Gustavo Ribeiro EVIDENTIARY POLICIES THROUGH OTHER MEANS: THE DISPARATE IMPACT OF "SUBSTANTIVE LAW" ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF ERRORS AMONG RACIAL GROUPS 2021 Utah Law Review 441 (2021) This Article develops an analytical framework to investigate novel ways in which legal reforms disguised as substantive can affect procedural due process safeguards differently among racial groups. Scholars have long recognized the impact evidence rules have on substantive policies, such as modifying primary incentives or affecting the... 2021
Jona Goldschmidt, Christopher Donner EXCLUSION OF RACE OF SUSPECT FROM CLERY ACT CAMPUS "CRIME ALERTS": RESULTS OF A SURVEY OF CLERY ACT REPORTERS 28 George Mason Law Review 967 (Spring, 2021) The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1990 (Clery Act) requires campus safety authorities at schools receiving federal funds to collect and annually produce statistics regarding crimes occurring on their campuses. The rule promulgated by the US Department of Education (DOE) under the Clery Act... 2021
Aina N. Watkins EXECUTIVE ORDER 13950, ON COMBATING RACE AND SEX STEREOTYPING: ITS EFFECT ON GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS' USE OF DIVERSITY TRAINING 56-FALL Procurement Lawyer 10 (Fall, 2021) In 2020, President Donald Trump issued an executive order that barred federal agencies from conducting diversity training focusing on anti-racism in the United States; the order came after the debut of the 1619 Project (a critical retrospective on race history in the United States), and in the aftermath of a surge in the Black Lives Matter... 2021
Nia Johnson, MBE, JD EXPANDING ACCOUNTABILITY: USING THE NEGLIGENT INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS CLAIM TO COMPENSATE BLACK AMERICAN FAMILIES WHO REMAINED UNHEARD IN MEDICAL CRISIS 72 Hastings Law Journal 1637 (August, 2021) Black Americans have constantly been victims of health disparities and unequal treatment in healthcare facilities. This is not new. However, more attention has been paid to accounts from Black Americans alleging that their providers ignored them or their families in crisis, leading to grave consequences. Though we do have a medical malpractice... 2021
Andrew Guthrie Ferguson FACIAL RECOGNITION AND THE FOURTH AMENDMENT 105 Minnesota Law Review 1105 (February, 2021) Introduction. 1106 I. Facial Recognition Technology. 1109 A. The Technology. 1110 B. Police Use of Facial Recognition Technology. 1115 1. Face Surveillance. 1116 2. Face Identification. 1119 3. Face Tracking. 1122 4. Non-Law Enforcement Purposes. 1124 II. The Fourth Amendment and the Privacy Problem of Facial Recognition. 1126 A. Pre-Digital Face... 2021
Charles Eric Hintz FAIR QUESTIONS: A CALL AND PROPOSAL FOR USING GENERAL VERDICTS WITH SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES TO PREVENT BIASED AND UNJUST CONVICTIONS 54 U.C. Davis Law Review Online 43 (February, 2021) Bias and other forms of logical corner-cutting are an unfortunate aspect of criminal jury deliberations. However, the preferred verdict system in the federal courts, the general verdict, does nothing to counter that. Rather, by forcing jurors into a simple binary choice--guilty or not guilty--the general verdict facilitates and encourages such... 2021
Andre Vitale , New Jersey Office of the Public Defender, Jersey City, New Jersey, 201-795-8949, Email FIGHTING RACIAL BIAS BY THE POLICE THROUGH SUPPRESSION LITIGATION 45-JUL Champion 12 (July, 2021) Every day, criminal defense lawyers see the negative impact of racial bias in the criminal court system. It can be seen in every decision, starting with police encounters and continuing to discrepancies in sentencing. People of color are far more likely to be stopped and arrested than white people. Police target enforcement and surveillance efforts... 2021
Carlos Berdejó FINANCING MINORITY ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2021 Wisconsin Law Review 41 (2021) Racial disparities pervade America's socioeconomic fabric: minorities lag in educational attainment, employment, income, and wealth. Minorities are also underrepresented in the entrepreneurial space. For example, although minorities account for thirty-eight percent of the population, they own just nineteen percent of businesses. Despite numerous... 2021
