Primary Sponsor(s): DePhillips, Christopher P.,Vainieri Huttle, Valerie, Co-Sponsor(s): Timberlake, Britnee N. 2020 NJ A.R. 270 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Resolution No. 270, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - Second Annual Session (November 8, 2021) Condemns hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION No. 270 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED NOVEMBER 8, 2021 Sponsored by: Assemblyman CHRISTOPHER P. DEPHILLIPS District 40 (Bergen, Essex, Morris and Passaic) SYNOPSIS Condemns hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Assembly Resolution condemning hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Whereas, New Jersey has nearly one million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders residing in the State, approximately 10... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Cunningham, Sandra B., et. Al. 2020 Nj S.b. 2410 (Ns) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2410, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - Second Annual Session (1/28/2021) (VERSION: Amended/Substituted) (1/28/2021) Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities.* Third Reprint SENATE, No. 2410 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 7, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator SANDRA B. CUNNINGHAM District 31 (Hudson) Senator NELLIE POU District 35 (Bergen and Passaic) Co-Sponsored by: Senators Singer and Gopal SYNOPSIS Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As amended by the Senate on January 28, 2021. An Act establishing the Coronavirus Disease 2019... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Primary Sponsor(s): Ruiz, M. Teresa,Turner, Shirley K., Co-Sponsor(s): Bucco, Anthony M.,Singleton, Troy,Diegnan, Patrick J.,Brown, Chris A. 2020 NJ S.B. 3214 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 3214, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - Second Annual Session (December 9, 2021) Requires Commissioner of Education to prepare learning loss report and report on public school operations during COVID-19 public health emergency. Second Reprint SENATE, No. 3214 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED DECEMBER 7, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator M. TERESA RUIZ District 29 (Essex) Senator SHIRLEY K. TURNER District 15 (Hunterdon and Mercer) Co-Sponsored by: Senators A.M.Bucco, Singleton, Diegnan and Brown SYNOPSIS Requires Commissioner of Education to prepare learning loss report and report on public school operations during COVID-19 public health emergency.... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Corrado, Kristin M. 2020 NJ S.B. 3370 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 3370, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - Second Annual Session (1/21/2021) (Version: Introduced) (1/21/2021) Requires hospitals to collect and report demographic data on people with disabilities who are tested or treated for COVID-19 during declared public health emergency. SENATE, No. 3370 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED JANUARY 21, 2021 Sponsored by: Senator KRISTIN M. CORRADO District 40 (Bergen, Essex, Morris and Passaic) SYNOPSIS Requires hospitals to collect and report demographic data on people with disabilities who are tested or treated for COVID-19 during declared public health emergency. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning certain hospital data...; Search Snippet: ...on people with disabilities who are tested or treated for COVID- 19 during declared public health emergency. VERSION: Introduced January 21, 2021 20210121 Version Date January 21, 2021 Primary Sponsor(s): Corrado, Kristin... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Corrado, Kristin M., Co-S 2020 Nj S.b. 3370 (Ns) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 3370, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - Second Annual Session (1/21/2021) (VERSION: Introduced) (1/21/2021) Requires hospitals to collect and report demographic data on people with disabilities who are tested or treated for COVID-19 during declared public health emergency. SENATE, No. 3370 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED JANUARY 21, 2021 Sponsored by: Senator KRISTIN M. CORRADO District 40 (Bergen, Essex, Morris and Passaic) SYNOPSIS Requires hospitals to collect and report demographic data on people with disabilities who are tested or treated for COVID-19 during declared public health emergency. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning certain hospital data... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 NJ S.B. 3699 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 3699, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - Second Annual Session, No. 3699 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED APRIL 26 (4/26/2021); (Publication Name: No. 3699 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATUR Establishes COVID-19 Vaccinating 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
