  Hightower v. Keystone Automotive Indus. 653 F.Supp.3d 420. United States District Court, N.D. Ohio, Eastern Division. (1/31/2023)   2023 Cases
  Kinzer v. Whole Foods Market, Inc. 652 F.Supp.3d 185, United States District Court, D. Massachusetts. Docket Number - 20-CV-11358-ADB (1/23/2023)   2023 Cases
Molly C. Schmidt LIBERATING LEGAL AID: REDUCING COVID-19'S JUSTICE GAP AND PROMOTING HEALTH BY REMOVING THE LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION'S CLASS ACTION AND ADVOCACY RESTRICTIONS 71 Cleveland State Law Review 509 (2023) The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is the single-largest funder of civil legal services, or legal aid, in the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored a longstanding and growing problem faced by low-income Americans served by LSC-funded legal aid organizations: the growing justice gap. The justice gap represents the unmet civil legal... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Kimberly J. Winbush, J.D. Litigation of Compassionate Release Law 173 American Jurisprudence Trials 1 (2023) This article addresses the procedures and relevant considerations in assessing an inmate's request for compassionate release. Most published case law addresses the federal statutory framework but included are a smattering of cases addressing state laws governing medical parole. Most requests for release stem from an inmate's serious medical... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Kimberly J. Winbush, J.D. Litigation of Employment Claims Related to COVID-19 Pandemic 177 American Jurisprudence Trials 317 (2023) This article focuses on litigation of employment claims stemming from COVID-19. There are numerous challenges to mandatory vaccination, testing, or masking policies such as challenges based on Title VII which protects against religious discrimination , the Religious Freedom Restoration Act , the First Amendment , the Fourth Amendment , the... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Rachel M. Kane, M.A., J.D. Litigation of Voter Identification Requirements Under § 2 of Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C.A. § 10301 146 American Jurisprudence Trials 207 (2023) This article discusses litigation of state voter identification requirements under § 2 of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C.A. § 10301 (formerly 42 U.S.C.A. § 1973), based upon the claim that such requirements deny and abridge the fundamental right to vote on account of race or color. Such claims are usually advanced in conjunction with claims based... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Kate Sablosky Elengold MOBILITY MATTERS: WHERE HIGHER EDUCATION MEETS TRANSPORTATION 13 UC Irvine Law Review 619 (March, 2023) Higher education has long been hailed as the key to social and economic mobility. And yet, mobility itself is one of the greatest barriers to equity in higher education. Although scholars and policymakers have thus far paid scant attention to the role of transportation in higher education, this Article establishes why that oversight undermines... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Ani Boyadjian MOVING TOWARD POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY: BEYOND SENATE BILL 2 56 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1355 (Fall, 2023) On September 30, 2021, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Senate Bill 2 (SB 2), creat[ing] a system to investigate and revoke or suspend peace officer certification for serious misconduct, as well as establishing the Peace Officer Standards Accountability Division and the Peace Standards Accountability Advisory Board, which will be... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Andrew Hammond ON FIRES, FLOODS, AND FEDERALISM 111 California Law Review 1067 (August, 2023) In the United States, law condemns poor people to their fates in states. Where Americans live continues to dictate whether they can access cash, food, and medical assistance. What's more, immigrants, territorial residents, and tribal members encounter deteriorated corners of the American welfare state. Nonetheless, despite repeated retrenchment... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Shefali Milczarek-Desai OPENING THE PANDEMIC PORTAL TO RE-IMAGINE PAID SICK LEAVE FOR IMMIGRANT WORKERS 111 California Law Review 1171 (August, 2023) Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. --Arundhati Roy The COVID-19 pandemic has spotlighted the crisis low-wage immigrant and migrant (im/migrant) workers face when caught in the century-long collision... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Petition for Writ of Certiorari Docket Number - No. 23-630. (12/9/2023) () Petitioner is JAMES E. PIETRANGELO, II. He was the Plaintiff-Appellant below. Respondents are CHRISTOPHER T. SUNUNU, in both his official and individual capacities as Governor of the State... 2023 Briefs
Jean Galbraith, Latifa AlMarri, Lisha Bhati, Rheem Brooks, Zachary Green, Margo Hu, Noor Irshaidat POVERTY PENALTIES AS HUMAN RIGHTS PROBLEMS 117 American Journal of International Law 397 (July, 2023) Fines and other financial sanctions are frequently imposed by criminal justice systems around the world. Yet they also raise grave concerns about economic discrimination. Unless they are perfectly scaled to defendants' financial circumstances, they will penalize poor persons far more than rich ones--and poor defendants' inability to pay can lead to... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
