Christopher Ho , Jennifer C. Chang Drawing the Line after Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. V. Nlrb: Strategies for Protecting Undocumented Workers in the Title Vii Context and Beyond 22 Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal 473 (Spring 2005) I. INTRODUCTION II. WE'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE III. NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT IV. THE CHINA EFFECT V. SWEET HOME ALABAMA VI. I'VE GOT GEORGIA ON MY MIND VII. MISSISSIPPI BURNING VII. POSITIVE IMPLICATIONS OF STATE IMMIGRATION REFORM IX. GUEST WORKER PROGRAM A. H-2A Guest Worker Program B. Helping Agriculture Receive Verifiable Employees... 2013
Stewart Chang Feminism in Yellowface 38 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 235 (Summer 2015) I. Introduction. 564 II. Hegemonic and Dominant Masculinities are Framed Relationally and Depend on Maintaining a Marginalized Other . 566 III. Maintaining Dominant Masculinities at the Borders Through the Exclusion of Marginalized Masculinities. 569 A. Marginalized Effeminacy and the Chinese Exclusion Act. 569 B. Masculinities in Crisis... 2013
Adela de la Torre, Ph.D., Julia Mendoza Immigration Policy and Immigration Flows: a Comparative Analysis of Immigration Law in the U.s. and Argentina 3 Modern American 46 (Summer-Fall, 2007) In early 2012, the Department of Labor took an unexpected step in support of immigrant workers, changing the way H-2B visas are issued to make it harder both to hire and to exploit immigrant workers. The changes in regulation were the result of years of hard work by advocates for both Union workers, and immigrants. However, by the end of the summer... 2013
Karen M. Longacher Losing the Forest for the Trees: How Current Immigration Proposals Overlook Crucial Issues 11 Temple International and Comparative Law Journal 429 (Fall 1997) Introduction. 1 I. Background. 3 A. The Long Drought. 3 B. S.B. 1070 and the Courts. 7 C. Arizona v. United States. 10 1. Police Inquiries: Limiting Section 2B. 13 2. Federal Control: Foreign Policy and Executive Enforcement Discretion. 15 II. Implications: Restricting State Immigration Enforcement Power. 19 A. Rejecting Inherent Authority. 19 1.... 2013
Lee J. TerĂ¡n Mexican Children of U.s. Citizens: "Viges Prin" and Other Tales of Challenges to Asserting Acquired U.s. Citizenship 14 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 583 (2012) Introduction. 102 I. The DREAM: Legislation and Narrative. 105 A. The DREAM Act and Immigration Reform Proposals for DREAMers. 105 B. The Narrative Being Told. 109 1. Harnessing the American Dream. 109 2. A Story of Worthiness and Blamelessness. 112 II. DREAMers Exposing and Expanding the Limits of Citizenship. 115 A. The Claiming of Citizenship... 2013
John L. Pollock Missing "Persons": Expedited Removal, Fong Yue Ting, and the Fifth Amendment 41 Arizona Law Review 1109 (Winter, 1999) Introduction. 1151 I. Asian Pacific American Identity Formation. 1152 A. Birth of the Asian American Movement. 1152 B. Asian American Jurisprudence. 1154 II. Reconceptualizing Asian Pacific American Identity Through Transnational Immigration History and Law. 1156 A. Transnational Perspectives. 1157 B. Asians in the Americas--Regulating Race and... 2013
Jillian S. Hishaw Mississippi Is Burning Georgia's Peaches Because Alabama Is No Longer a Sweet Home: a Legislative Analysis of Southern Discomfort Regarding Illegal Immigration 58 South Dakota Law Review 30 (2013) Introduction. 1221 I. Immigration Marriage Fraud as a Legal Fiction. 1228 II. The Racial Problem with Coaching . 1235 III. Translation as Fraudulent Speaker. 1239 IV. Love Letters and Whiteness. 1243 V. The Citizen Subject as Innocent Speaker. 1246 Conclusion. 1249 2013
Julia Ann Simon-Kerr Moral Turpitude 2012 Utah Law Review 1001 (2012) Introduction. 1281 I. The Case for Unauthorized Immigration as a Latino Issue. 1282 A. Evidence from the World Wide Web. 1283 B. Legislative Evidence. 1283 C. Public Commentary. 1287 II. Reasons Why Latinos and the Unauthorized Are Conflated. 1288 A. Powerful Numbers and Rapid Growth. 1288 B. Geographic Proximity. 1290 C. Economic Factors. 1290 D.... 2013
Kevin R. Johnson Open Borders? 51 UCLA Law Review 193 (October, 2003) Introduction. 2262 I. The Path to Recognizing Deportation as Punishment. 2267 A. Immigration Law Context. 2267 1. The Plenary Power and Sovereign Deference. 2267 2. Mandatory Deportation for Aggravated Felony Convictions. 2268 3. Legal Precedent/Legal Fiction: Deportation Is Not Punishment. 2271 B. Deportation as Punishment. 2274 1. Theory. 2275 2.... 2013
Janine Young Kim Postracialism: Race after Exclusion 17 Lewis & Clark Law Review 1063 (2013) Introduction. 966 I. Asians as Untrustworthy Witnesses. 967 A. Competency and Credibility Under State Law. 967 1. Incompetency. 967 2. Credibility. 970 B. Chinese Witnesses Under Federal Law. 972 1. Incompetency. 973 a. Residence certificates. 973 b. Returning merchants. 974 c. Pharmacy workers in China. 975 2. Credibility. 975 II. The Statutory... 2013
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