Primary Sponsor(s): Greenstein, Linda R., Co-Sponsor(s): 2020 NJ S.B. 3770 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 3770, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - Second Annual Session (May 11, 2021) Addresses long-term effects of COVID-19. SENATE, No. 3770 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 11, 2021 Sponsored by: Senator LINDA R. GREENSTEIN District 14 (Mercer and Middlesex) SYNOPSIS Addresses long-term effects of COVID-19. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning the long-term effects of COVID-19. Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. The Department of Health, in consultation with county and local health departments, shall develop strategies to establish post-COVID-19 health clinics that provide physical... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Primary Sponsor(s): Rice, Ronald L., Co-Sponsor(s): 2020 NJ S.R. 127 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Resolution No. 127, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - Second Annual Session (May 11, 2021) Declares racism a public health crisis in New Jersey. SENATE RESOLUTION No. 127 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 11, 2021 Sponsored by: Senator RONALD L. RICE District 28 (Essex) SYNOPSIS Declares racism a public health crisis in New Jersey. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. A Senate Resolution declaring racism a public health crisis in the State of New Jersey. Whereas, The United States has historically and systemically disadvantaged racial, ethnic, and religious groups across the country, creating deep-seated problems that persist today, more than 150 years... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Primary Sponsor(s): Corrado, Kristin M., Co-Sponsor(s): 2020 NJ S.R. 137 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Resolution No. 137, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - Second Annual Session (November 8, 2021) Condemns hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. SENATE RESOLUTION No. 137 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED NOVEMBER 8, 2021 Sponsored by: Senator KRISTIN M. CORRADO District 40 (Bergen, Essex, Morris and Passaic) SYNOPSIS Condemns hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. A Senate Resolution condemning hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Whereas, New Jersey has nearly one million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders residing in the State, approximately 10 percent of the... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Dave A. LaRock 2020 VA H.B. 2242 (NS) 2020 Virginia House Bill No. 2242, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/13/2021) (Version: Introduced) (1/13/2021) COVID-19 immunization; prohibition on requirement; discrimination prohibited. Prohibits the State Health Commissioner and the Board of Health, the Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, the Department of Health Professions and any regulatory board therein, and the Department of Social Services from requiring any person to undergo vaccination for COVID-19 and prohibits discrimination based on a person's vaccination status with respect to any COVID-19 vaccine (i) with regard to education, employment, insurance, or issuance of a driver's license or other state...; Search Snippet: ...No. 2242, Virginia 2021 Regular Session VIRGINIA BILL TEXT TITLE: COVID- 19 immunization; prohibition on requirement, discrimination prohibited. VERSION: Introduced January 13, 2021 20210113 Version Date January 13, 2021 Dave A. LaRock COVID... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Dave A. LaRock 2020 Va H.b. 2242 (Ns) 2020 Virginia House Bill No. 2242, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/13/2021) (VERSION: Introduced) (1/13/2021) COVID-19 immunization; prohibition on requirement; discrimination prohibited. Prohibits the State Health Commissioner and the Board of Health, the Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, the Department of Health Professions and any regulatory board therein, and the Department of Social Services from requiring any person to undergo vaccination for COVID-19 and prohibits discrimination based on a person's vaccination status with respect to any COVID-19 vaccine (i) with regard to education, employment, insurance, or issuance of a driver's license or other state... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Lamont Bagby 2020 VA H.B. 2333 (NS) 2020 Virginia House Bill No. 2333, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/26/2021) (Version: Amended/substituted) (1/26/2021) Facilitate the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine; emergency. HOUSE BILL NO. 2333 AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A SUBSTITUTE (Proposed by the House Committee on Health, Welfare and Institutions on January 26, 2021) (Patrons Prior to Substitute-Delegates Bagby and Byron [HB 2328]) Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. § 1. As used in this act, eligible health care provider" means any of the following who; Search Snippet: due to their education and training 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Lashrecse D. Aird 2020 Va H.j.r. 537 (Ns) 2020 Virginia House Joint Resolution No. 537, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/10/2021) (VERSION: Prefiled) (1/10/2021) Racism; public health crisis. Recognizes that racism is a public health crisis in Virginia. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 537 Offered January 13, 2021 Prefiled January 10, 2021 ----- Patron- Aird ----- Committee Referral Pending ----- WHEREAS, as the site where the first enslaved African people arrived in what is now the United States, the epicenter of the American slave trade, and the former capital of the Confederacy, Virginia has a long and embedded history of racism, particularly against African Americans; and WHEREAS, the American Public Health Association defines ..." 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Lashrecse D. Aird 2020 VA H.J.R. 537 (NS) 2020 Virginia House Joint Resolution No. 537, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/13/2021) (Version: Introduced) (1/13/2021) Racism; public health crisis. Recognizes that racism is a public health crisis in Virginia. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 537 Offered January 13, 2021 Prefiled January 10, 2021 ----- Patrons- Aird, Ayala, Carr, Rasoul and Scott ----- Referred to Committee on Rules ----- WHEREAS, as the site where the first enslaved African people arrived in what is now the United States, the epicenter of the American slave trade, and the former capital of the Confederacy, Virginia has a long and embedded history of racism, particularly against African Americans; and WHEREAS, the American...; Search Snippet: ...537, Virginia 2021 Regular Session VIRGINIA JOINT RESOLUTION TEXT TITLE: Racism; General Assembly to recognize as a public health crisis. VERSION: Introduced January 13, 2021 20210113 Version Date January 13, 2021 Lashrecse D. Aird Racism... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Delores L. McQuinn 2020 VA H.J.R. 605 (NS) 2020 Virginia House Joint Resolution No. 605, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/20/2021) (Version: Introduced) (1/20/2021) Victims of COVID-19 Remembrance Day. Designating March 14, in 2021 and in each succeeding year, as Victims of COVID-19 Remembrance Day in Virginia. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 605 Offered January 20, 2021 ----- Patron- McQuinn ----- Referred to Committee on Rules ----- WHEREAS, on March 14, 2020, James City County reported the first death from SARS-CoV-2 in the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, as of early January 2021, more than 361,000 Americans have died as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, including more than 5,200 deaths in the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, in November and...; Search Snippet: ...2021 Regular Session VIRGINIA JOINT RESOLUTION TEXT TITLE: Victims of COVID- 19 Remembrance Day; designating March 14, in 2021 & each succeeding yr thereafter. VERSION: Introduced January 20, 2021 20210120 Version Date January 20, 2021 Delores L. McQuinn Victims... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Delores L. McQuinn 2020 Va H.j.r. 605 (Ns) 2020 Virginia House Joint Resolution No. 605, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/20/2021) (VERSION: Introduced) (1/20/2021) Victims of COVID-19 Remembrance Day. Designating March 14, in 2021 and in each succeeding year, as Victims of COVID-19 Remembrance Day in Virginia. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 605 Offered January 20, 2021 ----- Patron- McQuinn ----- Referred to Committee on Rules ----- WHEREAS, on March 14, 2020, James City County reported the first death from SARS-CoV-2 in the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, as of early January 2021, more than 361,000 Americans have died as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, including more than 5,200 deaths in the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, in November and... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Jerrauld C. Jay" Jones" 2020 VA H.R. 227 (NS) 2020 Virginia House Resolution No. 227, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/13/2021) (Version: Introduced) (1/13/2021) Racism; public health crisis. Recognizes that racism is a public health crisis in Virginia. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 227 Offered January 13, 2021 Prefiled January 13, 2021 ----- Patrons- Jones and Hope ----- Referred to Committee on Rules ----- WHEREAS, as the site where the first enslaved African people arrived in what is now the United States, the epicenter of the American slave trade, and the former capital of the Confederacy, Virginia has a long and embedded history of racism, particularly against African Americans; and WHEREAS, the American Public Health Association...; Search Snippet: ...No. 227, Virginia 2021 Regular Session VIRGINIA RESOLUTION TEXT TITLE: Racism; recognizing as a public health crisis. VERSION: Introduced January 13, 2021 20210113 Version Date January 13, 2021 Jerrauld C. Jay" Jones SUMMARY..." 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Jerrauld C. Jay" Jones" 2020 Va H.r. 227 (Ns) 2020 Virginia House Resolution No. 227, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/13/2021) (VERSION: Introduced) (1/13/2021) Racism; public health crisis. Recognizes that racism is a public health crisis in Virginia. