Christina Morris THE CORRECTIVE VALUE OF PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION: REDUCING RACIAL BIAS THROUGH SCREENING, COMPASSION, AND EDUCATION 31 Boston University Public Interest Law Journal 275 (Summer, 2022) Introduction. 276 I. Implicit Bias in the Criminal Justice System. 278 A. What is Implicit Bias?. 278 B. Measuring Implicit Bias. 279 C. Implicit Bias and the Criminal Justice System. 281 II. The Role of the Prosecutor in Perpetuating Racial Injustice. 283 III. Current Solutions are Inadequate. 287 IV. Moving Forward: Addressing the Unconscious.... 2022
Rachel V. Rose, Mark Kleiman THE CRITICAL ROLE THAT MEN PLAY IN THWARTING BIAS AND HOSTILITY TOWARD WOMEN 69-AUG Federal Lawyer 72 (July/August, 2022) Previously, The Federal Lawyer published The Subtle and Not-So-Subtle Impact of Bias on Women and Minorities, which received several positive comments regarding raising awareness of the important issue of bias and the related notion of mansplaining. The most significant question received from men was what can I do to change things? This inquiry... 2022
Eddie Bernice Johnson , Lawrence J. Trautman THE DEMOGRAPHICS OF DEATH: AN EARLY LOOK AT COVID-19, CULTURAL AND RACIAL BIAS IN AMERICA 48 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 357 (Spring, 2021) During late 2019, reports emerged that a mysterious coronavirus was resulting in high contagion and many deaths in Wuhan, China. In just a few weeks, cases rose quickly in Seattle, spread to California, and the first instance of the virus appeared in New York (from Iran) on March 1, 2020. As the months pass, it is abundantly clear that less wealthy... 2022
Shi-Ling Hsu THE IDENTIFIABILITY BIAS IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 35 Florida State University Law Review 433 (Winter, 2008) The identifiability effect is the human propensity to have stronger emotions regarding identifiable individuals or groups than for abstract ones. The more information that is available about a person, the more likely this person's situation will influence human decisionmaking. This human propensity has biased law and public policy against... 2022
Mirko Bagaric , Jennifer Svilar , Melissa Bull , Dan Hunter , Nigel Stobbs THE SOLUTION TO THE PERVASIVE BIAS AND DISCRIMINATION IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: TRANSPARENT AND FAIR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 59 American Criminal Law Review 95 (Winter, 2022) Algorithms are increasingly used in the criminal justice system for a range of important matters, including determining the sentence that should be imposed on offenders; whether offenders should be released early from prison; and the locations where police should patrol. The use of algorithms in this domain has been severely criticized on a number... 2022
Claire P. Donohue THE UNEXAMINED LIFE: A FRAMEWORK TO ADDRESS JUDICIAL BIAS IN CUSTODY DETERMINATIONS AND BEYOND 21 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 557 (Spring, 2020) Scholars and litigators alike have long wondered about what is on the minds of judges. Kahan et al. have studied how judges' political commitments influence their perception of legally consequential facts. Sheri Johnson et al. confirmed the presence of implicit bias among a sample of judges and analyzed the relationship between that bias and the... 2022
Mark B. Baer UNCHECKED BIASES IN FAMILY LAW ARE PERVASIVE AND HARMFUL 44-WTR Family Advocate 6 (Winter, 2022) The issue of bias is receiving increasing attention because, left unchecked, biases cause errors in judgment, which can result in various degrees of harm. In her recently published book The Inclusive Leader: Taking Intentional Action for Justice and Equity, Dr. Artika R. Tyner presents various studies that reveal the particularly high prevalence of... 2022
Anna K. Krause UNIVERSITY BIAS RESPONSE TEAMS: BALANCING STUDENT FREEDOM FROM DISCRIMINATION AND FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS THROUGH STUDENT OUTREACH 55 Indiana Law Review 809 (2022) The field of higher education is working to balance student First Amendment rights with the creation of inclusive learning environments for all students. Incidents involving alleged bias are a consistent presence across college and university campuses in the United States--a recent report found that eighty-four percent of surveyed university equal... 2022
