  AUDIT OF INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE'S COVID-19 VACCINE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR COVID-19 VACCINES DISTRIBUTED TO TRIBAL HEALTH PROGRAMS - APRIL 2021 Healthcare Compl. Rep. 1694872, Health Care Compliance Reporter (2021); (Publication Name: Health Care Compliance Reporter) (4/15/2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations nationwide. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the age-adjusted AI/AN population's mortality rate from COVID-19 was 1.8 times higher than that among non-Hispanic whites as of December 2020. The Indian Health... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  AUDIT OF INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE'S COVID-19 VACCINE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR COVID-19 VACCINES DISTRIBUTED TO TRIBAL HEALTH PROGRAMS - MARCH 2021 (ARCHIVED) Healthcare Compl. Rep. 1694883, Health Care Compliance Reporter (2021); (Publication Name: Health Care Compliance Reporter) (4/15/2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations nationwide. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the age-adjusted AI/AN population's mortality rate from COVID-19 was 1.8 times higher than that among non-Hispanic whites as of December 2020. The Indian Health... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  AUDIT OF INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE'S COVID-19 VACCINE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR COVID-19 VACCINES DISTRIBUTED TO TRIBAL HEALTH PROGRAMS - OCTOBER 2021 Health Care Compliance Reporter 5162754 (2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations nationwide. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the age-adjusted AI/AN population's mortality rate from COVID-19 was 1.8 times higher than that among non-Hispanic whites as of December 2020. The Indian Health... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  AUDIT OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF SUPPLIES FROM INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE'S NATIONAL SUPPLY SERVICE CENTER IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19 - OCTOBER 2021 Health Care Compliance Reporter 5162759 (2021) COVID-19 has created unprecedented challenges for the U.S. hospital system, including Indian Health Service (IHS), Tribal, and Urban Indian Health Program (UIHP) facilities. American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 due to the relatively high rates of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and asthma among these... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Amy Goudge Balancing Legality and Legitimacy in Canada's COVID-19 Response 41 Nat'l J. Const. L. 153, National Journal of Constitutional Law (April, 2021); (Publication Name: National Journal of Constitutional Law) (April, 2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has delivered an impossible balancing act for democracies. As a public health crisis that demands exceptional measures to contain, the pandemic has forced democratic governments to reconcile competing obligations to legality, political legitimacy, and emergency response. In Canada, we have seen provincial governments impose... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Carmel Shachar BALANCING PUBLIC HEALTH AND PRIVACY: LESSONS FROM DIGITAL CONTACT TRACING FOR COVID-19 VACCINATION TRACKING EFFORTS 65 Saint Louis University Law Journal 837 (Summer, 2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has brough the tension between individual privacy and public health initiative to the fore, in part because many of the solutions to the challenges of the pandemic proposed are digital. The first year of the pandemic has revealed that the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is both too restrictive of... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  BIDEN ADMINISTRATION RESUMES WHITE HOUSE COUNCIL ON NATIVE AMERICAN AFFAIRS No Citation Available (4/16/2021) (4/15/2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
Marty Johnson Biden Evokes Floyd in Racial Equity Signings The Hill (1/26/2021) President Biden on Tuesday signed four executive orders aimed at furthering racial equity in the U.S., one of his main campaign platforms.; Search Snippet: ...Biden evokes Floyd in racial equity signings January 26, 2021 President Biden on Tuesday signed... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Marty Johnson Biden Evokes Floyd in Racial Equity Signings The Hill (1/26/2021) (1/26/2021) President Biden on Tuesday signed four executive orders aimed at furthering racial equity in the U.S., one of his main campaign platforms. 2021 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Tal Axelrod Biden Renews Call for New Covid-19 Legislation after Georgia Elections The Hill (1/6/2021) President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday renewed calls for new coronavirus relief legislation at the start of his administration following the Georgia Senate runoff races Tuesday.; Search Snippet: ...Biden renews call for new COVID- 19 legislation after Georgia elections January 06, 2021 President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday renewed calls for new coronavirus relief legislation at the start of his administration following the Georgia Senate runoff races Tuesday. The president-elect faces the possibility of having unified... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Tal Axelrod Biden Renews Call for New Covid-19 Legislation after Georgia Elections The Hill(1/6/2021) (1/6/2021) President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday renewed calls for new coronavirus relief legislation at the start of his administration following the Georgia Senate runoff races Tuesday. 2021 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Morgan Chalfant Biden to tap Erika Moritsugu as new Asian American and Pacific Islander liaison No Citation Available, The Hill (4/14/2021); (Publication Name: The Hill) (4/14/2021) President Biden plans to name Erika Moritsugu to a new senior level Asian American and Pacific Islander liaison position in the White House, three people familiar with the choice confirmed. 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Morgan Chalfant Biden: US still in 'life-and-death race' with coronavirus No Citation Available, The Hill (4/6/2021); (Publication Name: The Hill) (4/6/2021) President Biden on Tuesday called for renewed vigilance as the U.S. battles another rise in coronavirus cases, saying the U.S. is in a life-and-death race with COVID-19 while also making progress toward vaccinating the public. 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Goldburn P. Maynard Jr. BIDEN'S GAMBIT: ADVANCING RACIAL EQUITY WHILE RELYING ON A RACE-NEUTRAL TAX CODE 131 Yale Law Journal Forum 656 (January 9, 2022) The American Rescue Plan Act was both a major infusion of economic aid to low-income and middle-class Americans and an opportunity for the Biden Administration to keep its promise to promote racial equity. This Essay analyzes ARPA's major provisions to determine their potential impact on racial equity. It argues that the Biden... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Representative Eric M. Swalwell , R. Kyle Alagood Biological Threats Are National Security Risks: Why Covid-19 Should Be a Wake-up Call for Policy Makers 77 Washington and Lee Law Review Online217 (2021) (1/5/2021) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 218 II. Understanding National Security Strategy. 219 III. Developing the National Security Strategy of the United States and National Biodefense Strategy. 222 IV. Executing the Strategy. 225 A. The Cuban Missile Crisis. 225 B. The COVID-19 Pandemic. 228 V. Immediate and Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 on...; Search Snippet: ...5, 2021 Development BIOLOGICAL THREATS ARE NATIONAL SECURITY RISKS: WHY COVID- 19 SHOULD BE A WAKE-UP CALL FOR POLICY MAKERS Representative... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Eric M. Swalwell , R. Kyle Alagood Biological Threats Are National Security Risks: Why Covid-19 Should Be a Wake-up Call for Policy Makers 77 Washington and Lee Law Review Online 217 (1/5/2021) (1/5/2021) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 218 II. Understanding National Security Strategy. 219 III. Developing the National Security Strategy of the United States and National Biodefense Strategy. 222 IV. Executing the Strategy. 225 A. The Cuban Missile Crisis. 225 B. The COVID-19 Pandemic. 228 V. Immediate and Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 on... 2021 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
  Boston Parent Coalition for Academic Excellence Corp. v. School Committee of City of Boston --- F.Supp.3d ----, United States District Court, D. Massachusetts.; (Publication Name: United States District Court, D. Massachusetts.) (4/15/2021) Acting on behalf of fourteen White and Asian American parents and children resident in Boston, the plaintiff corporation sues the Boston School Committee (the School Committee) charging racial discrimination and seeking to enjoin an interim plan governing admission to Boston's three exam schools for the 2021-2022 school... 2021 Cases
  Brief of American Public Health Association, Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health, Academy Of Managed Care Pharmacy, Alliance of Community Health Plans, American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians, American College of Preventative (November 30, 2021) As required by Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 26.1, amici curiae American Public Health Association, Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health, Academy of Managed Care... 2021 Briefs
Joshua A. Douglas, Michael A. Zilis BRING THE MASKS AND SANITIZER: THE SURPRISING BIPARTISAN CONSENSUS ABOUT SAFETY MEASURES FOR IN-PERSON VOTING DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC 55 Georgia Law Review 1585 (Summer, 2021) Requiring masks at the polls might implicate a clash between two vital rights: the constitutional right to vote and the right to protect one's health. Yet the debate during the 2020 election over requirements to wear a mask at the polls obscured one key fact: a majority of Americans supported a mask mandate for voting. That is the new insight we... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Kevin R. Johnson BRINGING RACIAL JUSTICE TO IMMIGRATION LAW 116 Northwestern University Law Review Online 1 (May 13, 2021) From at least as far back as the anti-Chinese laws of the 1800s, immigration has been a place of heated racial contestation in the United States. Although modern immigration laws no longer expressly mention race, their enforcement unmistakably impacts people of color from the developing world. Specifically, the laws, as enacted and... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