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 227 Offered January 13, 2021 Prefiled January 13, 2021 ----- Patrons- Jones and Hope ----- Referred to Committee on Rules ----- WHEREAS, as the site where the first enslaved African people arrived in what is now the United States, the epicenter of the American slave trade, and the former capital of the Confederacy, Virginia has a long and embedded history of racism, particularly against African Americans; and WHEREAS, the American Public Health Association... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Siobhan S. Dunnavant 2020 Va S.b. 1445 (Ns) 2020 Virginia Senate Bill No. 1445, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/28/2021) (VERSION: Amended/Substituted) (1/28/2021) COVID-19; vaccine administration; emergency. Facilitates the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. The bill requires the Department of Health (the Department) to establish a process whereby any health care provider in the Commonwealth who is qualified and available to administer the COVID-19 vaccine may volunteer to administer the vaccine to citizens of the Commonwealth and sets out which health care providers are eligible to volunteer. The bill also requires the Department to establish a process on its website whereby medical care facilities, hospitals, hospital systems,... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Amanda F. Chase 2020 VA S.B. 1449 (NS) 2020 Virginia Senate Bill No. 1449, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/19/2021) (Version: Introduced) (1/19/2021) COVID-19 immunization; prohibition on requirement; employment discrimination prohibited. Prohibits discrimination based on a person's vaccination status with respect to any COVID-19 vaccine in numerous employment contexts. SENATE BILL NO. 1449 Offered January 19, 2021 ----- Patron- Chase ----- Referred to Committee on General Laws and Technology ----- Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: § 2.2-2901.1. Employment discrimination prohibited. A. For the purposes of this section, age" means being an individual who is at least 40 years of age. B. No state..."; Search Snippet: ...No. 1449, Virginia 2021 Regular Session VIRGINIA BILL TEXT TITLE: COVID- 19 immunization; prohibition on requirement; employment discrimination prohibited. VERSION: Introduced January 19, 2021 20210119 Version Date January 19, 2021 Amanda F. Chase COVID... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Amanda F. Chase 2020 Va S.b. 1449 (Ns) 2020 Virginia Senate Bill No. 1449, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/19/2021) (VERSION: Introduced) (1/19/2021) COVID-19 immunization; prohibition on requirement; employment discrimination prohibited. Prohibits discrimination based on a person's vaccination status with respect to any COVID-19 vaccine in numerous employment contexts. SENATE BILL NO. 1449 Offered January 19, 2021 ----- Patron- Chase ----- Referred to Committee on General Laws and Technology ----- Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: § 2.2-2901.1. Employment discrimination prohibited. A. For the purposes of this section, age" means being an individual who is at least 40 years of age. B. No state..." 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Amanda F. Chase 2020 VA S.B. 1450 (NS) 2020 Virginia Senate Bill No. 1450, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/19/2021) (Version: Introduced) (1/19/2021) COVID-19 vaccination; discrimination in employment prohibited. Prohibits discrimination in employment based on a person's vaccination status with respect to any COVID-19 vaccine. SENATE BILL NO. 1450 Offered January 19, 2021 ----- Patron- Chase ----- Referred to Committee on General Laws and Technology ----- Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: § 2.2-2203.3. Employees; employment; personnel rules. A. Employees of the Authority shall be employed on such terms and conditions as established by the Board. The Board shall develop and adopt personnel rules,...; Search Snippet: ...No. 1450, Virginia 2021 Regular Session VIRGINIA BILL TEXT TITLE: COVID- 19 vaccination; discrimination in employment prohibited. VERSION: Introduced January 19, 2021 20210119 Version Date January 19, 2021 Amanda F. Chase COVID... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Amanda F. Chase 2020 Va S.b. 1450 (Ns) 2020 Virginia Senate Bill No. 1450, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (1/19/2021) (VERSION: Introduced) (1/19/2021) COVID-19 vaccination; discrimination in employment prohibited. Prohibits discrimination in employment based on a person's vaccination status with respect to any COVID-19 vaccine. SENATE BILL NO. 1450 Offered January 19, 2021 ----- Patron- Chase ----- Referred to Committee on General Laws and Technology ----- Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: § 2.2-2203.3. Employees; employment; personnel rules. A. Employees of the Authority shall be employed on such terms and conditions as established by the Board. The Board shall develop and adopt personnel rules,... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
