AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms
Aris Folley 75-year-old Man Shoved by Buffalo Police Responds to Trump Tweet: 'Black Lives Matter' The Hill (6/9/2020) Martin Gugino, the 75-year-old man police shoved to the ground during a recent protest in Buffalo, N.Y., on Tuesday said Black Lives Matter when pressed for comment after President Trump promoted a baseless conspiracy theory about him on Twitter. 2020 Most Relevant
Henry Kenyon, CQ Roll Call Aclu Seeks Data on Aerial Surveillance of Black Lives Matter Protests CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Data Privacy (8/13/2020) The American Civil Liberties Union filed a Freedom of Information Act request to find out how law enforcement used manned and unmanned aircraft to monitor Black Lives Matter protests around the country. 2020 Most Relevant
Zahra N. Mian Black Identity Extremist or Black Dissident?: How United States V. Daniels Illustrates Fbi Criminalization of Black Dissent of Law Enforcement, from Cointelpro to Black Lives Matter 21 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 53 (2020) In August 2017, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) released an intelligence assessment asserting the resurgence of a domestic terror threat to law enforcement: Black Identity Extremist (BIE) ideology. According to the assessment, BIE is rooted in perceptions of alleged police brutality amongst the African American community. The FBI... 2020 Most Relevant
Eric S. Roth, Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. Black Lives Matter Apparel at Work Evokes Legal, Business, Social Concerns 1No.10 Southeast Employment Law Letter 1 (10/1/2020) The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has sparked significant emotion in the past few months. Ever since the NBA season restarted, TV viewers are seeing the phrase emblazoned on the courts and on some players' jerseys. What you won't see on TV are the large employers that have faced significant backlash for attempting to prohibit employees from... 2020 Most Relevant
Nwando Anwah Black Lives Matter on Juries Too 44 Journal of the Legal Profession 293 (Spring, 2020) In 1996, Curtis Giovanni Flowers was accused of murdering four people at a furniture store in Winona, Mississippi. Since then, he has been tried an astonishing six times for the same alleged crimes--all of which have ended in mistrial or convictions that were reversed on appeal. He was first convicted in 1997, and in five out of the six trials, the... 2020 Most Relevant
Christopher E. Smith Blue Lives Matter Versus Black Lives Matter: Beneficial Social Policies as the Path Away from Punitive Rhetoric and Harm 44 Vermont Law Review 463 (Spring, 2020) Introduction. 463 I. Counterreaction: Origins and Outcomes. 464 A. The Origins of Two Organizations. 464 B. The Policy Response: Punitive Laws. 467 II. Beneficial Policies: Getting Serious About Protecting and Supporting Police Officers. 470 A. Resources. 471 B. Public Policy. 474 C. Respecting Black Lives Matter. 480 Conclusion. 489 2020 Most Relevant
Marty Johnson Bowser Addresses Record Crowd at Black Lives Matter Plaza The Hill (6/6/2020) Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) joined tens of thousands of protesters downtown Saturday as people around the country came out en masse to protest the police killing of George Floyd and demand systemic change. 2020 Most Relevant
Alex Zhang Damnatio Memoriae and Black Lives Matter 73 Stanford Law Review Online 77 (September, 2020) Police brutality and killings of Black Americans have recently sparked nationwide protests. Among the many expressions of anger and indignation, one stands out as a unique feature of this wave of the social movement: public scrutiny of civic symbols. Protestors have defaced, torn down, and called for the removal of monuments that represent our... 2020 Most Relevant
  Fair Housing Justice Center Issues Statement of Support and a Call to Action-Black Lives Matter 48No.CD-13 HDR Current Developments NL 1 (6/29/2020) The Fair Housing Justice Center (FHJC) condemns the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Jamar Clark, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice and many others who have lost their lives through police violence. We stand in solidarity with all those around the world who protest for racial justice. We unequivocally believe that BLACK... 2020 Most Relevant