CQ Roll Call staff Broader vaccine eligibility may exacerbate racial inequities No Citation Available, CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing (4/13/2021); (Publication Name: CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing) (4/13/2021) States and the federal government are trying to stop the COVID-19 vaccine equity gap from growing as vaccine eligibility opens up to all adults but officials don't have much time. 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Renée M. Landers BUFFERING AGAINST VICISSITUDES: THE ROLE OF SOCIAL INSURANCE IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND IN MAINTAINING ECONOMIC STABILITY 49 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 505 (Summer, 2021) Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this conference on the important topic of The Future of Global Health Governance. I commend the Dean Rusk International Law Center at the University of Georgia School of Law, and the editors and staff of the Georgia Journal of International & Comparative Law, for convening this symposium to examine... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Mary A. Lynch BUILDING AN ANTI-RACIST PROSECUTORIAL SYSTEM: OBSERVATIONS FROM TEACHING A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROSECUTION CLINIC 73 Rutgers University Law Review 1515 (Summer, 2021) Introduction and Background. 1516 II. Local Prosecutors, Intimate Crimes, and Traditionally Marginalized Survivors. 1525 A. Local Prosecutors, Reform, and Anti-Racism. 1525 B. Intimate Crimes and Women of Color. 1533 C. Listening to the Wisdom of Survivors of Color. 1543 III. Observations and Suggestions for Anti-Racism Work and Prosecution of... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Sandhya Raman, CQ Roll Call Cardenas Previews Covid-19 Package to Address Racial Inequities CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing (2/1/2021) (2/1/2021) Growing up as the youngest of 11 children in an immigrant family, Rep. Tony Cárdenas didn't have access to health care services. 2021 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Emily Kowalik CARE IN THE TIME OF COVID: ADDRESSING THE STATE OF FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE IN LIGHT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 47 Journal of Legislation 105 (2020-2021) Family caregiving is a responsibility that millions of working Americans bear. Every American is bound to encounter a situation necessitating the use of sick days, time off, or a more significant period of leave at some point during their years in the labor force, whether it be for the birth or adoption of one's child; one's own serious health... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
By Keith Lewis, CQ Roll Call CDC report warns of racial disparities in monoclonal antibody treatments CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing (January 19, 2022) More than a dozen medical researchers are sounding the alarm about racial disparities they uncovered in the administration of certain treatments for COVID-19, according to a study published in the Centers for Disease Control's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  CDC'S COLLECTION AND USE OF DATA ON DISPARITIES IN COVID-19 CASES AND OUTCOMES - OCTOBER 2021 Health Care Compliance Reporter 5162766 (2021) With emerging information on rates of infection and outcomes for the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), numerous reports document a disproportionate burden of infection and deaths among communities of color and economically disadvantaged communities. This study will examine data that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Dawn M. Hunter , Betsy Lawton CENTERING RACIAL EQUITY: DISPARITIES TASK FORCES AS A STRATEGY TO ENSURE AN EQUITABLE PANDEMIC RESPONSE 14 Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy 251 (2021) COVID-19 has had a stark and severe impact on health, economic stability, housing, and education in communities of color in the United States. As the pandemic has unfolded, the disproportionate number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths due to COVID-19 among Black, Hispanic and Latinx, and Indigenous people has served as a stark reminder that... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Anita Weinberg, Lilia Valdez CHILD WELFARE, REASONABLE EFFORTS, AND COVID-19 41 Children's Legal Rights Journal 162 (2021) Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) requires governments to protect children from all forms of violence, including violence in the home. At the same time, Articles 3 and 5 obligate states to respect the rights and duties of parents to care for and make decisions on behalf of their children. Although the... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Christina Cullen, Olivia Alden, Diana Arroyo, Andy Froelich, Meghan Kasner, Conor Kinney, Anique Aburaad, Rebecca Jacobs, Alexandra Spognardi, Alexandra Kuenzli CHILDREN AND RACIAL INJUSTICE IN THE UNITED STATES: A SELECTIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CALL TO ACTION 41 Children's Legal Rights Journal 1 (2021) For many reasons, 2020 became a year of reckoning for racial injustice. While a strong and deserved focus has been paid to criminal justice and police brutality, the systemic racism that underlies those institutions and many others affects more than just adults. Children are impacted by systemic racism in myriad ways that can be tragic, maddening,... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