John J. Bell 2020 Va S.j.r. 374 (Ns) 2020 Virginia Senate Joint Resolution No. 374, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (2/2/2021) (VERSION: Introduced) (2/2/2021) Commending Panorama Latino TV Show . SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 374 Offered February 2, 2021 ----- Patron- Bell ----- WHEREAS, Panorama Latino TV Show, a long-running Spanish-language television program serving the Hispanic community of Prince William County, celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2020; and WHEREAS, following a tragic house fire in Dale City in 1997, Comcast Cable and Stephanie Williams, creator and executive producer of Panorama Latino TV Show, set out to present a program that would convey lifesaving information to the local Hispanic community; and WHEREAS,... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Wood (R) 2021 AL H.J.R. 182 (NS) 2021 Alabama House Resolution No. 183, Alabama 2021 Regular Session (4/7/2021) (4/7/2021) Violence, threats of violence against Asian American people, condemn HJR182 212401-1 By Representatives Wood (R), Nordgren, Hurst, Shaver, Brown (K) and Boyd RFD: Rules First Read: 07-APR-21 212401-1:n:03/30/2021:SM/sm LSA2021-1015 CONDEMNING ALL FORMS OF ANTI-ASIAN SENTIMENT. WHEREAS, there are 23,000,000 Asian Americans in the United States, constituting seven percent of the population; there are approximately 65,000 Asian Americans in Alabama; in this country, over 2,000,000 Asian Americans are working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic as first responders in health care,... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
Wood (R) 2021 AL H.J.R. 231 (NS) 2021 Alabama House Joint Resolution No. 231, Alabama 2021 Regular Session (May 26, 2021) Violence, threats of violence against Asian American people, condemn ACT #2021-524 HJR231 212401-5 By Representatives Wood (R), Nordgren, Brown (K), Hurst, Shaver and Boyd RFD: Rules First Read: 22-APR-21 ENROLLED, House Joint Resolution, CONDEMNING ALL FORMS OF ANTI-ASIAN SENTIMENT. WHEREAS, there are 23,000,000 Asian Americans in the United States, constituting seven percent of the population; there are approximately 65,000 Asian Americans in Alabama; in this country, over 2,000,000 Asian Americans are working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic as first responders in health... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Wood (R) 2021 AL H.J.R. 231 (NS) 2021 Alabama House Joint Resolution No. 231, Alabama 2021 Regular Session (May 17, 2021) Violence, threats of violence against Asian American people, condemn HJR231 212401-5 By Representatives Wood (R), Nordgren, Brown (K), Hurst, Shaver and Boyd RFD: Rules First Read: 22-APR-21 ENROLLED, House Joint Resolution, CONDEMNING ALL FORMS OF ANTI-ASIAN SENTIMENT. WHEREAS, there are 23,000,000 Asian Americans in the United States, constituting seven percent of the population; there are approximately 65,000 Asian Americans in Alabama; in this country, over 2,000,000 Asian Americans are working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic as first responders in health care, law... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Wood (R) 2021 AL H.R. 183 (NS) 2021 California Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 30, California 2021-2022 Regular Session (4/7/2021) (4/7/2021) Violence, threats of violence against Asian American people, condemn HR183 212413-2 By Representatives Wood (R), Nordgren, Hurst, Shaver, Brown (K) and Boyd RFD: Rules First Read: 07-APR-21 212413-2:n:04/07/2021:SM/sm LSA2021-1016R1 CONDEMNING ALL FORMS OF ANTI-ASIAN SENTIMENT. WHEREAS, there are 23,000,000 Asian Americans in the United States, constituting seven percent of the population; there are approximately 65,000 Asian Americans in Alabama; in this country, over 2,000,000 Asian Americans are working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic as first responders in health care,... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
Medina, et. Al. 2021 CA A.C.R. 30 (NS) 2021 California Senate Bill No. 17, California 2021-2022 Regular Session (4/5/2021) (4/7/2021) Relative to COVID-19 Victims and Survivors. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 30 RESOLUTION CHAPTER 13 Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 30--Relative to COVID-19 Victims and Survivors. [Filed with Secretary of State April 7, 2021.] LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST ACR 30, Medina. COVID-19 Victims and Survivors Memorial Day. This measure would recognize the first Monday in March as COVID-19 Victims and Survivors Memorial Day. The measure would also urge local residents to continue taking preventative measures and to follow public health orders to mitigate the spread of this virus.... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
Pan, et. Al/ 2021 CA S.B. 17 (NS) 2021 California Senate Bill No. 471, California 2021-2022 Regular Session (4/21/2021) (4/15/2021) An act to add and repeal Chapter 4.6 (commencing with Section 8303) of Division 1 of Title 2 of the Government Code, relating to state government. AMENDED IN SENATE APRIL 15, 2021 AMENDED IN SENATE APRIL 5, 2021 AMENDED IN SENATE FEBRUARY 25, 2021 SENATE BILL No. 17 Introduced by Senator Pan (Principal coauthors: Assembly Members Arambula and Chiu) (Coauthors: Senators Becker, Cortese, Durazo, Gonzalez, Min, and Rubio) (Coauthor: Assembly Member Robert Rivas) December 7, 2020 An act to add and repeal Chapter 4.6 (commencing with Section 8303) of Division 1 of Title 2 of the Government... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
