Cynthia L. Cooper LAWYERS TACKLE MATERNAL MORTALITY 106-NOV A.B.A. J. 18, ABA Journal (11/30/2020) New concerns about maternal risks in pregnancy emerged as COVID-19 plowed its way across the country this year. In April, New York Gov. Mario Cuomo convened the COVID-19 Maternity Task Force to look at alternative facilities for delivery. In May, the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs called on Congress to fund research on the... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Brendan Williams Left for Dead: Nursing Home Care Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic 24 Quinnipiac Health Law Journal 24 (2020) (2020) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 31 II. A Challenged Care Sector. 33 A. Funding. 33 B. Resident Demographics. 34 C. Regulation of Care. 35 D. International Response. 37 E. The Response in the United States. 38 III. Concluding Recommendations. 62 2020 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Gary Blankenship LEGAL AID WORKING ON PANDEMIC, RACIAL EQUALITY ISSUES 7/2020 The Florida Bar News 11 (7/1/2020) (7/1/2020) Online intake, putting brochures in baskets from food banks, and direct mail to low-income Floridians are ways legal aid offices are reaching out to residents facing the triple threat of a pandemic, an economic meltdown, and widespread social unrest. Those offices also report they are bracing for an expected tidal wave of eviction cases and seeing; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jim Alrutz Legislative Update: Early State and Federal Responses to Coronavirus-related School Closures 40 Children's Legal Rights Journal 146 (2020) (12/1/2020) By April 7, 2020, every state and territory of the United States, including Washington, D.C., took measures to close schools in response to the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, known colloquially as the coronavirus. These measures ranged from a recommendation for school closures to executive orders closing schools for the remainder of the... 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
Karima Bennoune Lest We Should Sleep: Covid-19 and Human Rights 114 American Journal of International Law 666 (October, 2020) (10/1/2020) Any meaningful human rights law approach to COVID-19 must be holistic and recognize the breadth of the challenges to both economic, social, and cultural rights, and civil and political rights. It must be grounded in the threat posed by the disease but also address responses to it, and implicate a wide range of state and nonstate actors. Such an... 2020 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
UCLA Chapter, Asian/Pacific Islander Law Students Association LETTER FROM THE ASIAN/PACIFIC ISLANDER LAW STUDENTS ASSOCIATION REGARDING STEPHEN BAINBRIDGE 68 UCLA Law Review Discourse 22 (2020) (Abstract on (9/9/2020) The following letter from the UCLA School of Law chapter of the Asian/Pacific Islander Law Students Association was sent to UCLA School of Law administrators on April 13, 2020, in response to anti-Asian statements by a professor. This was not an isolated incidence of hateful language in the UCLA Law community. Earlier in the school year, other UCLA... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Ruby Dhand, Anita Szigeti, Maya Kotob, Michael Kennedy, Rebecca Ye Litigating in the Time of Coronavirus: Mental Health Tribunals' Response to Covid-19 37 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 132 (2020) (12/1/2020) People with mental health and addiction issues are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 given the elevated risk of contracting COVID-19 within psychiatric facilities. The impact of the pandemic on this extraordinarily vulnerable population includes the potential for large outbreaks and multiple deaths. There is also the increased risk of serious... 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
Pamela Wolf, J.D. LITIGATION NEWS, TRENDS-DISPARATE IMPACT ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT AGAINST TYSON, JBS CHALLENGES LACK OF COVID-19 WORKER PROTECTIONS Wolters Kluwer Employment Law Daily (7/9/2020) The companies' current operating procedures have a discriminatory impact on the predominantly Black, Latino, and Asian workforce at their plants, according to the complaint. On July 8, a nationwide coalition of organizations that advocate for meat processing workers and allied groups filed an administrative civil rights complaint against; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Pamela Wolf, J.D. LITIGATION NEWS, TRENDS-HHS, CDC ALLEGEDLY FAILED TO FULFILL STATUTORY DUTIES IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC Wolters Kluwer Employment Law Daily (11/2/2020) The federal government has purportedly shown a pattern of misconduct and neglect in response to a pandemic that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives in this country and has inflicted pain, suffering and illness upon millions more. A New York public charter school and its administrator, a community health organization and its CEO and public... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jacob Bielanski LOANS-NUMEROUS GROUPS URGE CANCELLATION OF STUDENT DEBT IN NEXT COVID-19 RELIEF BILL 2020 WL 4012884 (7/16/2020) Over 100 groups support earlier efforts to forgive $30, 000 of roughly 45 million borrowers' student-loan debts, in addition to extending a payment forbearance provision under the CARES Act ending at a cliff on October 1. Congressional leaders have been asked to include student debt-relief that meets the scale of student debt issues as part of the; LOANSNUMEROUS GROUPS URGE CANCELLATION OF STUDENT DEBT IN NEXT COVID- 19 RELIEF BILL July 16, 2020 By Jacob Bielanski By Over; CARES) Act. Including student debt cancellation as part of our coronavirus response would put borrowers and their families on better financial footing, provide an immediate economic boost, advance racial equity, relieve strain on other federal and state programs, and; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Justine Coleman Loeffler, Perdue Praise Trump for Signing Covid-19 Relief Legislation after Uncertainty The Hill (27-Dec-20) (12/27/2020) Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) praised President Trump for signing COVID-19 relief legislation on Sunday after his repeated criticisms on the stimulus check amounts raised questions about the bills future. 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