AALS Policy Committee , CLEA Committee for Equity and Inclusion CLINICIANS REFLECT ON COVID-19: LESSONS LEARNED AND LOOKING BEYOND 28 Clinical Law Review 15 (Fall, 2021) As a result of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, clinical faculty had to abruptly adapt their clinical teaching and case supervision practices to adjust to the myriad restrictions brought on by the pandemic. This brought specialized challenges for clinicians who uniquely serve as both legal practitioners and law teachers in the law school... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
By Stephanie K. Mann, J.D. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT-UEJIO WORKS TO ADDRESS RACIAL INJUSTICE IN FINANCIAL SYSTEM Wolters Kluwer Banking and Finance Law Daily (June 3, 2021) While serving as Acting Director of the CFPB, Uejio has committed to using the Bureau's tools and resources to ensure fairness and equality. In his position as Acting Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, David Uejio wants the agency to take bold and swift action to address issues of pervasive racial injustice and the long-term... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Complaint for Damages and Injunctive Relief (1/19/2021) (United States District Court, D. New Hampshire, No. 1:21-cv-00047-LM.) (1/19/2021) DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 12. Venue in the New Hampshire District is proper under 15 U.S.C. § 22, which states that any suit proceeding under antitrust laws against a corporation may be brought... 2021 Trial Court Documents
  Complaint for Damages and Injunctive Relief United States District Court, D. New Hampshire, No. 1:21-cv-00047-LM. (1/19/2021) DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 12. Venue in the New Hampshire District is proper under 15 U.S.C. § 22, which states that any suit proceeding under antitrust laws against a corporation may be brought...; Search Snippet: ...United States District Court, D. New Hampshire. CORONAVIRUS REPORTER, Plaintiff, v. APPLE INC., Defendant. No. 1:21-cv... 2021 Trial Court Documents
  Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (September 7, 2021) Pro Hac Vice Applications Forthcoming Plaintiffs LULAC TEXAS, VOTO LATINO, TEXAS ALLIANCE FOR RETIRED AMERICANS, and TEXAS AFT, by and through their undersigned counsel, file this... 2021 Trial Court Documents
  Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (December 30, 2021) 31. Because this action challenges the constitutionality of the apportionment of a statewide legislative body, as well as the apportionment of a State's Congressional delegation, Plaintiffs... 2021 Trial Court Documents
  Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (September 30, 2021) Come now, the Colorado Contractors Association (CCA), the Colorado Stone, Sand, & Gravel Association (CSSGA), the Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association (CRMCA), the Colorado Motor... 2021 Trial Court Documents
  Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (December 30, 2021) Requesting a three-judge panel pursuant to 28 US.C. § 2284 1. According to the 2020 census, Georgia was among the top five States gaining population in the past decade, with the State... 2021 Trial Court Documents
  Complaint for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief No Citation Available (4/12/2021) (4/1/2021) FN* Pro hac vice applications forthcoming FN° Not admitted in D.C. Plaintiff ASIAN AMERICANS ADVANCING JUSTICEATLANTA (Advancing JusticeAtlanta) files this Complaint for Declaratory and... 2021 Trial Court Documents
Jens Meierhenrich CONSTITUTIONAL DICTATORSHIPS, FROM COLONIALISM TO COVID-19 17 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 411 (2021) colonialism, constitutionalism, constitutional dictatorship, dictatorship, emergency, state of exception In this article, I use the concept of constitutional dictatorship as a heuristic, as a way of thinking more explicitly about constitutional violence than is customary in comparative constitutional law. Constitutional dictatorship is an epic... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Katalina Bianco, J.D. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau-cfpb Director Targets Covid-19 Relief, Racial Inequality Wolters Kluwer Banking and Finance Law Daily (2/5/2021) (2/5/2021) The new acting director outlines CFPB steps to help consumers and small businesses struggling because of COVID-19 and the resulting economic crisis and to address racial inequality. Dave Uejio, Acting Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has authored a blog post sharing his vision of the direction the CFPB is taking to provide... 2021 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