Thomas G. Shannan "ARE WE THERE YET?" NO.: THE NUMBERS THAT SUPPORT ADOPTING AUTOMATIC APPEALS IN JUVENILE DELINQUENCY PROCEEDINGS 106 Cornell Law Review 1629 (September, 2021) Introduction. 1630 I. The Rise and Fall of the Rehabilitative Juvenile Court. 1633 A. The Rise: Common Law Roots and the Early Years. 1633 B. The Adjustment: Introducing Due Process. 1638 C. The Fall: Get Tough on Crime and the Transformation to a More Punitive Court. 1641 II. The (Non)Existent Right to Juvenile Delinquency Appeals. 1644 A. Brief... 2021
Michael Heise, Jason P. Nance "DEFUND THE (SCHOOL) POLICE"? BRINGING DATA TO KEY SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE CLAIMS 111 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 717 (Summer, 2021) Nationwide calls to Defund the Police, largely attributable to the resurgent Black Lives Matter demonstrations, have motivated derivative calls for public school districts to consider defunding (or modifying) school resource officer (SRO/police) programs. To be sure, a school's SRO/police presence-- and the size of that presence--may... 2021
Alison J. Lynch, Esq. , Michael L. Perlin, Esq. "I SEE WHAT IS RIGHT AND APPROVE, BUT I DO WHAT IS WRONG": PSYCHOPATHY AND PUNISHMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF RACIAL BIAS IN THE AGE OF NEUROIMAGING 25 Lewis & Clark Law Review 453 (2021) In this Article, we first consider the relevant differences between antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and psychopathy. Then, we look at the meager cohort of federal sentencing cases in which the issue of psychopathy is even raised, and consider decision-making in this context from the perspective of implicit racial bias. Next, we present some... 2021
Jann L. Murray-Garcia, MD, MPH , Victoria Ngo, PhD "I THINK HE'S NICE, EXCEPT HE MIGHT BE MAD ABOUT SOMETHING": CULTURAL HUMILITY AND THE INTERRUPTION OF SCRIPTS OF RACIAL INEQUALITY 25 U.C. Davis Social Justice Law Review 73 (Summer, 2021) I think he's nice, except he might be mad about something. A White-presenting child responds to the question ABC News's John Stossel posed to a group of school-aged children. He shows them enlarged photos of two men, one Black and the other White. What about this guy? Do you think he's nice? Stossel asks about the White man. I think he's... 2021
Ada K. Wilson, Esq. , Dr. Timothy J. Fair , Michael G. Morrison, II, Esq. "NEWTRALITY": A CONTEMPORARY ALTERNATIVE TO RACE-NEUTRAL PEDAGOGY 43 Campbell Law Review 171 (2021) This Article presents the findings of an interdisciplinary search for an alternative to race-neutral pedagogy. Ultimately, Motivated Awareness and Inclusive Integrity can build capacity for advancements in human understanding of the social sciences and inspire reconsideration of race-neutral standards which impede meaningful judicial review.... 2021
Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Anthony V. Alfieri (RE)FRAMING RACE IN CIVIL RIGHTS LAWYERING, STONY THE ROAD: RECONSTRUCTION, WHITE SUPREMACY, AND THE RISE OF JIM CROW, BY HENRY LOUIS GATES, JR., PENGUIN PRESS, 2019 130 Yale Law Journal 2052 (June, 2021) This Review examines the significance of Henry Louis Gates, Jr.'s new book, Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow, for the study of racism in our nation's legal system and for the regulation of race in the legal profession, especially in the everyday labor of civil-rights and poverty lawyers, prosecutors, and... 2021
Carrie L. Rosenbaum (UN)EQUAL IMMIGRATION PROTECTION 50 Southwestern Law Review 231 (2021) L1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 231 II. Equal Protection Intent Doctrine. 236 III. Immigration UnEqual Protection. 243 A. Equal Protection Challenges to Alienage Laws. 245 B. Equal Protection Challenges to Racially Discriminatory Immigration Laws. 246 IV. DHS v. Regents - Intentional Blindness Redoubled. 253 V. Conclusion. 260 2021
Leslie Patrice Culver (UN)WICKED ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORKS AND THE CRY FOR IDENTITY 21 Nevada Law Journal 655 (Spring, 2021) IRAC is not the arbiter of legal analysis. In fairness, it never claimed to be. Yet despite IRAC's willingness to be a prototype of analytical structure incapable of providing creative depth--a sentiment that many within the legal academy have readily acknowledged for decades--its dominance still persists sustained by a presumption of innocence.... 2021