Reena K. Shah, Esq. Maryland Attorney General's Covid-19 Access to Justice Task Force 2 No. 2 Maryland Bar Journal 100 (2020) (12/1/2020) In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, too many hard-working Maryland residents face extraordinary challenges in virtually all aspects of their lives: health, food, employment, housing, finances, estate planning and family issues. Over 3300 Marylanders have died as a result of COVID-19; unemployment filings have skyrocketed from 2,090 in March... 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
  Maryland Attorney General's Covid-19 Access to Justice Task Force 2 No. 2Maryland Bar Journal 103 (2020) (12/1/2020) We are living in uncertain and turbulent times. The coinciding events of the COVID-19 pandemic and the unjust deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor have brought into sharp relief the structural racial inequities within the health care and criminal justice systems - and laid bare disproportionate harms to the most vulnerable among us. The civil... 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
Caroline V. Lawrence, The COVID-Dynamic Team MASKING UP: A COVID-19 FACE-OFF BETWEEN ANTI-MASK LAWS AND MANDATORY MASK ORDERS FOR BLACK AMERICANS 11 Cal. L. Rev. Online 479, California Law Review Online (11/30/2020) Mandatory PPE orders during COVID-19 have forced Black Americans to weigh the dangers of disease against the dangers of selective enforcement and racial profiling. In states with civil rights-era anti-mask laws, both wearing and eschewing masks could lead to police interaction. This Essay argues that anti-mask laws were only superficially intended... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
John Bowden Maxine Waters: Trump more concerned about Confederate statues than coronavirus The Hill (6/25/2020) Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) took aim at President Trump on Thursday, saying he is more concerned with protecting Confederate monuments than halting the spread of the coronavirus. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Tal Axelrod McConnell launches ad touting role in passing coronavirus relief The Hill (3/31/2020) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday launched a new ad for his reelection campaign touting his role in passing a $2 trillion coronavirus relief package that was signed into law last week. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jordain Carney Mcconnell: 'Cooperation and Focus' Needed to Finalize Covid-19 Deal The Hill (19-Dec-20) (12/19/2020) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Saturday warned against dragging out coronavirus talks as negotiators race to try to finalize a deal by the end of the day. 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
  Michigan governor's order mandating COVID-19 testing for agricultural workers challenged in court 411 Corporate Counsel's Monitor NL 8, Corporate Counsel's Monitor (11/1/2020) Agricultural business owners and employees (collectively, the plaintiffs) recently challenge the enforcement of an emergency order the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services issued imposing COVID-19 testing protocols on employers and housing providers in certain agricultural settings beginning on August 24, 2020. The plaintiffs alleged... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jim Saksa, CQ Roll Call Mnuchin offers insight on PPP changes in next COVID-19 relief bill CQ Roll Call Washington Banking Briefing (7/17/2020) Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin gave an indication Friday of the potential changes to a forgivable loan program that's been a lifeline for small businesses hurt by COVID-19; ; Mnuchin offers insight on PPP changes in next COVID- 19 relief bill July 17, 2020 Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin gave; for 6-months of fixed operating costs and payroll. The coronavirus has disproportionately devastated Black and Latino communities, who've suffered higher infection and hospitalization rates than whites; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Emily Kopp, CQ Roll Call Moderna Covid-19 Trial Data Shows Vaccine Is Broadly Effective CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing (15-Dec-20) (12/1/2020) The COVID-19 vaccine co-developed by Moderna and the National Institutes of Health is broadly effective, according to documents released by the pharmaceutical company and the Food and Drug Administration Tuesday. 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
Blair Chavis, et. Al. MOMENT -OR- MOVEMENT? 106-NOV A.B.A. J. 34, ABA Journal (11/30/2020) Lawyers have a long tradition of supporting efforts to bring racial and social justice to this country. They've argued important civil rights cases, demanded police accountability and advocated for public policies to address systemic and institutional racism. Recent killings of unarmed Black people by police have sparked a new wave of protests and... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
