AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms
Jonathan Cardi , Valerie P. Hans , Gregory Parks Do Black Injuries Matter?: Implicit Bias and Jury Decision Making in Tort Cases 93 Southern California Law Review 507 (March, 2020) They say that black lives matter, but how much relative to white lives? Political activists and legal theorists have debated whether the injuries suffered by African Americans are devalued relative to the injuries of whites. This study is one of the first comprehensive experimental examinations of how race affects judgments of tort injuries. We... 2020  
  Dress Code-related Discipline Related to Blm Movement Turns into a Breeding Ground of Controversy 360 Employment Law Counselor NL 3 (8/1/2020) An employee handbook clearly states that employees are prohibited from donning visible slogans, messages, logos or advertising that are not company-related. During the COVID-19 era, that organizations employees are expected to wear face masks at work. If they wear masks with messaging or non-work-related logos, the employer offers them... 2020  
Malhar Shah Elusive Morality: Why the Supreme Court Should Formally Disavow Moral Justifications for Burdening Liberty Interests, but Recognize its Importance for Expanding Rights 25 Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights 131 (Spring, 2020) Abstract. 132 I. Introduction. 132 II. The Mentalist Theory: A Framework for Understanding Meaning. 133 III. How Judith Butler and Slavoj Iiiek's Theories of the Mind Make Meaning Fraught. 135 IV. Brain Scans: A Lens into Meaning. 138 V. The History of Morality in the Supreme Court. 141 A. The Supreme Court's disavowal of moral interests. 141 B.... 2020  
CQ Roll Call staff Emergency Room Visits Plunged During Covid-19 Lockdowns, Cdc Says CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing (6/4/2020) Emergency room visits fell sharply over a four-week period from March 29 to April 25 as states imposed lockdowns to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data shows. 2020  
Karen M. Markin, Ph.D., Director of Research Development, University of Rhode Island Emerson, Thomas I. Toward a General Theory of the First Amendment, 72 Yale L. J. 877 (1963) 25 Communication Law and Policy 390 (Summer, 2020) I have probably referred to Thomas I. Emerson's Toward a General Theory of the First Amendment more often than any other article. Emerson's theory--which covers the values served by the First Amendment, the problems with maintaining a system of freedom of expression, the role of law and legal institutions in this effort, and the formulation of... 2020  
Richard I. Lehr, Lehr Middlebrooks Vreeland & Thompson, P.C. Employers Play Key Role in National Reckoning on Racial Disparities 1No.8 Southeast Employment Law Letter 5 (8/1/2020) The Black Lives Matter movement emerged in 2013 after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. The recent killings of George Floyd and others have resulted in the movement expanding beyond the issues of law enforcement and race--they have resulted in a national reckoning on racial disparities in several regards,... 2020  
Ethan Howland, CQ Roll Call Environmental Justice to Factor in Corporate Renewable Deals, Levelten Says CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (11/9/2020) Companies will increasingly consider social justice issues when they buy renewable energy, according to LevelTen Inc. 2020  
  Eric's Blog 25No.4 Cyberspace Lawyer NL 5 (5/1/2020) Bell authored a book called Winning Isnt Normal. He got a copyright registration for the book and a separate registration for a 241-word passage from the book (I wont include that passage here for reasons that soon will be obvious). Bell claims this passage is the heart of the book. In May 2016, Moawad Group posted the passage to its social... 2020  
Era Anagnosti, Colin Diamond, Maia Gez, Dov Gottlieb, Danielle Herrick Esg Disclosure Trends in Sec Filings Corporate Governance Advisor 6018401 (2020) Era Anagnosti, Colin Diamond, Maia Gez, and Dov Gottlieb are Partners, and Danielle Herrick is a Professional Support Lawyer, of White & Case LLP. By Era Anagnosti, Colin Diamond, Maia Gez, Dov Gottlieb, and Danielle Herrick © 2020 White & Case LLP. Era Anagnosti, Colin Diamond, Maia Gez, and Dov Gottlieb are Partners, and... 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Esg Investors Emphasize Paid Leave, Worker Say as Covid-19 Cases Climb CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (11/19/2020) As the U.S. reaches record-highs for daily COVID-19 cases, investors are demanding that companies provide workers with paid sick leave and give employees a say in pandemic safety and other workplace issues. 2020  
Tom C.W. Lin Executive Private Misconduct 88 George Washington Law Review 327 (March, 2020) Executives misbehave. In recent years, the world has been outraged and appalled by the shocking misbehavior of corporate executives. Some of their behavior have been plainly unethical; others have been deeply offensive; and still others have been simply criminal. Regardless of the misbehavior, such executive private misconduct--when made... 2020  
Zack Budryk Ex-pence Aide Turned Trump Critic 'Very Concerned' about Jan. 6 Violence The Hill (12/29/2020) A former aide to Vice President Pence who has since become a vocal critic of the Trump administration warned Monday that she feared violence could erupt in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, when Congress will formally certify President-elect Joe Bidens Electoral College victory. 2020  
Zack Budryk Ex-presidents Honor Lewis's Contributions to Nation at Funeral The Hill (7/30/2020) Every living former president was present or represented at the Thursday funeral of the late Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) at Atlantas Ebenezer Baptist Church, capping off a week of tributes to the late civil rights icon. 2020  
  Facebook Directors Failed to Curb Discrimination, Investor Suit Says 35No.02 08 (2020) A Facebook shareholder says the social media giant's top executives and directors have perpetuated unlawful discrimination against Black individuals and other minorities, causing massive damage" to the company's reputation and bottom line. Natalie Ocegueda's derivative complaint 2020  
