Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year | Key Terms |
'Lady A' Musicians Can 'Peacefully Coexist,' Trademark Suit Says |
27No.08 10 (2020) |
Members of the musical group formerly known as Lady Antebellum have filed a federal court lawsuit seeking a ruling that the country band's decision to go by the name Lady A" does not infringe a Seattle blues singer's trademark rights. Plaintiffs Hillary Scott |
2020 |
Harvey Gee |
Last Call for the Third-party Doctrine in the Digital Age after Carpenter? |
26 Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law 286 (Summer, 2020) |
Introduction. 287 I. From Miller and Smith to Carpenter: The Origins and Development of the Third-Party Doctrine. 290 II. Departing From Smith and Miller: Carpenter Digitizes the Katz Reasonable Expectation of Privacy Test. 297 III. After Carpenter: Arguing for a Warrant Requirement for Historical and Real-Time CLSI, the Third-Party Doctrine is Not... |
2020 |
Henry Kenyon, CQ Roll Call |
Lawmakers Press Mobilewalla on Using Location Data to Track Protesters |
CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Data Privacy (8/5/2020) |
Democratic lawmakers want to know who Mobilewalla shares information with after revealing it used cell phone location data to identify people who attended Black Lives Matter demonstrations. |
2020 |
Henry Kenyon, CQ Roll Call |
Lawmakers Urge Ftc to Investigate Adtech Industry for Privacy Violations |
CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Data Privacy (8/3/2020) |
Lawmakers from both parties asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate alleged privacy violations by advertising technology companies, which gather and sell Americans' personal data. |
2020 |
Julia Hernandez |
Lawyering Close to Home |
27 Clinical Law Review 131 (Fall, 2020) |
This essay incorporates ethnographic insights and narrative technique, rooted in part in Critical Race Theory and critical geography studies, to ground conversations about transformative pedagogy and praxis in the lived experiences of our students. Many of our students fight for radical social change and enter law school hoping to gain new tools... |
2020 |
Morgan Gstalter |
Lebron James on the Nba Losing Trump as a Viewer: 'We Could Care Less' |
The Hill (8/6/2020) |
NBA star LeBron James on Wednesday said the league isnt torn about losing President Trump as a viewer due to his opposition to demonstrations during the national anthem, saying we could care less. |
2020 |
Kathryne M. Young , Katie R. Billings |
Legal Consciousness and Cultural Capital |
54 Law and Society Review 33 (March, 2020) |
In this article, we use a Bourdieusian framework to theorize the relationship between cultural capital and legal consciousness, and in turn to consider how variation in legal consciousness contributes to the creation and maintenance of legal hegemony. We investigate how cultural capital shapes the ways people navigate situations that force them to... |
2020 |
Florence Wagman Roisman |
Lessons for Advocacy from the Life and Legacy of the Reverend Doctor Pauli Murray |
20 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class Class 1 (Spring, 2020) |
I sing of a new American Separate from all others, Yet enlarged and diminished by all others. I am the child of kings and serfs, freemen and slaves, Having neither superiors nor inferiors, Progeny of all colors, all cultures, all systems, all beliefs. I have been enslaved, yet my spirit is unbound. I have been cast aside, but I sparkle in the... |
2020 |
Shajuti Hossain |
Lessons from Blackamerican Lawyers' Social Justice Advocacy for Immigrant Muslim Lawyers |
24 U.C. Davis Social Justice Law Review 63 (Summer, 2020) |
About seven-in-ten American Muslims (69%) believe that working for justice . is essential to their identity. Blackamerican Muslim lawyers provide a particularly strong example of social justice advocacy. Today, immigrant Muslim lawyers are fighting against injustice as well. Although their histories and experiences differ significantly, immigrant... |
2020 |
Robert B. Farrell |
Lessons in Leadership: How Dillard University Juggled the Complexities of Campus Free Speech, the Demands of its Mission, and the Boundaries of the Law--all in a Matter of Days |
45 Journal of College and University Law 50 (2020) |
