AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms
Jessica Watters PINK HATS AND BLACK FISTS: THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT 24 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 199 (Fall, 2017) I. Origins and Critiques of the Women's March II. True Intersectional Feminism Must Be Continuously Demonstrated by Allies III. The Collective Power of (White) Women Conclusion On January 21, 2017, nearly five hundred thousand people, many adorned in pink, cat-eared pussyhats, descended on Washington, D.C.--the flagship location for the official... 2017 Most Relevant
Elizabeth Esther Berenguer THE COLOR OF FEAR: A COGNITIVE-RHETORICAL ANALYSIS OF HOW FLORIDA'S SUBJECTIVE FEAR STANDARD IN STAND YOUR GROUND CASES RATIFIES RACISM 76 Maryland Law Review 726 (2017) It must be remembered that the visibility of race was used as a tool to consolidate domination, to seize land, and to recruit and extract mass labor. All this is still going on today. The racism of the past is still active in the present. Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, and Patrisse Cullors created #BlackLivesMatter movement as a response to the anti-... 2017 Most Relevant
Breanne J. Palmer THE CROSSROADS: BEING BLACK, IMMIGRANT, AND UNDOCUMENTED IN THE ERA OF #BLACKLIVESMATTER 9 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 99 (Spring, 2017) This paper discusses the detrimental, intersectional effects of immigration law and criminal law on Black immigrants, both with and without documentation. Anti-Black racism, deeply embedded in America's criminal law system, funnels Black immigrants into the criminal justice system, and subsequently into removal or other punitive immigration... 2017 Most Relevant
S. Lamar Gardner #BLACKLIVESMATTER, DISPARATE-IMPACT, AND THE PROPERTY AGENDA 43 Southern University Law Review 321 (Spring, 2016) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 322 Part I. The Fair Housing Act and the Disparate-Impact Theory Debate. 326 A. Overview of the Fair Housing Act. 326 1. History Leading up to the FHA. 327 2. Passage of the FHA and its Content. 329 B. The Burden of Proof. 332 1. Proving Intentional Discrimination. 332 2. Proving Merely Discriminatory Effect. 335... 2016 Most Relevant
Margalynne J. Armstrong ARE WE NEARING THE END OF IMPUNITY FOR TAKING BLACK LIVES? 56 Santa Clara Law Review 721 (2016) Introduction. 722 I. Legal Protections (or a Lack Thereof) for the Lives of Slaves. 724 A. African Bondage. 724 B. The Legality of Murdering Slaves in North America. 729 C. Runaways, Patterollers, and the Fugitive Slave Act: Deputizing White Communities to Regulate Black Presence. 732 1. Patterollers. 733 2. No rights which the white man is bound... 2016 Most Relevant
Margalynne J. Armstrong ARE WE NEARING THE END OF IMPUNITY FOR TAKING BLACK LIVES? 56 Santa Clara Law Review 721 (2016) Introduction. 722 I. Legal Protections (or a Lack Thereof) for the Lives of Slaves. 724 A. African Bondage. 724 B. The Legality of Murdering Slaves in North America. 729 C. Runaways, Patterollers, and the Fugitive Slave Act: Deputizing White Communities to Regulate Black Presence. 732 1. Patterollers. 733 2. No rights which the white man is bound... 2016 Most Relevant
Samuel H. Pillsbury BLACK LIVES MATTER 13 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 567 (Spring, 2016) Jill Leovy, Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America (2015). Please write about it. Please! A mother pleading with a reporter to write about her son's murder (P. 37.) A great story teller sweeps you away. The story begins and all you want to do is ride the wave of words to its end. Jill Leovy begins her book, Ghettoside, about the police... 2016 Most Relevant
Samuel H. Pillsbury BLACK LIVES MATTER 13 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 567 (Spring, 2016) Jill Leovy, Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America (2015). Please write about it. Please! A mother pleading with a reporter to write about her son's murder (P. 37.) A great story teller sweeps you away. The story begins and all you want to do is ride the wave of words to its end. Jill Leovy begins her book, Ghettoside, about the police... 2016 Most Relevant
Mike Lillis Black Lives Matter accuses Dems of 'placating' the movement 2016 The Hill 4540486 (August 31, 2016) Black Lives Matter is going after Democrats for what the group deems a placating response to our demand to value all black life."" 2016 Most Relevant
  Black Lives Matter accuses Dems of 'placating' the movement (August 31, 2016) Black Lives Matter is going after Democrats for what the group deems a placating response to our demand to value all black life."" 2016 Most Relevant