Morgan Gstalter Fauci, Black Lives Matter Founders Included on Time's 100 Most Influential People List The Hill (9/23/2020) Anthony Fauci, the nations top infectious disease expert, and the founders of the Black Lives Matter movement were included in Time magazines list of the 100 Most Influential People of 2020 released Wednesday. 2020 Most Relevant
Tasnim Motala Foreseeable Violence & Black Lives Matter: How Mckesson Can Stifle a Movement 73 Stanford Law Review Online 61 (September, 2020) Catalyzed by the death of George Floyd, protests against police brutality and systemic racism have spread across the United States and the world in 2020. Throughout the country, law enforcement has responded to these protests with the same type of brute force that protesters are challenging--excessive, violent, and militarized. Many have... 2020 Most Relevant
Justin Wise John Lewis Procession Stops at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Dc The Hill (7/27/2020) The motorcade carrying the body of the late Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) stopped at the Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, D.C., on Monday as it made its way to Capitol Hill, where the civil rights champion will lie in state. 2020 Most Relevant
  John Lewis Visits 'Black Lives Matter Plaza,' Calls Protests 'Very Moving' (6/7/2020) Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) met with Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) and paid a visit to the site where the mayor had Black Lives Matter painted on a road that leads to the White House. 2020 Most Relevant
Henry Kenyon, CQ Roll Call Lawmakers Urge Inquiry into Surveillance of Black Lives Matter Protests CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Data Privacy (10/19/2020) Democratic lawmakers led by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board to investigate legal, regulatory and civil liberties aspects of the federal government's surveillance of Black Lives Matter protests and of journalists covering them. 2020 Most Relevant
May Vutrapongvatana Mayor De Blasio Plans to Paint and Co-name City Streets in Honor of Black Lives Matter 2020 CityLand CityLand 1 (6/15/2020) The first street to be co-named and painted will be near City Hall. On June 9, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the City will begin to co-name and paint selected streets in all five boroughs in honor of the Black Lives Matter movement. The Black Lives Matter movement, which began in 2013, works to address the issue of state and vigilante... 2020 Most Relevant
  Pence Says Leaders of Black Lives Matter Movement Have 'Radical Left' Agenda (6/28/2020) Vice President Pence said he thinks the leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement are pushing what he called a political agenda of the radical left when pressed in a recent interview about why he still refuses to say the phrase Black lives matter.During an appearance on CBS News on Sunday, reporter John Dickerson asked the vice president why... 2020 Most Relevant
Alexander Bolton Romney Challenges Trump with Black Lives Matter March The Hill (6/9/2020) Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) is challenging President Trumps antagonistic stance toward Black Lives Matter protesters at a time when Trumps support in the polls is dropping. 2020 Most Relevant
Tala Doumani , Jamil Dakwar Rubber Bullets and the Black Lives Matter Protests 24No.2 Human Rights Brief 77 (Winter 2020) Linda Tirado, a freelance photographer and activist, drove to Minneapolis from Nashville to photograph the protests that had erupted on May 26, 2020. She had just taken a photo and lowered her camera when she felt her face explode. Screaming I'm press! I'm press! Linda had been shot in the left eye by a rubber bullet. After being rushed into... 2020 Most Relevant
  Sen. Loeffler Opposes Wnba Black Lives Matter Plan (7/7/2020) Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) is coming under criticism from the Womens National Basketball Players Association (WNBPA) after writing a letter saying the league should not go forward with a plan to put the names of Black victims of police violence on players' jerseys. 2020 Most Relevant
  Trump Likes Tweet about Hbo's 'Insecure' Prompting User to Change Name to 'Black Lives Matter' (6/8/2020) President Trump liked a tweet about HBO's Insecure" Sunday evening 2020 Most Relevant
Marina Pitofsky Trump Rips Black Lives Matter Protesters in Pittsburgh: 'Thugs!' The Hill (9/8/2020) President Trump on Tuesday slammed a group of protesters after a video went viral this week showing demonstrators confronting diners eating outdoors at a restaurant in Pittsburgh. 2020 Most Relevant