Campus free speech generates strong opinions but few consider the challenge it presents to campus leadership. Presidents espouse diversity and inclusivity while recognizing the importance of all ideas, some of which threaten those goals. Dillard University in New Orleans faced this issue. In doing so, Dillard found its core ideals and determined... |
2020 |
Gerard A. Hornby |
Let Them Eat Cake: a Comparative Analysis of Recent British and American Law on Religious Liberty |
58 Duquesne Law Review 377 (Summer, 2020) |
I. Introduction. 377 II. Cakes and Consciences. 380 A. Masterpiece Cakeshop. 380 B. Ashers Baking Company. 384 C. The Devil Is in the Detail: Religion and the Refusal to Accommodate. 386 III. What We Can Learn from Masterpiece and Ashers. 390 A. A Sensible Synthesis?. 390 1. Compelled Speech. 390 2. Guilt by Expressive Association. 393 B. The... |
2020 |
Dallas Lopez, Oscar Sarabia Roman, Editors-In-Chief, Volume 30, Berkeley La Raza Law Journal |
Letter from the Editors |
30 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal L.J. I (2020) |
July 2020 Dear Comunidad: Berkeley Law students founded Berkeley La Raza Law Journal (LRLJ) in 1981 to uplift Latinx scholars' voices by providing a platform for publication. Since then, LRLJ has published and promoted critical legal pieces impacting the greater Latinx community. This year brought many unexpected changes. The COVID-19 pandemic... |
2020 |
Tal Axelrod |
Lgbtq Groups Celebrate Buttigieg Pick for Transportation Secretary |
The Hill (12/15/2020) |
Two of the nations top LGBTQ advocacy groups celebration Pete Buttigiegs nomination to be President-elect Joe Bidens Transportation secretary. |
2020 |
Athena D. Mutua |
Liberalism's Identity Politics: a Response to Professor Fukuyama |
23 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change 27 (2020) |
INTRODUCTION. 27 I. FUKUYAMA'S ARGUMENT, BRIEFLY OUTLINED. 28 II. RECOGNITION V. DISTRIBUTION (ECONOMIC) CLAIMS. 32 III. ORIGIN STORY: LIBERALISM'S IDENTITY POLITICS. 35 A. A Post Civil War Frame?. 37 B. Distributional Claims & Advocacy, Multiculturalism & Colorblindness. 39 C. Same Ole Economics and White Supremacy. 42 D. Political Correctness and... |
2020 |
Molly Gibbons |
License to Offend: How the Nlra Shields Perpetrators of Discrimination in the Workplace |
95 Washington Law Review 1493 (October, 2020) |
Abstract: Congress established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or the Board) to enforce the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA or the Act) and ensure fair labor practices in workplaces across the United States. The NLRA protects employees from discipline while engaging in union activity. Under the NLRA, employers and unions must... |
2020 |
G. Alex Sinha |
Lies, Gaslighting and Propaganda |
68 Buffalo Law Review 1037 (August, 2020) |
C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 1040 I. Defining Propaganda. 1044 A. Legal Uses of the Term. 1047 1. International law. 1047 2. Domestic law. 1051 B. Scholarly Uses of the Term. 1062 C. Refining the Definition of Propaganda to Derive a Comprehensive Model. 1065 1. Manipulation. 1066 2. Persuasive power and persuasive effect. 1076 II.... |
2020 |
Mailyn Fidler |
Local Police Surveillance and the Administrative Fourth Amendment |
36 Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal 481 (August, 2020) |
Police surveillance has become a problem of governance, not a problem of procedure. The introduction and use of sophisticated surveillance technologies, once reserved for elite central governments, in local policing has raised questions about the sufficiency of existing approaches. Judicial oversight-- applying standard Fourth Amendment... |
2020 |
Justin Wise |
Loeffler Knocks Wnba Players for Wearing Shirts Backing Democratic Challenger |
The Hill (8/4/2020) |
Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler on Tuesday ramped up her criticism of the WNBA after players across the league wore T-shirts endorsing her Democratic challenger in the Georgia Senate race, claiming it showed they were more concerned with playing politics than basketball. |
2020 |
Looking Back, and Looking Ahead, at Corporate Governance |
24No.12 Securities in the Electronic Age NL 2 (12/1/2020) |
Earlier this year, John Wilcox retired as Executive Chairman of Morrow Sodali (he is now Chairman Emeritus), a role that he held from 2006 to 2020. From 2003 to 2008 he was Senior Vice President and Head of Corporate Governance at TIAA-CREF and earlier he served as Chairman of Georgeson & Company. He is also a member of Wall Street Lawyers... |
