AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms
Brian L. Bengs Self-defense under Siege: Creeping Criminalization of Individual Self-defense in the U.s. Military 56 California Western Law Review 337 (Spring, 2020) All U.S. jurisdictions recognize individual self-defense as an inherent right belonging to each person. As an inherent right, self-defense is rooted firmly in natural law, as opposed to positive law, which entails a revocable grant from a sovereign. This article contends that prior legal recognition of such an inherent right precludes a sovereign... 2020  
Morgan Gstalter Sen. Rand Paul Says He and His Wife Were 'Attacked by an Angry Mob' after Trump Speech The Hill (8/28/2020) Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was met with protesters early Friday while walking with his wife from the White House following President Trumps closing speech at the Republican National Convention. 2020  
Julia Manchester Senate Gop Campaign Arm Invokes Law-and-order Message in New Ad The Hill (9/2/2020) The campaign arm for Senate Republicans is invoking a law-and-order message in a new ad released exclusively to The Hill as part of the GOP's effort to defend its majority in the upper chamber this fall. 2020  
Marty Johnson Senior Dhs Official Reassigned after Office Compiled Intel Reports on Journalists, Protesters The Hill (8/1/2020) The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has reassigned a senior official who led the agency's Intelligence & Analysis Office after reports surfaced that the office had been creating intelligence reports on journalists covering the protests in Portland, Ore., The Washington Post reported Saturday. 2020  
Marty Johnson Sharpton, Police Reform Take Center Stage at National Mall The Hill (8/28/2020) The Rev. Al Sharpton headlined his new March on Washington on Friday, delivering a fiery speech in which he demanded more legislative action to address police brutality and racial inequality in the country. 2020  
James Bikales Sheila Jackson Lee Presses Congress to Pass Reparations Bill at Dc March The Hill (8/28/2020) Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on Friday used her speech at a march in Washington to call on Congress to pass her bill to study paying reparations to Black Americans. 2020  
Michael M. Oswalt Short Strikes 95 Chicago-Kent Law Review 67 (2020) The state of strikes--their numbers, their results, their coverage--has been a perennial source of labor movement discussion. And things could get kind of dark. In 1992, the American Prospect asked, [i]s the Strike Dead? In 2003, so did the New Labor Forum. Another decade brought new data and notably less morbidity. Fast food workers walk out in... 2020  
Charles Adside, III Shutting down Speech 101: Saving Campus Free Speech from the Heckler's Veto and the Speech Gerrymander 34 BYU Journal of Public Law 217 (2020) Professors cannot teach and students cannot learn without the freedom of speech. First Amendment jurisprudence demands that universities allow their students the exposure to multiple viewpoints which is so necessary for their development as future leaders; this educational mission is fulfilled when the university serves as a forum for diverse... 2020  
John Martinez Significant Trends/highlights Local Government Law HIGHLIGHTS (2020) In its 2019-20 Term, the United States Supreme Court issued several decisions affecting local government, including the following: Comcast Corp. v. National Association of African American-Owned Media, 2020 WL 1325816 (U.S. 2020) (42 U.S.C. ยง 1981, which prohibits racial discrimination in contracting, requires that plaintiffs have the burden over... 2020  
Jonathan Easley and Brett Samuels Sinking Trump Seeks to Squash Gop Dissent The Hill (7/24/2020) President Trump is seeking to squash lingering dissent within the GOP, lashing out at Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and former Bush administration official Tom Ridge after the two offered implicit and explicit criticism of the president. 2020  
Madeline Halimi Siting Homeless Shelters in New York City: Fair Share Versus Borough-based 47 Fordham Urban Law Journal 1519 (October, 2020) New York City is currently experiencing a housing crisis and, in turn, a homelessness crisis. In 2017, in response to rising numbers of individuals and families experiencing homelessness, Mayor Bill de Blasio released Turning the Tide on Homelessness in New York City, a report aimed to address the issue by creating 90 new centralized shelters.... 2020  
