AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms
  Ideas and Trends Issue No. 837 HR HR Compl. Compliance 7124720 (2020) STATE LAW ROUNDUP PART 1The impact of COVID-19 on this year's state legislative activity cannot be overstated EMPLOYEE LEAVEEmployees gained greater leave protections in 2020 ACCOMMODATIONSMaryland, Tennessee, and Virginia said employers cannot force pregnant employees to take leave EMPLOYEE PRIVACYLawmakers said no to device implantation,... 2020  
Marty Johnson Illinois Lawmaker Says Trump Wants to Instigate a Race War The Hill (7/22/2020) Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) on Wednesday lashed out at President Trump for his support of federal officers deployed to Portland in recent weeks, saying that the president's game plan" is to stoke racial tension among the country." 2020  
T. Andrew Brown Imagining a Bright Future Where Everyone Is Treated Equally 92-AUG New York State Bar Journal B.J. 8 (August, 2020) Racial injustice has seemingly become everyone's problem, increasing the interest in and likelihood of finding solutions. Finally. Conversation around racial injustice in America has reached new heights. It's no longer a conversation driven solely by people of color, for people of color. Black Lives Matter (BLM) has become a movement embraced by... 2020  
Charles R. Lawrence III Implicit Bias in the Age of Trump: Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do. By Jennifer L. Eberhardt. New York, N.y.: Viking. 2019. Pp. 340. $28.00 133 Harvard Law Review 2304 (May, 2020) We inhabit a nomos--a normative universe. We constantly create and maintain a world of right and wrong, of lawful and unlawful, of valid and void. No set of legal institutions or prescriptions exists apart from the narratives that locate it and give it meaning. --Robert Cover I am watching a video of Donald Trump, the forty-fifth President of the... 2020  
  In the News 16No.7 Education Employment Law Bulletin NL 5 (7/1/2020) According to the May employment report released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in private education rose over the course of the month while public employment declined. As a direct result of school closures due to the Coronavirus, there were major declines in local government education employment. These declines accounted for... 2020  
Nizan Geslevich Packin In Too-big-to-fail We Trust: Ethics and Banking in the Era of Covid-19 2020 Wisconsin Law Review 1043 (2020) The COVID-19 economic crisis has brought to light something very broken in the American banking system--that banks prioritize their own profits over the interests of those they serve and over the interests of social justice. And they are permitted to do so because they do not owe a fiduciary duty to their customers and are not social welfare... 2020  
Sayer Rippey Incarcerated Parents and Child Welfare in Washington 95 Washington Law Review 531 (March, 2020) Abstract: From 2006 to 2016, 32,000 incarcerated parents in the United States permanently lost their parental rights without ever being accused of child abuse. Of these, approximately 5,000 lost their parental rights solely because of their incarceration. This family separation crisis followed on the heels of the Adoption and Safe Families Act... 2020  
Martin A. Schwartz Index SNETLFE INDEX (2020) All references are to sections. ACCUSED, CHARACTER OF, 2.08[A] Fed. R. Evid. 404(a), 2.08[B] Fed. R. Evid. 412, 2.08[C] ACQUITTALS, 1.04[C][8], 3.05[D] ACTS OF MORAL TURPITUDE, 9.09[A] bad acts impeachment under Federal Rules of Evidence, 9.09[B] arrests, 9.09[B][1] relationship between impeachment by conviction and, 9.09[B][1] civil rights... 2020  
Grace Greene Instagram Lookalikes and Celebrity Influencers: Rethinking the Right to Publicity in the Social Media Age 168 University of Pennsylvania Law Review Online 153 (2020) Don't scoff at influencers. They're taking over the world. --Kevin Roose Introduction. 154 I. The Power and Appeal of Social Media Influencers. 157 A. Defining Influencer. 158 B. The Power of Influencers. 165 C. The New Celebrity. 168 II. The Right of Publicity. 170 A. Modern Scope. 171 1. Commercial Use. 172 2. Name or Likeness. 173 B. The First... 2020  
