  PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2020 (10/30/2020) The White House Office of Communications PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2020 October 30, 2020 During National Native American... 2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
Niv Elis PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2021 The Hill (11/6/2020) The election results, both known and unknown, have scrambled the prospects for a new coronavirus relief bill after months of negotiations. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2022 (6/22/2020) Defendant Brad Raffensperger, in his official capacity as the Secretary of State of Georgia (Defendant or the Secretary), respectfully submits this Brief in support of his Motion to... 2020 Trial Court Documents
Gavin Hart, Esq. PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2023 WESTLAW Labor and Employment Daily Briefing (11/6/2020) A registered nurse at a California hospital has filed a complaint alleging that her supervisors made racist remarks about her Chinese nationality, denied her proper personal protective equipment despite the COVID-19 pandemic and ultimately fired her when she complained. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2024 (9/8/2020) Plaintiffs Vote Forward, Amy Bolan, Aaron Carrel, InderBir Datta, Dante Flores-deMarchi, Paul Hunter, Sebastian Immonen, Kathryn Montgomery, Sean Morrison, Martha Thompson, Linda Roberson, ... 2020 Trial Court Documents
Max Greenwood PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2025 The Hill (11/11/2020) Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) on Wednesday was projected to have held back a challenge from Democrat Cal Cunningham, delivering a further blow to Democrats' hopes of flipping the Senate. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Donielle Tigay Stutland, J.D. PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2026 Wolters Kluwer Banking and Finance Law Daily (11/12/2020) Brainard suggests that CRA reform and modernization will help address systemic inequalities in the American Indian community. On Nov. 10, 2020, Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard addressed the National Congress of American Indians and discussed the proposed modernization of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and its potential impact on native... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Keith Lewis, CQ Roll Call PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2027 CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing (12/3/2020) Tribal nations and Urban Indian Organizations were offered a choice to receive COVID-19 vaccine distributions either through their respective states or through the Indian Health Service, and all have finalized their elections, the Health and Human Services department said on Tuesday. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2028 OAR 333-018-0011 (12/3/2020) Oregon Administrative Rules Compilation|**|Chapter 333. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division|**| Division 18. Disease Reporting 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2029 WAC 246-101-017 (12/3/2020) Washington Administrative Code|**|Title 246. Health, Department of|**| Communicable Diseases|**| Chapter 246-101. Notifiable Conditions 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2030 (10/30/2020) During National Native American Heritage Month, we honor the storied legacy of American Indians and Alaska Natives in our Nation. Their cherished legacy, rich cultures, and heroic history of military service inspire us all. This month, as we recommit to supporting Native American Tribes and people, we resolve to work side-by-side with their leaders to secure stronger, safer communities and preserve their sacred heritage for future generations. In recognition of the importance of Indian Country to the cultural identity of our Nation and the strength of our economy, my Administration has taken... 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2031 (11/11/2020) Under Secs. 40-43 of House Bill 4212, passed by the Oregon Legislature in the First Special Session of 2020, HB 4212 requires OHA to adopt rules: 1) Requiring a health provider to: a) Collect encounter data for COVID-19 related services on race, ethnicity, preferred spoken and written language, English proficiency, interpreter needs and disability status in accordance with the standards adopted by the authority under ORS 413.161; b) Report the data in accordance with rules adopted under ORS 433.004 for the reporting of diseases. These rules establish uniform standards and practices for the... 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2032 (12/2/2020) To provide flexibility for certain regulatory requirements in response to the COVID-19 crisis. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  PROCLAMATION ON NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, 2033 (12/3/2020) During National Native American Heritage Month, we honor the storied legacy of American Indians and Alaska Natives in our Nation. Their cherished legacy, rich cultures, and heroic history of military service inspire us all. This month, as we recommit to supporting Native American Tribes and people, we resolve to work side-by-side with their leaders to secure stronger, safer communities and preserve their sacred heritage for future generations. In recognition of the importance of Indian Country to the cultural identity of our Nation and the strength of our economy, my Administration has taken... 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  Proclamation on National Native American Heritage Month, 2020 White House (30-Oct-20) (10/30/2020)   2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