2020 |
Zack Budryk |
Los Angeles Mayor Announces He Won't Be Joining Biden Administration |
The Hill (12/17/2020) |
2020 |
Marty Johnson |
Louisville Police Chief Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Expected Breonna Taylor Announcement |
The Hill (9/21/2020) |
2020 |
Richard Delgado , Jean Stefancic |
Love in the Time of Cholera |
68 UCLA Law Review Discourse 176 (2020) |
A famous novel by Gabriel García Márquez describes a love story among three actors that took place in a city in Colombia during the time of cholera. The interpersonal dynamics that unfold in this work by a Nobel Prize-winning writer offer insight into events taking place today. We show how the urge to romanticize emotions during a time of great... |
2020 |
Manage Political Messaging Through Dress Codes |
37No.18 Employment Alert NL 1 (9/1/2020) |
18.1 During every presidential election, employers contend with employees who want to express support for their candidate through hats, buttons, t-shirts, and other apparel emblazoned with candidates names or slogans. Add in a new option for expression this yearface masks meant to protect workers and customers from COVID-19and employers will... |
2020 |
David L. Johnson, Butler Snow LLP |
Managing Office Politics: Avoiding Discord in the Workplace |
1No.11 Midsouth Employment Law Letter 1 (11/1/2020) |
It seems like we live in a tinderbox. The combination of the upcoming presidential election, emerging debates about social justice issues, and the ongoing pandemic seems to have created the perfect storm. When filtered into a diverse workplace, passionate opposing political viewpoints can harm productivity and morale and even create liability... |
2020 |
Caroline V. Lawrence, The COVID-Dynamic Team |
Masking Up: a Covid-19 Face-off Between Anti-mask Laws and Mandatory Mask Orders for Black Americans |
11 California Law Review Online 479 (November, 2020) |
Mandatory PPE orders during COVID-19 have forced Black Americans to weigh the dangers of disease against the dangers of selective enforcement and racial profiling. In states with civil rights-era anti-mask laws, both wearing and eschewing masks could lead to police interaction. This Essay argues that anti-mask laws were only superficially intended... |
2020 |
Naomi Murakawa |
Mass Incarceration Is Dead, Long Live the Carceral State! |
55 Tulsa Law Review 251 (Winter, 2020) |
James Forman, Jr., Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America (Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2017). Pp. 320. Hardcover $27.00. PaperbackK $16.00. Issa Kohler-Hausmann, Misdemeanorland: Criminal Courts and Social Control in an Age of Broken Windows Policing (Princeton University Press 2018). Pp. 328. Hardcover $29.95. Paperback $22.95.... |
2020 |
Sharon Dolovich |
Mass Incarceration, Meet Covid-19 |
11/16/2020 University of Chicago Law Review Online Online 4 (11/16/2020) |
From the earliest days of the pandemic, it was clear that the novel coronavirus posed an outsized danger to the more than two million people locked inside America's prisons and jails. Responding to the risk, many public officials nationwide took modest steps to reduce the incarcerated populations in their jurisdictions. But these efforts, though... |
2020 |
Zack Budryk |
Mccarthy Yanks Endorsement of California Candidate over Social Media Posts |
The Hill (5/25/2020) |
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Monday rescinded his endorsement of Ted Howze, a candidate for a California House district, after social media posts expressing anti-Muslim sentiment and accusing prominent Democrats of murder and drug use came to light. |
2020 |
Brett Samuels |
Mcenany Attacks Media in Response to Questions about Trump Nascar Tweet |
The Hill (7/6/2020) |
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany sparred with members of the press on Monday after repeatedly dodging questions about a tweet in which President Trump blamed NASCAR's decision to ban the Confederate flag for lower ratings and attacked one of the sport's most prominent Black drivers. |
2020 |
Mcenany Says Maga Is Synonymous 'With Blue Lives Matter' |
The Hill (8/19/2020) |
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Wednesday that the president's 2016 Make American Great Again" slogan |
2020 |