Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year |
Paula C. Johnson |
The Social Construction of Identity in Criminal Cases: Cinema Verite and the Pedagogy of Vincent Chin |
1 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 347 (Summer 1996) |
This article presents the findings of the first research study of the Institutional Hearing Program (IHP), a prison-based immigration court system run by the U.S. Department of Justice. Although the IHP has existed for four decades, little is publicly known about the program's origin, development, or significance. Based on original analysis of... |
2020 |
Won Kidane |
The Terrorism Exception to Asylum: Managing the Uncertainty in Status Determination |
41 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 669 (Spring 2008) |
This Article seeks to identify the influence of the colonial legacy on migration policies, paying particular attention to the European context. Its goal is to assess the extent to which the current policy discourse on the migration and development nexus (MDN) stems from a conception of development that is still tightly connected with colonialism.... |
2020 |
Peter H. Schuck |
The Transformation of Immigration Law |
84 Columbia Law Review 1 (January, 1984) |
This article will discuss whether an undocumented resident immigrant residing in a community in the United States is entitled to basic due process rights. A question for consideration is whether an undocumented resident immigrant living in a community in the United States can be denied a basic right against unreasonable searches and seizures in a... |
2020 |
Rose Cuison Villazor , Kevin R. Johnson |
The Trump Administration and the War on Immigration Diversity |
54 Wake Forest Law Review 575 (Spring, 2019) |
This Essay contextualizes the racially disproportionate impacts of COVID-19 in the United States within a framework of settler colonialism in order to broaden the understanding of how structural inequality is produced, imposed, and maintained. A settler colonialism framework recognizes that the United States is a present-day settler colonial... |
2020 |
Linus Chan |
Unjust Deserts: How the Modern Immigration System Lacks Moral Credibility |
16 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 103 (Fall, 2018) |
U.S. law, of course, drew many lines based on race from the earliest days of slavery and colonialism. It is also well known that the government discriminated against noncitizens in favor of citizens in areas such as licensing and land ownership. This Article proposes that during the long Jim Crow era, there was an additional body of racially... |
2020 |
Liav Orgad |
115 AJIL Unbound 345 (2021) |
When confronted with cases lying at the intersection of immigration and national security, the judiciary has abided by a consistent principle: the president knows best. Since the late nineteenth century, rather than deciding these cases on the merits, courts have instead deferred to the executive branch. Courts' reluctance to engage in judicial... |
2020 |
Mary Therese O'Sullivan |
A Paradox in Employment: the Contradiction That Exists Between Immigration Laws and Outsourcing Practices, and its Impact on the Legal and Illegal Minority Working Classes |
6 DePaul Journal for Social Justice 111 (Fall, 2012) |
After a campaign denigrating Muslims as sick people, blaming the children of Muslim Americans for terrorism, and promising to shut down Muslim immigration, and mere days after his inauguration, President Donald J. Trump banned the nationals of seven majority-Muslim countries from entry into the United States. In the litigation that followed,... |
2019 |
Kenzo S. Kawanabe |
American Anti-immigrant Rhetoric Against Asian Pacific Immigrants: the Present Repeats the past |
10 Georgtown Immigration Law Journal 681 (Summer, 1996) |
As candidate and President, Donald Trump has unabashedly expressed his disdain for immigrants of color and demonstrated an unmistakable commitment to restrict their immigration to the United States. Contemptuous words about immigrants translated into concrete policies designed to restrict the number of immigrants entering and remaining in the... |
2019 |
Louis Henkin |
An Immigration Policy for a Just Society? |
31 San Diego Law Review 1017 (FALL 1994) |
Asylees, refugees, and some Lawful Permanent Residents must obtain a Refugee Travel Document (RTD) from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in order to travel abroad. These non-citizens cannot use passports from their home country, as doing so could result in a loss of their asylee or refugee status. RTDs are only valid for one year and must... |
2019 |
Anita Sinha |
Arbitrary Detention? The Immigration Detention Bed Quota |
12 Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy 77 (Spring, 2017) |
C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 156 II. Background Of Immigration Issues and Form I-407. 158 A. Presumption of Abandonment of Permanent Resident Status Upon Leaving United States for a Long Period of Time. 159 B. Purpose and Advantages of Form I-407. 160 C. Internal Agency Documents and Manuals Regarding Form I-407. 161 III. How Do We Know... |
2019 |