By Kenneth C. Broodo of Foley & Lardner EXPERT INSIGHTS-NEW EEOC GUIDANCE: YOUR EMPLOYEES CAN SUE YOU FOR COVID-19 RETALIATION (IF IT'S BASED ON A PROTECTED CLASSIFICATION) Wolters Kluwer Employment Law Daily (December 8, 2021) Employees can be savvy about their rights, and retaliation claims can be among the most dangerous under equal protection laws. The latest series of Covid-19 news is discomfiting. The Biden administration is fighting in court for its vaccinate-or-test mandate. Europe, Asia, and parts of the U.S. are suffering from a heavy uptick in Delta variant... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Marc Edelman , Thomas A. Baker III , John T. Holden , Dr. Andrew Shuman EXPLORING COLLEGE SPORTS IN THE TIME OF COVID-19: A LEGAL, MEDICAL, AND ETHICAL ANALYSIS 2021 Michigan State Law Review 469 (2021) The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic threatens the safety of people attending large social gatherings, including organized sporting events. As the number of deaths and hospitalizations from COVID-19 skyrocketed in March 2020, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) suspended all member colleges' spring sports seasons. The NCAA has... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  FACT SHEET: BIDEN ADMINISTRATION INVESTS $4 BILLION IN AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN FUNDING TO COMBAT COVID-19 IN INDIAN COUNTRY No Citation Available (4/20/2021) (4/16/2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
Kate Weisburd FALL 2020 SYMPOSIUM: ADDRESSING THE CRISIS IN POLICING TODAY: RACE, MASCULINITY, AND POLICE USE OF FORCE IN AMERICA 89 George Washington Law Review 1357 (December, 2021) The year 2020 was a year of reckoning. The COVID-19 pandemic, along with the protests in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and against police violence toward unarmed Black, Brown, and Indigenous peoples, revealed our collective, but also differing, vulnerability to violence, sickness, death, and economic harm. Meanwhile, the #metoo... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  FCC ANNOUNCES AN ADDITIONAL $40.46 MILLION AWARDED AS PART OF COVID-19 TELEHEALTH PROGRAM (October 21, 2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  FCC AWARDS ADDITIONAL $42.7 MILLION IN ROUND 2 OF COVID-19 TELEHEALTH PROGRAM (December 21, 2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  FCC REACHES $150 MILLION BENCHMARK FOR COVID-19 TELEHEALTH PROGRAM ROUND 2 (November 9, 2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
Jonathan L. Iwry FDA EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION FROM 9/11 TO COVID-19: HISTORICAL LESSONS AND ETHICAL CHALLENGES 76 Food & Drug Law Journal 337 (2021) Emergency use authorization (EUA) is a power granted by Congress to FDA to expedite the availability and distribution of medical countermeasures during public health emergencies. This Article reviews the history of FDA's EUA authority from its inception in the post-9/11 era to its present-day use in response to COVID-19 in order to better... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  First Amended Complaint For Injunctive and Declaratory Relief (May 28, 2021) Admitted pro hac vice 52 U.S.C. § 10301, 42 U.S.C. § 1983; First, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution FN1. Plaintiffs' counsel served a 90-day notice... 2021 Trial Court Documents
Julia M. Puaschunder FOCUSING COVID-19 BAILOUT AND RECOVERY 16 Ohio State Business Law Journal 91 (2021) The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 imposes the most unexpected external economic shock to modern humankind, triggering abrupt consumption and behavior pattern shifts around the world with widespread socio-economic impacts. In order to alleviate unexpected negative fallouts from the crisis, attention to governmental bailouts and recovery packages... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
T. Alexander Aleinikoff FOREWORD TO THE REPUBLICATION OF THE CONSTITUTION IN CONTEXT: THE CONTINUING SIGNIFICANCE OF RACISM 92 University of Colorado Law Review 1315 (Special Issue 2021) It is disturbing--to say the least--that an article written nearly three decades ago based on an assertion of the continuing existence of racism in the United States can be seen as meriting republication, not for its historical interest but because of its current relevance. The article began with descriptions of the brutal murder of Emmet Till in... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT--DUE PROCESS--ELEVENTH CIRCUIT HOLDS THAT A FLORIDA JAIL WAS NOT DELIBERATELY INDIFFERENT TO THE SPREAD OF COVID-19.