Gillian Dutton International Experiences: a Path to Critical Legal Skills, Values, and Innovation for American Law Students 27 Clinical Law Review Rev. 1 (Fall, 2020) American law schools have long wished to expand opportunities to gain exposure to international legal practice. These experiences help students gain knowledge of law and practice in a different legal system and increase their cross-cultural humility; students also make valuable connections for future employment and improve language proficiency.... 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Investor Group Urges Regulators to Require Specifics in Workforce Reporting CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (9/2/2020) A coalition of investors managing $5.9 trillion in assets asked the Securities and Exchange Commission to be more specific about what information public companies need to share about their workforces. 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Investor Groups Push Back Against Sec Shareholder Proposal Rule Changes CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (7/31/2020) Investor coalitions are gearing up for a potential legal challenge over a proposed rule they say would hinder shareholder proposals, armed with studies to back their claim. 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Investors Escalate Campaigns for Racial Justice Action at Companies CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (12/9/2020) Investors' pledges to take action on racial justice after incidents of police brutality against minorities set off nationwide protests over the summer are giving rise to campaigns for change in corporate America. 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Investors Escalate Racial Justice Campaigns at Companies CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Securities Enforcement & Litigation (12/9/2020) Investors' pledges to take action on racial justice after incidents of police brutality against minorities set off nationwide protests over the summer are giving rise to campaigns for change in corporate America. 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Investors Join Calls for Change amid Protests over George Floyd Death CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (6/3/2020) Organizations that work with corporate shareholders are calling on investors focused on sustainability issues to work toward racial justice after the killing of a black man in police custody in Minnesota last week. 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Investors Urge Amazon to Permanently Ban Id Tech Sales to Police CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (6/17/2020) Shareholders are joining with civil rights groups to urge Inc. and other suppliers to make permanent a suspension of sales of facial recognition software to law enforcement following Black Lives Matter protests over recent killings by police. 2020  
Caitlin Reilly, CQ Roll Call Investors Want Details on Bonds That Pay for Police Misconduct CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Securities Enforcement & Litigation (7/6/2020) As Black Lives Matter protests march on around the U.S., some investment advisers and asset managers are pushing for more disclosure on so-called judgment allocation bonds issued by cities and states to fund payouts for settlements of lawsuits against police. 2020  
Allen Slater It Should Never Be Justified: a Critical Examination of the Binary Paradigm Used to Categorize Police Shootings 21 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy Pol'y 1 (2020) Introduction. 2 I. The Stories Behind the Bullet. 5 II. We Are Not Bound to the Binary Paradigm. 7 A. Tennessee v. Garner: The Origin of the Binary Paradigm. 8 B. Scott v. Harris: Police Discretion Widens. 10 C. Plumhoff v. Rickard: Reinforcing the Scott Standard. 11 D. The Real-World Consequences of the Case Law. 12 III. Why Has the Binary... 2020  
Marty Johnson Jacob Blake Released from Hospital, Enters Rehab Center The Hill (10/7/2020) Jacob Blake has been released from the hospital, well over a month after he was shot seven times in the back at point-blank range by Kenosha, Wis., police. 2020  
Tal Axelrod John Lewis: 'Now it Is Your Turn to Let Freedom Ring' The Hill (7/30/2020) The late Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said in a posthumous op-ed that he had been inspired shortly before his death by nationwide demonstrations against systemic racism and police brutality sparked by the death of George Floyd in May. 2020  
Elizabeth Nevins-Saunders Judicial Drift 57 American Criminal Law Review 331 (Spring, 2020) Although there is broad consensus on what constitutes procedural due process in criminal cases, in courtrooms around the country, those ideals are often disregarded. In the wake of rising public attention to misdemeanors, be it through marijuana decriminalization or concern over unduly punitive fees and surcharges, a few scholars have pointed to... 2020  