Pan, et. Al. 2021 CA S.B. 17 (NS) 2021 California Senate Bill No. 17, California 2021-2022 Regular Session (4/15/2021) (4/5/2021) An act to add and repeal Chapter 4.6 (commencing with Section 8303) to of Division 1 of Title 2 of the Government Code, relating to state government. AMENDED IN SENATE APRIL 5, 2021 AMENDED IN SENATE FEBRUARY 25, 2021 SENATE BILL No. 17 Introduced by Senator Pan (Principal coauthors: Assembly Members Arambula and Chiu) (Coauthors: Senators Cortese, Durazo, and Gonzalez Gonzalez, and Rubio) (Coauthors: Assembly Members Robert Rivas and Weber) (Coauthor: Assembly Member Robert Rivas) December 7, 2020 An act to add and repeal Chapter 4.6 (commencing with Section 8303) to of Division 1 of... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
Pan (S), Arambula (A) , Chiu (A), Becker (S) , Cortese (S) , Durazo (S) , Gonzalez (S) , Holden (A) , Kamlager (S) , Leyva (S) , Min (S) , Robert Rivas (A) , Rubio (S) , Umberg (S) 2021 CA S.B. 17 (NS) 2021 California Senate Bill No. 17, California 2021-2022 Regular Session (May 20, 2021) An act to add and repeal Chapter 4.6 (commencing with Section 8303) of Division 1 of Title 2 of the Government Code, relating to state government. AMENDED IN SENATE MAY 20, 2021 AMENDED IN SENATE APRIL 15, 2021 AMENDED IN SENATE APRIL 5, 2021 AMENDED IN SENATE FEBRUARY 25, 2021 SENATE BILL No. 17 Introduced by Senator Pan (Principal coauthors: Assembly Members Arambula and Chiu) (Coauthors: Senators Becker, Cortese, Durazo, Gonzalez, Leyva, Kamlager, Min, and Rubio Rubio, and Umberg) (Coauthor: Assembly Member (Coauthors: Assembly Members Holden and Robert Rivas) December 7, 2020 An... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Pan (S), Arambula (A) , Chiu (A), Becker (S) , Burke (A) , Cortese (S) , Durazo (S) , Gabriel (A) , Gonzalez (S) , Holden (A) , Kamlager (S) , Leyva (S) , Min (S) , Robert Rivas (A) , Rubio (S) , Umberg (S) 2021 CA S.B. 17 (NS) 2021 California Senate Bill No. 17, California 2021-2022 Regular Session (July 1, 2021) An act to add Section 12816 to, and to add and repeal Chapter 4.6 (commencing with Section 8303) of Division 1 of Title 2 of of, the Government Code, relating to state government. AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JULY 1, 2021 AMENDED IN SENATE MAY 20, 2021 AMENDED IN SENATE APRIL 15, 2021 AMENDED IN SENATE APRIL 5, 2021 AMENDED IN SENATE FEBRUARY 25, 2021 SENATE BILL No. 17 Introduced by Senator Pan (Principal coauthors: Assembly Members Arambula and Chiu) (Coauthors: Senators Becker, Cortese, Durazo, Gonzalez, Leyva, Kamlager, Min, Rubio, and Umberg) (Coauthors: Assembly Members Holden Burke,... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Hueso (S) 2021 CA S.B. 471 (NS) 2021 Connecticut House Bill No. 5614, Connecticut General Assembly - January Session, 2021 (4/28/2021) (4/21/2021) An act to add Division 10 (commencing with Section 7920) to Title 1 Article 9 (commencing with Section 12100.90) to Chapter 1.6 of Part 2 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, relating to economic development, by providing the funds necessary therefor through an election for the issuance and sale of bonds of the State of California and for the handling and disposition of those funds. development, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect immediately. AMENDED IN SENATE APRIL 21, 2021 AMENDED IN SENATE MARCH 11, 2021 SENATE BILL No.... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
Leslie Herod,Shane Sandridge,Faith Winter,Kevin Priola 2021 Co S.b. 1 (Ns) 2021 Colorado Senate Bill No. 1, Colorado First Regular Session of the Seventy-Third General Assembly(1/13/2021) (VERSION: Amended/Substituted) (1/13/2021) CONCERNING MODIFICATIONS TO PROGRAMS ENACTED TO PROVIDE RELIEF TO CERTAIN BUSINESSES IMPACTED BY SEVERE CAPACITY RESTRICTIONS DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC First Regular Session Seventy-third General Assembly STATE OF COLORADO PREAMENDED This Unofficial Version Includes Committee Amendments Not Yet Adopted on Second Reading LLS NO. 21-0696.01 Christy Chase x2008 SENATE BILL 21-001 SENATE SPONSORSHIP Winter and Priola, HOUSE SPONSORSHIP Herod and Sandridge, Senate Committees House Committees Finance A BILL FOR AN ACT CONCERNING MODIFICATIONS TO PROGRAMS ENACTED TO PROVIDE RELIEF TO... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Leslie Herod,S 2021 CO S.B. 1 (NS) 2021 Colorado Senate Bill No. 1, Colorado First Regular Session of the Seventy-Third General Assembly (1/21/2021) (Version: Adopted) (1/21/2021) This bill has been prepared for the signatures of the appropriate legislative officers and the Governor. To determine whether the Governor has signed the bill or taken other action on it, please consult the legislative status sheet, the legislative history, or the Session Laws. An Act SENATE BILL 21-001 BY SENATOR(S) Winter and Priola, Bridges, Buckner, Coleman, Danielson, Fenberg, Fields, Ginal, Gonzales, Hansen, Jaquez Lewis, Kirkmeyer, Kolker, Lee, Lundeen, Moreno, Pettersen, Rodriguez, Simpson, Story, Zenzinger, Garcia; also REPRESENTATIVE(S) Herod and Sandridge, Amabile, Arndt,...; Search Snippet: ...the Seventy-Third General Assembly COLORADO BILL TEXT TITLE: Modify COVID- 19 Relief Programs For Small Business VERSION: Adopted January 21, 2021 20210121 Version Date January 21, 2021 Leslie Herod,Shane Sandridge,Faith... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Julie Gonzales 2021 CO S.R. 7 (NS) 2021 Colorado Senate Resolution No. 7, Colorado First Regular Session of the Seventy-Third General Assembly (June 8, 2021) CONCERNING THE RECOGNITION AND REMEMBRANCE OF THOSE LOST TO COVID-19 IN THE LATINO COMMUNITY. First Regular Session Seventy-third General Assembly STATE OF COLORADO ENGROSSED LLS NO. R21-1049.01 Ashley Athey x2291 SR21-007 SENATE SPONSORSHIP Gonzales, Bridges, Buckner, Coleman, Cooke, Coram, Danielson, Donovan, Fenberg, Fields, Garcia, Gardner, Ginal, Hisey, Holbert, Jaquez Lewis, Kirkmeyer, Kolker, Lee, Liston, Lundeen, Moreno, Pettersen, Priola, Rankin, Rodriguez, Scott, Simpson, Smallwood, Sonnenberg, Story, Winter, Woodward, Zenzinger Senate Committees SENATE RESOLUTION 21-007... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Julie Gonzales 2021 CO S.R. 7 (NS) 2021 Colorado Senate Resolution No. 7, Colorado First Regular Session of the Seventy-Third General Assembly (June 8, 2021) CONCERNING THE RECOGNITION AND REMEMBRANCE OF THOSE LOST TO COVID-19 IN THE LATINO COMMUNITY. First Regular Session Seventy-third General Assembly STATE OF COLORADO INTRODUCED LLS NO. R21-1049.01 Ashley Athey x2291 SR21-007 SENATE SPONSORSHIP Gonzales, Senate Committees SENATE RESOLUTION 21-007 CONCERNING THE RECOGNITION AND REMEMBRANCE OF THOSE LOST TO COVID-19 IN THE LATINO COMMUNITY. WHEREAS, As of June 8, 2020, Colorado has experienced 547,191 cases of COVID-19; 30,579 hospitalizations; and 6,783 deaths due to the coronavirus; and WHEREAS, Thousands of families and communities... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Julie Gonzales 2021 CO S.R. 7 (NS) 2021 Colorado Senate Resolution No. 7, Colorado First Regular Session of the Seventy-Third General Assembly (June 8, 2021) CONCERNING THE RECOGNITION AND REMEMBRANCE OF THOSE LOST TO COVID-19 IN THE LATINO COMMUNITY. SENATE RESOLUTION 21-007 BY SENATOR(S) Gonzales, Bridges, Buckner, Coleman, Cooke, Coram, Danielson, Donovan, Fenberg, Fields, Garcia, Gardner, Ginal, Hisey, Holbert, Jaquez Lewis, Kirkmeyer, Kolker, Lee, Liston, Lundeen, Moreno, Pettersen, Priola, Rankin, Rodriguez, Scott, Simpson, Smallwood, Sonnenberg, Story, Winter, Woodward, Zenzinger. CONCERNING THE RECOGNITION AND REMEMBRANCE OF THOSE LOST TO COVID-19 IN THE LATINO COMMUNITY. WHEREAS, As of June 8, 2021, Colorado has experienced... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Commerce Committee 2021 CT H.B. 5614 (NS) 2021 Georgia House Resolution No. 566, Georgia One Hundred Fifty-Sixth General Assembly - 2021-2022 Regular Session (3/31/2021) (4/28/2021) To establish a commission to analyze the disparate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups in the state. AN IN-LINE VERSION OF THIS BILL WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON. PLEASE CLICK ON THE PDF ICON TO ACCESS THE FULL TEXT PDF VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT. © 2021 Connecticut General Assembly 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
Commerce Committee ,Rep. Jason Rojas, 9th Dist. Rep. Patricia Billie Miller, 145th Dist. Rep. David Michel, 146th Dist. Rep. John Jack" F. Hennessy 2021 CT H.B. 5614 (NS) 2021 Connecticut House Bill No. 5614, Connecticut General Assembly - January Session, 2021 (July 12, 2021) 127th Dist. Rep. Bobby G. Gibson 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Commerce Committee ,Rep. Jason Rojas, 9th Dist. Rep. Patricia Billie Miller, 145th Dist. Rep. David Michel, 146th Dist. Rep. John Jack" F. Hennessy 2021 CT H.B. 5614 (NS) 2021 Connecticut House Bill No. 5614, Connecticut General Assembly - January Session, 2021 (June 28, 2021) 127th Dist. Rep. Bobby G. Gibson 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Jason Rojas, 2021 Ct H.b. 5614 (Ns) 2021 Connecticut House Bill No. 5614, Connecticut General Assembly - January Session, 2021 (1/27/2021) (VERSION: Introduced) (1/27/2021) To study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different racial groups, ethnic groups and socioeconomic groups in the state. Proposed Bill No. 5614 General Assembly January Session, 2021 LCO No. 2384 Referred to Committee on COMMERCE Introduced by: REP. ROJAS, 9th Dist. AN ACT ESTABLISHING A COMMISSION TO STUDY THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: That the general statutes be amended to establish a bipartisan commission to (1) analyze any disparate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Bonds, et. Al. 2021 DC L.R. 140 (NS) 2021 Washington DC Legislative Resolution No. 141, Washington DC Council Period Twenty-Four (4/6/2021) (4/6/2021) To declare the existence of an emergency with respect to the need to declare the sense of the Council, and to condemn the strongest terms, that all manifestations of hate crimes against any American regardless of ethnicity, particularly anti-Asian sentiment, racism, discrimination, scapegoating, and ethnic or religious intolerance are denounced. A RESOLUTION 24-81 IN THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA April 6, 2021 To declare the existence of an emergency with respect to the need to declare the sense of the Council, and to condemn the strongest terms, that all manifestations of... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