Duncan Fairgrieve , et. Al. Products in a Pandemic: Liability for Medical Products and the Fight Against COVID-19 11 European Journal of Risk Regulation 565 (9/9/2020) A multitude of medical products are being developed and produced as part of efforts to tackle COVID-19. They are varied in nature and range from test kits to tracing apps, protective equipment, ventilators, medicines and, of course, vaccines. The design, testing and manufacture of many of these products differs from production in normal times due... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Q&A: Where are we in the COVID-19 vaccine race? 36 No. 10 Westlaw Journal Pharmaceutical 02, Westlaw Journal Pharmaceutical (12/3/2020) Drugmakers and research centers around the world are working on COVID-19 vaccines, with large global trials of several of the candidates involving tens of thousands of participants well underway. The following is what we know about the race to deliver vaccines to help end the coronavirus pandemic that has claimed over 1.26 million lives... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jamie Langowski, et. Al. Qualified Renters Need Not Apply: Race and Housing Voucher Discrimination in the Metropolitan Boston Rental Housing Market 28 Geo. Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy 35 (Fall, 2020) (2020) Black, Indigenous, and People of Color have long had to navigate the barriers of racist laws, policies, and actions in housing. Housing discrimination perpetuates segregation and contributes to maintaining the status quo of disparities with respect to health inequities as well as income, wealth, and opportunity gaps. The COVID-19 pandemic has put... 2020 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
  Race and Ethnicity Data for Medicare Beneficiaries - December 2020 Health Care Compliance Reporter Rep. 7489105 (12/1/2020) Accurate, complete, and appropriately detailed race and ethnicity data for Medicare beneficiaries are critical to identifying and mitigating health disparities. As racial and ethnic disparities have emerged among those impacted by COVID-19, the availability and quality of data on race and ethnicity has garnered greater attention and scrutiny. This... 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
Alexandra H. Farquhar REDEFINING THE TRIPS AGREEMENT TO ACCOMMODATE EN MASSE COMPULSORY LICENSING OF VACCINES & OTHER PHARMACEUTICALS FOR THE TREATMENT OF COVID-19 22 N.C. J. L. & Tech. 259, North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology (December, 2020); (Publication Name: North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology) (December, 2020) Globally, over 48 million cases and over one million deaths have resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic at the time of this publication. Governments and pharmaceutical companies are simultaneously racing for effective treatments and vaccines against the deadly virus, giving rise to a vaccine nationalism in effort to claim a global monopoly on... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jonathan Rosenbloom '97 REDUCING RACIAL BIAS EMBEDDED IN LAND USE CODES 2020 CityLand 1, CityLand (11/30/2020) Even though the Supreme Court struck down race-based land use controls over a hundred years ago in Buchanan v. Warley, 245 U.S. 60 (1917) it has long been known that zoning continues to create or increase racial and economic segregation. Today communities across the U.S. are reexamining their zoning regulations to create more equal, equitable, ... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jonathan Rosenbloom REDUCING RACIAL BIAS EMBEDDED IN LAND USE CODES 26 CITYLAW 49 (10/29/2020) Even though the Supreme Court struck down race-based land use controls over a hundred years ago in Buchanan v. Warley, 245 U.S. 60 (1917) it has long been known that zoning continues to create or increase racial and economic segregation. Today communities across the U.S. are reexamining their zoning regulations to create more equal, equitable, ... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Relating to the Covid-19 Community Restrictions (12/15/2020) (TX Muni.) (12/15/2020)   2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing White House (10-Apr-20) (4/10/2020)   2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing April 7, 2020 White House (7-Apr-20) (4/7/2020)   2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  Remarks of Fcc Chairman Ajit Pai to the Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership Digital Inclusion Summit F.C.C. (3-Dec-20) (12/3/2020)   2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
