Amelia J. Uelmen Strangers No Longer: Immigration Law & Policy in the Light of Religious Values 83 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 829 (Summer 2006) Since the end of World War II immigration in the core industrial democracies has been increasing. The rise in immigration is a function of market forces (demand-pull and supply-push) and kinship networks, which reduce the transaction costs of moving from one society to another. These economic and sociological forces are the necessary conditions for... 2008
Louis Henkin The Constitution and United States Sovereignty: a Century of Chinese Exclusion and its Progeny 100 Harvard Law Review 853 (February, 1987) The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as it must, excludes a terrorist from receiving asylum. The substantive criteria, and the adjudicative procedures set forth under the INA for the identification of the undeserving terrorist inevitably exclude those who are neither terrorists nor otherwise undeserving. Such unintended consequences are... 2008
Keith Aoki , John Shuford Welcome to Amerizona--immigrants Out!: Assessing "Dystopian Dreams" and "Usable Futures" of Immigration Reform, and Considering Whether "Immigration Regionalism" Is an Idea Whose Time Has Come 38 Fordham Urban Law Journal 1 (November, 2010) We must also find a sensible and humane way to deal with people here illegally. Illegal immigration is complicated, but it can be resolved. And it must be resolved in a way that upholds both our laws and our highest ideals. - George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, January 28, 2008. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of Postville... 2008
Adeno Addis Who's Afraid of Foreigners? The Restrictions on Alien Ownership of Electronic Media 32 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 133 (Fall, 2000) When we teach our students law, we introduce them to a world. It is a world that they will inhabit for many years to come, one that we hope will enable them, not only as lawyers, but as citizens, to lead better, more worthwhile lives. But our very entry into such a world is simultaneously the successful inculcation of a canon, a rule of practice... 2008
Marie A. Failinger Yick Wo at 125: Four Simple Lessons for the Contemporary Supreme Court 17 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 217 (Spring 2012) With the gradual rollback of the national origins quota system in the 1950s and its eventual repeal in 1965, U.S. immigration policy became increasingly liberal and expansive. This liberalization continued throughout the 1980s and was reinforced by the passage of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and the Immigration Act of 1990, both... 2008
Ming H. Chen Alienated: a Reworking of the Racialization Thesis after September 11 18 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 411 (2010) An undeniable and ever escalating tension exists between population growth and environmental conservation worldwide. This article seeks to draw attention to the impact of population growth, and specifically that related to immigration, on the depletion of resources specifically in the United States of America. The ability of U.S. environmental... 2007
Katherine L. O'Connor An Overview of Illegal Immigration along the United States-mexican Border 4 Journal of International Law and Practice 585 (Fall 1995) At the outset of the twenty-first century, United States immigration policy has become one of the most pressing issues of our time. In recent years, we have witnessed, among other things, calls for dramatically restricting immigration in light of an alleged threat to American national identity, increased border enforcement associated with thousands... 2007
Ebba Gebisa Constitutional Concerns with the Enforcement and Expansion of Expedited Removal 2007 University of Chicago Legal Forum 565 (2007) ethnicity, naturalization, exclusion, Hurricane Katrina This review examines the scholarship at the intersection of immigration law, race, and identity. Historically, much of the literature has focused on the ways immigration law has constructed, and been constructed by, racial categories. I argue that African American racialization has been a... 2007
César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández Criminal Defense after Padilla V. Kentucky 26 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 475 (Spring, 2012) For a century before 1986, federal law permitted employers to hire undocumented immigrants. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) marked a sea change in immigration law by extending federal immigration regulation into the private workplace through the prohibition of employment of unauthorized immigrants. In the two decades since... 2007
Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia DISCRETION AND DISOBEDIENCE IN THE CHINESE EXCLUSION ERA 29 Asian American Law Journal 49 (2022) Historically, immigration into American society is divided into distinct periods, each with its own set of characteristics. For instance, up until the 1880s most immigrants originated in Northwestern Europe and with the exception of the Irish and especially the Chinese, they were well received. But between the 1880s and the 1920s when immigrant... 2007
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