radios carried mysterious rumors impugning the loyalty of those residents of Hawaii who happened to be of Japanese ancestry. These individuals were alleged... |
1984 |
Kenneth L. Karst |
Justice at War |
62 Texas Law Review 1147 (March, 1983) |
Last November, in the United States District Court in San Francisco, Judge Marilyn Hall Patel vacated Fred Korematsu's 1942 conviction for violation of an executive order requiring the relocation of all persons of Japanese ancestry living along the West Coast, a conviction that the Supreme Court affirmed in 1944. Judge Patel granted the order in... |
1983 |
Robert B. McKay |
CaucAsians Only. By Clement E. Vose. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1959. Pp. Xi, 296. $6.00 |
69 Yale Law Journal 1482 (July, 1960) |
The Restrictive Covenant Cases of 1948Shelley v. Kraemer and Hurd v. Hodge were possibly the most noteworthy civil rights cases of their decade. By denying on equal-protection and due-process grounds the power of staite and federal courts to give specific enforcement to covenants aimed at the exclusion of Negroes, the Supreme Court greatly... |
1960 |
The Alien Land Laws: a Reappraisal |
56 Yale Law Journal 1017 (June, 1947) |
The return of Japanese evacuees from wartime relocation centers to the West Coast has brought the alien land laws of the Pacific Coast states once more before the courts. The states, inspired by war strengthened anti-Japanese sentiment, have undertaken a revitalized campaign to enforce the prohibitions against the holding of agricultural land by... |
1947 |
Eugene V. Rostow |
The Japanese American Cases-a Disaster |
54 Yale Law Journal 489 (June, 1945) |
He [the King of Great Britain] has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. The Declaration of Independence War is too serious a business to be left to generals. Clemenceau Our war-time treatment of Japanese aliens and citizens of Japanese descent on the West Coast has been hasty, unnecessary and mistaken.... |
1945 |
Robert Redfield |
Prejudice. Japanese-americans: Symbol of Racial Intolerance. By Carey Mcwifliams. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1944. Pp. 337. $3.00 |
54 Yale Law Journal 176 (December, 1944) |
This book tells of the removal from the Pacific Coast of our fellow citizens of Japanese ancestry and their Japanese parents, of what led up to it, and of what has and may come of it. The removal was compelled by military power as a measure of war. Less than one hundred and fifty thousand people were directly involved, and in the military history... |
1944 |
Alien Enemies and Japanese-americans: a Problem of Wartime Controls |
51 Yale Law Journal 1316 (June, 1942) |
A problem of increasing importance in wartime America is the control of those groups in the population whose ties with the enemy make them potential enemy agents, but who have committed no overt act sufficient to justify detention. The problem is more immediate than in any previous foreign war because the continental United States is in danger of... |
1942 |