Winnie F. Taylor FINTECH AND RACE-BASED INEQUALITY IN THE HOME MORTGAGE AND AUTO FINANCING MARKETS 33 Loyola Consumer Law Review 366 (2021) The racial gap in wealth in the United States is astonishing. A 2019 survey found that the typical White family has eight times the wealth of the typical African American family and five times the wealth of the typical Hispanic family. Unfortunately, discrimination in the home mortgage market and the lending industry has contributed greatly to the... 2021
Peter N.K. Schuetz FLY IN THE FACE OF BIAS: ALGORITHMIC BIAS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT'S FACIAL RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY AND THE NEED FOR AN ADAPTIVE LEGAL FRAMEWORK 39 Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality 221 (Winter, 2021) L1-2Table of Contents I: Facial Recognition Technology and Algorithmic Bias. 225 A. Facial Recognition Technology: The Basics of Machine Learning. 225 B. Algorithmic Bias: How Seemingly Objective Machines Further Inequality. 226 II: Law Enforcement's Use of FRT: Investigative Potential, Procedures, and Practices. 229 A. FRT's Potential for Criminal... 2021
Eric K. Yamamoto , Susan K. Serrano FOREWORD TO THE REPUBLICATION OF RACIALIZING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 92 University of Colorado Law Review 1383 (Special Issue 2021) Systemic racism! The burgeoning 2020 Black Lives Matter protests vaulted this formerly whispered phrase into mainstream public consciousness. Through news headlines, social media, educational classes, opinion essays, word of mouth, and more, America grappled with the enormity of racism as a form of oppression of people and communities, as... 2021
Renee Nicole Allen FROM ACADEMIC FREEDOM TO CANCEL CULTURE: SILENCING BLACK WOMEN IN THE LEGAL ACADEMY 68 UCLA Law Review 364 (August, 2021) In 1988, Black women law professors formed the Northeast Corridor Collective of Black Women Law Professors, a network of Black women in the legal academy. They supported one another's scholarship, shared personal experiences of systemic gendered racism, and helped one another navigate the law school white space. A few years later, their stories... 2021
  FROM OUR READERS 50-FEB Colorado Lawyer 12 (February, 2021) Although I am elder exempt from CLE, I still feel obliged to comment on the recent article proposal. The article promotes a mandatory CLE requirement for racial justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, with the catchy acronyms of REDI or a shortened EDI. The number of hours is not specified. The purposes of CLE, according to the website, are... 2021
Rene Perez FROM THREAT TO VICTIM: WHY STAND YOUR GROUND LAWS ARE INHERENTLY PREJUDICED AND DO NOTHING TO FURTHER JUSTICE 18 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 67 (Winter, 2021) Abstract: Stand Your Ground laws give jurors too much leeway in determining what constitutes a reasonable threat in defense cases. By removing the traditional duty to retreat, the reasonableness determination makes or breaks a case and inherently discriminates against people of color. This is because reasonableness can all too easily become a... 2021
John D. King GAMESMANSHIP AND CRIMINAL PROCESS 58 American Criminal Law Review 47 (Winter, 2021) We first learn formal structures of rules, procedures, and norms of conduct through games and sports. These lessons illuminate and inform human behavior in other contexts, including the adversarial world of criminal litigation. As critiques of the legitimacy and fairness of the criminal justice system increase, the philosophy and jurisprudence of... 2021
Emma Bykerk GENDER BIAS FROM JUDGES AND PROSECUTORS: SHAPING WHO CAN AND CANNOT BE A VICTIM OR OFFENDER 45 Journal of the Legal Profession 297 (Spring, 2021) The criminal justice system has several different individuals that have important roles. Judges and prosecutors are among some of the most important people in the criminal justice system. Each have the power to shape the course of a case and, in turn, the future of both the defendant and the victim. Focusing on judges and prosecutors is important... 2021