L. S. Tellier Proof as to exclusion of or discrimination against eligible class or race in respect to jury in criminal case 1 American Law Reports ALR2d 1291 (2023) It is recognized that an intentional, planned, and deliberate exclusion of, or discrimination against, members of a particular political or economic group, religious faith, race, or sex, by officers in charge of the selection and summoning of jurors, is in contravention of the constitutional right to jury trial and of the due process" and "equal..." 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Proof of Unconstitutional Prison Conditions 24 AMJUR POF 3d 467 (2023) Prisons in the United States are currently filled to capacity. Experts predict this trend is likely to continue as crime rates escalate and politicians try to make good on campaign promises to get tough on crime." If prison populations continue to increase and the amount of funding available for their operation remains inadequate 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Emy E. Metzger PROTECTING PIPE PRIVACY: HOW SAMPLING WASTEWATER AND UTILIZING BIOLOGICAL DATA TO CONTROL THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 MAY VIOLATE THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY UNDER THE FOURTH AMENDMENT 64 Boston College Law Review 1411 (June, 2023) Abstract: In response to the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, federal agencies, and universities have implemented the National Wastewater Surveillance System to detect Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ribonucleic acid in wastewater. By monitoring wastewater for SARS-CoV-2, authorities can identify the... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Heather Tanana PROTECTING TRIBAL PUBLIC HEALTH FROM CLIMATE CHANGE 15 Northeastern University Law Review 89 (March, 2023) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction 95 I. Climate Change in Indian Country 103 2A. Climate-Related Changes to Water 105 2B. Health Impacts of Climate Change 115 2C. Cultural Impacts of Climate Change 122 II. The Convergence of Federal Treaty and Trust Responsibilities, Tribal Health, and Climate Change 128 2A. Federal Responsibility to Provide... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Yuvraj Joshi RACIAL TIME 90 University of Chicago Law Review 1625 (October, 2023) Racial time describes how inequality shapes people's experiences and perceptions of time. This Article reviews the multidisciplinary literature on racial time and then demonstrates how Black activists have made claims about time that challenge prevailing norms. While white majorities often view racial justice measures as both too late and too soon,... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Cary Martin Shelby RACISM AS A THREAT TO FINANCIAL STABILITY 118 Northwestern University Law Review 755 (2023) Abstract--This Article draws from several theoretical frameworks such as critical race theory, law and economics, and rule of law conceptions to argue that the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) should formally recognize racism as a threat to financial stability due to its interconnectedness with recent and projected systemic disruptions.... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Response to Plaintiff's Fourth Motion to Compel Discovery ocket Number - No. 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA. (6/6/2023) FN1. v1st motion pertaining to Defendant Abro NOW COMES, Defendant, Raymond Abro, by and through its attorneys, O'ReillyRancilio P.C., andfor his Response to Plaintiffs Fourth Motion to... 2023 Trial Court Documents
Thalia González RESTORATIVE JUSTICE DIVERSION AS A STRUCTURAL HEALTH INTERVENTION IN THE CRIMINAL LEGAL SYSTEM 113 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 541 (Summer, 2023) A new discourse at the intersection of criminal justice and public health is bringing to light how exposure to the ordinariness of racism in the criminal legal system--whether in policing practices or carceral settings--leads to extraordinary outcomes in health. Drawing on empirical evidence of the deleterious health effects of system involvement... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Manjusha P. Kulkarni, Esq. STOPPING AAPI HATE: COVID-19 RELATED RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ASIAN AMERICANS AND PACIFIC ISLANDERS, ITS ORIGINS, OUR HISTORY AND AVENUES FOR REDRESS 26 Asian Pacific American Law Journal 75 (Spring, 2023) Between March 2020 and March 2022, Stop AAPI Hate received over eleven thousand reports of anti-Asian hate and discrimination. Analysis of the data indicates that 67% of incidents involve harassment, 17% involve physical assault and 12% involve civil rights violations, including refusal of service, vandalism and discrimination in housing and the... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Brenda D. Gibson TEACHING IN THE MIDST OF TRAUMA 27 Legal Writing: The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute 251 (2023) After giving a talk on Teaching in Times of Uncertainty, I decided to write an essay that more closely reflected my personal experiences in the legal academy during the past two years: Teaching in the Midst of Trauma. As an African-American woman, who had just lost my mother (for whom I had been a caregiver in my home for ten years) and moved... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Claire E. Remillard TELEHEALTH IS HERE TO STAY: WHY MEDICAID SHOULD PERMANENTLY REQUIRE STATES TO OFFER MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES THROUGH TELEHEALTH 23 Journal of High Technology Law 363 (2023) A troublesome image: a global pandemic threatening the health of you and your loved ones, an over-crowded apartment with stir-crazy children, bills piling up, the peak of stressful family dynamics, job and income insecurity. For many Americans, this scenario was reality during the COVID-19 pandemic. Navigating everyday life during an ever-evolving... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Noah C. Nix TEXTBOOK RESISTANCE: TEXAS' BAN ON CRITICAL RACE THEORY FAILS THE EDUCATION STANDARDS MANDATED BY INTERNATIONAL LAW 51 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 765 (2023) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 767 II. The New Texas Education Code Provisions in the Midst of an American Racial Reawakening and the Consequent Debate Over the Teaching of Critical Race Theory. 770 A. The New Texas Education Code Provision: Texas Education Code 28.0022, Certain Instructional Requirements and Prohibitions, Effective... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Etienne C. Toussaint THE ABOLITION OF FOOD OPPRESSION 111 Georgetown Law Journal 1043 (May, 2023) Public health experts trace the heightened risk of mortality from COVID-19 among historically marginalized populations to their high rates of diabetes, asthma, and hypertension, among other diet-related comorbidities. However, food justice activists call attention to structural oppression in global food systems, perhaps best illuminated by the... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Verónica C. Gonzales-Zamora THE COVID CEILING 39 Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review 105 (2023) Throughout the pandemic, Mother-Scholars, one of many types of super-moms, have persisted despite the burdens of gender inequity in academia and the challenges of bearing the bulk of the domestic duties at home. The deep networks of help and social capital, referred to as familismo in Latina/x/o parenting discourse, that have historically helped... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Paul J. Larkin , GianCarlo Canaparo THE FALLACY OF SYSTEMIC RACISM IN THE AMERICAN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 18 Liberty University Law Review 1 (Fall, 2023) Critics of the criminal justice system have repeatedly charged it with systemic racism. It is a tenet of the war on the War on Drugs, it is a justification used by the so-called progressive prosecutors to reject the Broken Windows theory of law enforcement, and it is an article of faith of the Defund the Police! movement. Even President... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Rosa Celorio THE KALEIDOSCOPE OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND HUMAN RIGHTS: THE PROMISE OF INTERNATIONAL LITIGATION FOR WOMEN, INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, AND CHILDREN 13 Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 155 (Spring, 2023) Climate change has been identified as a global emergency, a major international development issue, and a priority concern by many international and national entities. Women, Indigenous peoples, and children are some of the individuals and groups most affected by the adverse impacts of climate change. The author contends in this article that... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Roma Sharma , Tienne Anderson , Crowell & Moring, Washington, DC, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Inc., Memphis, TN THE PROMISE AND PERIL OF ADVANCING HEALTH EQUITY THROUGH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 35 Health Lawyer 23 (August, 2023) Today, whether a child survives cancer depends, in large part, on where that child lives. Children with cancer in high-income countries (HIC) have an over 80% chance of survival. That rate is flipped for children in lower- and middle-income countries (LMIC), where children with cancer have an 80% chance of mortality. This statistic is especially... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Paul Diller TRAINING A PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS LENS ON VACCINE PASSPORTS 27 Lewis & Clark Law Review 523 (2023) The Covid pandemic and the rise of smartphone technology enabled the use of vaccine passports--that is, a requirement to show proof of vaccination against Covid--on a scale unmatched before in human history. In the United States, many public accommodations such as restaurants, coffee shops, stadiums, and movie theaters required patrons to show... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Lindsay Sain Jones , Goldburn P. Maynard, Jr. UNFULFILLED PROMISES OF THE FINTECH REVOLUTION 111 California Law Review 801 (June, 2023) While financial technology (fintech) has the potential to make financial services more accessible and affordable, hope that technology alone can solve the complex issue of wealth inequality is misplaced. After all, fintech companies are still subject to the same market forces as traditional financial institutions, with little incentive to address... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Pamela S. Kohlmeier, MD, JD, Monique M. Trammell, JD, David Line, PhD, MPH, MSW VACCINE MANDATES IN THE COVID-19 ERA: A SURVEY OF VACCINE LAWS, SOCIETAL TRENDS, AND ETHICS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 59 Idaho Law Review 581 (2023) C1-2TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION. 582 A. The COVID-19 Vaccines. 582 B. Hesitancy and Reluctance to Vaccinate Against COVID-19. 