  Judicial Notice Federal Rules of Evidence with Trial Objections ยง J40 (2020) Fed.R.Evid. 201 Mil.R.Evid. 201 I request that the court take judicial notice of the fact that [specify]. Objection. The fact in question is not generally known nor is it verifiable with certainty. Therefore, it is not the proper subject of judicial notice. Certain facts are beyond any serious dispute because they are of such common knowledge or... 2020  
Sunita Patel Jumping Hurdles to Sue the Police 104 Minnesota Law Review 2257 (May, 2020) Introduction. 2258 I. Police Structural Reform Litigation. 2269 A. Standing To Obtain Police Injunctions: Lyons. 2271 B. Municipal Liability: Monell. 2276 C. Class Certification: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes. 2281 1. Class Certification Requirements Under Rule 23. 2282 2. Commonality Under Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.. 2283 II. Floyd v. City of New... 2020  
Ed Finkel Kathy Brost: Leading in Unprecedented Times 93-AUG Wisconsin Lawyer Law. 6 (July/August, 2020) Kathy Brost enjoys a reputation among colleagues as a personable, strategic, and collaborative leader. These qualities and others - as well as her many years' experience as a solo practitioner and as in-house counsel - well suit her for helping guide the State Bar of Wisconsin through the year ahead. As Kathleen A. Brost takes the helm as president... 2020  
Marty Johnson Kentucky Attorney General Asks Court to Block Grand Juror from Discussing Breonna Taylor Case The Hill (10/8/2020) Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron (R) has moved to stop an anonymous grand juror that was empaneled to hear the case of Breonna Taylor the 26-year-old Black woman who was shot and killed in her home by Louisville police in March from speaking publicly about the proceedings of the grand jury. 2020  
Marty Johnson Kentucky Attorney General Didn't Recommend Any Murder Charges to Breonna Taylor Grand Jury The Hill (9/30/2020) Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron said on Tuesday that he did not present any murder charges to the grand jury that was empaneled to hear the case of Breonna Taylor, the 26-year-old Black woman who was shot and killed by a trio of plainclothes Louisville police officers in her home back in March. 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Labor Group Criticizes Mcdonald's for $1b Dividend Spending During Pandemic CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (6/16/2020) McDonald's Corp.'s shareholder dividend payments are drawing opposition from a worker rights organization that says the fast food chain should instead be spending the money on paid sick leave and other needs for employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020  
WK Editorial Staff Labor News-retail and Grocery Workers Call on Kroger-owned Companies to Reverse Blm Insignia Ban Wolters Kluwer Employment Law Daily (9/23/2020) Fred Meyer and QFC management has purportedly been ordering workers to remove Black Lives Matter buttons distributed by their union. Washington's Puget Sound-area retail and grocery store workers, with the backing of United Food and Commercial Union Local 21, have launched a campaign calling on Kroger-owned Fred Meyer and QFC to roll back their... 2020  
Dr. Jim Castagnera, Esq. Labor Pulse-can Organized Labor Find Room in its Tent for Both Sides on Climate Change? Wolters Kluwer Employment Law Daily (8/11/2020) Neither unbridled exploitation of our natural resources nor a complete closure of the fossil fuel industry is in the best interest of unions. Studies comparing career prospects in the oil-and-gas vs. the clean-alternatives sector of the energy industry conclude that oil and natural gas jobs are better for energy construction workers than are the... 2020  
Dr. Jim Castagnera, Esq. Labor Pulse-teacher and Police Unions Are on a Collision Course in Our Public Schools: Why? Wolters Kluwer Employment Law Daily (7/10/2020) How might teacher and police unions collaborate constructively in the midst of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter? Two stories are dominating the national news. The firstwhich has been everybody's lead for four monthsis the COVID-19 pandemic. The second is Black Lives Matter. Together they are altering the American social, economic, and legal... 2020  
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