Candice N. Jones A BROKEN PATTERN: A LOOK AT THE FLAWED RISK AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT TOOL OF THE FIRST STEP ACT 5 Howard Human & Civil Rights Law Review 185 (Spring, 2021) The majority of people who are in prison are there because society has failed them. --Angela Y. Davis Incarceration is a primary form of punishment for criminal offenders in the United States. The United States incarcerates individuals at a rate of 698 per 100,000 residents; more per capita than any other nation. The American criminal justice... 2021
The Honorable Ashleigh Parker Dunston A CALL TO ACTION: FIGHTING RACIAL INEQUALITY BEHIND THE BENCH 43 Campbell Law Review 109 (Winter, 2021) When I was asked to write this essay for the Campbell Law Review's issue on The State Court Judges' Perspectives, I was asked to specifically share my experiences with racism in practice and now on the bench. Quite frankly, I'm a thirty-three-year-old, black woman and have been practicing law for only the last eight years and serving on the bench... 2021
Phillip Atiba Goff , Kim Shayo Buchanan A DATA-DRIVEN REMEDY FOR RACIAL DISPARITIES: COMPSTAT FOR JUSTICE 76 New York University Annual Survey of American Law 375 (2021) Police executives and policymakers have long affirmed a core principle of sound organizational management: law enforcement agencies must measure what matters. And they do: since the New York Police Department popularized the COMPSTAT process in the late 1990s, the systematic, ongoing analysis of crime and arrest data has achieved widespread... 2021
Nicole Connell A DEFENSE OF SENATE BILL 1391: THE CALIFORNIA LAW THAT ABOLISHES TRANSFERRING JUVENILES UNDER SIXTEEN TO CRIMINAL COURT 51 Seton Hall Law Review 875 (2021) Daniel Mendoza was fourteen years old when he was arrested for murder. Raised by a single mother, Mendoza's family struggled to secure basic necessities. The family also lived in a dangerous neighborhood, and by age fourteen, Mendoza had joined a local gang. Police arrested Mendoza when he and several other gang members beat a forty-four-year-old... 2021
Avanindar Singh , Sajid A. Khan A PUBLIC DEFENDER DEFINITION OF PROGRESSIVE PROSECUTION 16 Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 475 (2021) Introduction. 476 I. End the trial tax and coercive plea bargaining.. 477 II. Stop prosecuting children as adults.. 477 III. Stop seeking or threatening the use of the death penalty.. 478 IV. End gang enhancements.. 479 V. Stop pursuing mandatory life without the possibility of parole (LWOP) sentences.. 479 VI. Hold the police accountable.. 480... 2021
Megan Helton A TALE OF TWO CRISES: ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF EXCLUSIONARY SCHOOL POLICIES ON STUDENTS DURING A STATE OF EMERGENCY 50 Journal of Law and Education 156 (Spring, 2021) Fifteen years ago, stories of men, women, and children fighting for their lives overwhelmed the headlines. With the click of the remote, living rooms across the United States filled with images of families who were stranded on roof tops and overpasses with no help insight. Some began the trek to the superdome, hoping to be met with government... 2021
Laura M. Moy A TAXONOMY OF POLICE TECHNOLOGY'S RACIAL INEQUITY PROBLEMS 2021 University of Illinois Law Review 139 (2021) Over the past several years, increased awareness of racial inequity in policing, combined with increased scrutiny of police technologies, have sparked concerns that new technologies may aggravate inequity in policing. To help address these concerns, some advocates and scholars have proposed requiring police agencies to seek and obtain legislative... 2021
Brittany L. Raposa ADDING A LAYER OF INJUSTICE: AMPLIFIED RACIAL DISPARITIES IN REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE IN THE WAKE OF COVID-19 98 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 351 (Spring, 2021) Imagine a woman with pre-existing health conditions getting pregnant in the middle of 2020. The woman lives in a large rural area, and her obstetrician is approximately 40 miles away. Due to the pandemic, the woman is laid off from work, and she and her partner are on a tight financial budget, as they already always struggled financially. She feels... 2021
