Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year |
Ernesto Hernández-López |
Global Migrations and Imagined Citizenship: Examples from Slavery, Chinese Exclusion, and When Questioning Birthright Citizenship |
14 Texas Wesleyan Law Review 255 (Spring 2008) |
I. Introduction. 760 II. Critical Race Theory. 764 III. History of Discrimination Against Asian Americans: Nativism and the Racialization of Asian Americans As Foreign. 769 IV. Asian-American Contributions to the Critical Race Movement. 773 A. Constructing Asian-American Identities During the Exclusion Era. 776 B. Contemporary Discrimination... |
1999 |
Matthew J. Lindsay |
Immigration as Invasion: Sovereignty, Security, and the Origins of the Federal Immigration Power |
45 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 1 (Winter 2010) |
In 1996 Congress passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA). This law cemented the recent trend of cracking down on illegal immigration by increasing the number of border patrols, limiting judicial review, and introducing new penalties for a variety of immigration control violations. This anti-immigrant... |
1999 |
Mohar Ray |
Undocumented Asian American Workers and State Wage Laws in the Aftermath of Hoffman Plastic Compounds |
13 Asian American Law Journal 91 (November, 2006) |
To hear some immigration advocates tell it, Americans in the 1990s have slammed the golden door shut in a fit of xenophobic hysteria . . . . Fortunately, this is a false picture . . . . I recently received a plea for help from a tearful U.S. citizen who is the mother of a twenty-five-year-old lawful permanent resident from Panama. She told me that... |
1999 |
Devon W. Carbado |
Yellow by Law |
97 California Law Review 633 (June, 2009) |
Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a colony of aliens who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs any more than they can acquire our complexion? -Benjamin Franklin In the United States today, approximately half of the states have laws that restrict... |
1999 |
Amanda Frost |
32 Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 38 (Summer, 2021) |
[Congress] cast a big net, and they're catching some dolphins in itImmigration and Naturalization Service spokesman Russ Bergeron, commenting on the harshness of immigration law's new aggravated felon provisions. Congressional legislation in 1996 fundamentally altered the landscape of United States immigration law. On April 24, 1996, Congress... |
1998 |
Bill Ong Hing |
Beyond the Rhetoric of Assimilation and Cultural Pluralism: Addressing the Tension of Separatism and Conflict in an Immigration-driven Multiracial Society |
81 California Law Review 863 (July, 1993) |
C1-3Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION: AMERICA APPROACHES THE 21ST CENTURY. 58 II. THE UNDOCUMENTED ALIEN DEBATE: WHY THEY COME AND THE BURDEN ON SOCIETY'. 61 A. Labels: Aliens, Immigrants, Natives, Nationals, and Citizens. 62 B. Why They Come and the Debate About Burdens. 68 III. HISTORICAL AND LEGAL SKETCH OF THE RIGHTS OF AUTHORIZED AND... |
1998 |
Megan J. Ballard |
Cultivating Civic Belonging for Resettled Refugees |
34 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 545 (Spring, 2020) |
For over a century, the Supreme Court has granted federal immigration laws a unique immunity from judicial review. Relying on the so-called plenary power doctrine, the Court has said that over no conceivable subject is federal power greater than it is over immigration; even modern federal cases, for example, state that Congress may freely... |
1998 |
Monique Lee Hawthorne |
Family Unity in Immigration Law: Broadening the Scope of "Family" |
11 Lewis & Clark Law Review 809 (Fall 2007) |
I. INTRODUCTION. 549 II. IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES. 552 III. HUMAN RIGHTS LAW. 563 IV. INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS. 568 A. Nondiscrimination Protections Under International Human Rights Norms. 570 1. Classifications Based on Race, Ethnicity, or National Origin. 570 2. Classifications Based on Sex. 572 3. The Status of Children in... |
1998 |
Howard F. Chang |
Immigration and the Workplace: Immigration Restrictions as Employment Discrimination |
78 Chicago-Kent Law Review 291 (2003) |
In 1893, the Supreme Court issued its seminal immigration decision Fong Yue Ting which held that a nation has the right to deport aliens lawfully residing within its borders. Justice Brewer dissented, but reaffirmed a sovereign nation's right to exclude. He stated that a national government has control of all matters relating to other nations and... |
1998 |
Stewart Chang |
Is Gay the New Asian?: Marriage Equality and the Dawn of a New Model Minority |
23 Asian American Law Journal 5 (2016) |
In the past two years, Congress has enacted legislation that significantly restricts the rights of noncitizens and adversely affects the lives of thousands of long-term resident noncitizens nationwide. Critics of this legislation describe this present period as a wave of anti-immigrant backlash which, as in earlier times in history, will eventually... |
1998 |