Bonds, et. Al. 2021 DC L.R. 141 (NS) 2021 Washington Senate Bill No. 5405, Washington Sixty-Seventh Legislature - 2021 Regular Session (4/12/2021) (4/6/2021) To declare, on an emergency basis, the sense of the Council, and to condemn in the strongest terms, that all manifestations of hate crimes against any American regardless of ethnicity, particularly anti-Asian sentiment, racism, discrimination, scapegoating, and ethnic or religious intolerance are denounced. A RESOLUTION 24-82 IN THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA April 6, 2021 To declare, on an emergency basis, the sense of the Council, and to condemn in the strongest terms, that all manifestations of hate crimes against any American regardless of ethnicity, particularly anti-... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
Schofield, Kim 60th; Scott, Sandra 76th; Davis, Viola 87th; Burnough, Rhonda 77th; Park, Sam 101st; Hutchinson, Shelly 107th 2021 GA H.B. 856 (NS) 2021 Georgia House Bill No. 856, Georgia One Hundred Fifty-Sixth General Assembly - 2021-2022 Regular Session (January 24, 2022) General Assembly; establishment of the Legislative Commission on the Disparate Impact of COVID-19; provide A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Chapter 1 of Title 28 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to general provisions regarding the General Assembly, so as to provide for the establishment of the Legislative Commission on the Disparate Impact of COVID-19; to provide for a definition; to provide for membership, appointments, vacancies, chairperson, quorum, and expenses; to provide for powers and duties; to provide for a report; to provide for automatic repeal; to... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Schofield, Kim 60th; Scott, Sandra 76th; Davis, Viola 87th; Burnough, Rhonda 77th; Park, Sam 101st; Hutchinson, Shelly 107th 2021 GA H.B. 856 (NS) 2021 Georgia House Bill No. 856, Georgia One Hundred Fifty-Sixth General Assembly - 2021-2022 Regular Session (January 25, 2022) General Assembly; establishment of the Legislative Commission on the Disparate Impact of COVID-19; provide House Bill 856 By: Representatives Schofield of the 60th, Scott of the 76th, Davis of the 87th, Burnough of the 77th, Park of the 101st, and others A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Chapter 1 of Title 28 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to general provisions regarding the General Assembly, so as to provide for the establishment of the Legislative Commission on the Disparate Impact of COVID-19; to provide for a definition; to provide for membership,... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Park, Sam , et. Al. 2021 GA H.R. 566 (NS) 2021 Hawaii House Concurrent Resolution No. 154, Hawaii Thirty-First Legislature - Regular Session of 2021 (4/19/2021) (3/31/2021) Racism and discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; condemn House Resolution 566 By: Representatives Park of the 101st, Nguyen of the 89th, Lim of the 99th, Cannon of the 58th, Shannon of the 84th, and others A RESOLUTION Condemning racism and discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; and for other purposes. WHEREAS, the Asian American and Pacific Islander community is a diverse population composed of more than 45 distinct ethnicities with more than 100 dialects; and WHEREAS, the 23 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders living in the... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
Scott, Sandra. Et. Al. 2021 Ga H.r. 78 (Ns) 2021 Georgia House Resolution No. 78, Georgia One Hundred Fifty-Sixth General Assembly - 2021-2022 Regular Session (2/2/2021) (VERSION: Filed) (2/2/2021) Racism; public health crisis in Georgia; declare House Resolution 78 By: Representatives Scott of the 76th, Mitchell of the 88th, Smyre of the 135th, Williams of the 168th, Hugley of the 136th, and others A RESOLUTION Declaring racism a public health crisis in Georgia; and for other purposes. WHEREAS, the United States has historically and systemically disadvantaged racial, ethnic, and religious groups across the country, creating deep-seated problems that persist today, more than 150 years after slavery ended and 50 years after the civil rights movement; and WHEREAS, it is widely... 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2021 HI H.C.R. 112 (NS) 2021 Hawaii House Concurrent Resolution No. 112, Hawaii Thirty-First Legislature - Regular Session of 2021 (4/19/2021) DECLARING RACISM AS A PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H.C.R. NO. 112 THIRTY-FIRST LEGISLATURE, 2021 S.D. 1 STATE OF HAWAII HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION DECLARING RACISM AS A PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS. WHEREAS, public health is defined by the World Health Organization as the art and science of preventing disease 2021 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
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