  Trump Says Black Lives Matter Is 'Bad for Black People' (8/31/2020) President Trump on Monday decried Black Lives Matter as a discriminatory" organization that is "bad for Black people" as part of a broader diatribe against protests in response to racial injustice." 2020 Most Relevant
Brett Samuels Trump: Black Lives Matter Mural in Nyc a 'Symbol of Hate' That Would Denigrate Fifth Avenue The Hill (7/1/2020) President Trump on Wednesday lashed out at New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) for moving ahead with plans to paint Black Lives Matter along Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, calling the mural a symbol of hate."" 2020 Most Relevant
David B. McNamee "BLACK LIVES MATTER" AS A CLAIM OF FUNDAMENTAL LAW 14 University of Massachusetts Law Review 2 (Winter, 2019) In this Article, I argue that we should understand #BlackLivesMatter as a claim on the Constitution--a very special kind of constitutional claim, on the Constitution as fundamental law. It is a paradigmatic contemporary example of this category of constitutional law for citizens, one that reaches back past the roots of the American Revolution and... 2019 Most Relevant
David B. McNamee "BLACK LIVES MATTER" AS A CLAIM OF FUNDAMENTAL LAW 14 University of Massachusetts Law Review 2 (Winter, 2019) In this Article, I argue that we should understand #BlackLivesMatter as a claim on the Constitution--a very special kind of constitutional claim, on the Constitution as fundamental law. It is a paradigmatic contemporary example of this category of constitutional law for citizens, one that reaches back past the roots of the American Revolution and... 2019 Most Relevant
Kathrine Gutierrez KEEPING SPEECH CHEAP: THE PROGRESSIVE CASE FOR A FREE INTERNET 67 UCLA Law Review Discourse 72 (2019) In Can Free Speech Be Progressive?, Louis Michael Seidman claims that cheap speech, like that found on Twitter, is not really cheap, and is not helpful to progressives--because it relies too heavily on capital. In the era of #metoo and #blacklivesmatter, it seems that Seidman is wrong about cheap speech. Cheap speech exists, and it is associated... 2019 Most Relevant
Helen E. White MAKING BLACK LIVES MATTER: PROPERLY VALUING THE RIGHTS OF THE MARGINALIZED IN CONSTITUTIONAL TORTS 128 Yale Law Journal 1742 (April, 2019) Black lives are systematically undervalued by constitutional enforcement remedies. Section 1983 adopts, wholesale, the damages scheme from torts, which not only permits, but encourages, the consideration of race and gender to calculate actuarially accurate damages figures. Given that Blacks earn seventy-five percent of what white men earn on... 2019 Most Relevant
Megan Ming Francis THE PRICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS: BLACK LIVES, WHITE FUNDING, AND MOVEMENT CAPTURE 53 Law and Society Review 275 (March, 2019) What influence do funders have on the development of civil rights legal mobilization? Fundraising is critical to the creation, operation, and survival of rights organizations. Yet, despite the importance of funding, there is little systematic attention in the law and social movements and cause lawyering literatures on the relationship between... 2019 Most Relevant
Megan Ming Francis THE PRICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS: BLACK LIVES, WHITE FUNDING, AND MOVEMENT CAPTURE 53 Law and Society Review 275 (March, 2019) What influence do funders have on the development of civil rights legal mobilization? Fundraising is critical to the creation, operation, and survival of rights organizations. Yet, despite the importance of funding, there is little systematic attention in the law and social movements and cause lawyering literatures on the relationship between... 2019 Most Relevant
Amna Toor "OUR IDENTITY IS OFTEN WHAT'S TRIGGERING SURVEILLANCE": HOW GOVERNMENT SURVEILLANCE OF #BLACKLIVESMATTER VIOLATES THE FIRST AMENDMENT FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION 44 Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal 286 (2018) I. INTRODUCTION: Birth of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement-- Formation of a Social Movement and a Target of Government Surveillance. 287 II. BACKGROUND: Revisiting the Past & Joining the Future - Tracing Surveillance from Slavery to COINTELPRO to the #BlackLivesMatter Movement. 294 III: Finding Association: Unraveling the First Amendment Freedom of... 2018 Most Relevant
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