Osagie K. Obasogie , Zachary Newman BLACK LIVES MATTER AND RESPECTABILITY POLITICS IN LOCAL NEWS ACCOUNTS OF OFFICER-INVOLVED CIVILIAN DEATHS: AN EARLY EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT 2016 Wisconsin Law Review 541 (2016) The Black Lives Matter movement launched in July 2013 after George Zimmerman was acquitted by a Florida jury in the shooting death of seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin, an unarmed Black male. The incident giving rise to this emerging social movement -- where the hoodie became a key part of widespread public debates on whether certain attributes... 2016 Most Relevant
Osagie K. Obasogie , Zachary Newman BLACK LIVES MATTER AND RESPECTABILITY POLITICS IN LOCAL NEWS ACCOUNTS OF OFFICER-INVOLVED CIVILIAN DEATHS: AN EARLY EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT 2016 Wisconsin Law Review 541 (2016) The Black Lives Matter movement launched in July 2013 after George Zimmerman was acquitted by a Florida jury in the shooting death of seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin, an unarmed Black male. The incident giving rise to this emerging social movement -- where the hoodie became a key part of widespread public debates on whether certain attributes... 2016 Most Relevant
Alberto Bernabe DO BLACK LIVES MATTER? RACE AS A MEASURE OF INJURY IN TORT LAW 18 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Race and Social Justice 41 (2016) I. Introduction. 41 II. The Facts and Allegations that Gave Rise to the Issue in Cramblett. 46 III. Wrongful Birth and Wrongful Life Claims. 48 IV. Wrongful Pregnancy Claims. 55 V. Is There a Basis for Relief in Cramblett?. 56 A. Relevant Case Law. 56 B. Cramblett's Unpersuasive Argument. 59 VI. The Impact of Modern Reproductive Technologies. 67... 2016 Most Relevant
Alberto Bernabe DO BLACK LIVES MATTER? RACE AS A MEASURE OF INJURY IN TORT LAW 18 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Race and Social Justice 41 (2016) I. Introduction. 41 II. The Facts and Allegations that Gave Rise to the Issue in Cramblett. 46 III. Wrongful Birth and Wrongful Life Claims. 48 IV. Wrongful Pregnancy Claims. 55 V. Is There a Basis for Relief in Cramblett?. 56 A. Relevant Case Law. 56 B. Cramblett's Unpersuasive Argument. 59 VI. The Impact of Modern Reproductive Technologies. 67... 2016 Most Relevant
Nicole D. Porter EXPANDING PUBLIC SAFETY IN THE ERA OF BLACK LIVES MATTER 70 University of Miami Law Review 533 (Winter, 2016) Traditional public safety responses to crime involve interactions with the criminal justice system. However, recent killings by police of unarmed black men, women, and children have led to a national dialogue on the fundamental strategy of public safety. The narrative of Black Lives Matter offers a new framework for policymakers, activists,... 2016 Most Relevant
Nicole D. Porter EXPANDING PUBLIC SAFETY IN THE ERA OF BLACK LIVES MATTER 70 University of Miami Law Review 533 (Winter, 2016) Traditional public safety responses to crime involve interactions with the criminal justice system. However, recent killings by police of unarmed black men, women, and children have led to a national dialogue on the fundamental strategy of public safety. The narrative of Black Lives Matter offers a new framework for policymakers, activists,... 2016 Most Relevant
Joëlle Anne Moreno FLAGRANT POLICE ABUSE: WHY BLACK LIVES (ALSO) MATTER TO THE FOURTH AMENDMENT 21 Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law 36 (Fall, 2016) Constitutional rights pivot on problems of proof. But traditional academic distinctions between procedural rules of evidence and substantive questions of constitutional law impede our understanding of how law works. In particular, how law works to identify, constrain, and remedy police abuse of constitutional rights. Treating rights and... 2016 Most Relevant
Joëlle Anne Moreno FLAGRANT POLICE ABUSE: WHY BLACK LIVES (ALSO) MATTER TO THE FOURTH AMENDMENT 21 Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law 36 (Fall, 2016) Constitutional rights pivot on problems of proof. But traditional academic distinctions between procedural rules of evidence and substantive questions of constitutional law impede our understanding of how law works. In particular, how law works to identify, constrain, and remedy police abuse of constitutional rights. Treating rights and... 2016 Most Relevant
  FOIA SUIT AGAINST FBI SEEKS BLACK LIVES MATTER SURVEILLANCE 23 Federal Discovery News 5 (December 1, 2016) Two nonprofit groups have sued the U.S. government in New York federal court, seeking public records about the monitoring and surveillance of public protests concerning Black Lives Matter, racial inequalities, police violence and criminal justice. (Color of Change et al. v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security et al., No. 16-cv-8215, complaint... 2016 Most Relevant