Rangita de Silva de Alwis ADDRESSING ALLYSHIP IN A TIME OF A "THOUSAND PAPERCUTS" 19 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 63 (Winter 2021) In 2020, a team of students in the class on Women, Law and Leadership students interviewed 100 male law students on their philosophy on leadership and conducted several surveys on allyship and subtle bias. Complementing the allyship interviews, the class developed several survey instruments to examine emerging bias protocols and stereotype threats... 2021
Jelani Jefferson Exum ADDRESSING RACIAL INEQUITIES IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM THROUGH A RECONSTRUCTION SENTENCING APPROACH 47 Ohio Northern University Law Review 557 (2021) Justice reform is having a moment. Across the nation and in the federal government, legislation has passed to reduce the scale of incarceration and the impact of collateral consequences of a felony conviction. While some of these reforms were the result of fiscal concerns over mass incarceration, others were in response to the criminal justice... 2021
Professor Mirko Bagaric , Associate Professor Gabrielle Wolf , Daniel McCord , Brienna Bagaric , Nick Fischer AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM AT ITS FINEST: "SOFT ON CRIME" NOW A VOTE-WINNER IN THE WORLD'S LARGEST INCARCERATOR 25 Lewis & Clark Law Review 489 (2021) Anyone with even a remote interest in criminal justice was stunned by the soft on crime Republican Party advertisement at Super Bowl LIV in 2020, especially during a presidential election year. The United States of America has pursued an unrelenting, merciless tough on crime approach for half a century, resulting in it being the world's largest... 2021
Stephen Rushin, Griffin Edwards AN EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF PRETEXTUAL STOPS AND RACIAL PROFILING 73 Stanford Law Review 637 (March, 2021) Abstract. This Article empirically illustrates that legal doctrines permitting police officers to engage in pretextual traffic stops may contribute to an increase in racial profiling. In 1996, the U.S. Supreme Court held in Whren v. United States that pretextual traffic stops do not violate the Fourth Amendment. As long as police officers identify... 2021
Hannah Goodman ANTI-CARCERAL FUTURES: A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE OF RESTORATIVE AND TRANSFORMATIVE JUSTICE PRACTICES IN THE UNITED STATES AND NEW ZEALAND 44 Fordham International Law Journal 1215 (May, 2021) The United States and New Zealand, two democratic and progressive nations, rely heavily on incarceration structures plagued with institutional racism as their primary form of justice. Several international standards, most notably the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-Custodial Measures, advocate for more context-inclusive justice... 2021
Daniel Harawa , Brandon Hasbrouck ANTIRACISM IN ACTION 78 Washington and Lee Law Review 1027 (Summer, 2021) Racism pervades the criminal legal system, influencing everything from who police stop and search, to who prosecutors charge, to what punishments courts apply. The Supreme Court's fixation on colorblind application of the Constitution gives judges license to disregard the role race plays in the criminal legal system, and all too often, they do. Yet... 2021
Evan D. Bernick ANTISUBJUGATION AND THE EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS 110 Georgetown Law Journal 1 (October, 2021) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 2 I. Equal Protection Theory and Doctrine. 5 a. theory: antidiscrimination versus protection. 5 1. Antidiscrimination. 5 a. Anticlassification. 5 b. Antisubordination. 7 2. Protection. 8 b. doctrine: discriminatory intent, state action, and negative rights. 10 1. Discriminatory Intent. 10 2. The State Action... 2021
Sarah Rudolph Cole ARBITRATOR DIVERSITY: CAN IT BE ACHIEVED? 98 Washington University Law Review 965 (2021) The 2018 lawsuit Jay-Z brought against the American Arbitration Association (AAA) because the list of twelve arbitrators AAA provided in a breach of contract dispute did not include a black arbitrator highlighted ongoing concerns about the lack of diversity in the arbitrator corps. Given arbitration's already less formal structure, one method for... 2021
Olwyn Conway ARE THERE STORIES PROSECUTORS SHOULDN'T TELL?: THE DUTY TO AVOID RACIALIZED TRIAL NARRATIVES 98 Denver Law Review 457 (Spring, 2021) The purportedly race-neutral actions of courts and prosecutors protect and perpetuate the myth of colorblindness and the legacy of white supremacy that define the American criminal system. This insulates the criminal system's racially disparate outcomes from scrutiny, thereby precluding reform. Yet prosecutors remain accountable to the electorate.... 2021