Rachel D. Godsil, Sarah E. Waldeck HOME EQUITY: RETHINKING RACE AND FEDERAL HOUSING POLICY 98 Denver Law Review 523 (Spring, 2021) Neighborhoods shape every element of our lives. Where we live determines economic opportunities; our exposure to police and pollution; and the availability of positive amenities for a healthy life. Home inequity--both financial and racial--is not accidental. Federal government programs have armed white people with agency to construct white spaces... 2021
William Froehlich IDEAS FOR COLLABORATIVE COMMUNITY RESILIENCE: LESSONS FROM AN ACADEMY INITIATIVE DESIGNED FOR COMMUNITY LEADERS 75 Dispute Resolution Journal 63 (2021) In the wake of the Summer of Advocacy for Black Lives, new examples of racial injustice continue to remind us of the issues dividing all our communities. You may have wondered whether you could contribute your expertise in dispute resolution, particularly mediation, as you watched demonstrators express compounded frustration with police practices... 2021
Hon. Bernice B. Donald IMPLICIT BIAS: THE SCIENCE, INFLUENCE, AND IMPACT ON JUSTICE 22 Sedona Conference Journal 583 (2021) Walking, answering the phone, drinking a hot beverage, driving a car, eating out--every day we do many of these things with little conscious effort. When we see steam coming from a hot beverage, it takes little time to process the information to determine its meaning; we know from past experiences that steam coming from a beverage means we should... 2021
Jim Hilbert IMPROVING POLICE OFFICER ACCOUNTABILITY IN MINNESOTA: THREE PROPOSED LEGISLATIVE REFORMS 47 Mitchell Hamline Law Review 222 (February, 2021) I. Introduction. 223 II. Minnesota's Past and Present: Racism and Police Abuse Followed by Studies and Inaction. 233 A. Minnesota History. 233 1. The Largest Mass Execution in the Country. 233 2. The Northernmost Lynching on Record. 235 B. Decades of Studies and Reports with the Same Conclusions (and the Same Inaction). 236 C. Past Signs of... 2021
Susan Ayres INSIDE THE MASTER'S GATES: RESOURCES AND TOOLS TO DISMANTLE RACISM AND SEXISM IN HIGHER EDUCATION 21 Journal of Law in Society 20 (Winter, 2021) INTRODUCTION. 21 I. DISMANTLING THE MASTER'S HOUSE: RESOURCES. 28 II. SUBSTANCE OF FIRE AND THE STORYTELLING MOVEMENT. 31 A. The Backstory. 31 B. Overview of Substance of Fire. 33 C. The Case for Storytelling. 35 III. SUBSTANCE OF FIRE: NARRATIVES AND COUNTER-STORYTELLING. 37 A. Lack of Mentors, Microaggressions. 38 B. Performing Gender, Safe... 2021
Nicole P. Dyszlewski INTEGRATING DIVERSITY INTO THE 1L CURRICULUM, ONE LIBRARIAN AT A TIME 25 U.C. Davis Social Justice Law Review 64 (Summer, 2021) As I start this essay, I sit at my computer anxious and afraid that I am too white and too untenured to write an essay on a topic as big and important as successfully integrating social justice, diversity, equity, racial justice, equality, oppression, and inclusion into the curriculum in American law schools. I feel this way for a number of... 2021
  Investigating and Presenting an Investigative Omission Defense 57 Criminal Law Bulletin 1 (2021) Practicing Attorney in Connecticut and Massachusetts. The author would like to thank Dr. Brian Culter for help with research, and attorneys Andrew O'Shea and James Streeto for comments on the draft. 2021
Dustin Marlan IS THE WORD "CONSUMER" BIASING TRADEMARK LAW? 8 Texas A&M Law Review 367 (Winter, 2021) Our trademark law uses the term consumer constantly, reflexively, and unconsciously to label the subject of its purpose--the purchasing public. According to the U.S. Supreme Court, trademark law has a specialized mission: to help consumers identify goods and services they wish to purchase, as well as those they want to avoid. As one leading... 2021
Tanya Katerí Hernández , © 2020 IS THERE A "MULATTO ESCAPE HATCH" OUT OF RACISM?: A REFLECTION ON MULTIRACIAL EXCEPTIONALISM DURING A TIME OF #BLACKLIVESMATTER 34 Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development 65 (Spring, 2021) A mulatto escape hatch is an escape from the disabilities of blackness for some colored people. To have a symposium organized to review the ideas in my book, Multiracials and Civil Rights: Mixed-Race Stories of Discrimination, is an honor, and the JCRED editors, along with their dynamic Faculty Advisors Elaine Chiu and Rosa Castello, have my... 2021