-- SWAIN v. JUNIOR, 961 F.3D 1276 (11TH CIR. 2020) 134 Harvard Law Review 2622 (May, 2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has had a catastrophic impact on incarcerated individuals and their families: nearly 390,000 incarcerated people have contracted the virus, and over 2,400 have died. Overall, the rate of COVID-19 in prisons has been over five times that of the general population. People in prisons and jails looked to the judiciary for... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Cinnamon P. Carlarne FROM COVID-19 TO CLIMATE CHANGE: DISASTER & INEQUALITY AT THE CROSSROADS 12 San Diego Journal of Climate & Energy Law 19 (2020-2021) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 19 II. The Globalization & Localization of Disaster & Inequality. 22 III. Climate Amplification of Disaster & Inequality. 27 IV. Rebuilding Stronger: Mobilizing Climate Law at the Disaster-Inequality Intersection. 31 V. Conclusion. 38 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
By Sherri M. Schroeder, J.D. GENERAL HEALTH CARE NEWS: MIXED NEWS FROM MOST RECENT KFF PUBLIC OPINION POLL ON COVID-19 VACCINATION Wolters Kluwer Health Law Daily (December 2, 2021) Number of booster shots up sharply since October, but public is less optimistic and more frustrated with vaccinations now than in January. The November 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), part of an ongoing research project tracking the American public's attitudes and experiences with COVID-19 vaccinations,... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
By Susan L. Smith, JD, MA GENERAL HEALTH CARE NEWS: RACIAL, ETHNIC DISPARITIES IN HEALTH CARE EXAMINED Wolters Kluwer Health Law Daily (January 27, 2022) The Kaiser Family Foundation provides an updated analysis of various measures of racial and ethnic disparities in health, the provision of health care, and factors that contribute to the disparities. The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) has updated chart packs to analyze racial and ethnic disparities in terms of health coverage and access to and use... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF PROVIDER RELIEF FUNDS TO COMMUNITIES DISPROPORTIONATELY IMPACTED BY ADVERSE COVID-19 OUTCOMES - OCTOBER 2021 Health Care Compliance Reporter 5162770 (2021) As information on rates of infection and outcomes for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic emerges, numerous reports document racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in rates of adverse outcomes from COVID-19, including death. This study will review the locations of hospitals that received Provider Relief Funds, with particular attention to... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Hannah Fisher GETTING DOWN TO BRASS TAX: WHY COURTS SHOULD USE EQUITABLE TOLLING TO HELP TAXPAYER-PETITIONERS IMPACTED BY COVID-19 2021 University of Chicago Legal Forum 379 (2021) Filing deadlines, and the varying ramifications for failing to satisfy them, have been a longstanding fixture of the American litigation landscape. When faced with a plaintiff who has brought an untimely petition, a court must first determine whether Congress clearly intended the filing deadline to be a prerequisite to its jurisdiction over the... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  GROCER CITED $1.1M FOR FAILING TO PROVIDE OR DELAYING COVID-19 SUPPLEMENTAL SICK PAY - AGENCY NEWS Labor & Employment Law 4999680 (2021) By WK Editorial Staff The California Labor Commissioner's Office has again cited Bodega Latina dba El Super grocery stores in Southern California with $1,164,500 for failing to provide or delaying supplemental paid sick leave or other benefits to 240 workers at 38 locations affected by COVID-19. Investigators found that some workers were forced to... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Brook K. Baker HAMSTRINGING THE HEALTH TECHNOLOGY RESPONSE TO COVID-19: THE BURDENS OF EXCLUSIVITY AND POLICY SOLUTIONS 13 Northeastern University Law Review 689 (May, 2021) Abstract 691 Introduction 693 I. The Burdens of Exclusivity and Policy Alternatives 697 A. Closed Science with Siloes and Secrecy vs. Collaborative and Open Science 697 B. Clinical Trial Chaos vs. Clinical Trial Coordination, Comparative Studies, and Inclusion of Key Populations 701 C. Reckless and Politicized Product Authorizations vs. Assurance... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Morgan Chalfant Harris calls on Asian Americans to turn 'pain into action' The Hill (May 19, 2021) Vice President Harris said Wednesday that she shares in the outrage and grief experienced by Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders over the past year, but urged the community to turn pain into action during an appearance at a virtual summit marking Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Mary Ellen McIntire, CQ Roll Call Health officials plan major research on COVID-19 long haulers No Citation Available, CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing (4/29/2021); (Publication Name: CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing) (4/29/2021) The National Institutes of Health is preparing to award grants in the next three weeks to researchers studying the long-term effects of COVID-19, often called long COVID."" 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jennifer C. Nash HOME IS WHERE THE BIRTH IS: RACE, RISK, AND LABOR DURING COVID-19 32 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 103 (2021) On April 28, 2020, Dr. W. Spencer McClelland--an obstetrician at New York City's Lenox Hill Hospital--published an editorial in The New York Times that announced, If you planned on delivering in a New York City hospital, don't change your plans. McClelland's plea was a response to an outpouring of news reports focused on pregnant people... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Suzanne Monyak, CQ Roll Call House Democrats Push for Path to Citizenship in Covid-19 Relief CQ Roll Call Washington Immigration Briefing (2/1/2021) (2/1/2021) A group of 100 lawmakers urged House leadership to include a pathway to citizenship for undocumented essential workers in an upcoming COVID-19 relief package. 2021 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
By Sandhya Raman, CQ Roll Call House panel seeks insight on COVID-19 impact on children CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing (September 23, 2021) Experts at a House hearing Wednesday on the impact of COVID-19 on children called for the passage of legislation that would improve health infrastructure, expand the pediatric workforce and fund additional research on effects of the virus. 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Emma Mendelson HOW THE FALLOUT FROM POST-9/11 SURVEILLANCE PROGRAMS CAN INFORM PRIVACY PROTECTIONS FOR COVID-19 CONTACT TRACING PROGRAMS 24 CUNY L. Rev. 35, CUNY Law Review (Winter, 2021); (Publication Name: CUNY Law Review) (Winter, 2021) INTRODUCTION. 35 I. The Bush Administration and the Broadened Scope of Surveillance. 38 A. The Law and the NSA. 38 B. The Wave of Backlash Comes Crashing Down. 44 II. National Security and Public Health Surveillance During COVID-19. 46 A. Background on the Data Changes Since 9/11. 47 B. What Does Surveillance During the COVID-19 Pandemic Look... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
William Chanes Martinez HOW TO GET AWAY WITH IMMUNITY: FDA'S EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION SCHEME AND PREP ACT LIABILITY PROTECTION IN THE CONTEXT OF COVID -19 33 Loyola Consumer Law Review 128 (2021) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plays a vital role in our country's response to biological agents that threaten public health and safety. On December 31, 2019, officials in Wuhan, China confirmed dozens of cases of pneumonia caused by an unknown pathogen. Chinese officials later identified that pathogen as severe acute respiratory... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Elly Kugler, Kyra Perrigo HUD'S COLLABORATION WITH TRIBAL NATIONS TO RESPOND TO COVID-19 30 Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 1 (2021) The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has a long-standing mandate to administer funding that it provides to federally recognized tribal nations in support of those nations' sovereignty and in recognition of the U.S. government's trust and treaty responsibilities. Many of these programs have been instrumental in assisting tribal... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Brendan W. Williams HUNGER GAMES: RACIAL POLITICS AND THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 43 North Carolina Central Law Review 103 (2021) The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) was established by a law signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862, with the benign charge to diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture in the most general and comprehensive sense of that word, and to procure, propagate, and... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Kyra Hudson Hurricane Katrina and Covid-19: Tax Legislation When the Primary Victim Is Poor and Black NBA National Bar Association Magazine (January, 2021) (1/1/2021) The wind isn't racist, and the rain doesn't target the poor. But when hurricanes strike and cities flood, people who were already disadvantaged tend to suffer the most. On August 29th, 2005, Hurricane Katrina made its appearance in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. Within hours, the category four hurricane left eighty percent of the city... 2021 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Libby Smith IMPACT OF THE CORONAVIRUS AND FEDERAL RESPONSES ON INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' HEALTH, SECURITY, AND SOVEREIGNTY 45 American Indian Law Review 297 (2021) COVID-19 has ravaged the United States since the first confirmed American diagnosis in January 2020. By December 2020, there were 19,663,976 diagnosed cases and 341,199 deaths attributed to the disease in the United States alone. In June 2021, a year and a half after the first American diagnosis, the CDC reported 33,283,781 total cases of COVID-19... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  IN THE MATTER OF COVID-19 TELEHEALTH PROGRAM PROMOTING TELEHEALTH FOR LOW-INCOME CONSUMERS No Citation Available (4/1/2021) (3/30/2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
Kaitlyn Filip, Kat Albrecht INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PERSONAL INJURY, DISABILITY AND DEATH: THE PROBLEMS OF UNIVERSITY LIABILITY WAIVERS FOR COVID-19 PROTECTIONS 31-FALL Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 89 (Fall, 2021) On September 8, 2020, Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs) at the University of Michigan began what would be the longest strike in the forty-five-year history of the Graduate Employees' Organization (GEO). At the beginning of the 2020 academic year, hundreds of graduate instructors refused to teach. They demanded the right to work remotely... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Doron Teichman, Kristen Underhill INFECTED BY BIAS: BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE AND THE LEGAL RESPONSE TO COVID-19 47 American Journal of Law & Medicine 205 (2021) This Article presents the first comprehensive analysis of the contribution of behavioral science to the legal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the descriptive level, the Article shows how different psychological phenomena such as loss aversion and cultural cognition influenced the way policymakers and the public perceived the pandemic, and how... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
James Dever , Jack Dever INFORMATION AGE IMPERIALISM: CHINA, 'RACE,' AND NEO-COLONIALISM IN AFRICA AND LATIN AMERICA 52 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 1 (Spring/Summer, 2021) I. Introduction. 2 II. China in Crisis. 3 A. The Chinese Context. 3 B. Behind the Wolf. 6 III. State-Sponsored Domestic Terror. 10 A. Hong Kong. 10 B. Tragedy in Xinjiang. 11 C. High-Tech Surveillance. 13 D. Opportunity Wasted. 15 IV. Great Power Competition. 17 A. Threat Vectors. 17 B. BRI: The Foreign Policy Vision. 21 V. Colonialism. 23 A. The... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jordan Paradise INFORMATION OPACITY IN BIOPHARMACEUTICAL INNOVATION THROUGH THE LENS OF COVID-19 47 American Journal of Law & Medicine 157 (2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed myriad and complex challenges for our national health care system spanning preparedness, response, access, costs, infrastructure, coordination, and medical innovation. These challenges implicate federal, state, and local agencies and actors, as well as international collaborative bodies. One constant throughout... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
CQ Roll Call staff Initial Vaccination Data Shows Racial Inequities CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing (2/2/2021) (2/2/2021) Nearly 13 million people received COVID-19 vaccines between Dec. 14 and Jan. 14, but only 5.4 percent were Black and 60 percent were white, among those identified by race, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2021 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Angela S. Boettcher, Quentin H. Morse, Nora Rainey Olson Cooke, Erin McLaughlin, Caroline Young, Charissa Wood, Sasha Strong, Natasha Viteri, Taylor Schad INTRODUCTION TO THE SPECIAL ISSUE: A RETROSPECTIVE ON RACE IN AMERICA 92 University of Colorado Law Review 1259 (Special Issue 2021) On May 25th, 2020, George Floyd was arrested by four Minneapolis Police Officers for attempting to pass a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill. To subdue a nonviolent Mr. Floyd, Officer Derek Chauvin knelt on Mr. Floyd's neck. Despite Mr. Floyd repeatedly gasping I can't breathe and eventually losing consciousness, Officer Chauvin held him pinned for... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  IRS issues draft guidance on Native American COVID relief payments 6/9/2021 Articles FTWA (June 9, 2021)   2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  IS AN EMPLOYEE WHO EXERCISES EEO RIGHTS IN CONNECTION WITH COVID-19 PROTECTED FROM RETALIATION HR Compliance 8493920 (2021) Issue: An Asian-American employee complained to you about a coworker's abusive comments accusing Asian people of causing and spreading COVID-19. After an internal investigation was completed and appropriate action was taken, the employee's supervisor told him she didn't appreciate him going around her to HR to report the harassment. Since then,... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Key COVID-19 Insurance Coverage Cases Tracker (US) 2021 Minnesota Senate Resolution No. 48, Minnesota First Regular Session of the Ninety-Second Legislative Session (4/12/2021) (4/20/2021) A table of key insurance coverage cases filed to recover losses related to the ongoing 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The table summarizes each case, identifies the insurance coverage implicated, and contains links to each complaint and related resources. The cases are listed in reverse chronological order. 2021 No Information
  Key COVID-19 Insurance Coverage Cases Tracker (US): 2020 and 2021 2021 A tracker of key insurance coverage cases to recover losses related to the ongoing 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The tracker lists the cases in reverse chronological order, summarizes each case, and identifies the insurance coverage and policy provisions each case implicates, including business interruption coverage, civil... 2021 Other Documents
Khiara M. Bridges LANGUAGE ON THE MOVE: "CANCEL CULTURE," "CRITICAL RACE THEORY," AND THE DIGITAL PUBLIC SPHERE 131 Yale Law Journal Forum 767 (January 26, 2022) Scores of people have been talking about cancel culture and Critical Race Theory recently. However, what people mean when they use the terms varies wildly. This Essay examines the recent drift around the meaning of these terms, analyzing the role that the digital public sphere has played in generating these examples of language on the... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Mary Louise Frampton LAW SCHOOL DESIGN FROM A CRITICAL RACE PERSPECTIVE: THE GENESIS OF THE CHARRETTE 25 U.C. Davis Social Justice Law Review 53 (Summer, 2021) Crises often enable us to see the world in a different light and to talk more honestly about painful subjects. COVID-19 has been a calamity that has sown death and despair, distrust, and division, but it has also created the opportunity for this generation of Americans to see how racial hierarchy infects everything. For those who could previously... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Samuel Vincent Jones LAW SCHOOLS, CULTURAL COMPETENCY, AND ANTI-BLACK RACISM: THE LIBERTY OF DISCRIMINATION 21 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 84 (2021) Introduction. 84 I. Do Law Schools Have Liberty to Discriminate Against Black Law Students?. 86 A. The Black Law Student Experience. 87 B. Law Schools and the Liberty to Foster Anti-Black Racism. 90 II. Should Law Schools Require Cultural Competency Instruction as a Means to Curtail Anti-Black Racial Discrimination?. 96 A. Cultural Competency... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Celine Castronuovo Lawsuit from Stephen Miller group alleges racial discrimination in distribution of COVID-19 relief The Hill (May 13, 2021) A legal group founded by ex-Trump aide Stephen Miller on Thursday filed another lawsuit accusing the Biden administration of racial discrimination in the distribution of COVID-19 relief funds, this time for money designated for restaurant owners. 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Catherine J.K. Sandoval , Patricia A. Cain , Stephen F. Diamond , Allen S. Hammond , Jean C. Love , Stephen E. Smith , Solmaz Nabipour, M.D. LEGAL EDUCATION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: PUT HEALTH, SAFETY AND EQUITY FIRST 61 Santa Clara Law Review 367 (2021) The COVID-19 viral pandemic exposed equity and safety culture gaps in American legal education. Legal education forms part of America's Critical Infrastructure whose continuity is important to the economy, public safety, democracy, and the national security of the United States. To address the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for future viral... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
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