583 C. The Impacts of Remaining Unvaccinated Against COVID-19. 586 D. Vaccine Mandates: A Solution to COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy. 589 II. VACCINE MANDATES AND THE CURRENT LEGAL LANDSCAPE. 590 A. Challenges to Federal... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Catherine Powell WAR ON COVID: WARFARE AND ITS DISCONTENTS 70 UCLA Law Review Discourse 2 (2023) L1-2TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. 4 I. Wartime Framework: Presidential Overreach and Underreach. 10 A. Presidential Rhetoric: Using a War Framing for the COVID-19 Crisis. 10 B. Presidential Power and Legal Authority. 12 C. Executive Underreach and Overreach. 14 D. Executive Underreach and Overreach during the Trump Administration. 15 E. Executive... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Samantha Newman WHAT A WASTE! AN EVALUATION OF FEDERAL AND STATE MEDICAL AND BIOHAZARD WASTE REGULATIONS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND THEIR IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 34 Villanova Environmental Law Journal 57 (2023) Scientists first reported the novel human coronavirus (COVID-19) disease in late 2019. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic, meaning it is a disease that is prevalent across the globe. COVID-19 is one of only five documented pandemics since the 1918 flu. Understanding the COVID-19 virus and its global... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Charisa Smith WHEN COVID CAPITALISM SILENCES CHILDREN 71 University of Kansas Law Review 553 (May, 2023) The lingering COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in policy developments that mar child and family wellbeing while effectively suppressing U.S. children in civic life. Although the prevailing framework for child-parent-state conflicts already antagonized families and disenfranchised youth, COVID Capitalism threatens to silence children on virtually... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Deborah M. Weissman WHO NEEDS THE STATE?: WE DO (MAYBE) 101 North Carolina Law Review 1261 (June, 2023) The interdependency between private needs and public support is nowhere set in as sharp relief than in the relationship between the family and the State. Families, perhaps the most intimate of all social arrangements, depend upon government safety net guarantees to families in need. But the norm of State support to families is a condition that... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Logan K. Jackson WILLFUL DISREGARD: HOW IGNORING STRUCTURAL RACISM IN MATERNAL MORTALITY HAS LED BLACK WOMEN TO BECOME INVISIBLE IN THEIR OWN CRISIS 38 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 131 (2023) Indeed, in important respects, if the general discourse that surrounds racial disparities in maternal mortality is impoverished, then we should expect that the solutions that observers propose to this problem will be impoverished as well. Introduction. 132 I. The Historical Legacy of Slavery on Black Women's Reproductive Health and Autonomy. 134 A.... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Lydia Davenport WOULD JUSTICE SCALIA THINK BLACK GUNS MATTER? 47 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 1 (2023) Do Black Guns Matter? This Article considers what Justice Scalia's opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller tells us about how the law treats Black gun owners' rights. The opinion appears to tell two stories. One elevates white gun holders through three white paradigms: the colonial revolutionary, the frontiersman, and the hunter. The second... 2023 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  § 11:8. Freedom of expression-Speech Government Discrimination: Equal Protection Law and Litigation § 11:8 (2022) Freedom of speech has long been considered fundamental, enjoying explicit First Amendment protection, and the Constitution prohibits discrimination based on what one says, the identity of the speaker, what organization one belongs to, or one's political activities. Discrimination based on the message one sends violates the First Amendment and the... 2022 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  § 3:15. Discretionary administrative system Government Discrimination: Equal Protection Law and Litigation § 3:15 (2022) A scheme to select candidates based on subjective personal interviews and feelings rather than objective criteria would satisfy the requirement of a device with a potential for abuse that when accompanying disproportionate impact will permit an inference of purposefulness. The focus, typically in criminal prosecution challenges, is on the... 2022 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  § 4:16. Government classification Government Discrimination: Equal Protection Law and Litigation § 4:16 (2022) Legislatures make a myriad of distinctions based upon narrowly distinguishable similarly situated entities. Age classifications are a typical example, where a line is simply drawn at an arbitrary dividing point, such as first-grade school attendance at age six, court admissibility of statements by children under age 12, the placement of... 2022 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  § 4:18. Health legislation Government Discrimination: Equal Protection Law and Litigation § 4:18 (2022) Government classifications established in setting health standards or seeking to protect the public health, as in the case of vaccination, quarantine or inspection laws, anti-smoking rules, COVID-19 pandemic emergency orders, and rules designed to reduce health costs or extend health care benefits, are accorded maximum deference under the rational... 