Matthew N. Currie Social Ecology and Lawyering in the Anthropocene 45 University of Dayton Law Review 401 (Summer, 2020) Introduction. 401 I. The Anthropocene. 404 II. Failure of Existing Legal Frameworks to Address Current Issues. 405 III. Revisiting an Old Approach to Change: Community Lawyering Nuts and Bolts. 407 IV. Community Lawyering and the Gem City Market. 409 V. Social Ecology and Municipalism: A New Community Economic Development Model. 415 VI. Lawyering,... 2020  
Carolyn S. Koch , Jury Solutions LLC, Fairfax, Virginia, 703-864-6457, Email, Website Social Media Research--a 'Must' When Selecting a Jury 44-MAR Champion 54 (March, 2020) I used to think that outside research on prospective jurors was a distraction that prevented lawyers from focusing on the more important task of sizing jurors up in open court. I also had faith (and personal experience) that the system worked, that judges would hear jurors out, and that jurors would speak up when lawyers posed simple questions that... 2020  
David S. Meyer , Kaylin Bourdon Social Movements and Standing in the American Gun Debate 69 Emory Law Journal 919 (2020) Who gets to be heard is a fundamental question in any democracy, and access to the arenas of political debate is every bit as contested as the disputes about policy within. The legal system offers rules of standing to determine who can make claims in a courtroom. We think the concept of standing is useful in making sense of access to a range of... 2020  
John Rappaport Some Doubts about "Democratizing" Criminal Justice 87 University of Chicago Law Review 711 (May, 2020) The American criminal justice system's ills are by now so familiar as scarcely to bear repeating: unprecedented levels of incarceration, doled out disproportionately across racial groups, and police that seem to antagonize and hurt the now-distrustful communities they are tasked to serve and protect. Systemic social ailments like these seldom... 2020  
Mark Tushnet Spontaneous Demonstrations and the First Amendment 71 Alabama Law Review 773 (2020) I. Variant One: The Symbolically Significant Date. 777 II. Variant Two: The Occasional Demonstration Triggered by a Predictable Event Occurring at an Unpredictable Time. 778 A. Long Beach: The Facts. 782 B. Vodak: The Facts. 784 C. The Holdings. 787 III. Variant Three: The Truly Spontaneous Demonstration. 788 Conclusion. 790 2020  
  Spotlight 26No.12 Special Education Law Bulletin NL 1 (12/1/2020) By Amy Clark 2020 has been an extremely challenging year all around. People around the world are dealing with unimaginable situations and circumstances. And yet, life doesnt stop. People are expected to keep on going and making do. Children are expected to continue learning, either virtually, in-person, or in some sort of a hybrid model. While... 2020  
  State Highlights 43No.16 Workers' Compensation Law Bulletin NL 6 (8/25/2020) The California Labor Commissioners Office has filed suit against Mobile Wash Inc. (MW) of Bellflower, California for allegedly misclassifying 100 or more workers as independent contractors. This is the first lawsuit the office has filed to enforce Assembly Bill 5, enacted in 2019 and requiring the ABC Test to be applied to evaluate whether a... 2020  
Spencer Overton State Power to Regulate Social Media Companies to Prevent Voter Suppression 53 U.C. Davis Law Review 1793 (April, 2020) Fake social media accounts and ads did not merely polarize the American electorate in 2016--these tactics also targeted and suppressed Black votes. While African Americans made up just 12.7% of the United States population, Black audiences accounted for over 38% of U.S.-focused ads purchased by the Russian Internet Research Agency and almost half... 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call State Street Seeks Diversity Strategies, Data of Companies it Invests in CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (9/2/2020) A manager of more than $3.1 trillion in invested assets is warning U.S. companies that a lack of transparency or failure to engage on racial and ethnic diversity issue could lead the firm to oppose corporate leaders at shareholder meetings. 2020  