Luke Bittar ARE YOU QUALIFIED? A PROCESS TO CERTIFY LABOR ARBITRATORS AS QUALIFIED 34 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 731 (Fall, 2021) For decades, legal scholars, unions, employers, and individual employees have attempted to sift through the labor arbitration field's issues, which include determining the role of an arbitrator, the extent of finality, the role of courts, and the checks on arbitrator power. The aim of resolving these issues is to create a robust, efficient system... 2021
Lindsay deJesus Cress AS RACIAL TENSIONS RISE IN THE NATION, IT IS TIME TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE IMPACT OF RACIAL TRAUMA-INDUCED PTSD AND RELATED MENTAL HEALTH CONDITIONS ON BLACK SERVICEMEMBERS 60 University of Louisville Law Review 203 (Fall, 2021) I am an American Soldier .. [I] live the Army Values .. I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough . I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself. I am an expert, and I am a professional. The Soldier's Creed establishes the ethos Army Soldiers are expected to live by. Failure to conform with the Creed can result in negative... 2021
Rashmi Dyal-Chand AUTOCORRECTING FOR WHITENESS 101 Boston University Law Review 191 (January, 2021) Autocorrect presumes Whiteness. Across a range of products and applications, autocorrect consistently corrects names that do not look White or Anglo. Sometimes autocorrect changes names to their closest Anglo approximations (as in Ayaan to Susan). Sometimes it suggests replacements that are not proper names (as in DaShawn to dash away). Often,... 2021
Tamara F. Lawson AWAKENING THE AMERICAN JURY: DID THE KILLING OF GEORGE FLOYD ALTER JUROR DELIBERATIONS FOREVER? 58 Houston Law Review 847 (Symposium, 2021) In the summer of 2020, the witnessing of George Floyd's death triggered an outpouring of public expression far beyond other cases in modern times. While the experience led some to advocate for reform and participate in antiracism rallies, marches, and campaigns, it also forced many others into internal reflection, awareness, and awakening to the... 2021
Vidhaath Sripathi BARS BEHIND BARS: RAP LYRICS, CHARACTER EVIDENCE, AND STATE v. SKINNER 24 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 207 (Spring, 2021) I. Introduction. 207 II. Background. 209 A. History and Development of Rap Music in Popular Culture. 210 1. Origins of Rap and Hip-Hop Music. 211 2. Gangsta Rap and Hip-Hop's Commercial Success. 213 3. Censorship of Rap Music. 214 4. Rap as Mainstream--The Most Popular Genre in the Country. 216 5. Existing Racial and Cultural Perceptions of Rap... 2021
Nicole Mirkazemi BART: THE ENRON OF PUBLIC TRANSIT THE NEED FOR CSR IN U.S. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 17 Hastings Business Law Journal 371 (Summer, 2021) It's like working in a prison without guards. There are safety issues that I was not trained to handle. . [W]e do have safety issues on BART. In recent years, the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become popular in corporate America as businesses have accepted the idea that they maintain an obligation to the surrounding... 2021
Jeffrey J. Rachlinski , Andrew J. Wistrich BENEVOLENT SEXISM IN JUDGES 58 San Diego Law Review 101 (February-March, 2021) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 101 II. Benevolent Sexism in Family Court and Criminal Sentencing. 106 A. Gender Disparities in Family Court. 110 B. Gender Disparities in Criminal Sentencing. 116 III. Family Court: Methods, Judges, and Results. 121 A. Materials. 122 B. Judges. 123 C. Results. 125 IV. Criminal Sentencing: Methods, Judges, and... 2021
Anne D. Gordon BETTER THAN OUR BIASES: USING PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH TO INFORM OUR APPROACH TO INCLUSIVE, EFFECTIVE FEEDBACK 27 Clinical Law Review 195 (Spring, 2021) As teaching faculty, we are obligated to create an inclusive learning environment for all students. When we fail to be thoughtful about our own bias, our teaching suffers - and students from under-represented backgrounds are left behind. This paper draws on legal, pedagogical, and psychological research to create a practical guide for clinical... 2021
