Lisa Sun-Hee Park Perpetuation of Poverty Through "Public Charge" 78 Denver University Law Review 1161 (2001) Introduction. 481 I. Workplace Fatalities and Injuries Among Foreign-Born Workers in the United States. 484 A. The Most Dangerous Industries and Occupations for Immigrants. 489 1. Construction. 491 2. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting. 493 3. Manufacturing. 494 4. Retail Trade. 495 B. Gaps in Existing Occupational Safety and Health Data.... 2009
Kevin R. Johnson Proposition 187 and its Political Aftermath: Lessons for U.s. Immigration Politics after Trump 53 U.C. Davis Law Review 1859 (April, 2020) L1-2Introduction . L3138 I. The Unnecessary Doctrine of Plenary Power over Immigration. 141 II. Retooling the Debate. 145 A. Limiting the Definition of Immigration Law. 146 B. The Limits of Legal Citizenship. 147 C. The Personhood and Membership Paradigms. 148 D. Separation and Convergence Models. 150 III. Distributive Principles. 157 A.... 2009
Kevin R. Johnson Race and Immigration Law and Enforcement: a Response to Is There a Plenary Power Doctrine? 14 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 289 (Winter, 2000) Last spring, this journal published an essay by Jim Gilchrist, co-founder of the Minuteman Project. In that essay, Gilchrist argues that an illegal alien invasion (undocumented immigration) is to blame for a host of social ills--from crime, unemployment, pollution, and disease to traffic gridlock, high tuition costs, poor health care, and... 2009
Mariela Olivares Resistance Strategies in the Immigrant Justice Movement 39 Northern Illinois University Law Review 1 (Fall, 2018) Over the past decade, scholars have paid increasing attention to Japanese American constitutional history. For the most part, this literature focuses on the United States government's decision during World War II to intern people of Japanese ancestry. This body of work literature is designed to demonstrate the extent to which, and precisely how,... 2009
John G. Browning RIGHTING PAST WRONGS: POSTHUMOUS BAR ADMISSIONS AND THE QUEST FOR RACIAL JUSTICE 21 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 1 (2021) Polygamy played a role in the development of United States immigration law from its very inception. Concerns about the polygamous marriage practices of Chinese immigrants flooding into California in the mid-nineteenth century fueled the passage of early anti-immigrant statutes, with predictions that the immoral Chinese, with their tradition of... 2009
Won Kidane The Alienage Spectrum Disorder: the Bill of Rights from Chinese Exclusion to Guantanamo 20 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 89 (2010) The date is October 13, 2004, some 147 years after Chief Justice Roger Taney and the infamous Dred Scott case. Representing the United States government, Deputy Solicitor General Edwin Kneedler, stands before the United States Supreme Court and tells the Court that the nation needs to protect its borders and in doing so some noncitizens must be... 2009
Ediberto Román The Citizenship Dialectic 20 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 557 (Summer, 2006) The history of immigration in the United States of America reaches beyond the establishment of the country itself. Beginning with the arrival of explorers, slaves, and the Pilgrims, there were a number of different ethnic groups that migrated to the United States. While the diversity ultimately helped shape America into a culturally rich nation,... 2009
Sadie M. Casamenti ACTS OF JUSTICE: RESTORING JUSTICE FOR IMMIGRANTS THROUGH STATE PARDONS 43 Cardozo Law Review 2473 (August, 2022) All nations distinguish between their citizens and others. In the United States, the primary set of laws for determining these distinctions is found in our immigration policy. The term immigration law refers to a rather narrow set of rules covering essentially two aspects of a non-citizen's stay in the United States: first, those rules that... 2008
Bolatito Kolawole African Immigrants, Intersectionality, and the Increasing Need for Visibility in the Current Immigration Debate 7 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 373 (2017) AMERICA is in the midst of an immigration crisis. Immigrants are now seen as a threat to Anglo-American culture. Military-like efforts are now being made to seal off the United States-Mexico border, resulting in thousands of deaths. In response to proposals to enact harsh immigration laws, immigrants took to the streets in cities across America in... 2008
The Honorable Karen Nelson Moore Aliens and the Constitution 88 New York University Law Review 801 (June, 2013) Around the same time that Critical Race Theory (CRT) was emerging as a field in law in the mid-1980's, the term, New Economic Sociology (NES) was coined at a roundtable discussion at the 1985 annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. Like CRT, NES was challenging fundamental disciplinary principles and assumptions. Just as... 2008
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