Holly Fudge IT IS TIME TO END ABILITY GROUPING AND "THE SOFT BIGOTRY OF LOW EXPECTATIONS" IT IMPOSES ON MINORITY STUDENTS 46 University of Dayton Law Review 197 (Spring, 2021) I. Introduction. 198 II. Background. 200 A. Pre-Grouping Conditions. 200 B. Teacher Bias. 202 1. Low Expectations. 202 2. Unequal Educational Opportunities. 203 3. Long-Term Consequences. 204 C. Legal Background. 204 1. Is Education a Fundamental Right?. 204 2. Ability Grouping Trends. 205 3. Ability Grouping Litigation. 206 III. Analysis. 207 A.... 2021
David A. Grenardo IT'S WORTH A SHOT: CAN SPORTS COMBAT RACISM IN THE UNITED STATES? 12 Harvard Journal of Sports & Entertainment Law 237 (Spring, 2021) Racism has stained this country throughout its history, and racism persists today in the United States, including in sports. Sports represent a reflection of society and its ills, but they can also provide a powerful means to combat racism. This article examines the state of racism in society and sports both historically and today. It also provides... 2021
Gregory S. Parks JEFFREY RACHLINKSI: MAN, MYTH, LEGEND 88 University of Chicago Law Review 1757 (November, 2021) Jeffrey John Rachlinski was born June 22, 1966, in Buffalo, New York. He graduated from Frontier Central High School in Hamburg, New York, in 1983, where he participated in such activities as band, Chess Club, French Club, Math Club, Mock Trial Group, and Quiz Club. In 1988, Jeff earned his B.A. and M.A. in Psychology from Johns Hopkins University.... 2021
Mikah K. Thompson JUST ANOTHER FAST GIRL: EXPLORING SLAVERY'S CONTINUED IMPACT ON THE LOSS OF BLACK GIRLHOOD 44 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 57 (Winter, 2021) Introduction. 58 I. The Stereotypic Connection between Blackness and Promiscuity. 59 A. Black Hypersexuality as a Justification for Sexual Violence During Slavery. 60 B. The Persistence of Stereotypes Concerning Black Sexuality in Post-Civil War America. 64 C. Modern-Day Perceptions of Black Sexuality. 66 D. Black Sexuality and the Law of Statutory... 2021
Nicole Fullem KANSAS v. GLOVER: GRANTING LAW ENFORCEMENT FURTHER DISCRETION TO CONDUCT INVESTIGATORY STOPS 80 Maryland Law Review Online 48 (2021) In Kansas v. Glover, the Supreme Court of the United States analyzed the reasonable suspicion doctrine and considered whether a police officer violates the Fourth Amendment by initiating an investigative traffic stop after running a vehicle's license plate and learning that the registered owner of that vehicle has a revoked driver's license. The... 2021
Mary Louise Frampton LAW SCHOOL DESIGN FROM A CRITICAL RACE PERSPECTIVE: THE GENESIS OF THE CHARRETTE 25 U.C. Davis Social Justice Law Review 53 (Summer, 2021) Crises often enable us to see the world in a different light and to talk more honestly about painful subjects. COVID-19 has been a calamity that has sown death and despair, distrust, and division, but it has also created the opportunity for this generation of Americans to see how racial hierarchy infects everything. For those who could previously... 2021
Samuel Vincent Jones LAW SCHOOLS, CULTURAL COMPETENCY, AND ANTI-BLACK RACISM: THE LIBERTY OF DISCRIMINATION 21 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 84 (2021) Introduction. 84 I. Do Law Schools Have Liberty to Discriminate Against Black Law Students?. 86 A. The Black Law Student Experience. 87 B. Law Schools and the Liberty to Foster Anti-Black Racism. 90 II. Should Law Schools Require Cultural Competency Instruction as a Means to Curtail Anti-Black Racial Discrimination?. 96 A. Cultural Competency... 2021
Jessie Allen LAWYERS FOR WHITE PEOPLE? 69 University of Kansas Law Review 349 (March, 2021) Wait a minute. Are you telling me that after I graduate I could go downtown and hang out a sign that says Lawyers for White People? - Student in my Professional Responsibility class In 2016, the American Bar Association adopted a new Model Rule of Professional Conduct that for the first time forbids lawyers from discriminating on the basis of... 2021
Sama Kahook LEFT TO THEIR OWN DEVICES: ADDRESSING RACIAL BIASES IN THE FDA APPROVAL PROCESS FOR MEDICAL DEVICES 30 Annals of Health Law Advance Directive 153 (Spring, 2021) Unconscious bias plagues the medical field and threatens the diagnosis, treatment, and physician-patient relationship between doctors and patients of color. The disparities affecting people of color in the United States include access to health care, the quality of care received, and health outcomes. Healthcare disparities are exacerbated by... 2021