Cristina Marcos Facebook Removes Gop Lawmaker's Post for Inciting Violence The Hill (9/2/2020) Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) suggested in a Facebook post on Tuesday that armed demonstrators in his state should be met with force, leading the social media platform to remove it for breaking its policies against inciting violence. 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Facebook, Oracle, Qualcomm Shareholders Sue over Diversity Commitments CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (8/27/2020) Boards of some of the largest U.S. companies including Facebook Inc. and Oracle Corp. are failing to follow through on public statements about diversity, according to lawsuits filed on behalf of investors. 2020  
Joyce Boland-DeVito Fashion(ing) a Political Statement: a Review of the Legal & Social Issues That Arise from Banned Political Clothing and Other Controversial Fashion Items in Light of the U.s. Supreme Court's Decision in Minnesota Voters Alliance V. Mansky 30 Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal 493 (Winter, 2020) Does the U.S. Supreme Court believe that the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment includes freedom of expression in our clothing? The answer is yes! This Article will show that fashion can make a strong political statement (or misstatement) in the court of law as demonstrated by the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision striking down... 2020  
Morgan Gstalter Fbi Memo: Administration Officials Saw Immediate Threat from George Floyd Protests The Hill (7/29/2020) A memo from the deputy director of the FBI reportedly declared anti-racism protests following George Floyd's death a national crisis and suggested protesters be arrested under a law from the 1940s, a signal that Trump administration officials were alarmed and uncertain about the demonstrations. 2020  
Sahar F. Aziz , Khaled A. Beydoun Fear of a Black and Brown Internet: Policing Online Activism 100 Boston University Law Review 1151 (May, 2020) Virtual surveillance is the modern extension of established policing models that tie dissident Muslim advocacy to terror suspicion and Black activism to political subversion. Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) and Black Identity Extremism (BIE) programs that specifically target Muslim and Black populations are shifting from on the ground to... 2020  
Marty Johnson Federal Agents Clash with Portland Protesters, Use Tear Gas The Hill (7/25/2020) Protesters and federal agents faced off again Friday night in downtown Portland, with protesters shooting fireworks toward the federal courthouse and agents responding with tear gas. 2020  
Marty Johnson Federal Judge Temporarily Bars Federal Officers in Portland from Taking Actions Against Journalists, Observers The Hill (7/23/2020) A federal judge in Oregon on Thursday night issued a temporary restraining order against the federal agents deployed in Portland, prohibiting them from threatening to arrest, arresting, dispersing or using force against journalists and legal observers who are at the protests. 2020  
Jim Saksa, CQ Roll Call Fed's Powell Urges Congress to Spend on Unemployed in Pandemic CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Banking (6/16/2020) Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Tuesday urged Congress to spend more money to limit the economic damage of the COVID-19 pandemic, the latest in a chorus of current and past Fed officials to tell lawmakers that inaction could lengthen the recession. 2020  
G. Michael Parsons Fighting for Attention: Democracy, Free Speech, and the Marketplace of Ideas 104 Minnesota Law Review 2157 (May, 2020) Introduction. 2158 I. The Modern Market Metaphor: Reckoning with Reality. 2162 A. Conceptual Problems. 2162 1. Competition for Individual Acceptance. 2164 2. Competition for Exposure Across Society. 2169 B. Empirical Problems. 2171 C. Historical Problems. 2176 II. Attentional Choice: A Theory of Competition for the Marketplace of Ideas. 2180 III.... 2020  
Jessie Hellmann and Peter Sullivan Five Takeaways from Fauci's Testimony The Hill (7/31/2020) When Anthony Fauci, the nations top infectious diseases doctor, testified before Congress a month ago, the U.S. had just set a record with 48,000 new coronavirus cases in a single day. 2020  
Mike Lillis and Cristina Marcos Floyd's Brother Urges Congress to Take Action The Hill (6/10/2020) The brother of George Floyd appeared Wednesday on Capitol Hill to implore lawmakers to take the reins in the fight against racial injustice in law enforcement, injecting a shot of high emotion into an historic debate over police brutality and Congresss role in curbing it. 2020  
Nick Robinson Foreign Agents in an Interconnected World: Fara and the Weaponization of Transparency 69 Duke Law Journal 1075 (February, 2020) The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) is a sweeping and generally underenforced public-disclosure statute. Enacted in 1938, FARA was used during World War II to target fascist propaganda, but by the 1960s its enforcement had shifted to lobbyists and public-relations firms for foreign governments. After the 2016 presidential election, FARA... 2020  
Michael J. Klarman Foreword: the Degradation of American Democracy--and the Court 134 Harvard Law Review Rev. 1 (November, 2020) C1-2CONTENTS Introduction. 4 I. The Degradation of American Democracy. 11 A. The Authoritarian Playbook. 11 B. President Trump's Authoritarian Bent. 19 1. Attacks on Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech. 20 2. Attacks on an Independent Judiciary. 22 3. Politicizing Law Enforcement. 23 4. Politicizing the Rest of the Government. 25 5. Using... 2020  
Julia Manchester and Scott Wong Former Cop Demings Faces Progressive Pushback in Veepstakes The Hill (6/19/2020) ORLANDO Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.) is coming under intense scrutiny from progressives over her record as Orlando police chief a decade ago, posing a potential hurdle to her prospects of becoming Joe Biden's running mate. 2020  
Marty Johnson Former Dhs Spokesman Rips Federal Agents' Presence in Portland The Hill (7/28/2020) A former spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wrote an op-ed Monday criticizing the Trump administration's response to the protests in Portland, Ore. 2020  
Marty Johnson Former Homeland Security Secretary Says Dhs Not Meant to Be 'President's Personal Militia' The Hill (7/22/2020) Tom Ridge, a former Republican governor of Pennsylvania and the first secretary of Homeland Security, asserted that the department established in late 2002 was not created to be the President's personal militia."" 2020  
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