Lisa Madigan, Cara Hendrickson, Karyn L. Bass Ehler Stepping into the Shoes of the Department of Justice: the Unusual, Necessary, and Hopeful Path the Illinois Attorney General Took to Require Police Reform in Chicago 15 Northwestern Journal of Law & Social Policy 121 (Winter, 2020) We can't continue to let this go on. Someone has to have the will, someone has to have the serious will, to want to have this change ..--Testimony of Karl Brinson, President of Chicago West Side Branch of NAACP, during the fairness hearing. The decree takes an important step forward in the City of Chicago's ongoing efforts to repair the... 2020  
Anthony C. Thompson Stepping up to the Challenge of Leadership on Race 48 Hofstra Law Review 735 (Spring, 2020) First and foremost, I want to thank you for inviting me to deliver this keynote address. I applaud your choice to participate in a conference on difference and leadership because these are critical issues that deserve our best thinking and our collective attention. I have watched with great interest as organizations from global businesses, to law... 2020  
Rebecca Klar Steyer Endorses Reparations Bill, Commits to Working with Jackson Lee The Hill (7/27/2020) Former Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer on Monday endorsed legislation sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) that would fund a committee to explore whether Black Americans should receive reparations for slavery. 2020  
Brian McNeil Stop-and-frisk in New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago: Slowly Approaching an Uneasy Synthesis or Running out of Time to Justify its Freight? 29 Widener Commonwealth Law Review 69 (2020) Most people know what stops and frisks are, and what standards apply to them. But while these standards provide the framework for adjudging the propriety of stops and frisks on an individual basis, different considerations come into play where the relative benefits and drawbacks of widespread stop-and-frisk practices as a policy are addressed. This... 2020  
Devon W. Carbado Stop-and-strip Violence: the Doctrinal Migrations of Reasonable Suspicion 55 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 467 (Summer, 2020) In 1968, the U.S. Supreme Court decided Terry v. Ohio. Writing for the Court, Chief Justice Earl Warren ruled that police officers may stop-and-frisk people whom they have reasonable suspicion to believe are armed and dangerous. The reasonable suspicion standard was an exception to the Fourth Amendment's probable cause requirement, one that the... 2020  
Ellen L. Weintraub , Carlos A. Valdivia Strike and Share: Combatting Foreign Influence Campaigns on Social Media 16 Ohio State Technology Law Journal 701 (Spring, 2020) C1-3Contents I. FOREIGN INFLUENCE CAMPAIGNS ARE TARGETING U.S. ELECTIONS. 702 II. THE LAW AGAINST CONTRIBUTIONS FROM FOREIGN NATIONALS. 706 III. WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT?. 711 IV. CONCLUSION. 720 2020  
J. Edward Moreno Surgeon General: 'The Virus Doesn't Care about Your Politics' Whether at Trump Rally or Protest The Hill (9/23/2020) Surgeon General Jerome Adams on Wednesday said that the coronavirus doesnt care about your politics, emphasizing that anyone attending in-person gatherings of any kind should follow public health measures. 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Sustainability Investors Want Esg to Be Presidential Priority CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Securities Enforcement & Litigation (11/4/2020) Sustainability investors managing $3 trillion in assets are urging the next U.S. president, whoever that may be, to help speed a shift from shareholder-focused corporations to a broader emphasis on stakeholder accountability. 2020  
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Sustainability Investors Want Esg to Be Priority for Trump or Biden CQ Briefing Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance (11/6/2020)   2020  
  Symposium Discussion: Schor 68 Drake Law Review 371 (2020) Jack Balkin: What is the prescriptive thesis? And is this prescriptive thesis an alteration of the rules of free expression? Miguel Schor: No, I didn't make that argument. The point is that the problem is not political. It is deeply societal, and it's the very process of engagement with that amendment that can enable that kind of discussion.... 2020  
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