Jamie R. Abrams LEGAL EDUCATION'S CURRICULAR TIPPING POINT TOWARD INCLUSIVE SOCRATIC TEACHING 49 Hofstra Law Review 897 (Summer, 2021) Two seismic curricular disruptions create a tipping point for legal education to reform and transform. COVID-19 abruptly disrupted the delivery of legal education. It aligned with a tectonic racial justice reckoning, as more professors and institutions reconsidered their content and classroom cultures, allying with faculty of color who had long... 2021
Hunter Glenn Smith LEGAL WORK AHEAD: POTENTIAL POTHOLES FOR THE HANDS-FREE GEORGIA ACT 55 Georgia Law Review 1403 (Spring, 2021) Georgia's statutory regulation of distracted driving, the Hands-Free Georgia Act, went into effect in July 2018. The Act is rife with ambiguous and uncertain language that fails to apprise drivers of the legal and practical consequences of their actions. But in the three years since the Act's passage, neither the legislature nor the courts have... 2021
Martín Sabelli , Law Offices of Martín A. Sabelli, San Francisco, California, 415-298-8435, Email, Website LEGALIZED COERCION AND MASS INCARCERATION: WHY THE TRIAL PENALTY DOES GREATER VIOLENCE TO PEOPLE OF COLOR AND THE POOR 45-OCT Champion 5 (September/October, 2021) In my first column, I touched on NACDL's commitment to eliminate the trial penalty--the profoundly and unconscionably coercive difference between a pretrial settlement offer and a post-trial sentence. In this column, I explore a painful reality that anyone in the trenches has experienced: The trial penalty punishes everyone caught in the machinery... 2021
Raymond H. Brescia LESSONS FROM THE PRESENT: THREE CRISES AND THEIR POTENTIAL IMPACT ON THE LEGAL PROFESSION 49 Hofstra Law Review 607 (Spring, 2021) The United States faces three simultaneous crises: a pandemic, a civil rights reckoning, and a crisis of democracy. The first of these crises has sparked dramatic--though potentially temporary--changes to the practice of law: moving much legal work to remote settings almost overnight, after the profession had largely resisted making such... 2021
Sarah Schlossberg, Maya Williams LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF EQUITY -- OOPS, I DID IT AGAIN: IDENTIFYING AND RECTIFYING MICROAGGRESSIONS 67 Practical Lawyer 7 (June 1, 2021) Amidst the backdrop of the Me Too and the revitalized Black Lives Matter movements, our society has become hyperaware of the impact that our language and actions have on others. While it may be difficult and, at times, even uncomfortable, now is the time to focus on eradicating bias and equalizing the playing field in the legal profession.... 2021
Sarah J. Schendel LISTEN!: AMPLIFYING THE EXPERIENCES OF BLACK LAW SCHOOL GRADUATES IN 2020 100 Nebraska Law Review 73 (2021) C1-2TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction. 74 II. The Survey. 79 A. Methodology. 79 B. Survey Questions. 80 III. An Overview of Responses. 81 A. A Grief Gap: The Mental, Physical, and Emotional Toll of COVID-19. 81 B. The Mental, Physical, and Emotional Impact of Racism. 83 C. The Impact of Changes to the Bar Exam. 87 1. Postponement. 87 2.... 2021
Dan Subotnik MAYBE LAW SCHOOLS DO NOT OPPRESS MINORITY FACULTY WOMEN: A CRITIQUE OF MEERA E. DEO'S "UNEQUAL PROFESSION: RACE AND GENDER IN LEGAL ACADEMIA" (STANFORD UP 2019) 37 Touro Law Review 739 (2021) By the fall, 14% of law schools will have Black women in the dean's suite. There is a very complex dynamic going on in the black community where we are encouraged to have a certain sense of cultural fellowship, we are encouraged to not forget the people who we left behind. All of this is perfectly understandable. But unfortunately, a byproduct of... 2021
Steven T. Taylor MCDERMOTT PARTNER MANAGES TWO OFFICES, PRACTICES EMPLOYMENT LAW, AND ADVOCATES FOR DIVERSITY/RACIAL EQUALITY 40 Of Counsel 24 (February, 2021) It didn't take the partners at Chicago-based McDermott Will & Emery long to see the talents that Pankit Doshi brings to their firm. In the two and half years he's been with the partnership, Doshi's risen to the leadership ranks, serving as the managing partner of McDermott's San Francisco and Silicon Valley offices. He advocates for diversity and... 2021