Andrea Galvez BIAS AND IMMIGRATION: A NEW FACTORS TEST TO EXAMINE EXTRINSIC EVIDENCE OF ANIMUS IN IMMIGRATION CASES 71 Emory Law Journal 57 (2021) Courts have historically struggled to consistently consider extrinsic evidence of animus and bias in immigration cases. In two key cases concerning challenges to restrictive immigration policies of the Trump Administration-- Trump v. Hawaii and DHS v. Regents of the University of California--the Supreme Court shied away from considering numerous... 2021
Linda C. McClain, Robert Kent Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law BIGOTRY, PROPHECY, RELIGION, AND THE RACE ANALOGY IN MARRIAGE AND CIVIL RIGHTS BATTLES: RESPONDING TO COMMENTARIES ON WHO'S THE BIGOT? 36 Journal of Law and Religion 358 (August, 2021) Who's the Bigot? Learning from Conflicts over Marriage and Civil Rights Law. By Linda C. McClain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 304. $39.95 (cloth); $26.99 (digital). ISBN: 9780190877200. KEYWORDS: bigotry, civil rights law, marriage, prejudice, LGBTQ rights, racism, religious liberty One of the most rewarding parts of writing a book... 2021
Cristal Nova BLACK BOX SOFTWARE: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HEALTH CARE 30 Annals of Health Law Advance Directive 231 (Spring, 2021) The United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicine Agency (EMA) are embracing the golden era of software as medical devices (SaMD) which operate through deep neural networks, deep learning, and machine learning--otherwise known as artificial intelligence (AI). We encounter AI when we scroll through our social media... 2021
  BLACK LIVES DISCOUNTED: ALTERING THE STANDARD FOR VOIR DIRE AND THE RULES OF EVIDENCE TO BETTER ACCOUNT FOR IMPLICIT RACIAL BIASES AGAINST BLACK VICTIMS IN SELF-DEFENSE CASES 134 Harvard Law Review 1521 (February, 2021) Because of implicit biases, information about the victims of violence--such as their criminal records, physical appearances, and lifestyles--can be exploited in an attempt to justify the harm that was inflicted upon them. In particular, there is a substantial risk that defendants tried for acts of violence against Black victims will attempt to... 2021
Alexis Hoag BLACK ON BLACK REPRESENTATION 96 New York University Law Review 1493 (November, 2021) When it comes to combating structural racism, representation matters, and this is true for criminal defense as much as it is for mental health services and education. This Article calls for the expansion of the Sixth Amendment right to counsel of choice to indigent defendants and argues that such an expansion could be of particular benefit to... 2021
Daniel S. Harawa BLACK REDEMPTION 48 Fordham Urban Law Journal 701 (March, 2021) Introduction. 701 I. Revamping the Gross Disproportionality Standard for Excessive Punishment. 703 II. Rethinking Juvenile Life Without Parole. 710 III. Revisiting Racial Disparities in Capital Punishment. 714 Conclusion: The Anti-Racist Eighth Amendment. 718 2021
Doriane S. Nguenang Tchenga BLACK WOMEN'S HAIR AND NATURAL HAIRSTYLES IN THE WORKPLACE: EXPANDING THE DEFINITION OF RACE UNDER TITLE VII 107 Virginia Law Review Online 272 (November, 2021) Despite the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) interpretation of Title VII as including cultural characteristics often associated with race or ethnicity, Black women have not successfully litigated the freedom to wear their hair in natural hairstyles in the workplace. Courts have held that racial discrimination in the workplace must... 2021
  Book Review 57 Criminal Law Bulletin 9 (2021) Gary Kowaluk is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri. He graduated from the University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Law in 1994 and has been a member of the Missouri Bar Association since 1994. He also earned a M.A. in Sociology in 2000 and a Ph.D. in Sociology and the Social Sciences... 2021
Sawyer Like BURNING IN THE MELTING POT: AMERICAN POLICING AND THE INTERNAL COLONIZATION OF AFRICAN AMERICANS 22 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 333 (2021) We inherit the belief that the past does not matter - we can start over, we can go beyond the racial thinking that, deep down, nearly every American has known is not a wise way of thinking - the funny and often tragic part being that this anti-historical belief is itself an inheritance from our past. On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old... 2021
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