David Jordan, CQ Roll Call Money needed to battle environmental injustice during COVID-19, panel told CQ Roll Call Washington Energy Briefing (6/9/2020) Communities affected by higher rates of pollution will need greater investment to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and improve their local environment, witnesses told a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee, 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Native American casino owner sues Lloyd's, AIG over coronavirus shutdown losses 30 Westlaw Journal Insurance Coverage 01 (2020) (2020) A Native American tribe on March 24 sued a group of insurance companies, asking a court to declare that losses it is incurring from shutting down its casinos during the coronavirus pandemic are covered by its business insurance. The suit by the Chickasaw Nation in an Oklahoma state court names insurance marketplace Lloyd's of London, as; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Troy Sepion Native American nations seek coverage for COVID-19 business interruption WESTLAW Insurance Daily Briefing (4/14/2020) Two Oklahoma Native American tribal nations have filed lawsuits against their insurers, seeking coverage for losses and expenses they incurred when they closed businesses and services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Morgan Gstalter New York AG launches hotline to report coronavirus hate crimes, xenophobia against Asian Americans The Hill (3/25/2020) New York Attorney General Letitia James launched a hotline this week for people to report hate crimes and biased incidents against Asian Americans during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Emily Kopp, CQ Roll Call NIH sets national strategy to unify effort on COVID-19 drugs and vaccines CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing (4/20/2020) The National Institutes of Health announced an initiative to unify disparate efforts across the drug industry to respond to the coronavirus-related pandemic. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Order Establishing Supplemental Covid-19 Restrictions in the City of Boston (12/14/2020) (MA Muni.) (12/14/2020)   2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  ORDER OF THE HEALTH OFFICER OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO REQUIRING CERTAIN HEALTHCARE FACILITIES WITHIN THE CITY TO OFFER AND CONDUCT SARS-COV-2 DIAGNOSTIC TESTING TO SYMPTOMATIC PERSONS, PERSONS WHO HAVE HAD (8/13/2020) TO SYMPTOMATIC PERSONS, PERSONS WHO HAVE HAD CONTACT WITH CONFIRMED COVID- 19 CASES, AND PERSONS WHO ARE AT HIGHER RISK OF EXPOSURE; of infection and may be at higher risk of developing COVID- 19 o People Living in High Density Situations o Other congregate; that increase their risk for severe illness and death from COVID- 19: o Racial and ethnic minority groups (see: coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extraprecautions/ racial-ethnic-minorities.html o Black/ African American Community o Latina/o/x Community o. . .Native Americans; 2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  Order Relating to Stage 5 Covid-19 Community Restrictions (12/23/2020) (TX Muni.) (12/23/2020)   2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  ORDER REQUIRING CERTAIN HEALTHCARE FACILITIES WITHIN THE CITY TO OFFER AND CONDUCT SARSCOV-2 DIAGNOSTIC TESTING TO SYMPTOMATIC PERSONS, PERSONS WHO HAVE HAD CONTACT WITH CONFIRMED COVID-19 CASES, AND PERSONS WHO ARE AT H (7/21/2020) TO SYMPTOMATIC PERSONS, PERSONS WHO HAVE HAD CONTACT WITH CONFIRMED COVID- 19 CASES, AND PERSONS WHO ARE AT HIGHER RISK OF EXPOSURE; of infection and may be at higher risk of developing COVID- 19 o People Living in High Density Situations o Other congregate… ; that increase their risk for severe illness and death from COVID- 19: o Racial and ethnic minority groups (see: coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extraprecautions/ racial-ethnic-minorities.html o Black/ African American Community o Latina/o/x Community o Native Americans; 2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
Liam Kenney Osha & Addressing the Disparate Impact of Covid-19 Within Vulnerable Communities 30 Annals Annals of Health Law Advance Directive 243 (Fall, 2020) (2020) The last few decades have showcased drastic leaps toward a cohesive global community not only through relations between states in economics and technology, but also in healthcare policy. In a world of increasing human connection and unprecedented access to global travel, a worldwide pandemic presents one of the most serious public health concerns.... 2020 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
By Pamela Wolf, J.D. OSHA NEWS-$15K PENALTY ASSESSED FOR JBS' FAILURE TO PROTECT WORKERS FROM COVID-19 Wolters Kluwer Employment Law Daily (9/14/2020) Although the agency was silent about the details, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union said the outbreak led to eight deaths and more than 200 infections. OSHA has cited JBS Foods Inc. in Greeley, Colorado, for failing to protect employees from exposure to COVID-19, proposing $15, 615 in penalties. Previously, JBS separately was called out... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Pandemic of Coverage Litigation for Business Income Losses Due to Coronavirus Plagues Insurance Industry 41 No. 6 California Tort Reporter NL 1 (7/1/2020) As businesses across the nation scramble to find ways to survive this COVID-19 pandemic, many are realizing that their lost business income should be covered under their business insurance policies and are filing claims seeking the coverage to which they are entitled. These policies generally provide for Business Interruption coverage. In fact, a; Pandemic of Coverage Litigation for Business Income Losses Due to Coronavirus Plagues Insurance Industry Charles S. LiMandri, Milan L. Brandon, and; WL 1684037 (Okla. Dist. Ct., Pontotoc Cty. Mar. 24, 2020) ( Native American Tribes suit against insurers in Oklahoma state court in; theaters and restaurants alleging that the continuous presence of the coronavirus on or around Plaintiffs premises has rendered the premises unsafe; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Charles J. Reid, Jr. Pandemic of Inequality: an Introduction to Inequality of Race, Wealth, and Class, Equality of Opportunity 14 University of St. Thomas Journal of Law & Public Policy 1 (December, 2020) (2020) This Symposium was proposed and planned months before COVID-19 emerged as a public health emergency. Still, it can safely be said that the COVID pandemic that ravaged the United States in the summer and fall of 2020-a pandemic, furthermore, that poses an even greater threat in the upcoming winter-has revealed in vivid detail the inequalities at... 2020 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
John Bowden Pelosi: White House made 'unacceptable changes' to testing language during negotiations on coronavirus stimulus The Hill (10/18/2020) Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) accused White House officials of making unacceptable changes" to language concerning funding for COVID-19 testing efforts in the framework of an emerging coronavirus relief deal." 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Brett Samuels Pence seeks to boost Daines in critical Montana Senate race The Hill (9/14/2020) BELGRADE, Mont. The Big Sky Country got the vice presidential treatment on Monday as the White House threw its muscle behind Sen. Steve Daines (R) in a race that could decide control of the Senate in November. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Kaelan Deese Perdue, Ocasio-cortez Spar on Twitter over Georgia Races The Hill (12-Dec-20) (12/12/2020) Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) sparred Saturday over the upcoming Georgia Senate runoffs, with the progressive congresswoman urging Democrats to turn out to vote and the GOP senator pushing the liberal firebrand to go to Georgia and campaign in person. 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
  Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of their Motion for Preliminary Injunction Docket Number: No. 2:19-CV-05685-DWL. (5/12/2020) FNa1. Admitted pro hac vice FN1. Richard Pildes, How Many Absentee Ballots in WI Came In on Time Because of the Court Decision to Extend the Receipt Deadline? Election Law Blog (Apr. 15, ; 2020 Trial Court Documents
John Bowden Poll: 80 percent of African Americans say Trump has done 'fair' or 'poor' job handling coronavirus The Hill (5/19/2020) A majority of African Americans hold a negative view of President Trump and the federal government's handling of the coronavirus crisis, according to a new poll. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Max Greenwood Poll: Serious concerns about coronavirus drop in six battleground states (8/26/2020) Serious concerns about the coronavirus pandemic are on the decline in some of the nations most critical battleground states, while approval of President Trumps handling of the outbreak is rising, according to a new CNBC-Change Research poll released on Wednesday; ; Poll: Serious concerns about coronavirus drop in six battleground states August 26, 2020 Serious concerns; to the CNBC-Change Research poll. But in a presidential race in which both Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden are; has faced backlash for months over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The poll still showed Biden leading Trump in each; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  President Donald J. Trump Is Promoting Safe Plasma Donations to Protect Americans and Defeat Covid-19 White House (30-Jul-20) (7/30/2020)   2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  Press Briefing by Vice President Pence and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force July 8, 2020 White House (8-Jul-20) (7/8/2020)   2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  PRESS BRIEFING BY VICE PRESIDENT PENCE AND MEMBERS OF THE WHITE HOUSE CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE BATON ROUGE, LA (7/14/2020) BY VICE PRESIDENT PENCE AND MEMBERS OF THE WHITE HOUSE CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE | BATON ROUGE, LA July 14, 2020 Louisiana State; of the risk factors for having a worse episode of coronavirus infection - the obesity, diabetes, hypertension, minority race - are represented in our state. We have the ability to; 2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  Press Briefing by Vice President Pence and Members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force Baton Rouge, La White House (14-Jul-20) (7/14/2020)   2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
Valena E. Beety PRETRIAL DISMISSAL IN THE INTEREST OF JUSTICE: A RESPONSE TO COVID-19 AND PROTEST ARRESTS 11/16/2020 U. Chi. L. Rev. Online 44, University of Chicago Law Review Online (11/16/2020) The most dangerous place to be in America is prison or jail. The coronavirus pandemic, which, when paired with unsanitary and overcrowded incarceration conditions, can transform a few months' sentence into a lifelong health condition or death, compounds the inherent dangers of incarceration in America. Nationally, in fact, jails and prisons are... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
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