Sharon Press , Ellen E. Deason MEDIATION: EMBEDDED ASSUMPTIONS OF WHITENESS? 22 Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 453 (Spring, 2021) We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This Article began with the murder of George Floyd by an officer of the Minneapolis Police Department on May 25, 2020, after a convenience store employee reported that... 2021
Osagie K. Obasogie , Anna Zaret MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, EXCESSIVE FORCE, AND THE FOURTH AMENDMENT 109 California Law Review 1 (February, 2021) Police use of force is a persistent problem in American cities, and the number of people killed at the hands of law enforcement has not decreased even as social movements raise greater awareness. This context has led to reform conversations on use of force that seek less violent ways for police to engage the public. One example of how this might... 2021
James S. Liebman , Kayla C. Butler , Ian Buksunski MINE THE GAP: USING RACIAL DISPARITIES TO EXPOSE AND ERADICATE RACISM 30 Southern California Review of Law & Social Justice 1 (Winter, 2021) For decades, lawyers and legal scholars have disagreed over how much resource redistribution to expect from federal courts and Congress in satisfaction of the Fourteenth Amendment's promise of equal protection. Of particular importance to this debate and to the nation given its kaleidoscopic history of inequality, is the question of racial... 2021
Alina Ball MINIMIZING THE IMPACT OF COGNITIVE BIAS IN TRANSACTIONAL LEGAL EDUCATION 52 Connecticut Law Review 1139 (February, 2021) This Article explores methods law professors can employ to address the cognitive biases their law students possess. This Article provides concrete thoughts on how transactional law clinics can utilize the social, political, and neuroscience research included in this symposium edition. The partisan divide that evolved over appropriate measures to... 2021
Erika K. Wilson MONOPOLIZING WHITENESS 134 Harvard Law Review 2382 (May, 2021) C1-2CONTENTS Introduction. 2384 I. White-Student Segregation and Social Closure. 2388 A. Defining Social Closure. 2390 B. Social Closure and Racial Segregation in Public Schools: Monopolies. 2392 1. Scarcity. 2393 2. Exclusion. 2396 3. Monopolization. 2400 C. The Normative Case for Regulating White-Student Segregation. 2404 1. Harms to Democracy.... 2021
Kaitlyn Alger MORE THAN WHAT MEETS THE EAR: SPEECH TRANSCRIPTION AS A BARRIER TO JUSTICE FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN VERNACULAR ENGLISH SPEAKERS 13 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 87 (Winter, 2021) C1-3Table of Contents R1-2Introduction . L388 I. Overview of AAVE and its Relationship to the Criminal Justice System. 89 A. AAVE and the Criminal Justice System. 89 B. Origins and Linguistic Features of AAVE. 90 C. Linguistic Bias. 92 II. Court Reporting and the Significance of the Verbatim Record. 92 A. Court Reporter Duties and the Importance of... 2021
Brooke Simone MUNICIPAL REPARATIONS: CONSIDERATIONS AND CONSTITUTIONALITY 120 Michigan Law Review 345 (November, 2021) Demands for racial justice are resounding, and in turn, various localities have considered issuing reparations to Black residents. Municipalities may be effective venues in the struggle for reparations, but they face a variety of questions when crafting legislation. This Note walks through key considerations using proposed and enacted reparations... 2021
Robin L. Wilson OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS TWICE: DESPITE THE MISSED OPPORTUNITY IN FOSTER v. CHATMAN AND FLOWERS v. MISSISSIPPI TO ADDRESS THE DEFICIENCIES IN BATSON v. KENTUCKY, THE CONNECTICUT SUPREME COURT HAS "STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE" TO ENSURE DIVERSITY IN THE SELECTION OF 39 Quinnipiac Law Review 485 (2021) I. Introduction. 486 II. History. 491 A. Federal Precedent. 491 B. Application of Batson in Connecticut. 496 III. Post-Batson Decisions. 498 A. Expansion of Batson's Protections. 498 B. A Retreat From the Expansion of Batson: Post-Batson Decisions and the Deficiencies in the Application of Batson - Hernandez v. New York - Disparate Impact and... 2021
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