AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms
Lolita Buckner Inniss Race, Space, and Surveillance: a Response to #Livingwhileblack: Blackness as Nuisance 69 American University Law Review Forum 213 (August, 2020) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 213 I. Nuisance, Trespass, and the Interaction Between the Two. 219 II. #LWB Incidents as Legal Geography: Race and Space. 225 III. #LivingWhileBlack and Surveillance. 229 Conclusion. 231 2020  
Larry J. Martin Racial Equity: It's Time to Step up 93-AUG Wisconsin Lawyer Law. 3 (July/August, 2020) As an organization, the State Bar is acting to ensure equal justice, but we can't do that alone. We need your help. Please. Take a moment to reflect on what you can do, as an individual and as a member . then do it. This isn't the column I was planning to write, but given the events of the last few months, it's the one I must. The killing of George... 2020  
Robert L. Tsai Racial Purges 118 Michigan Law Review 1127 (April, 2020) The Chinese Must Go: Violence, Exclusion, and the Making of the Alien in America. By Beth Lew-Williams. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press. 2018. Pp. 244. $24.95. On the rainy morning of November 3, 1885, some 500 armed white men visited the home and business of every single Chinese person living in Tacoma, Washington. As the skies... 2020  
Kim Shayo Buchanan, Phillip Atiba Goff Racist Stereotype Threat in Civil Rights Law 67 UCLA Law Review 316 (May, 2020) Racist stereotype threat (RST) describes a concern experienced by many people in interactions which are racially fraught: It arises when a person anticipates being evaluated, or sees an ingroup member being evaluated, in light of a stereotype that their group is racist. Because white people are more likely to anticipate being stereotyped as racist,... 2020  
  Recent Eeoc Actions: Statement on Lgbt Month; Resolution of Mourning 37No.15 Employment Alert NL 3 (7/22/2020) 15.3 EEOC Chair Janet Dhillon recently posted a statement in honor of LGBT month: Many of our ancestors who immigrated to America idealized this country before they arrived, and once they got here, despite challenges and hardships, they and their children fell in love even more deeply with the United States. Few people ever let that love flow into... 2020  
John Felipe Acevedo Reclaiming Black Dignity 99 Texas Law Review Online Online 1 (2020) As American society seeks to institute police reforms in the wake of the protests following George Floyd's murder, the imperative to include communities that have been disproportionately victimized by police in those reform processes becomes increasingly apparent. For members of these communities, questions of police reform implicate not only... 2020  
Margo Kaplan Reconciling #Metoo and Criminal Justice 17 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 361 (Spring, 2020) I. Introduction. 361 II. #MeToo's Achievements. 366 A. Exposing the Criminal Justice System's Failures. 366 B. Contextualizing Sexual Violence. 371 III. #MeToo's Failures. 377 A. The Continuing Erasure of Women of Color. 377 B. The Monster Narrative. 382 IV. Lessons for the Criminal Justice System. 389 A. Reforming Rape Law and the Carceral State.... 2020  
Travis Crum Reconstructing Racially Polarized Voting 70 Duke Law Journal 261 (November, 2020) Racially polarized voting makes minorities more vulnerable to discriminatory changes in election laws and therefore implicates nearly every voting rights doctrine. In Thornburg v. Gingles, the Supreme Court held that racially polarized voting is a necessary--but not a sufficient--condition for a vote dilution claim under Section 2 of the Voting... 2020  
Leah C. Butler, Francis T. Cullen, Alexander L. Burton, Angela J. Thielo, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., University of Cincinnati, University of Louisville, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Redemption at a Correctional Turning Point: Public Support for Rehabilitation Ceremonies 84-JUN Federal Probation 38 (June, 2020) NEARLY TWO DECADES ago, Shadd Maruna (2001) transformed the study of life-course criminology with his classic Making Good: How Ex-Convicts Reform and Rebuild Their Lives. For most of its existence, American criminology had focused on juvenile delinquency (Cullen, 2011), assuming that crime peaked during the teen years and that most youths then... 2020  
John E. Taylor, Interim Dean and Jackson Kelly Professor, West Virginia University College of Law Reflecting on the Death of George Floyd 2020-AUT West Virginia Lawyer Law. 8 (Autumn, 2020) It's a privilege to lead the College of Law for the next year and to address The Bar through this column. I thank Greg Bowman for his service, and I wish him the best of luck at Roger Williams. We are living through an extraordinary time. The College of Law, like most other institutions, faces difficult challenges in adapting to the COVID-19... 2020  
Blaine Goodwin Regulating Twitter as a Public Utility to Ensure Nondiscrimination 50 Cumberland Law Review 597 (2019-2020) The idea that a tasteless joke could result in corporate entities removing a site from the internet would strike many readers as an Orwellian hypothetical. Nevertheless, this hypothetical became reality when Google canceled the registration of notorious neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, mere hours after GoDaddy Inc., the website's host, also... 2020  
Valorie E. Douglas Reparations 4.0: Trading in Older Models for a New Vehicle 62 Arizona Law Review 839 (Fall, 2020) Reparations reappeared in the news even before the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others made headlines as modern-day lynchings. As data continue to show the perpetuation of social and economic harm and hardship that Black Americans suffer for being Black Americans, notions of fairness and justice suggest redress for... 2020  
Hilde Lindemann, Michigan State University, Reply to Mark Lance, Ásta, and Marya Schechtman 17 Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy 322 (June, 2020) Many thanks to my commentators, who expand on my ideas, fill in some missing gaps, and gently correct my blunders in Counter the Counterstory. They all, in one way or another, press down on my overoptimistic assessment of reasons to hope that counterstories will prevail in the end. Mark Lance focuses on the institution of stock characters,... 2020  