Justine Coleman Rep. Gosar defends calling coronavirus 'Wuhan virus' after criticism The Hill (3/9/2020) Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) defended calling the coronavirus the Wuhan virus when announcing his self-quarantine after critics accused him of racism and xenophobia. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Ariane Frosh REPRODUCING EQUALITY: HOW COVID-19 CAN STRENGTHEN ABORTION RIGHTS 68 UCLA Law Review Discourse 80 (2020) (Abstract on (9/9/2020) States hostile to reproductive freedom have weaponized the COVID-19 pandemic to ban abortion in the name of public safety. Relying on heightened power the state typically exercises during an emergency, it can capitalize on public panic to achieve its policy goals. By laying bare the racial inequities of our healthcare systems and the opportunistic... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Joseph Maya, et. Al. Responsibilities and Rights of Employers and Employees During the Covid-19 Pandemic Labor Law Journal J. 7366407 (12/1/2020) JOSEPH MAYA, JULIA AUDIBERT, ZACHARY SIPALA, CAROLINE VANDIS, CALVIN CARSON, AND EMILY PRUDENTE, MAYA MURPHY P.C. ©2020 BY JOSEPH MAYA, JULIA AUDIBERT, ZACHARY SIPALA, CAROLINE VANDIS, CALVIN CARSON, AND EMILY PRUDENTE, MAYA MURPHY P.C. By Joseph Maya, Julia Audibert, Zachary Sipala, Caroline Vandis, Calvin Carson, and Emily Prudente, Maya... 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
  Sample Resolutions, Proclamations, or Orders Declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis -2020 A set of sample resolutions, proclamations, or orders declaring racism to be a public health crisis. This Checklist includes various resolutions, proclamations, or orders proposed or passed by local governments or state agencies 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Zack Budryk Senate Dems press DOJ over coronavirus safety precautions in juvenile detention centers The Hill (5/27/2020) Thirteen Democratic senators, led by Sens. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), on Tuesday, wrote a letter asking the Justice Department for details on what precautions are being taken against the coronavirus in juvenile detention centers. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jordain Carney Senate GOP expects vote on third coronavirus package next week The Hill (3/18/2020) Senate Republicans say they expect to vote next week on the third coronavirus funding package as they race to negotiate and draft the bill. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Senate panel grills housing regulators on racial bias, pandemic 2020 WL 3069623 (6/10/2020) The Senate Banking Committee channeled the nation's concerns about racial disparities and COVID-19 into an oversight hearing with federal housing regulators Tuesday. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Daniela Tenjido Shut up and Dribble: the Racial Subordination of the Black Professional Athlete 33 St. Saint Thomas Law Review 27 (Fall, 2020) (2020) Most popular sports in the U.S. today are dominated by Black athletes. The professional Black athlete today has opportunities that the majority of his non-athlete counterparts do not. Judging objectively, professional Black athletes made it. Lucrative lifestyles and international fame, however, has come at a high price in recent years. In the era... 2020 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Victoria Bethel State Medicaid Reimbursement for Remote Patient Monitoring and Interactive Communication Will Help Reduce Health Care Gap among Black and White People with Preexisting Conditions That Put Them at Increased Risk of Severe Illness from Covid-19 30 Annals Annals of Health Law Advance Directive 129 (Fall, 2020) (2020) In the United States, black people with preexisting conditions are disproportionately facing the COVID-19 death sentence. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of August 2020, black people have a 2.6 times higher contraction rate, 4.7 times higher hospitalization rate, and 2.1 times higher death rate from COVID-19 than... 2020 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Pamela Wolf, J.D. STATE REGULATIONS-MARYLAND-COALITION PRESSES GOVERNOR TO MANDATE TEMPORARY STANDARD TO PROTECT WORKERS FROM COVID-19 Wolters Kluwer Employment Law Daily (9/1/2020) The organizations argue that an emergency temporary standard is necessary given the absence of an infectious disease standard and the state OSHA's failure so far to act. A coalition of worker rights and anti-poverty groups, faith leaders, environmental organizations, and public health professionals is calling on Republican Governor Larry Hogan to; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Adrian Slipski STAYING HEALTHY IN A PANDEMIC: HOW THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY HAS STRENGTHENED BARRIERS TO HEALTHCARE FOR CALIFORNIA'S VULNERABLE POPULATIONS 68 UCLA Law Review Discourse 176 (2020) (Abstract on (9/9/2020) COVID-19 has completely refashioned our healthcare landscape and day-to-day lives. During the pandemic, we have all transitioned to a new normal which includes remote work, navigating health insurance options after losing employment or becoming underemployed, and partaking in cautious outings outside of our homes equipped with face masks, gloves, ... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Dayna Bowen Matthew STRUCTURAL INEQUALITY: THE REAL COVID-19 THREAT TO AMERICA'S HEALTH AND HOW STRENGTHENING THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT CAN HELP 108 Georgetown Law Journal 1679 (May, 2020) (5/1/2020) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction . L31679 I. A Brief Overview of Equal Protection Jurisprudence. 1689 a. equal protection in theory. 1690 b. unequal protection in practice. 1693 II. How Legal Inequality Affects Health Inequity. 1697 a. unequal protection from housing discrimination. 1698 b. unequal protection from pollution. 1702 c. unequal; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
J. Edward Moreno Surgeon general says African Americans are at 'higher risk' for coronavirus The Hill (4/7/2020) Surgeon General Jerome Adams on Tuesday said African Americans are at a higher risk during the coronavirus pandemic as numbers revealing a disparity in cases and deaths are beginning to emerge from states. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Catherine Powell , Camille Gear Rich THE "WELFARE QUEEN" GOES TO THE POLLS: RACE-BASED FRACTURES IN GENDER POLITICS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR INTERSECTIONAL COALITIONS 108 Georgetown Law Journal 105 (June, 2020) (6/1/2020) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 108 I. The Welfare Queen Goes to the Polls. 115 A. ORIGINS OF THE WELFARE QUEEN. 115 B. THE WELFARE QUEEN AT THE POLLS. 121 C. DISCURSIVE GOALS: THE WELFARE QUEEN AS A THREAT TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACY. 125 1. The Right to Vote as a Scarce Resource. 126 2. Individual Malfeasance Versus Institutional Wrongdoing. 127 3; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Karishma Shah Page , Victoria K. Hamscho THE 2020 ELECTION AND THE HEALTH POLICY LANDSCAPE POST-COVID-19 22 No. 4 Journal of Health Care Compliance 31 (7/15/2020) The COVID-19 pandemic is poised to shape the health policy landscape as the country continues to grapple with the unprecedented health and economic impact of the pandemic. With the 2020 election only a few months away, the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the differences and potential impact of the policy priorities of not only President Donald; Feature THE 2020 ELECTION AND THE HEALTH POLICY LANDSCAPE POST- COVID- 19 Karishma Shah Page [FNa1] Victoria K. Hamscho [FNa2] Copyright © 2020; to play a central role in the 2020 election. The COVID- 19 pandemic has amplified the differences and potential impact of the; and policymakers on Capitol Hill, some of whom face competitive races this fall. Since late March, Congress has passed four coronavirus; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Dana R. Hermanson, et. Al. THE 2020/COVID-19 ENVIRONMENT AND INTERNAL AUDIT Warren Gorham & Lamont (8/17/2020) This article discusses key issues for internal auditors to consider during this unprecedented time, points internal auditors to resources that may be helpful in dealing with these issues, and poses questions to consider. Imagine that someone had asked you in early 2020: How would your organization respond if we were in a global pandemic, the; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE IS STILL IN PHASE 3 OF ITS COVID-19 ORDERS (6/19/2020)   2020 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
Mary Price The Compassionate Release Clearinghouse, Covid-19, and the Future of Criminal Justice 35-FALL Criminal Justice 37 (Fall, 2020) (12/1/2020) This story is about compassionate release, COVID-19, and one effort to raise a pro bono army to release vulnerable prisoners. It is also about how the effort to free these prisoners has revealed deep fissures in our criminal justice system. This story is, above all, about what must be done to rescue the people who have fallen into these fissures... 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
Dorit Rubinstein Reiss The Covid-19 Vaccine Dilemma 6 ALR Accord 49 (6-Dec-20) (12/6/2020) COVID-19 continues to lead to large numbers of deaths, harms, and financial costs. Without an effective vaccine, those will continue. The pressure to find a vaccine is high; and that pressure places a risk on the safeguards in place to assure that vaccines are safe and effective will be ignored. The United States has an extensive apparatus to... 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
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