By Charles A. Menke, J.D. CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU-CFPB'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT EMPHASIZES COVID-19 MITIGATION EFFORTS, CARRYING OUT OF CONGRESSIONAL MANDATE Wolters Kluwer Banking and Finance Law Daily (October 12, 2021) The semi-annual report outlined Bureau efforts that focused on helping families survive the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including rules and guidance, enforcement orders, and the agency's supervision program. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has submitted its Spring 2021 semi-annual report to Congress covering the period of... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Joslyeen H. Mitri COPY, PASTE, AND SAVE LIVES: THE EFFECTS OF PATENT INFRINGEMENT ON THE FIGHT AGAINST THE CORONAVIRUS 22 Journal of High Technology Law 176 (2021) The COVID-19 pandemic generated uncertainty around the globe, much of which was attributed to the supply-demand war in the healthcare field. As the virus swept across the United States, healthcare professionals painstakingly searched for the most resilient and advanced solutions to save our shrinking population. Three- dimensional (3D) printing... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Corporate Boards May Mandate Covid-19 Vaccines for Employees CQ Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance Briefing (1/6/2021) As the U.S. distributes COVID-19 vaccines, the role that corporations play as employers is a question boards must consider, according to corporate governance experts.; Search Snippet: ...Government To Provide a Unified and Effective Response To Combat COVID- 19 and To Provide United States Leadership on Global Health and... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Corporate Boards May Mandate Covid-19 Vaccines for Employees CQ Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance Briefing(1/6/2021) (1/6/2021) As the U.S. distributes COVID-19 vaccines, the role that corporations play as employers is a question boards must consider, according to corporate governance experts. 2021 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Divya Ramjee, Pollyanna Sanderson, Imran Malek COVID-19 AND DIGITAL CONTACT TRACING: REGULATING THE FUTURE OF PUBLIC HEALTH SURVEILLANCE 2021 Cardozo Law Review de novo 101 (2021) Digital surveillance tools--technological means of monitoring, tracking, and notifying--are at the forefront of public health response strategies for the COVID- 19 pandemic. Comprehensive and effective digital public health surveillance requires that public health authorities, regulatory powers, and developers consider interdisciplinary approaches.... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Danielle H. Dallaire , Rebecca J. Shlafer , Lorie S. Goshin , Allison Hollihan , Julie Poehlmann-Tynan , J. Mark Eddy , Ann Adalist-Estrin COVID-19 AND PRISON POLICIES RELATED TO COMMUNICATION WITH FAMILY MEMBERS 27 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 231 (May, 2021) To limit the spread of the highly contagious COVID-19 virus, departments of corrections (DOCs) in all 50 states suspended in-person visits to state prisons between March 7 and March 19, 2020. This article describes changes to policies related to the contact incarcerated individuals could have with family members and others since the pandemic began.... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Stacey A. Tovino, JD, PhD COVID-19 AND THE HIPAA PRIVACY RULE: ASKED AND ANSWERED 50 Stetson L. Rev. 365, Stetson Law Review (Spring, 2021); (Publication Name: Stetson Law Review) (Spring, 2021) On January 31, 2020, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex M. Azar II used the authority vested in him under Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act to formally determine that a public health emergency (PHE) existed in the United States due to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  COVID-19 Business Interruption Insurance Coverage: The Threshold Trigger of "Direct Physical Loss or Damage" & Other Considerations 15 The American College of Construction Lawyers Journal 1 (2021) James Duffy O'Connor is the principal of O'C ADR, LLC, a former Chair of the ABA Forum on Construction Law and a Fellow of the American College of Construction Lawyers. David E. Suchar is a partner in the Minneapolis, MN based law firm Maslon LLP, where he chairs the firm's Construction & Real Estate Litigation Group. The authors thank Maslon... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Roy G. Spece, Jr. COVID-19 CONTROL: DISRUPTING DOCTOR-PATIENT RELATIONSHIPS 100 Nebraska Law Review 150 (2021) The full-armamentarium of public health countermeasures came into play when COVID-19 emerged; a few examples are quarantine, closures, and social distancing. These countermeasures are intended to protect population health but trench on many important rights protected by ethical precepts and tort, constitutional, or other law. The measures studied... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
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