Justine Coleman Republican Kenosha Congressman: Trump Visit Will 'Help Begin the Process of Healing' The Hill (9/1/2020) Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wis.), who represents Kenosha, said Tuesday that President Trumps visit will help begin the process of healing for the city. 2020  
Julia Manchester and Morgan Chalfant Republicans Cast Trump as Best Choice for Women The Hill (8/27/2020) Republicans have used the GOP convention this week to appeal directly to female voters, seeking to present President Trump as an advocate for women as he faces a significant gender gap in his battle for reelection against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. 2020  
Alexander Bolton Republicans Fear Backlash over Trump's Threatened Veto on Confederate Names The Hill (7/2/2020) Senate Republicans fear President Trump is putting them into a political no-win situation by threatening to veto a popular defense policy bill over bipartisan language to rename military bases named after Confederate generals. 2020  
Scott Wong and Mike Lillis Republicans Walk Tightrope on Police Reform The Hill (6/9/2020) Congressional Republicans are walking a fine line as they craft police reforms in response to the public outcry over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man killed in police custody last month. 2020  
Cristina Marcos and Mike Lillis Revered Civil Rights Leader Rep. John Lewis Lies in State in the Capitol The Hill (7/27/2020) The late Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a civil rights legend who maintained a crusade for voting rights throughout his 33 years in Congress, lay in state in the Capitol on Monday in a ceremony reserved for the most revered of statesmen. 2020  
Luke A. Wake Righting a Wrong: Assessing the Implications of Knick V. Township of Scott 14 Charleston Law Review 205 (Winter, 2020) INTRODUCTION. 206 I. WILLIAMSON COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION V. HAMILTON BANK: IT'S A TRAP!. 209 A. Background and History of Williamson County. 209 B. Procedural Ripeness Requirement. 212 C. State Litigation Requirement. 214 i. Hotel California: San Remo Hotel v. City and County of San Francisco. 217 ii. Manipulative Defendants Exploited... 2020  
  Romney Marches with George Floyd Protesters in Dc (6/7/2020) Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) joined protesters marching in Washington, D.C., in response to the death of George Floyd on Sunday as demonstrations continue to sweep the country amid calls for police reform. 2020  
Alexander Bolton Romney Says He Wants to Be Part of Change Between Black Voters and Gop The Hill (6/8/2020) Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Monday said his party has an embarrassingly small share of African American votes and would like to change that, one day after he marched in a protest in Washington. 2020  
Zack Budryk Romney Says Trump's Protest Tweets 'Clearly Intended to Further Inflame Racial Tensions' The Hill (9/2/2020) Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) accused President Trump of attempting to further inflame racial tensions with his response to unrest in American cities. 2020  
Alexander Bolton Romney Slams Trump for Refusing to Denounce Qanon on National Television The Hill (10/16/2020) Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Friday slammed President Trump for refusing to denounce QAnon, a group that has spread false information on social media about COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement and which the FBI warns is a domestic terror threat. 2020  
Jim Saksa, CQ Roll Call Rubio, Collins Propose $300 Billion in Ppp Loans to Small Companies CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Banking (7/28/2020) Senate Republicans' proposal for a next round of COVID-19 relief, detailed Monday, includes a second round of Paycheck Protection Program loans for the nation's hardest hit small businesses. 2020  
Steven S. Gensler, Lumen N. Mulligan Rule10.form of Pleadings FRCP-RC Federal RULE Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules and Commentary 10 (2020) Rule 10 addresses a variety of issues associated with the form of pleadings. First, it requires the plaintiff to list the names of all of the parties in the caption. Doe pleadings are allowed only in limited circumstances. Second, it asks pleaders to break their allegations down into numbered... (Amended April 30, 2007, eff. December 1, 2007.) 2020  
Jenny E. Carroll Safety, Crisis, and Criminal Law 52 Arizona State Law Journal 769 (Fall, 2020) Concepts of safety and prevention of danger pervade the criminal law canon. Arizona is no exception. The state's criminal systems pivot around central and entwined goals of protecting public safety and preventing danger. The state constitution permits pretrial detention both for the most serious offenses and when no other condition of release will... 2020  
Lisa Kern Griffin Sandra Day O'connor's "First" Principles: a Constructive Vision for an Angry Nation: First: Sandra Day O'connor. By Evan Thomas. New York: Random House, 2019. Pp. 476. $32.00 120 Columbia Law Review 2017 (November, 2020) During her twenty-five-year tenure on the Supreme Court, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor became one of the most admired figures in American public life. A recent biography by historian and journalist Evan Thomas chronicles her extraordinary personal qualities, remarkable professional journey, and constructive brand of patriotism. In this Book Review, a... 2020  
Rebecca Klar Schiff Says Trump 'Willfully Fanning the Flames' of Violence to Help Campaign The Hill (8/30/2020) House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Sunday that President Trump is willfully fanning the flames of violence amid clashes between protesters and counterprotesters over police brutality. 2020  
Marty Johnson Seattle Mayor Says Federal Agents Are Leaving City The Hill (7/29/2020) Federal agents that had been deployed to Seattle last week to protect federal buildings from anticipated protests have left the city, Mayor Jenny Durkan (D) said late Tuesday. 2020  
Meghan J. Ryan Secret Conviction Programs 77 Washington and Lee Law Review 269 (Winter, 2020) Judges and juries across the country are convicting criminal defendants based on secret evidence. Although defendants have sought access to the details of this evidence--the results of computer programs and their underlying algorithms and source codes--judges have generally denied their requests. Instead, judges have prioritized the business... 2020  
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