  FOIA SUIT AGAINST FBI SEEKS BLACK LIVES MATTER SURVEILLANCE 23 Federal Discovery News 5 (December 1, 2016) Two nonprofit groups have sued the U.S. government in New York federal court, seeking public records about the monitoring and surveillance of public protests concerning Black Lives Matter, racial inequalities, police violence and criminal justice. (Color of Change et al. v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security et al., No. 16-cv-8215, complaint... 2016 Most Relevant
Melissa J. Sachs FOIA suit against FBI seeks Black Lives Matter surveillance (S.D.N.Y.) 2016 WESTLAW Data Privacy Daily Briefing 6205879 (October 25, 2016) Two nonprofit groups have sued the U.S. government in New York federal court, seeking public records about the monitoring and surveillance of public protests concerning Black Lives Matter, racial inequalities, police violence and criminal justice. 2016 Most Relevant
  FOIA suit against FBI seeks Black Lives Matter surveillance (S.D.N.Y.) (October 25, 2016) Two nonprofit groups have sued the U.S. government in New York federal court, seeking public records about the monitoring and surveillance of public protests concerning Black Lives Matter, racial inequalities, police violence and criminal justice. 2016 Most Relevant
Melissa J. Sachs FOIA SUIT AGAINST FBI SEEKS BLACK LIVES MATTER SURVEILLANCE Color of Change v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security 34 Westlaw Journal Computer and Internet 2 (November 4, 2016) Two nonprofit groups have sued the U.S. government in New York federal court, seeking public records about the monitoring and surveillance of public protests concerning Black Lives Matter, racial inequalities, police violence and criminal justice. The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have failed to produce records or respond to requests... 2016 Most Relevant
Melissa J. Sachs FOIA SUIT AGAINST FBI SEEKS BLACK LIVES MATTER SURVEILLANCE Color of Change v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security 34 Westlaw Journal Computer and Internet 2 (November 4, 2016) Two nonprofit groups have sued the U.S. government in New York federal court, seeking public records about the monitoring and surveillance of public protests concerning Black Lives Matter, racial inequalities, police violence and criminal justice. The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have failed to produce records or respond to requests... 2016 Most Relevant
Joshua A. Kobrin GHETTOSIDE: A TRUE STORY OF MURDER IN AMERICA BY JILL LEOVY SPIEGEL & GRAU, NEW YORK, NY, 2015. 366 PAGES, $28 (CLOTH), $18.89 (PAPER) 63-FEB Federal Lawyer 80 (January/February, 2016) The #BlackLivesMatter movement started well before Aug. 9, 2014, the day that police officer Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. But, in the wake of the shooting--and the death of other black males as a result of police actions--the slogan gained momentum. Now a rallying cry for a movement that calls for a response to the... 2016 Most Relevant
Mike Lillis Leaked memo: Dems told to 'lead from behind' with Black Lives Matter 2016 The Hill 4540489 (August 31, 2016) Democratic campaign officials advised House candidates to limit the number of Black Lives Matter activists at public events and promise no support for concrete policy positions as lawmakers hit the campaign trail late last year, according to newly leaked documents. 2016 Most Relevant
Mike Lillis Leaked memo: Dems told to 'lead from behind' with Black Lives Matter 2016 The Hill 4540489 (August 31, 2016) Democratic campaign officials advised House candidates to limit the number of Black Lives Matter activists at public events and promise no support for concrete policy positions as lawmakers hit the campaign trail late last year, according to newly leaked documents. 2016 Most Relevant
  Movement for Black Lives issues policy demands for black immigrants (August 2, 2016) An extensive policy platform released Monday by the Movement for Black Lives, a coalition of racial justice advocacy groups, includes a section demanding an end to the war on black immigrants 2016 Most Relevant
  Movement for Black Lives issues policy demands for black immigrants (August 2, 2016) An extensive policy platform released Monday by the Movement for Black Lives, a coalition of racial justice advocacy groups, includes a section demanding an end to the war on black immigrants 2016 Most Relevant
Donald F. Tibbs OF LAW AND BLACK LIVES, 50 YEARS LATER: RACE AND POLICING IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE MOYNIHAN REPORT 8 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 85 (Spring, 2016) There is a quest for the Negro, the Negro is in demand, one cannot get along without him, he is needed, but only if he is made palatable in a certain way. Frantz Fanon America is free to choose whether the Negro shall remain her liability or become her opportunity. Gunnar Myrdal An American Dilemma The title of the Journal's Symposium, The 50... 2016 Most Relevant
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