2022 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  § 5:4. Race-Discriminatory application of law Government Discrimination: Equal Protection Law and Litigation § 5:4 (2022) The most celebrated equal protection violation cases in recent years have been those challenging the discriminatory impact of facially neutral laws. The problems of proof of such discrimination are discussed in § 3:4, supra. Although laws with such disparate impact are often invalidated under statutory standards, most constitutional challenges are... 2022 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  § 8:4. Disabled persons Government Discrimination: Equal Protection Law and Litigation § 8:4 (2022) Although the disabled have received extensive, albeit belated, attention by legislatures in the areas of employment, education, housing, physical access, and other forms of bias, the Court has failed to provide heightened scrutiny for discrimination suffered. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act, employees are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave... 2022 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  § 9:4. Religion Government Discrimination: Equal Protection Law and Litigation § 9:4 (2022) Religion-based discrimination is rarely challenged under the equal protection clause. Typically, government action interfering with religious practices had been reviewed under the free exercise clause of the First Amendment and historically accorded strict scrutiny requiring a compelling state interest for any coercion as to or interference with... 2022 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  ¶ 68,472 FEDERAL EFFORTS TO PROVIDE VACCINES TO RACIAL AND ETHNIC GROUPS Medicare and Medicaid Guide P 68472 (2022) ¶ 68,472. GAO Report, No. GAO-22-105079, February 7, 2022. February 2022 GAO-22-105079 Highlights of GAO-22-105079, a report to congressional committees COVID-19 continues to have devastating effects on public health, serious economic repercussions, and has disproportionately affected some racial and ethnic groups. Ensuring all racial and ethnic... 2022 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  ¶ 68,472 FEDERAL EFFORTS TO PROVIDE VACCINES TO RACIAL AND ETHNIC GROUPS Medicare and Medicaid Guide P 68472 (2022) ¶ 68,472. GAO Report, No. GAO-22-105079, February 7, 2022. February 2022 GAO-22-105079 Highlights of GAO-22-105079, a report to congressional committees COVID-19 continues to have devastating effects on public health, serious economic repercussions, and has disproportionately affected some racial and ethnic groups. Ensuring all racial and ethnic... 2022 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  ¶ 68,472 GAO REPORT, GAO-22-105079, FEBRUARY 7, 2022 - FEDERAL EFFORTS TO PROVIDE VACCINES TO RACIAL AND ETHNIC GROUPS Medicare and Medicaid Guide P 68472 (2022) February 2022 GAO-22-105079 Highlights of GAO-22-105079, a report to congressional committees COVID-19 continues to have devastating effects on public health, serious economic repercussions, and has disproportionately affected some racial and ethnic groups. Ensuring all racial and ethnic groups have fair access to the COVID-19 vaccine is critical... 2022 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Grayson (A), Arambula (A) , Boerner Horvath (A) , Flora (A) , Cristina Garcia (A) , Reyes (A) , Santiago (A) , Waldron (A) , Akilah Weber (A) 2021 CA A.C.R. 112 (NS) 2021 California Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 112, California 2021-2022 Regular Session (3-Jan-22) SUMMARY: Relative to Positive Parenting Awareness Month. CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE--2021-22 REGULAR SESSION Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 112 Introduced by Assembly Member Grayson (Coauthors: Assembly Members Arambula, Boerner Horvath, Flora, Cristina Garcia, Reyes, Santiago, Waldron, and Akilah Weber) January 3, 2022 Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 112--Relative to Positive Parenting Awareness Month. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST ACR 112, as introduced, Grayson. Positive Parenting Awareness Month. This measure would declare the month of January 2022 as Positive Parenting Awareness Month.... 2022 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Grayson (A), Aguiar-Curry (A) , Arambula (A) , Bauer-Kahan (A) , Bennett (A) , Berman (A) , Bigelow (A) , Bloom (A) , Boerner Horvath (A) , Mia Bonta (A) , Bryan (A) , Burke (A) , Calderon (A) , Cervantes (A) , Cooley (A) , Cunningham (A) , Megan Dahle (A 2021 CA A.C.R. 112 (NS) 2021 California Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 112, California 2021-2022 Regular Session (15-Feb-22) SUMMARY: Relative to Positive Parenting Awareness Month. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 112 Adopted in Assembly January 18, 2022 __________________________________ Chief Clerk of the Assembly Adopted in Senate February 14, 2022 __________________________________ Secretary of the Senate This resolution was received by the Secretary of State this _____ day of ______________, 2022, at _____ o'clock ___M. __________________________________ Deputy Secretary of State RESOLUTION CHAPTER ________ Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 112--Relative to Positive Parenting Awareness Month. LEGISLATIVE... 2022 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
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